CASL2OWL.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/CASL2OWL.hs
Description : Comorphism from CASL to OWL2
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
module OWL2.CASL2OWL where
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Utils
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- OWL = codomain
import OWL2.Logic_OWL2
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.AS
import Common.IRI
import OWL2.ProfilesAndSublogics
import OWL2.ManchesterPrint ()
import OWL2.Morphism
import OWL2.Symbols
import OWL2.Sign as OS
import OWL2.Translate
-- CASL = domain
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Disambiguate
import CASL.Sign as CS
import qualified CASL.MapSentence as MapSen
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.SimplifySen
import CASL.Sublogic
import CASL.ToDoc
import CASL.Overload
data CASL2OWL = CASL2OWL deriving Show
instance Language CASL2OWL
instance Comorphism
CASL2OWL -- comorphism
CASL -- lid domain
CASL_Sublogics -- sublogics domain
CASLBasicSpec -- Basic spec domain
CASLFORMULA -- sentence domain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items domain
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
CASLSign -- signature domain
CASLMor -- morphism domain
Symbol -- symbol domain
RawSymbol -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree domain
OWL2 -- lid codomain
ProfSub -- sublogics codomain
OntologyDocument -- Basic spec codomain
Axiom -- sentence codomain
SymbItems -- symbol items codomain
SymbMapItems -- symbol map items codomain
OS.Sign -- signature codomain
OWLMorphism -- morphism codomain
Entity -- symbol codomain
RawSymb -- rawsymbol codomain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
sourceLogic CASL2OWL = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2OWL = caslTop
{ sub_features = LocFilSub }
targetLogic CASL2OWL = OWL2
mapSublogic CASL2OWL _ = Just topS
map_theory CASL2OWL = mapTheory
{- names must be disambiguated as is done in CASL.Qualify or SuleCFOL2SoftFOL.
Ops or preds in the overload relation denote the same objectProperty!
toC :: Id -> ClassExpression
toC = Expression . idToIRI
toO :: Id -> Int -> ObjectPropertyExpression
toO i = ObjectProp . idToNumberedIRI i
toACE :: Id -> (Annotations, ClassExpression)
toACE i = ([], toC i)
toEBit :: Id -> ListFrameBit
toEBit i = ExpressionBit [toACE i]
mkDR :: DomainOrRange -> Id -> FrameBit
mkDR dr = ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation dr) . toEBit
mkObjEnt :: String -> Id -> Int -> String -> FrameBit -> Named Axiom
mkObjEnt s i n m = makeNamed (s ++ show i
++ (if n < 0 then "" else '_' : show n) ++ m) . PlainAxiom
(ObjectEntity $ toO i n)
toSubClass :: Id -> [ClassExpression] -> Axiom
toSubClass i = PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ toC i) . ListFrameBit (Just SubClass)
. ExpressionBit . map (\ c -> ([], c))
getPropSens :: Id -> [SORT] -> Maybe SORT -> [Named Axiom]
getPropSens i args mres = let
ncs = number args
opOrPred = if isJust mres then "op " else "pred "
in makeNamed (opOrPred ++ show i)
(toSubClass i [ObjectJunction IntersectionOf
$ maybeToList (fmap toC mres)
++ map (\ (a, n) -> ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom
(toO i n) $ toC a) ncs])
: concatMap (\ (a, n) -> let mki = mkObjEnt opOrPred i n in
maybeToList (fmap (mki " domain" . mkDR ADomain) mres)
++ [mki " range" $ mkDR ARange a]) ncs
getPropNames :: (a -> [b]) -> MapSet.MapSet Id a -> Set.Set IRI
getPropNames f = Map.foldWithKey (\ i s l ->
case Set.toList s of
[] -> l
h : _ -> Set.union l $ Set.fromList
$ map (idToNumberedIRI i . snd) $ number $ f h)
Set.empty . MapSet.toMap
commonType :: CS.Sign f e -> [[SORT]] -> Result [SORT]
commonType csig l =
case map (keepMaximals csig) $ transpose l of
hl | all (not . null) hl -> return $ map head hl
_ -> fail $ "no common types for " ++ show l
commonOpType :: CS.Sign f e -> Set.Set OpType -> Result OpType
commonOpType csig os = do
l <- commonType csig $ map (\ o -> opRes o : opArgs o) $ Set.toList os
case l of
r : args -> return $ mkTotOpType args r
_ -> fail $ "no common types for " ++ showDoc os ""
commonPredType :: CS.Sign f e -> Set.Set PredType -> Result PredType
commonPredType csig ps = do
args <- commonType csig $ map predArgs $ Set.toList ps
case args of
_ : _ -> return $ PredType args
_ -> fail $ "no common types for " ++ showDoc ps ""
getCommonSupers :: CS.Sign f e -> [SORT] -> Set.Set SORT
getCommonSupers csig s = let supers t = Set.insert t $ supersortsOf t csig in
if null s then Set.empty else foldr1 Set.intersection $ map supers s
keepMaximals :: CS.Sign f e -> [SORT] -> [SORT]
keepMaximals csig = keepMinimals1 True csig id . Set.toList
. getCommonSupers csig
mapSign :: CS.Sign f e -> Result (OS.Sign, [Named Axiom])
mapSign csig = let
esorts = emptySortSet csig
srel = sortRel csig
(eqs, subss) = eqAndSubsorts False srel
