AS.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/AS.hs
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
OWL 2 Functional Syntax constructs
module OWL2.AS where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords (stringS)
import Common.IRI
import Common.Result
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import OWL2.Keywords
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | checks if an IRI is an anonymous individual
isAnonymous :: IRI -> Bool
isAnonymous i = prefixName i == "_" && isBlankNode i
-- | prefix -> localname
type PrefixMap = Map.Map String String
predefPrefixes :: PrefixMap
predefPrefixes = Map.fromList
[ ("owl", "")
, ("rdf", "")
, ("rdfs", "")
, ("xsd", "")
, ("", showIRICompact dummyIRI ++ "#") ]
type LexicalForm = String
type LanguageTag = String
type ImportIRI = IRI
type OntologyIRI = IRI
type Class = IRI
type Datatype = IRI
type ObjectProperty = IRI
type DataProperty = IRI
type AnnotationProperty = IRI
type Individual = IRI
data EquivOrDisjoint = Equivalent | Disjoint
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showEquivOrDisjoint :: EquivOrDisjoint -> String
showEquivOrDisjoint ed = case ed of
Equivalent -> equivalentToC
Disjoint -> disjointWithC
data DomainOrRange = ADomain | ARange
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showDomainOrRange :: DomainOrRange -> String
showDomainOrRange dr = case dr of
ADomain -> domainC
ARange -> rangeC
data SameOrDifferent = Same | Different
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showSameOrDifferent :: SameOrDifferent -> String
showSameOrDifferent sd = case sd of
Same -> sameAsC
Different -> differentFromC
data Relation =
EDRelation EquivOrDisjoint
| SubPropertyOf
| InverseOf
| SubClass
| Types
| DRRelation DomainOrRange
| SDRelation SameOrDifferent
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showRelation :: Relation -> String
showRelation r = case r of
EDRelation ed -> showEquivOrDisjoint ed
SubPropertyOf -> subPropertyOfC
InverseOf -> inverseOfC
SubClass -> subClassOfC
Types -> typesC
DRRelation dr -> showDomainOrRange dr
SDRelation sd -> showSameOrDifferent sd
getED :: Relation -> EquivOrDisjoint
getED r = case r of
EDRelation ed -> ed
_ -> error "not domain or range"
getDR :: Relation -> DomainOrRange
getDR r = case r of
DRRelation dr -> dr
_ -> error "not domain or range"
getSD :: Relation -> SameOrDifferent
getSD s = case s of
SDRelation sd -> sd
_ -> error "not same or different"
data Character =
| InverseFunctional
| Reflexive
| Irreflexive
| Symmetric
| Asymmetric
| Antisymmetric
| Transitive
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data PositiveOrNegative = Positive | Negative
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data QuantifierType = AllValuesFrom | SomeValuesFrom
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showQuantifierType :: QuantifierType -> String
showQuantifierType ty = case ty of
AllValuesFrom -> onlyS
SomeValuesFrom -> someS
-- * Predefined IRI checkings
thingMap :: PreDefMaps
thingMap = makeOWLPredefMaps predefClass
isThing :: IRI -> Bool
isThing = checkPredef thingMap
makePredefObjProp :: PreDefMaps
makePredefObjProp = makeOWLPredefMaps predefObjProp
isPredefObjProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefObjProp = checkPredef makePredefObjProp
makePredefDataProp :: PreDefMaps
makePredefDataProp = makeOWLPredefMaps predefDataProp
isPredefDataProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefDataProp = checkPredef makePredefDataProp
makePredefRDFSAnnoProp :: PreDefMaps
makePredefRDFSAnnoProp = preDefMaps predefRDFSAnnoProps "rdfs"
isPredefRDFSAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefRDFSAnnoProp = checkPredef makePredefRDFSAnnoProp
makePredefOWLAnnoProp :: PreDefMaps
makePredefOWLAnnoProp = makeOWLPredefMaps predefOWLAnnoProps
isPredefOWLAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefOWLAnnoProp = checkPredef makePredefOWLAnnoProp
isPredefAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefAnnoProp i = isPredefOWLAnnoProp i || isPredefRDFSAnnoProp i
isPredefPropOrClass :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefPropOrClass i = isPredefAnnoProp i || isPredefDataProp i
