ManchesterParser.hs revision aa64389ee694577d9e665cf57331129000072a79
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : Parser from Manchester Syntax to Manchester Abstract Syntax
References : <>
module OWL2.ManchesterParser where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Parse
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as Map
optAnnos :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st (Annotations, a)
optAnnos p = do
as <- optionalAnnos
a <- p
return (as, a)
optionalAnnos :: CharParser st Annotations
optionalAnnos = optionalAnnos
annotations :: CharParser st Annotations
annotations = do
pkeyword annotationsC
fmap Annotations $ sepByComma $ optAnnos annotation
descriptionAnnotatedList :: CharParser st [(Annotations, ClassExpression)]
descriptionAnnotatedList = sepByComma $ optAnnos description
annotationPropertyFrame :: CharParser st Frame
annotationPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword annotationPropertyC
ap <- uriP
x <- many apBit
return $ Frame (Entity AnnotationProperty ap) x
apBit :: CharParser st FrameBit
apBit = do
pkeyword subPropertyOfC
x <- sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
return $ AnnotationBit SubPropertyOf $ AnnotatedList x
<|> do
pkeyword rangeC
x <- sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
return $ AnnotationBit Range $ AnnotatedList x
<|> do
pkeyword domainC
x <- sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
return $ AnnotationBit Domain $ AnnotatedList x
<|> do
x <- annotations
return $ AnnotationFrameBit x
datatypeBit :: CharParser st Frame
datatypeBit = do
pkeyword datatypeC
duri <- datatypeUri
as1 <- many annotations
mp <- optionMaybe $ pkeyword equivalentToC >> pair optionalAnnos dataRange
as2 <- many annotations
return $ Frame (Entity Datatype duri)
$ map AnnotationFrameBit as1 ++ case mp of
Nothing -> []
Just (ans, dr) -> [DatatypeBit ans dr]
++ map AnnotationFrameBit as2
classFrame :: CharParser st Frame
classFrame = do
pkeyword classC
iri <- uriP
plain <- many classFrameBit
return $ Frame (Entity Class iri) plain
classFrameBit ::CharParser st FrameBit
classFrameBit = do
pkeyword subClassOfC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ ExpressionBit SubClass $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
e <- relation
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ ExpressionBit e $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
pkeyword disjointUnionOfC
as <- optionalAnnos
ds <- sepByComma description
return $ ClassDisjointUnion as ds
<|> do
pkeyword hasKeyC
as <- optionalAnnos
o <- sepByComma objectPropertyExpr
return $ ClassHasKey as o []
<|> do
as <- annotations
return $ AnnotationFrameBit as
objPropExprAList :: CharParser st [(Annotations, ObjectPropertyExpression)]
objPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyExpr
objectFrameBit :: CharParser st FrameBit
objectFrameBit = do
r <- relation
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ ExpressionBit r $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyCharacter
return $ ObjectCharacteristics $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ ObjectBit SubPropertyOf $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
e <- relation
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ ObjectBit e $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
pkeyword inverseOfC
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ ObjectBit InverseOf $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
pkeyword subPropertyChainC
as <- optionalAnnos
os <- sepBy1 objectPropertyExpr (keyword oS)
return $ ObjectSubPropertyChain as os
<|> do
as <- annotations
return $ AnnotationFrameBit as
objectPropertyFrame :: CharParser st Frame
objectPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword objectPropertyC
ouri <- uriP
as <- many objectFrameBit
return $ Frame (Entity ObjectProperty ouri) as
dataPropExprAList :: CharParser st [(Annotations, DataPropertyExpression)]
dataPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
dataFrameBit :: CharParser st FrameBit
dataFrameBit = do
pkeyword domainC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ ExpressionBit Domain $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
pkeyword rangeC
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos dataRange
return $ DataPropRange $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
as <- optionalAnnos
keyword functionalS
return $ DataFunctional as
<|> do
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return $ DataBit SubPropertyOf $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
e <- relation
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return $ DataBit e $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
as <- annotations
return $ AnnotationFrameBit as
dataPropertyFrame :: CharParser st Frame
dataPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword dataPropertyC
duri <- uriP
as <- many dataFrameBit
return $ Frame (Entity DataProperty duri) as
fact :: CharParser st Fact
fact = do
pn <- option Positive $ keyword notS >> return Negative
u <- uriP
c <- literal
return $ DataPropertyFact pn u c
<|> do
t <- individualUri
return $ ObjectPropertyFact pn (ObjectProp u) t
iFrameBit :: CharParser st FrameBit
iFrameBit = do
pkeyword typesC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ ExpressionBit Types $ AnnotatedList ds
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferent
is <- sepByComma $ optAnnos individualUri
return $ IndividualSameOrDifferent s $ AnnotatedList is
<|> do
pkeyword factsC
fs <- sepByComma $ optAnnos $ fact
return $ IndividualFacts $ AnnotatedList fs
<|> do
a <- annotations
return $ AnnotationFrameBit a
individualFrame :: CharParser st Frame
individualFrame = do
pkeyword individualC
iuri <- individualUri
as <- many iFrameBit
return $ Frame (Entity NamedIndividual iuri) as
misc :: CharParser st Frame
misc = do
e <- relationKeyword classesC
as <- optionalAnnos
ds <- sepByComma description
return $ MiscFrame e as $ MiscEquivOrDisjointClasses ds
<|> do
e <- relationKeyword propertiesC
as <- optionalAnnos
es <- sepByComma objectPropertyExpr
-- indistinguishable from dataProperties
return $ MiscFrame e as $ MiscEquivOrDisjointObjProp es
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferentIndu
as <- optionalAnnos
is <- sepByComma individualUri
return $ MiscSameOrDifferent s as is
frames :: CharParser st [Frame]
frames = many $ datatypeBit <|> classFrame
<|> objectPropertyFrame <|> dataPropertyFrame <|> individualFrame
<|> annotationPropertyFrame <|> misc
basicSpec :: CharParser st OntologyDocument
basicSpec = do
nss <- many nsEntry
ou <- option dummyQName $ pkeyword ontologyC >> uriP
ie <- many importEntry
ans <- many annotations
as <- frames
return emptyOntologyDoc
{ mOntology = emptyOntologyD
{ ontologyFrame = as
, imports = ie
, ann = ans
, muri = ou }
, prefixDeclaration = Map.fromList $
[ ("owl", "")
, ("rdf", "")
, ("rdfs", "")
, ("xsd", "")
-- , ("", showQU dummyQName ++ "#") -- uncomment for API v3
, ("owl2xml", "") ]
++ map (\ (p, q) -> (p, showQU q)) nss }