ManchesterPrint.hs revision c4e0cf22b2f394230b3b7afa0c066fa7e265185d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty printing for OWL 2 DL theories - Manchester Syntax.
module OWL2.ManchesterPrint where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Print
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
instance Pretty Frame where
pretty = printFrame
instance Pretty AnnotationValue where
pretty x = case x of
AnnValue iri -> pretty iri
AnnValLit lit -> pretty lit
instance Pretty Annotation where
pretty = printAnnotation
printAnnotation :: Annotation -> Doc
printAnnotation (Annotation _ ap av) = pretty ap <+> pretty av
instance Pretty Annotations where
pretty = printAnnotations
printAnnotations :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotations (Annotations l) = case l of
[] -> empty
_ -> keyword annotationsC <+> sepByCommas (map ( \(ans, a) -> pretty ans <+> pretty a) l )
instance Pretty a => Pretty (AnnotatedList a) where
pretty = printAnnotatedList
printAnnotatedList :: Pretty a => AnnotatedList a -> Doc
printAnnotatedList (AnnotatedList l) = sepByCommas $ map ( \(ans, a) -> pretty ans <+> pretty a) l
printFrame :: Frame -> Doc
printFrame f = case f of
ClassFrame c cfb -> classStart <+> pretty c $+$ pretty cfb
instance Pretty ClassFrameBit where
pretty = printClassFrameBit
printClassFrameBit :: ClassFrameBit -> Doc
printClassFrameBit cfb = case cfb of
ClassAnnotations x -> pretty x
ClassSubClassOf x -> keyword subClassOfC <+> pretty x
ClassEquivOrDisjoint x y -> printEquivOrDisjoint x <+> pretty y
ClassDisjointUnion a x -> keyword disjointUnionOfC <+> pretty a <+> setToDocV (Set.fromList x)
ClassHasKey a op dp -> keyword hasKeyC <+> pretty a
<+> vcat (punctuate comma $ map pretty op ++ map pretty dp)
instance Pretty ObjectFrameBit where
pretty = printObjectFrameBit
printObjectFrameBit :: ObjectFrameBit -> Doc
printObjectFrameBit ofb = case ofb of
ObjectAnnotations x -> pretty x
ObjectDomainOrRange dr x -> printObjDomainOrRange dr <+> pretty x
ObjectCharacteristics x -> keyword characteristicsC <+> pretty x
ObjectEquivOrDisjoint ed x -> <+> pretty x
ObjectInverse x -> keyword inverseOfC <+> printAnnotatedList x
ObjectSubPropertyChain a opl -> keyword subPropertyChainC <+> pretty a <+> fsep (prepPunctuate (keyword oS <> space) $ map pretty opl)
ObjectSubPropertyOf x -> keyword subPropertyOfC <+> pretty x
instance Pretty DataFrameBit where
pretty = printDataFrameBit
printDataFrameBit :: DataFrameBit -> Doc
printDataFrameBit dfb = case dfb of
DataPropDomain x -> keyword domainC <+> pretty x
DataPropRange x -> keyword rangeC <+> pretty x
DataFunctional x -> printCharact functionalS <+> pretty x
DataSubPropertyOf x -> keyword subPropertyOf <+> pretty x
DataEquivOrDisjoint e x -> printEquivOrDisjoint e <+> pretty x
instance Pretty IndividualBit where
pretty = printIndividualBit
data IndividualBit
= IndividualAnnotations Annotations
| IndividualTypes (AnnotatedList ClassExpression)
| IndividualFacts (AnnotatedList Fact)
| IndividualSameOrDifferent SameOrDifferent (AnnotatedList Individual)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Fact
= ObjectPropertyFact PositiveOrNegative ObjectPropertyExpression Individual
| DataPropertyFact PositiveOrNegative DataPropertyExpression Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty Character where
pretty = printCharact . show