|| isPredefObjProp i || isThing i
predefIRIs :: Set.Set IRI
predefIRIs = Set.fromList $ map (setPrefix "xsd" . mkIRI) xsdKeys
++ map (setPrefix "owl" . mkIRI) owlNumbers
++ map (setPrefix "rdf" . mkIRI) [rdfsLiteral, stringS]
++ [setPrefix "rdfs" $ mkIRI xmlLiteral]
isDatatypeKey :: IRI -> Bool
isDatatypeKey = not . null . isDatatypeKeyAux
xsdMap :: PreDefMaps
xsdMap = makeXsdMap xsdKeys
owlNumbersMap :: PreDefMaps
owlNumbersMap = makeOWLPredefMaps owlNumbers
rdfMap :: PreDefMaps
rdfMap = preDefMaps [xmlLiteral, stringS] "rdf"
rdfsMap :: PreDefMaps
rdfsMap = preDefMaps [rdfsLiteral] "rdfs"
isDatatypeKeyAux :: IRI -> [(String, String)]
isDatatypeKeyAux i = mapMaybe (`checkPredefAux` i)
[ xsdMap, owlNumbersMap, rdfMap, rdfsMap ]
type PreDefMaps = ([String], String, String)
preDefMaps :: [String] -> String -> PreDefMaps
preDefMaps sl pref = let
Just puri = Map.lookup pref predefPrefixes
Just sp = stripPrefix "" puri
in (sl, pref, sp)
checkPredefAux :: PreDefMaps -> IRI -> Maybe (String, String)
checkPredefAux (sl, pref, exPref) u =
let lp = show $ iriPath u
res = Just (pref, lp)
in case prefixName u of
"http" -> case stripPrefix "//www." lp of
Just q -> case stripPrefix "" q of
Just r -> case stripPrefix exPref r of
Just s | elem s sl -> Just (pref, s)
_ -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
pu | elem lp sl -> case pu of
"" -> let ex = iriToStringUnsecure u in
case stripPrefix "http://www." ex of
Just r | r == "" ++ exPref ++ lp -- || r == lp
-> res
_ | null ex -> res
_ -> Nothing
_ | pref == pu || pref ++ ":" == pu -> Just (pref, lp)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
checkPredef :: PreDefMaps -> IRI -> Bool
checkPredef ms = isJust . checkPredefAux ms
makeOWLPredefMaps :: [String] -> PreDefMaps
makeOWLPredefMaps sl = preDefMaps sl "owl"
-- | sets the correct prefix for the predefined datatypes
setDatatypePrefix :: IRI -> IRI
setDatatypePrefix i = case isDatatypeKeyAux i of
(p, l) : _ -> setPrefix p $ mkIRI l
_ -> error $ showIRICompact i ++ " is not a predefined datatype"
-- | checks if the IRI is part of the built-in ones and puts the correct prefix
setReservedPrefix :: IRI -> IRI
setReservedPrefix i = case prefixName i of
| isDatatypeKey i -> setDatatypePrefix i
| isThing i || isPredefDataProp i || isPredefOWLAnnoProp i
|| isPredefObjProp i -> setPrefix "owl" i
| isPredefRDFSAnnoProp i -> setPrefix "rdfs" i
_ -> i
stripReservedPrefix :: IRI -> IRI
stripReservedPrefix = idToIRI . uriToId
{- | Extracts Id from IRI
returns the name of the predefined IRI (e.g <xsd:string> returns "string"
or <> returns "real") -}
uriToId :: IRI -> Id
uriToId i =
if (prefixName i `elem` ["", "xsd", "rdf", "rdfs", "owl"])
|| ( null (iriScheme i)
&& null (iriQuery i)
&& null (iriFragment i)
&& isNothing (iriAuthority i))
then iriPath i
else stringToId $ case mapMaybe (`stripPrefix` showIRICompact i)
$ Map.elems predefPrefixes of
[s] -> s
_ -> showIRIFull i
getPredefName :: IRI -> String
getPredefName = show . uriToId
-- | Extracts Token from IRI
uriToTok :: IRI -> Token
uriToTok = mkSimpleId . show . getPredefName
-- | Extracts Id from Entities
entityToId :: Entity -> Id
entityToId = uriToId . cutIRI
printDatatype :: IRI -> String
printDatatype dt = showIRICompact $
if isDatatypeKey dt then stripReservedPrefix dt else dt
data DatatypeCat = OWL2Number | OWL2String | OWL2Bool | Other
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
getDatatypeCat :: IRI -> DatatypeCat
getDatatypeCat i = case isDatatypeKey i of
| checkPredef xsdBooleanMap i -> OWL2Bool
| checkPredef xsdNumbersMap i || checkPredef owlNumbersMap i
-> OWL2Number
| checkPredef xsdStringsMap i -> OWL2String
| otherwise -> Other
False -> Other
makeXsdMap :: [String] -> PreDefMaps
makeXsdMap sl = preDefMaps sl "xsd"
xsdBooleanMap :: PreDefMaps
xsdBooleanMap = makeXsdMap [booleanS]
xsdNumbersMap :: PreDefMaps
xsdNumbersMap = makeXsdMap xsdNumbers
xsdStringsMap :: PreDefMaps
xsdStringsMap = makeXsdMap xsdStrings
facetToIRI :: DatatypeFacet -> ConstrainingFacet
facetToIRI = setPrefix "xsd" . mkIRI . showFacet
-- * Cardinalities
data CardinalityType = MinCardinality | MaxCardinality | ExactCardinality
