Expand.hs revision 668c9c725a11c0f77057152148570af853a1bc0d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.mance@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisionalM
Portability : portable
Expansion of all IRIs in the Ontology
module OWL2.Expand (expF, expODoc) where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
{- expanding all IRIs according to the prefix map from the sign
the result is stored in the expandedIRI field of data QName -}
expand :: PrefixMap -> IRI -> IRI
expand pm qn =
let np = namePrefix qn
lp = localPart qn
in if iriType qn == Full then qn {expandedIRI = np ++ ":" ++ lp}
let expn = fromMaybe (error $ np ++ ": prefix not found ")
$ Map.lookup np pm
in qn {expandedIRI = expn ++ lp}
expDataRange :: PrefixMap -> DataRange -> DataRange
expDataRange s dra = case dra of
DataType dt ls -> DataType (expand s dt)
$ map (\ (cf, rv) -> (expand s cf, rv)) ls
DataJunction jt drl -> DataJunction jt $ map (expDataRange s) drl
DataComplementOf dr -> DataComplementOf $ expDataRange s dr
_ -> dra
expOP :: PrefixMap -> ObjectPropertyExpression -> ObjectPropertyExpression
expOP s opr = case opr of
ObjectProp op -> ObjectProp $ expand s op
ObjectInverseOf op -> ObjectInverseOf $ expOP s op
expCE :: PrefixMap -> ClassExpression -> ClassExpression
expCE s cle = case cle of
Expression c -> Expression $ expand s c
ObjectJunction jt cel -> ObjectJunction jt $ map (expCE s) cel
ObjectComplementOf ce -> ObjectComplementOf $ expCE s ce
ObjectOneOf il -> ObjectOneOf $ map (expand s) il
ObjectValuesFrom qt op ce ->
ObjectValuesFrom qt (expOP s op) (expCE s ce)
ObjectHasValue op i -> ObjectHasValue (expOP s op) (expand s i)
ObjectHasSelf op -> ObjectHasSelf (expOP s op)
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ct i op mce) ->
case mce of
Nothing -> ObjectCardinality
(Cardinality ct i (expOP s op) Nothing)
Just ce -> ObjectCardinality
(Cardinality ct i (expOP s op) $ Just (expCE s ce))
DataValuesFrom qt dp dr -> DataValuesFrom qt
(expand s dp) (expDataRange s dr)
DataHasValue dp l -> DataHasValue (expand s dp) l
DataCardinality (Cardinality ct i dp mdr) ->
case mdr of
Nothing -> DataCardinality
(Cardinality ct i (expand s dp) Nothing)
Just dr -> DataCardinality
(Cardinality ct i (expand s dp) $ Just (expDataRange s dr))
expAnn :: PrefixMap -> Annotation -> Annotation
expAnn s (Annotation al ap av) = Annotation (map (expAnn s) al)
(expand s ap) (expAV s av)
expAV :: PrefixMap -> AnnotationValue -> AnnotationValue
expAV s av = case av of
AnnValue iri -> AnnValue $ expand s iri
_ -> av
expAL :: PrefixMap -> (PrefixMap -> a -> a) ->
AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
expAL s f = map (\ (ans, a) -> (map (expAnn s) ans, f s a))
expFact :: PrefixMap -> Fact -> Fact
expFact s f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn op i ->
ObjectPropertyFact pn (expOP s op) (expand s i)
DataPropertyFact pn dp l -> DataPropertyFact pn (expand s dp) l
expLFB :: PrefixMap -> ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
expLFB s lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit al -> AnnotationBit $ expAL s expand al
ExpressionBit al -> ExpressionBit $ expAL s expCE al
ObjectBit al -> ObjectBit $ expAL s expOP al
DataBit al -> DataBit $ expAL s expand al
IndividualSameOrDifferent al ->
IndividualSameOrDifferent $ expAL s expand al
DataPropRange al -> DataPropRange $ expAL s expDataRange al
IndividualFacts al -> IndividualFacts $ expAL s expFact al
_ -> lfb
expAFB :: PrefixMap -> AnnFrameBit -> AnnFrameBit
expAFB s afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> DatatypeBit $ expDataRange s dr
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> ClassDisjointUnion $ map (expCE s) cel
ClassHasKey opl dpl -> ClassHasKey (map (expOP s) opl)
(map (expand s) dpl)
ObjectSubPropertyChain opl -> ObjectSubPropertyChain (map (expOP s) opl)
_ -> afb
expFB :: PrefixMap -> FrameBit -> FrameBit
expFB s fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr $ expLFB s lfb
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (map (expAnn s) ans) $ expAFB s afb
expE :: PrefixMap -> Extended -> Extended
expE s ex = case ex of
Misc ans -> Misc $ map (expAnn s) ans
SimpleEntity (Entity ty e) -> SimpleEntity (Entity ty $ expand s e)
ObjectEntity op -> ObjectEntity $ expOP s op
ClassEntity ce -> ClassEntity $ expCE s ce
expF :: PrefixMap -> Frame -> Frame
expF s (Frame e fbl) = Frame (expE s e) $ map (expFB s) fbl
expA :: PrefixMap -> Axiom -> Axiom
expA s (PlainAxiom e fb) = PlainAxiom (expE s e) $ expFB s fb
expOnt :: PrefixMap -> Ontology -> Ontology
expOnt s o =
let oiri = expand s $ name o
imp = map (expand s) $ imports o
ans = map (map (expAnn s)) $ ann o
fr = map (expF s) $ ontFrames o
in o {name = oiri, imports = imp, ann = ans, ontFrames = fr}
expODoc :: PrefixMap -> OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument
expODoc s o = o {ontology = expOnt s $ ontology o}