FunctionalPrint.hs revision aa0ca44e856c87db27e61687cbb630f270976da1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty printing for OWL 2 DL theories - Functional Syntax
module OWL2.FunctionalPrint where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.FS
import OWL2.Print
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = printAxiom
printAssertion :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Assertion a b -> Doc
printAssertion (Assertion a p s b) = indStart <+> pretty s $+$
let d = fsep [pretty a, pretty b] in
keyword factsC <+> case p of
Positive -> d
Negative -> keyword notS <+> d
printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom axiom = case axiom of
EntityAnno _ -> empty -- EntityAnnotation
PlainAxiom _ paxiom -> case paxiom of
SubClassOf sub super -> case super of
Expression curi
| localPart curi == "Thing" && namePrefix curi == "owl" -> empty
_ -> classStart <+> pretty sub $+$ keyword subClassOfC <+> pretty super
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty (clazz : equiList) ->
classStart <+> pretty clazz $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList equiList)
DisjointUnion curi discList ->
classStart <+> pretty curi $+$ keyword disjointUnionOfC <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList discList)
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf sopExp opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ keyword (case sopExp of
SubObjectPropertyChain _ -> subPropertyChainC
_ -> subPropertyOfC)
<+> pretty sopExp
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty (opExp : opList) ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList opList)
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty opExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printObjDomainOrRange ty <+> pretty desc
InverseObjectProperties opExp1 opExp2 ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp1 $+$ keyword inverseOfC <+> pretty opExp2
ObjectPropertyCharacter ch opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printCharact (show ch)
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp1 $+$ keyword subPropertyOfC <+> pretty dpExp2
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty (dpExp : dpList) ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList dpList)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dpExp ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printDataDomainOrRange ddr
FunctionalDataProperty dpExp ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printCharact functionalS
-- Fact
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty (ind : indList) ->
indStart <+> pretty ind $+$ printSameOrDifferent ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList indList)
ClassAssertion desc ind ->
indStart <+> pretty ind $+$ keyword typesC <+> pretty desc
ObjectPropertyAssertion ass -> printAssertion ass
DataPropertyAssertion ass -> printAssertion ass
Declaration _ -> empty -- [Annotation] Entity
DatatypeDefinition dt dr ->
keyword datatypeC <+> pretty dt $+$ keyword equivalentToC <+> pretty dr
HasKey cexpr objlist datalist -> classStart <+> pretty cexpr $+$ keyword hasKeyC
<+> vcat (punctuate comma $ map pretty objlist ++ map pretty datalist)
u -> error $ "unknow axiom " ++ show u
instance Pretty OntologyFile where
pretty = vsep . map pretty . axiomsList . ontology