FS.hs revision 577f95eaa083bcb4d010cb6ea2158780a39e5df4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI Gmbh
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Datatypes specific to the Functional Syntax of OWL 2
module OWL2.FS where
import Common.Id (GetRange)
import OWL2.AS
data Axiom = -- Annotations can be ignored
PlainAxiom [Annotation] PlainAxiom
| EntityAnno AnnotationAxiom
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnnotationAxiom
= AnnotationAssertion [Annotation] IRI
| AnnotationAxiom Relation [Annotation] AnnotationProperty IRI
| AnnDomainOrRange DomainOrRange [Annotation] AnnotationProperty IRI
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Axiom
data PlainAxiom =
SubClassOf SubClass SuperClass
| EquivOrDisjointClasses Relation [ClassExpression] -- min. 2 desc.
| DisjointUnion Class [ClassExpression] -- min. 2 desc.
| SubObjectPropertyOf SubObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties Relation [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange DomainOrRange ObjectPropertyExpression
| InverseObjectProperties ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectPropertyCharacter Character ObjectPropertyExpression
| SubDataPropertyOf DataPropertyExpression DataPropertyExpression
| EquivOrDisjointDataProperties Relation [DataPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 DataPropertyExpressions
| DataPropertyDomainOrRange DataDomainOrRange DataPropertyExpression
| FunctionalDataProperty DataPropertyExpression
| SameOrDifferentIndividual SameOrDifferent [Individual] -- min. 2 ind.
| ClassAssertion ClassExpression Individual
-- arguments are reversed from OWL-1
| ObjectPropertyAssertion
(Assertion ObjectPropertyExpression TargetIndividual)
| DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion DataPropertyExpression TargetValue)
| Declaration Entity
| DatatypeDefinition Datatype DataRange
| HasKey ClassExpression [ObjectPropertyExpression] [DataPropertyExpression]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type SubClass = ClassExpression
type SuperClass = ClassExpression
data Assertion a b = Assertion a PositiveOrNegative SourceIndividual b
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)