GetAxioms.hs revision aa64389ee694577d9e665cf57331129000072a79
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : Get the Axioms from the Manchester Syntax frames
module OWL2.GetAxioms where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.FS
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
convertAnnos :: Annotations -> [Annotation]
convertAnnos (Annotations l) =
map (\ (ans, Annotation _ ap av) -> Annotation (convertAnnos ans) ap av) l
convertAnnList :: (AnnotatedList a) -> [([Annotation], a)]
convertAnnList (AnnotatedList x) =
map (\ (ans, b) -> (convertAnnos ans, b)) x
convertFrameBit :: Entity -> FrameBit -> [Axiom]
convertFrameBit (Entity e iri) fb = case fb of
AnnotationFrameBit ans -> [EntityAnno $ AnnotationAssertion (convertAnnos ans) iri]
AnnotationBit ed anl -> map (\ (ans, b) -> EntityAnno $ AnnotationAxiom ed ans iri b) (convertAnnList anl)
DatatypeBit ans dr -> [PlainAxiom (convertAnnos ans) $ DatatypeDefinition iri dr]
ExpressionBit ed anl -> let x = convertAnnList anl in
case e of
Class -> case ed of
SubClass -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ SubClassOf (Expression iri) b) x
_ -> [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst x) $ EquivOrDisjointClasses ed ((Expression iri) : (map snd x) )]
ObjectProperty -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ed (ObjectProp iri) b) x
DataProperty -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataDomain b) iri) x
NamedIndividual -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ ClassAssertion b iri) x
ClassDisjointUnion ans ce -> [PlainAxiom (convertAnnos ans) $ DisjointUnion iri ce]
ClassHasKey ans opl dpl -> [PlainAxiom (convertAnnos ans) $ HasKey (Expression iri) opl dpl]
ObjectBit ed anl -> let x = convertAnnList anl in
case ed of
InverseOf -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ InverseObjectProperties (ObjectProp iri) b) x
SubPropertyOf -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ SubObjectPropertyOf (OPExpression b) (ObjectProp iri)) x
_ -> [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst x) $ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ed ((ObjectProp iri) : map snd x)]
ObjectCharacteristics anc -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ ObjectPropertyCharacter b (ObjectProp iri)) (convertAnnList anc)
ObjectSubPropertyChain ans opl -> let x = convertAnnos ans in [PlainAxiom x
$ SubObjectPropertyOf (SubObjectPropertyChain opl) (ObjectProp iri)]
DataBit ed anl -> let x = convertAnnList anl in
case ed of
SubPropertyOf -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ SubDataPropertyOf iri b) x
_ -> [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst x) $ EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ed (iri : map snd x)]
DataPropRange anl -> map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataRange b) iri) (convertAnnList anl)
DataFunctional anl -> [PlainAxiom (convertAnnos anl) $ FunctionalDataProperty iri]
IndividualFacts anl -> let x = convertAnnList anl in map (\ (ans, b) -> PlainAxiom ans $ (convertFact iri b)) x
IndividualSameOrDifferent sd anl -> let x = convertAnnList anl in
[PlainAxiom (concatMap fst x) $ SameOrDifferentIndividual sd (iri : map snd x)]
convertFact :: Individual -> Fact -> PlainAxiom
convertFact i f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn ope i2 -> ObjectPropertyAssertion $ Assertion ope pn i i2
DataPropertyFact pn dpe i2 -> DataPropertyAssertion $ Assertion dpe pn i i2
convertMisc :: Relation -> Annotations -> Misc -> Axiom
convertMisc ed ans misc = let x = convertAnnos ans in case misc of
MiscEquivOrDisjointClasses l -> PlainAxiom x $ EquivOrDisjointClasses ed l
MiscEquivOrDisjointObjProp l -> PlainAxiom x $ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ed l
MiscEquivOrDisjointDataProp l -> PlainAxiom x $ EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ed l
manToFun :: Frame -> [Axiom]
manToFun f = case f of
Frame e fbl -> concatMap (convertFrameBit e) fbl
MiscFrame ed ans misc -> [convertMisc ed ans misc]
MiscSameOrDifferent sd ans il -> let x = convertAnnos ans in
[PlainAxiom x $ SameOrDifferentIndividual sd il]