CASL2OWL.hs revision 72204f862232e7e51b0207bba020c1d781fa7798
4033N/A{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
0N/A{- |
0N/AModule : $Header$
0N/ADescription : Comorphism from CASL to OWL2
0N/ACopyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2012
0N/ALicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
0N/AMaintainer :
0N/AStability : provisional
0N/APortability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
0N/Amodule OWL2.CASL2OWL where
0N/Aimport Logic.Logic as Logic
0N/Aimport Logic.Comorphism
2362N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation
2362N/Aimport Common.DocUtils
2362N/Aimport Common.Result
1178N/Aimport Common.Id
4169N/Aimport Common.ProofTree
0N/Aimport Common.ProofUtils
0N/Aimport qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
4033N/Aimport Data.Char
0N/Aimport qualified Data.Set as Set
1178N/Aimport qualified Data.Map as Map
1178N/Aimport Data.List
4033N/A-- OWL = codomain
1178N/Aimport OWL2.Logic_OWL2
1178N/Aimport OWL2.MS
4033N/Aimport OWL2.AS
1178N/Aimport OWL2.ProfilesAndSublogics
1178N/Aimport OWL2.ManchesterPrint ()
4033N/Aimport OWL2.Morphism
1178N/Aimport OWL2.Symbols
1178N/Aimport OWL2.Sign as OS
1178N/A-- CASL = domain
1178N/Aimport CASL.Logic_CASL
4033N/Aimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
1178N/Aimport CASL.Disambiguate
1178N/Aimport CASL.Sign as CS
4033N/Aimport qualified CASL.MapSentence as MapSen
1178N/Aimport CASL.Morphism
1178N/Aimport CASL.SimplifySen
4033N/Aimport CASL.Sublogic
1178N/Aimport CASL.ToDoc
1178N/Aimport CASL.Overload
4033N/Adata CASL2OWL = CASL2OWL deriving Show
0N/Ainstance Language CASL2OWL
0N/Ainstance Comorphism
0N/A CASL2OWL -- comorphism
0N/A CASL -- lid domain
0N/A CASL_Sublogics -- sublogics domain
0N/A CASLBasicSpec -- Basic spec domain
0N/A CASLFORMULA -- sentence domain
4033N/A SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items domain
0N/A SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
1178N/A CASLSign -- signature domain
0N/A CASLMor -- morphism domain
0N/A Symbol -- symbol domain
4033N/A RawSymbol -- rawsymbol domain
0N/A ProofTree -- proof tree domain
0N/A OWL2 -- lid codomain
4033N/A ProfSub -- sublogics codomain
1178N/A OntologyDocument -- Basic spec codomain
1178N/A Axiom -- sentence codomain
0N/A SymbItems -- symbol items codomain
4033N/A SymbMapItems -- symbol map items codomain
0N/A OS.Sign -- signature codomain
0N/A OWLMorphism -- morphism codomain
4033N/A Entity -- symbol codomain
0N/A RawSymb -- rawsymbol codomain
0N/A ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
4033N/A where
0N/A sourceLogic CASL2OWL = CASL
4033N/A sourceSublogic CASL2OWL = caslTop
0N/A { sub_features = LocFilSub }
1178N/A targetLogic CASL2OWL = OWL2
0N/A mapSublogic CASL2OWL _ = Just topS
0N/A map_theory CASL2OWL = mapTheory
4033N/A map_morphism CASL2OWL = mapMorphism
0N/A map_symbol CASL2OWL _ = mapSymbol
0N/A has_model_expansion CASL2OWL = True
0N/A-- | Mapping of CASL morphisms
0N/AmapMorphism :: Morphism f e m -> Result OWLMorphism
4033N/AmapMorphism _ = fail "CASL2OWL.mapMorphism"
0N/AmapSymbol :: Symbol -> Set.Set Entity
4033N/AmapSymbol _ = Set.empty
0N/A{- names must be disambiguated as is done in CASL.Qualify or SuleCFOL2SoftFOL.
4033N/A Ops or preds in the overload relation denote the same objectProperty!
