FS.hs revision aa0ca44e856c87db27e61687cbb630f270976da1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(deriving Typeable)
This module defines all the data types for the functional style Syntax
of OWL 2
It is modeled after the W3C document:
module OWL2.FS where
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id (GetRange)
import OWL2.AS
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data OntologyFile = OntologyFile
{ prefixName :: PrefixMap
, ontology :: Ontology
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange OntologyFile
data Ontology = Ontology
{ uri :: OntologyIRI
, importsList :: [ImportIRI]
, annotationsList :: [Annotation]
, axiomsList :: [Axiom]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type OntologyMap = Map.Map String OntologyFile
-- | Syntax of Entities
data Entity = Entity EntityType IRI deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Entity
data Axiom = -- Annotations can be ignored
PlainAxiom [Annotation] PlainAxiom
| EntityAnno AnnotationAxiom
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Axiom
data PlainAxiom =
SubClassOf SubClass SuperClass
| EquivOrDisjointClasses EquivOrDisjoint [ClassExpression] -- min. 2 desc.
| DisjointUnion Class [ClassExpression] -- min. 2 desc.
| SubObjectPropertyOf SubObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties EquivOrDisjoint [ObjectPropertyExpression] -- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ObjDomainOrRange ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression
| InverseObjectProperties ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectPropertyCharacter Character ObjectPropertyExpression
| SubDataPropertyOf DataPropertyExpression DataPropertyExpression
| EquivOrDisjointDataProperties EquivOrDisjoint [DataPropertyExpression] -- min. 2 DataPropertyExpressions
| DataPropertyDomainOrRange DataDomainOrRange DataPropertyExpression
| FunctionalDataProperty DataPropertyExpression
| SameOrDifferentIndividual SameOrDifferent [Individual] -- min. 2 ind.
| ClassAssertion ClassExpression Individual -- arguments are reversed from OWL-1
| ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion ObjectPropertyExpression TargetIndividual)
| DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion DataPropertyExpression TargetValue)
| Declaration Entity
| DatatypeDefinition Datatype DataRange
| HasKey ClassExpression [ObjectPropertyExpression] [DataPropertyExpression]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type SubClass = ClassExpression
type SuperClass = ClassExpression
data Assertion a b = Assertion a PositiveOrNegative SourceIndividual b
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptyOntologyFile :: OntologyFile
emptyOntologyFile = OntologyFile Map.empty emptyOntology
emptyOntologyByName :: QName -> Ontology
emptyOntologyByName qn = Ontology qn [] [] []
emptyOntology :: Ontology
emptyOntology = emptyOntologyByName nullQName
isEmptyOntologyFile :: OntologyFile -> Bool
isEmptyOntologyFile (OntologyFile ns onto) =
Map.null ns && isEmptyOntology onto
isEmptyOntology :: Ontology -> Bool
isEmptyOntology (Ontology (QN _ l _ n) annoList impList axioms) =
null l && null n && null annoList && null impList && null axioms