Extract.hs revision 75aaf82c430ad2a5cf159962b1c5c09255010fb4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : extraction of the sign from the frames
Copyright : (c) Francis-Nicolae Bungiu
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.bungiu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
go through the ontology document and extract the entities
module OWL2.Extract where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.StaticAnalysis
import Control.Monad
import Common.Lib.State
import qualified Data.Set as Set
addObjPropExpr :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
addObjPropExpr = addEntity . Entity ObjectProperty . getObjRoleFromExpression
addDataPropExpr :: DataPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
addDataPropExpr = addEntity . Entity DataProperty
addIndividual :: Individual -> State Sign ()
addIndividual ind =
if (not . null) (namePrefix ind) &&
head (namePrefix ind) == '_' then return ()
else addEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind
addAnnoProp :: AnnotationProperty -> State Sign ()
addAnnoProp = addEntity . Entity AnnotationProperty
addLiteral :: Literal -> State Sign ()
addLiteral (Literal _ ty) = {-case ty of
Typed u -> addEntity $ Entity Datatype u
_ -> -}return ()
addDType :: Datatype -> State Sign ()
addDType = addEntity . Entity Datatype
-- | Adds the DataRange to the Signature and returns it as a State Sign ()
addDataRange :: DataRange -> State Sign ()
addDataRange dr = case dr of
DataJunction _ lst -> mapM_ addDataRange lst
DataComplementOf r -> addDataRange r
DataOneOf cs -> mapM_ addLiteral cs
DataType r fcs -> do
addDType r
mapM_ (addLiteral . snd) fcs
-- | Adds the Fact to the Signature and returns it as a State Sign()
addFact :: Fact -> State Sign ()
addFact f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact _ obe _ ->
addObjPropExpr obe
DataPropertyFact _ dpe _ ->
addDataPropExpr dpe
-- | Adds the Description to the Signature. Returns it as a State
addDescription :: ClassExpression -> State Sign ()
addDescription desc = case desc of
Expression u ->
unless (isThing u) $ addEntity $ Entity Class u
ObjectJunction _ ds -> mapM_ addDescription ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> addDescription d
ObjectOneOf is -> mapM_ addIndividual is
ObjectValuesFrom _ opExpr d -> do
addObjPropExpr opExpr
addDescription d
ObjectHasSelf opExpr -> addObjPropExpr opExpr
ObjectHasValue opExpr i -> do
addObjPropExpr opExpr
addIndividual i
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality _ _ opExpr md) -> do
addObjPropExpr opExpr
maybe (return ()) addDescription md
DataValuesFrom _ dExp r -> do
addDataPropExpr dExp
addDataRange r
DataHasValue dExp c -> do
addDataPropExpr dExp
addLiteral c
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> do
addDataPropExpr dExp
maybe (return ()) addDataRange mr
{- | Adds possible ListFrameBits to the Signature by calling
bottom level functions -}
comSigLFB :: ListFrameBit
-> State Sign ()
comSigLFB lfb =
case lfb of
AnnotationBit ab ->
let map2nd = map snd ab
mapM_ addAnnoProp map2nd
ExpressionBit ancls -> do
let clslst = map snd ancls
mapM_ addDescription clslst
ObjectBit anob ->
let map2nd = map snd anob
mapM_ addObjPropExpr map2nd
DataBit dlst ->
let map2nd = map snd dlst
mapM_ addDataPropExpr map2nd
IndividualSameOrDifferent anind ->
let map2nd = map snd anind
mapM_ addIndividual map2nd
ObjectCharacteristics _anch ->
return ()
DataPropRange dr ->
let map2nd = map snd dr
mapM_ addDataRange map2nd
IndividualFacts fct ->
let map2nd = map snd fct
mapM_ addFact map2nd
{- | Adds AnnotationFrameBits to the Signature
by calling the corresponding bottom level functions -}
comSigAFB :: AnnFrameBit
-> State Sign ()
comSigAFB afb =
case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit -> return ()
DataFunctional -> return ()
DatatypeBit dr ->
addDataRange dr
ClassDisjointUnion cls ->
mapM_ addDescription cls
ClassHasKey obe dpe -> do
mapM_ addObjPropExpr obe
mapM_ addDataPropExpr dpe
ObjectSubPropertyChain ope ->
mapM_ addObjPropExpr ope
{- | Calls the completion of Signature based on
case separation of ListFrameBit and AnnotationFrameBit -}
comFB :: FrameBit -> State Sign ()
comFB fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit _rel lfb -> comSigLFB lfb
AnnFrameBit _an anf -> comSigAFB anf
-- | Maps the function comFB on the entire FrameBit list of the Frame
completeSignForFrame :: Frame -> State Sign ()
completeSignForFrame (Frame _ex fblist) =
mapM_ comFB fblist
completeWithExt :: Frame -> State Sign ()
completeWithExt (Frame ex fblist) = do
mapM_ comFB fblist
comExt ex
comExt :: Extended -> State Sign ()
comExt ext = case ext of
SimpleEntity e -> addEntity e
ObjectEntity op -> addObjPropExpr op
ClassEntity ce -> addDescription ce
_ -> return ()
{- | Top level function: takes the OntologyDocument and completes
the signature by calling completeSignForFrame -}
completeSign :: OntologyDocument -> State Sign ()
completeSign od =
mapM_ completeSignForFrame $ ontFrames $ ontology od
toDecl :: Sign -> [Frame]
toDecl s =
let cls = map (Entity Class) $ Set.toList (concepts s)
dt = map (Entity Datatype) $ Set.toList (datatypes s)
op = map (Entity ObjectProperty) $ Set.toList (objectProperties s)
dp = map (Entity DataProperty) $ Set.toList (dataProperties s)
i = map (Entity NamedIndividual) $ Set.toList (individuals s)
ans = Set.toList (annotationRoles s)
in map (\ c -> Frame (SimpleEntity c) [AnnFrameBit [] AnnotationFrameBit])
(cls ++ dt ++ op ++ dp ++ i) ++
map (\ a -> Frame (Misc []) [AnnFrameBit
[Annotation [] a $ AnnValue a] AnnotationFrameBit]) ans
signToFrames :: [Frame] -> [Frame]
signToFrames f =
let s = mapM_ completeWithExt f
in toDecl $ execState s emptySign