(isos, rels) = singleAndRelatedSorts srel
disjSorts = concatMap (\ l -> case l of
_ : _ : _ -> [makeNamed ("disjoint " ++ show l) $ mkMisc Disjoint l]
_ -> []) . sequence $ map (: []) isos ++ map (keepMaximals csig) rels
ss = sortSet csig
nsorts = Set.difference ss esorts
mkMisc ed l = PlainAxiom (Misc []) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation ed)
$ ExpressionBit $ map toACE l
eqSorts = map (\ es -> makeNamed ("equal sorts " ++ show es)
$ mkMisc Equivalent es) eqs
subSens = map (\ (s, ts) -> makeNamed
("subsort " ++ show s ++ " of " ++ show ts) $ toSC s ts) subss
nonEmptySens = map (\ s -> mkIndi True s [s]) $ Set.toList nsorts
sortSens = eqSorts ++ disjSorts ++ subSens ++ nonEmptySens
mkIndi b i ts = makeNamed
("individual " ++ show i ++ " of class " ++ showDoc ts "")
$ PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ mkEntity NamedIndividual
$ idToAnonIRI b i)
$ ListFrameBit (Just Types) $ ExpressionBit
$ map toACE ts
om = opMap csig
keepMaxs = keepMaximals csig
mk s i = mkObjEnt s i (-1)
toSC i = toSubClass i . map toC
toIris = idToIRI
(cs, ncs) = MapSet.partition (null . opArgs) om
(sos, os) = MapSet.partition isSingleArgOp ncs
(props, nps) = MapSet.partition (null . predArgs) pm
(sps, rps') = MapSet.partition (isSingle . predArgs) nps
(bps, ps) = MapSet.partition isBinPredType rps'
pm = predMap csig
osig = OS.emptySign
{ concepts = toIris $ Set.unions
[ ss, MapSet.keysSet sps, MapSet.keysSet props
, MapSet.keysSet os, MapSet.keysSet ps]
, objectProperties = Set.unions
[ toIris $ Set.union (MapSet.keysSet sos) $ MapSet.keysSet bps
, getPropNames predArgs ps, getPropNames opArgs os ]
, individuals = toIris $ MapSet.keysSet cs
in do
s1 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
l <- ml
return $ mkIndi False i
(keepMinimals csig id $ map opRes $ Set.toList s) : l)
(return sortSens) (MapSet.toMap cs)
s2 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
l <- ml
let sl = Set.toList s
mki = mk "plain function " i
case (keepMaxs $ concatMap opArgs sl, keepMaxs $ map opRes sl) of
([a], [r]) -> return
$ [ mki " character" $ ListFrameBit Nothing
$ ObjectCharacteristics [([], Functional)]
, mki " domain" $ mkDR ADomain a, mki " range" $ mkDR ARange r]
++ l
(as, rs) -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign2: " ++ show i ++ " args: "
++ show as ++ " resulttypes: " ++ show rs)
(return s1) (MapSet.toMap sos)
s3 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
l <- ml
let mkp = mk "binary predicate " i
pTy <- commonPredType csig s
case predArgs pTy of
[a, r] -> return
$ [mkp " domain" $ mkDR ADomain a, mkp " range" $ mkDR ARange r]
++ l
ts -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign3: " ++ show i ++ " types: " ++ show ts)
(return s2) (MapSet.toMap bps)
s4 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml ->
case keepMaxs $ concatMap predArgs $ Set.toList s of
[r] -> do
l <- ml
return $ makeNamed ("plain predicate " ++ show i) (toSC i [r]) : l
ts -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign4: " ++ show i ++ " types: " ++ show ts)
(return s3) (MapSet.toMap sps)
s5 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
l <- ml
ot <- commonOpType csig s
return $ getPropSens i (opArgs ot) (Just $ opRes ot) ++ l
) (return s4) (MapSet.toMap os)
s6 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
l <- ml
pt <- commonPredType csig s
return $ getPropSens i (predArgs pt) Nothing ++ l
) (return s5) (MapSet.toMap ps)
return (osig, s6)
{- binary predicates and single argument functions should become
Serge also turned constructors into concepts.
How to treat multi-argument predicates and functions?
Maybe create tuple concepts?
mapTheory :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f)
=> (CS.Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Result (OS.Sign, [Named Axiom])
mapTheory (sig, sens) = do
let mor = disambigSig sig
tar = mtarget mor
nss = map (mapNamed $ MapSen.mapMorphForm (const id) mor) sens
(s, l) <- mapSign tar
ll <- mapM (\ ns -> case sentence ns of
Sort_gen_ax cs b -> return $ mapSortGenAx cs b
_ -> flip (hint []) nullRange
. ("not translated\n" ++) . show . printTheoryFormula
$ mapNamed (simplifySen (const return) (const id) tar) ns
) nss
return (s, l ++ concat ll)
mapSortGenAx :: [Constraint] -> Bool -> [Named Axiom]
mapSortGenAx cs b = map (\ (s, as) ->
let is = map (\ (Qual_op_name n ty _) -> case args_OP_TYPE ty of
[] -> ObjectOneOf [idToIRI n]
[_] -> ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom (toO n (-1)) $ toC s
_ -> toC n) as
in makeNamed ("generated " ++ show s)
$ PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ toC s)
$ if b && not (isSingle is) then AnnFrameBit [] $ ClassDisjointUnion is
else ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Equivalent)
$ ExpressionBit [([], case is of
[i] -> i
_ -> ObjectJunction UnionOf is)])
$ recoverSortGen cs