Extract.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/Extract.hs
Description : extraction of the sign from the frames
Copyright : (c) Francisc-Nicolae Bungiu, Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.bungiu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Extraction of all the entities in the ontology
module OWL2.Extract where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import Control.Monad
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.IRI
import qualified Data.Set as Set
fromObjPropExpr :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
fromObjPropExpr = addEntity . mkEntity ObjectProperty . objPropToIRI
fromDataPropExpr :: DataPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
fromDataPropExpr = addEntity . mkEntity DataProperty
fromIndividual :: Individual -> State Sign ()
fromIndividual ind = unless (isBlankNode ind) $
addEntity $ mkEntity NamedIndividual ind
fromAnnoProp :: AnnotationProperty -> State Sign ()
fromAnnoProp = addEntity . mkEntity AnnotationProperty
fromLiteral :: Literal -> State Sign ()
fromLiteral l = case l of
Literal _ ty -> case ty of
Typed u -> addEntity $ mkEntity Datatype u
_ -> return ()
_ -> return ()
fromDType :: Datatype -> State Sign ()
fromDType dt = unless (isDatatypeKey dt) $ addEntity $ mkEntity Datatype dt
-- | Adds the DataRange to the Signature and returns it as a State Sign ()
fromDataRange :: DataRange -> State Sign ()
fromDataRange dr = case dr of
DataJunction _ lst -> mapM_ fromDataRange lst
DataComplementOf r -> fromDataRange r
DataOneOf cs -> mapM_ fromLiteral cs
DataType r fcs -> do
fromDType r
mapM_ (fromLiteral . snd) fcs
-- | Adds the Fact to the Signature and returns it as a State Sign()
fromFact :: Fact -> State Sign ()
fromFact f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact _ obe ind -> do
fromObjPropExpr obe
fromIndividual ind
DataPropertyFact _ dpe _ ->
fromDataPropExpr dpe
-- | Adds the Description to the Signature. Returns it as a State
fromDescription :: ClassExpression -> State Sign ()
fromDescription desc = case desc of
Expression u ->
unless (isThing u) $ addEntity $ mkEntity Class u
ObjectJunction _ ds -> mapM_ fromDescription ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> fromDescription d
ObjectOneOf is -> mapM_ fromIndividual is
ObjectValuesFrom _ opExpr d -> do
fromObjPropExpr opExpr
fromDescription d
ObjectHasSelf opExpr -> fromObjPropExpr opExpr
ObjectHasValue opExpr i -> do
fromObjPropExpr opExpr
fromIndividual i
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality _ _ opExpr md) -> do
fromObjPropExpr opExpr
maybe (return ()) fromDescription md
DataValuesFrom _ dExp r -> do
fromDataPropExpr dExp
fromDataRange r
DataHasValue dExp c -> do
fromDataPropExpr dExp
fromLiteral c
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> do
fromDataPropExpr dExp
maybe (return ()) fromDataRange mr
fromAnno :: Annotation -> State Sign ()
fromAnno (Annotation as apr _) = do
fromAnnoProp apr
fromAnnos as
fromAnnos :: Annotations -> State Sign ()
fromAnnos = mapM_ fromAnno
fromAnnoList :: (a -> State Sign ()) -> AnnotatedList a -> State Sign ()
fromAnnoList f al = do
fromAnnos $ concatMap fst al
mapM_ (f . snd) al
{- | Adds possible ListFrameBits to the Signature by calling
bottom level functions -}
fromLFB :: Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> State Sign ()
fromLFB r lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit ab ->
unless (r `elem` [Just (DRRelation ADomain), Just (DRRelation ARange)])
$ fromAnnoList fromAnnoProp ab
ExpressionBit al -> fromAnnoList fromDescription al
ObjectBit anob -> fromAnnoList fromObjPropExpr anob
DataBit dlst -> fromAnnoList fromDataPropExpr dlst
IndividualSameOrDifferent anind -> fromAnnoList fromIndividual anind
ObjectCharacteristics al -> fromAnnos $ concatMap fst al
DataPropRange dr -> fromAnnoList fromDataRange dr
IndividualFacts fct -> fromAnnoList fromFact fct
fromAFB :: AnnFrameBit -> State Sign ()
fromAFB afb = case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit _ -> return ()
DataFunctional -> return ()
DatatypeBit dr -> fromDataRange dr
ClassDisjointUnion cls -> mapM_ fromDescription cls
ClassHasKey obe dpe -> do
mapM_ fromObjPropExpr obe
mapM_ fromDataPropExpr dpe
ObjectSubPropertyChain ope -> mapM_ fromObjPropExpr ope
{- | Calls the completion of Signature based on
case separation of ListFrameBit and AnnotationFrameBit -}
fromFB :: Extended -> FrameBit -> State Sign ()
fromFB ext fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit rel lfb -> do
fromExt ext
fromLFB rel lfb
AnnFrameBit an anf -> do
fromAnnos an
fromAFB anf
case anf of
AnnotationFrameBit Assertion -> case ext of
Misc _ -> return ()
_ -> fromExt ext
_ -> fromExt ext
fromFrame :: Frame -> State Sign ()
fromFrame (Frame ex fblist) = mapM_ (fromFB ex) fblist
fromExt :: Extended -> State Sign ()
fromExt ext = case ext of
SimpleEntity e -> addEntity e
ObjectEntity op -> fromObjPropExpr op
ClassEntity ce -> fromDescription ce
Misc ans -> fromAnnos ans
{- | Top level function: takes the OntologyDocument and completes
the signature by calling completeSignForFrame -}
extractSign :: OntologyDocument -> State Sign ()
extractSign = mapM_ fromFrame . ontFrames . ontology
toDecl :: Sign -> [Frame]
toDecl s =
let cls = map (mkEntity Class) $ Set.toList (concepts s)
dt = map (mkEntity Datatype) $ Set.toList (datatypes s)
op = map (mkEntity ObjectProperty) $ Set.toList (objectProperties s)
dp = map (mkEntity DataProperty) $ Set.toList (dataProperties s)
i = map (mkEntity NamedIndividual) $ Set.toList (individuals s)
ans = map (mkEntity AnnotationProperty) $ Set.toList (annotationRoles s)
in map (\ c -> Frame (mkExtendedEntity c)
[AnnFrameBit [] $ AnnotationFrameBit Declaration])
(cls ++ dt ++ op ++ dp ++ i ++ ans)
signToFrames :: [Frame] -> [Frame]
signToFrames f = let s = mapM_ fromFrame f in toDecl $ execState s emptySign