MS.hs revision 577f95eaa083bcb4d010cb6ea2158780a39e5df4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : Datatypes specific to the Manchester Syntax of OWL 2
References : <>
module OWL2.MS where
import OWL2.AS
import Common.Id (GetRange)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data OntologyDocument = OntologyDocument {
prefixDeclaration :: PrefixMap,
mOntology :: MOntology
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange OntologyDocument
data MOntology = MOntology {
muri :: OntologyIRI,
imports :: [ImportIRI],
ann :: [Annotations],
ontologyFrame :: [Frame]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- | annotions are annotedAnnotationList that must be preceded by the keyword
@Annotations:@ if non-empty -}
type Annotations = [Annotation]
data AnnotatedList a = AnnotatedList { convertAnnList :: [(Annotations, a)] }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Frame
= Frame Entity [FrameBit]
| MiscFrame Relation Annotations Misc
| MiscSameOrDifferent SameOrDifferent Annotations [Individual]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data FrameBit
= AnnotationFrameBit Annotations
| AnnotationBit Relation (AnnotatedList AnnotationProperty)
| AnnotationDR DomainOrRange (AnnotatedList IRI)
| DatatypeBit Annotations DataRange
| ExpressionBit Relation (AnnotatedList ClassExpression)
| ClassDisjointUnion Annotations [ClassExpression]
| ClassHasKey Annotations [ObjectPropertyExpression] [DataPropertyExpression]
| ObjectBit Relation (AnnotatedList ObjectPropertyExpression)
| ObjectDomainOrRange DomainOrRange (AnnotatedList ClassExpression)
| ObjectCharacteristics (AnnotatedList Character)
| ObjectSubPropertyChain Annotations [ObjectPropertyExpression]
| DataBit Relation (AnnotatedList DataPropertyExpression)
| DataPropRange (AnnotatedList DataRange)
| DataPropDomain (AnnotatedList ClassExpression)
| DataFunctional Annotations
| IndividualFacts (AnnotatedList Fact)
| IndividualSameOrDifferent SameOrDifferent (AnnotatedList Individual)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Misc
= MiscEquivOrDisjointClasses
| MiscEquivOrDisjointObjProp
| MiscEquivOrDisjointDataProp
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Fact
= ObjectPropertyFact PositiveOrNegative ObjectPropertyExpression Individual
| DataPropertyFact PositiveOrNegative DataPropertyExpression Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptyOntologyDoc :: OntologyDocument
emptyOntologyDoc = OntologyDocument Map.empty emptyOntologyD
emptyOntologyD :: MOntology
emptyOntologyD = MOntology nullQName [] [] []
isEmptyOntologyDoc :: OntologyDocument -> Bool
isEmptyOntologyDoc (OntologyDocument ns onto) =
Map.null ns && isEmptyOntologyM onto
isEmptyOntologyM :: MOntology -> Bool
isEmptyOntologyM (MOntology (QN _ l _ n) annoList impList frames) =
null l && null n && null annoList && null impList && null frames