0N/AidToIRI :: Id -> QName
4033N/AidToIRI = idToAnonIRI False
0N/AidToAnonIRI :: Bool -> Id -> QName
4033N/AidToAnonIRI b i = nullQName
0N/A { localPart = (if b then ('_' :) else id) . transString $ show i
0N/A , iriPos = rangeOfId i }
0N/AmapSign :: CS.Sign f e -> Result (OS.Sign, [Named Axiom])
0N/AmapSign csig = let
4033N/A esorts = emptySortSet csig
0N/A (eqs, subss) = eqAndSubsorts False $ sortRel csig
0N/A ss = sortSet csig
4033N/A nsorts = Set.difference ss esorts
0N/A mkMisc ed l = PlainAxiom (Misc []) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation ed)
0N/A $ ExpressionBit $ map toACE l
4033N/A disjSorts s = if Set.size s <= 1 then [] else
0N/A let (m, r) = Set.deleteFindMin s
0N/A in concatMap (\ t -> case t of
4033N/A _ | haveCommonSubsorts csig t m
1178N/A || haveCommonSupersorts True csig t m -> []
1178N/A | otherwise -> [makeNamed ("disjoint " ++ show m ++ " and " ++ show t)
0N/A $ mkMisc Disjoint [m, t]]
4033N/A ) (Set.toList r) ++ disjSorts r
0N/A eqSorts = map (\ es -> makeNamed ("equal sorts " ++ show es)
0N/A $ mkMisc Equivalent es) eqs
4033N/A subSens = map (\ (s, ts) -> makeNamed
0N/A ("subsort " ++ show s ++ " of " ++ show ts) $ toSC s ts) subss
4033N/A nonEmptySens = map (\ s -> mkIndi True s [s]) $ Set.toList nsorts
0N/A sortSens = eqSorts ++ disjSorts ss ++ subSens ++ nonEmptySens
4033N/A mkIndi b i ts = makeNamed
4033N/A ("individual " ++ show i ++ " of class " ++ showDoc ts "")
0N/A $ PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual
0N/A $ idToAnonIRI b i)
0N/A $ ListFrameBit (Just Types) $ ExpressionBit
0N/A $ map toACE ts
1178N/A om = opMap csig
0N/A keepMaxs = keepMinimals1 False csig id
1178N/A mk s i m = makeNamed (s ++ show i ++ m) . PlainAxiom
0N/A (ObjectEntity $ ObjectProp $ idToIRI i)
0N/A toC = Expression . idToIRI
0N/A toSC i = PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ toC i) . ListFrameBit (Just SubClass)
0N/A . ExpressionBit . map toACE
0N/A toACE i = ([], toC i)
4033N/A toEBit i = ExpressionBit [toACE i]
4033N/A mkDR dr = ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation dr) . toEBit
0N/A toIris = idToIRI
0N/A (cs, ncs) = MapSet.partition (null . opArgs) om
0N/A (sos, os) = MapSet.partition isSingleArgOp ncs
0N/A (sps, rps) = MapSet.partition (isSingle . predArgs) pm
1178N/A (bps, ps) = MapSet.partition isBinPredType rps
0N/A pm = predMap csig
0N/A osig = OS.emptySign
0N/A { concepts = toIris $ Set.unions [ ss, MapSet.keysSet sps ]
0N/A , objectProperties = toIris $ Set.union (MapSet.keysSet sos)
0N/A $ MapSet.keysSet bps
4033N/A , individuals = toIris $ MapSet.keysSet cs
4033N/A }
0N/A mkHint b i s = hint () ("not translated" ++ (if b then " op " else " pred ")
0N/A ++ shows i (if b then " :" else " : ") ++ showDoc s "") $ posOfId i
0N/A in do
0N/A s1 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
1178N/A l <- ml
0N/A return $ mkIndi False i
4033N/A (keepMinimals csig id $ map opRes $ Set.toList s) : l)
4033N/A (return sortSens) (MapSet.toMap cs)
4033N/A s2 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
0N/A l <- ml
4033N/A let sl = Set.toList s
0N/A mki = mk "plain function " i
4033N/A case (keepMaxs $ concatMap opArgs sl, keepMaxs $ map opRes sl) of
0N/A ([a], [r]) -> return
4033N/A $ [ mki " character" $ ListFrameBit Nothing
4033N/A $ ObjectCharacteristics [([], Functional)]
4033N/A , mki " domain" $ mkDR ADomain a, mki " range" $ mkDR ARange r]
0N/A ++ l
4033N/A (as, rs) -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign2: " ++ show i ++ " args: "
0N/A ++ show as ++ " resulttypes: " ++ show rs)
4033N/A (return s1) (MapSet.toMap sos)
4033N/A s3 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml -> do
4033N/A l <- ml
0N/A let mkp = mk "binary predicate " i
1178N/A case map keepMaxs . transpose . map predArgs $ Set.toList s of
0N/A [[a], [r]] -> return
0N/A $ [mkp " domain" $ mkDR ADomain a, mkp " range" $ mkDR ARange r]
0N/A ++ l
0N/A ts -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign3: " ++ show i ++ " types: " ++ show ts)
0N/A (return s2) (MapSet.toMap bps)
4033N/A s4 <- Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ml ->
4033N/A case keepMaxs $ concatMap predArgs $ Set.toList s of
0N/A [r] -> do
0N/A l <- ml
0N/A return $ makeNamed ("plain predicate " ++ show i) (toSC r [i]) : l
0N/A ts -> fail $ "CASL2OWL.mapSign4: " ++ show i ++ " types: " ++ show ts)
1178N/A (return s3) (MapSet.toMap sps)
0N/A MapSet.foldWithKey (\ i s m -> m >> mkHint True i s) (return ()) os
0N/A MapSet.foldWithKey (\ i s m -> m >> mkHint False i s) (return ()) ps
0N/A return (osig, s4)
0N/A{- binary predicates and single argument functions should become
4033N/A objectProperties.
4033N/A Serge also turned constructors into concepts.
1178N/A How to treat multi-argument predicates and functions?
1178N/A Maybe create tuple concepts?
0N/AmapTheory :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f)
=> (CS.Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Result (OS.Sign, [Named Axiom])
mapTheory (sig, sens) = do
let mor = disambigSig sig
tar = mtarget mor
ns = map (mapNamed $ MapSen.mapMorphForm (const id) mor) sens
mapM_ (flip (hint ()) nullRange
. ("not translated\n" ++) . show . printTheoryFormula
. mapNamed (simplifySen (const return) (const id) tar)) ns
mapSign tar
-- | translate to a valid OWL string
transString :: String -> String
transString str = let
x = 'X'
replaceChar1 d | d == x = [x, x] -- code out existing x!
| isAlphaNum d = [d]
| otherwise = x : replaceChar d
in case str of
"" -> [x]
c : s -> let l = replaceChar1 c in
(if isDigit c then [x, c]
else l) ++ concatMap replaceChar1 s
-- | injective replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
-- <>
replaceChar c = if isAlphaNum c then [c] else lookupCharMap c