ManchesterPrint.hs revision bf47922605c34ddeb05f77188da395945ac2a2c8
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : Pretty printing for the Manchester Syntax of OWL 2
module OWL2.ManchesterPrint where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Print
import OWL2.Keywords
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Map as Map
printCharact :: String -> Doc
printCharact charact = text charact
instance Pretty Character where
pretty = printCharact . show
instance Pretty a => Pretty (AnnotatedList a) where
pretty = printAnnotatedList
printAnnotatedList :: Pretty a => AnnotatedList a -> Doc
printAnnotatedList (AnnotatedList l) =
vcat $ punctuate comma $ map
( \ (ans, a) -> printAnnotations ans $+$ pretty a) l
instance Pretty FrameBit where
pretty = printFrameBit
printFrameBit :: FrameBit -> Doc
printFrameBit fb = case fb of
AnnotationFrameBit x -> printAnnotations x
AnnotationBit ed l -> printRelation ed <+> pretty l
DatatypeBit ans a -> printAnnotations ans $+$ keyword equivalentToC <+> pretty a
ExpressionBit x y -> printRelation x <+> pretty y
ClassDisjointUnion a x -> keyword disjointUnionOfC
<+> (printAnnotations a $+$ vcat(punctuate comma ( map (\p -> pretty p) x )))
ClassHasKey a op dp -> keyword hasKeyC <+> (printAnnotations a
$+$ vcat (punctuate comma $ map pretty op ++ map pretty dp))
ObjectBit dr x -> printRelation dr <+> pretty x
ObjectCharacteristics x -> keyword characteristicsC <+> pretty x
ObjectSubPropertyChain a opl -> keyword subPropertyChainC
<+> (printAnnotations a $+$ fsep (prepPunctuate (keyword oS <> space) $ map pretty opl))
DataBit dr x -> printRelation dr <+> pretty x
DataPropRange x -> keyword rangeC <+> pretty x
DataFunctional x -> keyword characteristicsC <+> (printAnnotations x $+$ printCharact functionalS)
IndividualFacts x -> keyword factsC <+> pretty x
IndividualSameOrDifferent s x -> printSameOrDifferent s <+> pretty x
instance Pretty Fact where
pretty = printFact
printFact :: Fact -> Doc
printFact pf = case pf of
ObjectPropertyFact pn op i -> printPositiveOrNegative pn <+> pretty op <+> pretty i
DataPropertyFact pn dp l -> printPositiveOrNegative pn <+> pretty dp <+> pretty l
printPositiveOrNegative :: PositiveOrNegative -> Doc
printPositiveOrNegative x = case x of
Positive -> empty
Negative -> keyword notS
instance Pretty Frame where
pretty = printFrame
printFrame :: Frame -> Doc
printFrame f = case f of
Frame (Entity e uri) bl -> pretty (showEntityType e) <+> fsep [pretty uri, vcat (map pretty bl)]
MiscFrame e a misc -> case misc of
MiscEquivOrDisjointClasses c -> printEquivOrDisjointClasses e <+> (printAnnotations a $+$ vcat (punctuate comma (map pretty c) ))
MiscEquivOrDisjointObjProp c -> printEquivOrDisjointProp e <+> (printAnnotations a $+$ vcat ( punctuate comma (map pretty c) ))
MiscEquivOrDisjointDataProp c -> printEquivOrDisjointProp e <+> (printAnnotations a $+$ vcat ( punctuate comma (map pretty c) ))
MiscSameOrDifferent s a c -> printSameOrDifferentInd s <+> (printAnnotations a $+$ vcat( punctuate comma (map pretty c) ))
instance Pretty MOntology where
pretty = printOntology
printImport :: ImportIRI -> Doc
printImport x = keyword importC <+> pretty x
printPrefixes :: PrefixMap -> Doc
printPrefixes x = vcat (map (\(a, b) ->
(text "Prefix:" <+> text a <> colon <+> text ('<' : b ++ ">"))) (Map.toList x))
printOntology :: MOntology -> Doc
printOntology MOntology {muri = a, imports = b, ann = c, ontologyFrame = d} = keyword ontologyC
<+> pretty a $++$ vcat (map printImport b) $++$ vcat (map printAnnotations c) $+$ vcat(map pretty d)
printOntologyDocument :: OntologyDocument -> Doc
printOntologyDocument OntologyDocument {prefixDeclaration = a, mOntology = b} = printPrefixes a $++$ pretty b
instance Pretty OntologyDocument where
pretty = printOntologyDocument