MS2Ship.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/MS2Ship.hs
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder DFKI GmbH 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
convert ontology to SHIP syntax
module OWL2.MS2Ship where
import OWL2.AS
import Common.IRI
import OWL2.Keywords
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.ShipSyntax
import Common.Doc
import Common.Utils
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
ppShipOnt :: OntologyDocument -> Doc
ppShipOnt = ppBox . catBoxes . map frame2Boxes . ontFrames . ontology
emptyBox :: Box
emptyBox = Box [] [] []
appBoxes :: Box -> Box -> Box
appBoxes (Box t1 r1 a1) (Box t2 r2 a2) = Box (t1 ++ t2) (r1 ++ r2) (a1 ++ a2)
catBoxes :: [Box] -> Box
catBoxes = foldr appBoxes emptyBox
frame2Boxes :: Frame -> Box
frame2Boxes (Frame e bs) = case e of
ClassEntity ce -> Box (concatMap (classFrame2Boxes $ ce2Concept ce) bs) [] []
ObjectEntity ope -> let
r = ope2Role ope
es = concatMap (opFrame2Boxes r) bs
(ds, rs) = getRoleType r es
rt = on RoleType intersectConcepts ds rs
in Box [] (nubOrd $ map (setRoleType r rt) es) []
SimpleEntity (Entity _ et i) -> case et of
NamedIndividual -> Box [] [] $ concatMap (indFrame2Boxes $ show $ iriPath i) bs
_ -> Box [] [] []
Misc _ -> catBoxes $ map miscFrame2Boxes bs
classFrame2Boxes :: Concept -> FrameBit -> [TBox]
classFrame2Boxes c b = case b of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> classListFrame2Boxes c mr lfb
AnnFrameBit _ fb -> classAnnFrame2Boxes c fb
classAnnFrame2Boxes :: Concept -> AnnFrameBit -> [TBox]
classAnnFrame2Boxes c fb = case fb of
ClassDisjointUnion cs@(_ : _) -> [ConceptDecl c
. ConceptRel Eq . JoinedC Nothing $ map ce2Concept cs]
AnnotationFrameBit Declaration -> [ConceptDecl c $ ADTCons []]
_ -> []
classListFrame2Boxes :: Concept -> Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> [TBox]
classListFrame2Boxes c mr lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit l -> let cs = map (ce2Concept . snd) l in case mr of
Just r -> case r of
SubClass -> map (ConceptDecl c . ConceptRel Less) cs
EDRelation ed -> map ((case ed of
Disjoint -> disC
Equivalent -> eqC) c) cs
_ -> []
_ -> []
_ -> []
opFrame2Boxes :: Role -> FrameBit -> [RBox]
opFrame2Boxes r b = case b of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> opListFrame2Boxes r mr lfb
AnnFrameBit _ fb -> case fb of
AnnotationFrameBit Declaration -> [RoleDecl r topRT]
_ -> []
opListFrame2Boxes :: Role -> Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> [RBox]
opListFrame2Boxes r mr lfb = case mr of
Just rel -> case rel of
DRRelation dr -> case lfb of
ExpressionBit l -> let cs = map (ce2Concept . snd) l in case dr of
ADomain -> map (\ c -> RoleDecl r (RoleType c topC)) cs
ARange -> map (RoleDecl r . RoleType topC) cs
_ -> []
_ -> case lfb of
ObjectBit l -> let opes = map (ope2Role . snd) l in case rel of
SubPropertyOf -> map (RoleRel r Less) opes
InverseOf -> map (RoleRel r Eq . UnOp InvR) opes
EDRelation er -> map ((case er of
Equivalent -> eqR
Disjoint -> disR) r) opes
_ -> []
_ -> []
Nothing -> case lfb of
ObjectCharacteristics l -> map ((`RoleProp` r) . snd) l
_ -> []
getRoleType :: Role -> [RBox] -> ([Concept], [Concept])
getRoleType r = foldr (\ b p@(ds, rs) -> case b of
RoleDecl r2 (RoleType d e) | r == r2 -> (d : ds, e : rs)
_ -> p) ([], [])
setRoleType :: Role -> RoleType -> RBox -> RBox
setRoleType r1 r b = case b of
RoleDecl r2 _ | r1 == r2 -> RoleDecl r1 r
_ -> b
flatIntersection :: Concept -> [Concept]
flatIntersection c = case c of
JoinedC (Just IntersectionOf) cs -> concatMap flatIntersection cs
_ -> [c]
