ManchesterPrint.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/ManchesterPrint.hs
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty printing for the Manchester Syntax of OWL 2
module OWL2.ManchesterPrint where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation as Anno
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.IRI
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.Extract
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.Theorem
import OWL2.Print
import OWL2.Keywords
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | OWL2 signature printing
printOneNamed :: Anno.Named Axiom -> Doc
printOneNamed ns = pretty
$ (if Anno.isAxiom ns then rmImplied else addImplied) $ Anno.sentence ns
delTopic :: Extended -> Sign -> Sign
delTopic e s = case e of
ClassEntity (Expression c) -> s { concepts = Set.delete c $ concepts s }
ObjectEntity (ObjectProp o) -> s
{ objectProperties = Set.delete o $ objectProperties s }
SimpleEntity et -> execState (modEntity Set.delete et) s
_ -> s
groupAxioms :: [Axiom] -> [Frame]
groupAxioms =
concatMap (\ l@(PlainAxiom e _ : _) -> case e of
Misc _ -> map (Frame e . (: []) . axiomBit) l
_ -> [Frame e $ map axiomBit l])
. groupBy (on (==) axiomTopic) . sortBy (on compare axiomTopic)
printOWLBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> Doc
printOWLBasicTheory = printBasicTheory . prepareBasicTheory
prepareBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> (Sign, [Named Axiom])
prepareBasicTheory (s, l) =
(s { prefixMap = Map.union (prefixMap s) predefPrefixes }, l)
printBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> Doc
printBasicTheory = pretty . convertBasicTheory
convertBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> OntologyDocument
convertBasicTheory (sig, l) = let
(axs, ths) = partition Anno.isAxiom l
cnvrt f = map f . groupAxioms . map Anno.sentence
s = foldr (delTopic . axiomTopic . sentence) sig l
in OntologyDocument (prefixMap s) $ emptyOntology
$ toDecl s ++ cnvrt rmImpliedFrame axs ++ cnvrt addImpliedFrame ths
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
printSignElem :: Pretty a => Sign -> String -> (Sign -> Set.Set a) -> Doc
printSignElem s ty f = vcat $ map (\ t -> keyword ty <+> pretty t)
$ Set.toList $ f s
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s = vcat
(map (\ (c, l) -> hsep $ map text [prefixC, c ++ ":", '<' : l ++ ">"])
$ Map.toList $ prefixMap s)
$++$ foldl1 ($++$) (map (uncurry $ printSignElem s)
[ (datatypeC, datatypes)
, (classC, concepts)
, (objectPropertyC, objectProperties)
, (dataPropertyC, dataProperties)
, (individualC, individuals)
, (annotationPropertyC, annotationRoles) ])
instance Pretty Fact where
pretty = printFact
printFact :: Fact -> Doc
printFact pf = case pf of
ObjectPropertyFact pn op i -> printPositiveOrNegative pn
<+> pretty op <+> pretty i
DataPropertyFact pn dp l -> printPositiveOrNegative pn
<+> pretty dp <+> pretty l
instance Pretty ListFrameBit where
pretty = printListFrameBit
-- | ListFrameBits only with relations
printListFrameBit :: ListFrameBit -> Doc
printListFrameBit lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> printAnnotatedList a
ExpressionBit a -> printAnnotatedList a
ObjectBit a -> printAnnotatedList a
DataBit a -> printAnnotatedList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> printAnnotatedList a
_ -> empty
printMisc :: Pretty a => Annotations -> (b -> Doc) -> b -> AnnotatedList a
-> Doc
printMisc a f r anl = f r <+> (printAnnotations a $+$ printAnnotatedList anl)
-- | Misc ListFrameBits
printMiscBit :: Relation -> Annotations -> ListFrameBit -> Doc
printMiscBit r a lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit anl -> printMisc a printEquivOrDisjointClasses (getED r) anl
ObjectBit anl -> printMisc a printEquivOrDisjointProp (getED r) anl
DataBit anl -> printMisc a printEquivOrDisjointProp (getED r) anl
IndividualSameOrDifferent anl ->
printMisc a printSameOrDifferentInd (getSD r) anl
_ -> empty
printAnnFrameBit :: Annotations -> AnnFrameBit -> Doc
printAnnFrameBit a afb = case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit _ -> printAnnotations a
DatatypeBit x -> printAnnotations a
$+$ keyword equivalentToC <+> pretty x
ClassDisjointUnion x -> keyword disjointUnionOfC
<+> (printAnnotations a
$+$ vcat (punctuate comma ( map pretty x )))
ClassHasKey op dp -> keyword hasKeyC <+> (printAnnotations a
$+$ vcat (punctuate comma $ map pretty op ++ map pretty dp))
ObjectSubPropertyChain opl -> keyword subPropertyChainC
<+> (printAnnotations a $+$ fsep (prepPunctuate (keyword oS <> space)
$ map pretty opl))
DataFunctional -> keyword characteristicsC <+>
(printAnnotations a $+$ printCharact functionalS)
instance Pretty FrameBit where
pretty = printFrameBit
printFrameBit :: FrameBit -> Doc
printFrameBit fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit r lfb -> case r of
Just rel -> printRelation rel <+> pretty lfb
Nothing -> case lfb of
ObjectCharacteristics x -> keyword characteristicsC
<+> printAnnotatedList x
DataPropRange x -> keyword rangeC <+> printAnnotatedList x
IndividualFacts x -> keyword factsC <+> printAnnotatedList x
_ -> empty
AnnFrameBit a afb -> printAnnFrameBit a afb
instance Pretty Frame where
pretty = printFrame
printFrame :: Frame -> Doc
printFrame (Frame eith bl) = case eith of
SimpleEntity (Entity _ e uri) -> keyword (showEntityType e) <+>
fsep [pretty uri $+$ vcat (map pretty bl)]
ObjectEntity ope -> keyword objectPropertyC <+>
(pretty ope $+$ fsep [vcat (map pretty bl)])
ClassEntity ce -> keyword classC <+>
(pretty ce $+$ fsep [vcat (map pretty bl)])
Misc a -> case bl of
[ListFrameBit (Just r) lfb] -> printMiscBit r a lfb
[AnnFrameBit ans (AnnotationFrameBit Assertion)] ->
let [Annotation _ iri _] = a
in keyword individualC <+> (pretty iri $+$ printAnnotations ans)
h : r -> printFrame (Frame eith [h])
$+$ printFrame (Frame eith r)
[] -> empty
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = printAxiom
printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom (PlainAxiom e fb) = printFrame (Frame e [fb])
printImport :: ImportIRI -> Doc
printImport x = keyword importC <+> pretty x
printPrefixes :: PrefixMap -> Doc
printPrefixes x = vcat (map (\ (a, b) ->
(text "Prefix:" <+> text a <> colon <+> text ('<' : b ++ ">")))
(Map.toList x))
-- | Printing the ontology
instance Pretty Ontology where
pretty = printOntology
printOntology :: Ontology -> Doc
printOntology Ontology {name = a, imports = b, ann = c, ontFrames = d} =
(if nullIRI == a then empty else keyword ontologyC <+> pretty a)
$++$ vcat (map printImport b)
$++$ vcat (map printAnnotations c) $+$ vcat (map pretty d)
printOntologyDocument :: OntologyDocument -> Doc
printOntologyDocument OntologyDocument {prefixDeclaration = a, ontology = b} =
printPrefixes a $++$ pretty b
instance Pretty OntologyDocument where
pretty = printOntologyDocument