intersectConcepts :: [Concept] -> Concept
intersectConcepts = (\ l -> case l of
[] -> topC
[c] -> c
_ -> JoinedC (Just IntersectionOf) l)
. Set.toList . Set.delete topC . Set.fromList . concatMap flatIntersection
indFrame2Boxes :: String -> FrameBit -> [ABox]
indFrame2Boxes i b = case b of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> indListFrame2Boxes i mr lfb
AnnFrameBit {} -> []
indListFrame2Boxes :: String -> Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> [ABox]
indListFrame2Boxes i mr lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit l | mr == Just Types ->
map (AConcept i . ce2Concept . snd) l
IndividualFacts l | isNothing mr ->
concatMap (\ f -> case snd f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn ope j ->
[ARole i (show $ iriPath j)
$ (if pn == Positive then id else UnOp NotR) $ ope2Role ope]
DataPropertyFact {} -> []) l
IndividualSameOrDifferent l -> case mr of
Just (SDRelation sd) -> map (AIndividual i sd . show . iriPath . snd) l
_ -> []
_ -> []
miscFrame2Boxes :: FrameBit -> Box
miscFrame2Boxes b = case b of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> miscListFrame2Boxes mr lfb
AnnFrameBit {} -> emptyBox
miscListFrame2Boxes :: Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> Box
miscListFrame2Boxes mr lfb = case mr of
Just jr -> case jr of
EDRelation ed -> case lfb of
ExpressionBit l -> let cs = map (ce2Concept . snd) l in
Box (if ed == Disjoint then [DisjointCs cs] else mkCycle eqC cs) [] []
ObjectBit l -> let opes = map (ope2Role . snd) l in
Box [] (if ed == Disjoint then disRs opes else mkCycle eqR opes) []
_ -> emptyBox
SDRelation sd -> case lfb of
IndividualSameOrDifferent l -> let is = map (iriPath . snd) l in
Box [] [] $ (if sd == Same then mkCycle else pairwise)
(`AIndividual` sd) (map show is)
_ -> emptyBox
_ -> emptyBox
Nothing -> emptyBox
eqC :: Concept -> Concept -> TBox
eqC c d = ConceptDecl c $ ConceptRel Eq d
disC :: Concept -> Concept -> TBox
disC c d = DisjointCs [c, d]
eqR :: Role -> Role -> RBox
eqR = (`RoleRel` Eq)
mkCycle :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mkCycle f l = case l of
h : r@(_ : t) -> (if null t then [] else [f (last t) h])
++ zipWith f l r
_ -> []
pairwise :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
pairwise f l = case l of
[] -> []
h : t -> map (f h) t ++ pairwise f t
disR :: Role -> Role -> RBox
disR r t = RoleRel botR Eq $ JoinedR (Just IntersectionOf) [r, t]
disRs :: [Role] -> [RBox]
disRs = pairwise disR
topRT :: RoleType
topRT = RoleType topC topC
i2c :: IRI -> Concept
i2c = NominalC . show . iriPath
ce2Concept :: ClassExpression -> Concept
ce2Concept ce = case ce of
Expression c -> let s = show $ iriPath c in
if isThing c then if s == thingS then topC else NotC topC
else CName s
ObjectJunction t cs -> JoinedC (Just t) $ map ce2Concept cs
ObjectComplementOf c -> NotC $ ce2Concept c
ObjectOneOf is -> JoinedC (Just UnionOf) $ map i2c is
ObjectValuesFrom q ope c -> Quant (Left q) (ope2Role ope) $ ce2Concept c
ObjectHasValue ope i -> Quant (Left SomeValuesFrom) (ope2Role ope) $ i2c i
-- the following translations are partly workarounds
ObjectHasSelf ope -> Quant (Left SomeValuesFrom) (ope2Role ope)
$ CName selfS
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality t i ope mc) -> Quant (Right (t, i))
(ope2Role ope) $ maybe topC ce2Concept mc
_ -> CName dATAS
ope2Role :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Role
ope2Role ope = case ope of
ObjectProp o -> let r = show $ iriPath o in
if isPredefObjProp o then if r == topObjProp then topR else botR
else RName r
ObjectInverseOf e -> UnOp InvR $ ope2Role e