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showCardinalityType :: CardinalityType -> String
showCardinalityType ty = case ty of
MinCardinality -> minS
MaxCardinality -> maxS
ExactCardinality -> exactlyS
data Cardinality a b = Cardinality CardinalityType Int a (Maybe b)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data JunctionType = UnionOf | IntersectionOf
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
type ConstrainingFacet = IRI
type RestrictionValue = Literal
data Entity = Entity
{ label :: Maybe String
, entityKind :: EntityType
, cutIRI :: IRI }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkEntity :: EntityType -> IRI -> Entity
mkEntity = Entity Nothing
mkEntityLbl :: String -> EntityType -> IRI -> Entity
mkEntityLbl = Entity . Just
instance Ord Entity where
compare (Entity _ ek1 ir1) (Entity _ ek2 ir2) = compare (ek1, ir1) (ek2, ir2)
instance Eq Entity where
e1 == e2 = compare e1 e2 == EQ
instance GetRange Entity where
getRange = iriPos . cutIRI
rangeSpan = iRIRange . cutIRI
data EntityType =
| Class
| ObjectProperty
| DataProperty
| AnnotationProperty
| NamedIndividual
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
showEntityType :: EntityType -> String
showEntityType e = case e of
Datatype -> datatypeC
Class -> classC
ObjectProperty -> objectPropertyC
DataProperty -> dataPropertyC
AnnotationProperty -> annotationPropertyC
NamedIndividual -> individualC
entityTypes :: [EntityType]
entityTypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
pairSymbols :: Entity -> Entity -> Result Entity -- TODO: improve!
pairSymbols (Entity lb1 k1 i1) (Entity lb2 k2 i2) =
if k1 /= k2 then
error "can't pair symbols of different kind"
else do
let rest x = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '#') x
pairLables lbl1 lbl2 = case (lbl1, lbl2) of
(Nothing, _) -> pairLables lbl2 lbl1
(Just l1, Just l2) | l1 /= l2 -> Just $ l1 ++ ", " ++ l2
_ -> lbl1
pairIRIs iri1 iri2 = nullIRI
{ prefixName = prefixName iri1
, iriPath = if rest (show $ iriPath iri1) ==
rest (show $ iriPath iri2)
then iriPath iri1
else appendId (iriPath iri1) (iriPath iri2)
} -- TODO: improve, see #1597
return $ Entity (pairLables lb1 lb2) k1 $ pairIRIs i1 i2
data TypedOrUntyped = Typed Datatype | Untyped (Maybe LanguageTag)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data Literal = Literal LexicalForm TypedOrUntyped | NumberLit FloatLit
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | non-negative integers given by the sequence of digits
data NNInt = NNInt [Int] deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show NNInt where
show (NNInt l) = map intToDigit l
zeroNNInt :: NNInt
zeroNNInt = NNInt []
isZeroNNInt :: NNInt -> Bool
isZeroNNInt (NNInt l) = null l
data IntLit = IntLit
{ absInt :: NNInt
, isNegInt :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show IntLit where
show (IntLit n b) = (if b then ('-' :) else id) $ show n
zeroInt :: IntLit
zeroInt = IntLit zeroNNInt False
isZeroInt :: IntLit -> Bool
isZeroInt (IntLit n _) = isZeroNNInt n
negNNInt :: Bool -> NNInt -> IntLit
negNNInt b n = IntLit n b
negInt :: IntLit -> IntLit
negInt (IntLit n b) = IntLit n $ not b
data DecLit = DecLit
{ truncDec :: IntLit
, fracDec :: NNInt }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show DecLit where
show (DecLit t f) = show t
++ if isZeroNNInt f then "" else
'.' : show f
isDecInt :: DecLit -> Bool
isDecInt = isZeroNNInt . fracDec
negDec :: Bool -> DecLit -> DecLit
negDec b (DecLit t f) = DecLit (if b then negInt t else t) f
data FloatLit = FloatLit
{ floatBase :: DecLit
, floatExp :: IntLit }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show FloatLit where
show (FloatLit b e) = show b
++ if isZeroInt e then "" else
'E' : show e ++ "F"
isFloatDec :: FloatLit -> Bool
isFloatDec = isZeroInt . floatExp
isFloatInt :: FloatLit -> Bool
isFloatInt f = isFloatDec f && isDecInt (floatBase f)
floatToInt :: FloatLit -> IntLit
floatToInt = truncDec . floatBase
intToDec :: IntLit -> DecLit
intToDec i = DecLit i zeroNNInt
decToFloat :: DecLit -> FloatLit
decToFloat d = FloatLit d zeroInt
intToFloat :: IntLit -> FloatLit
intToFloat = decToFloat . intToDec
abInt :: IntLit -> IntLit
abInt int = int {isNegInt = False}
abDec :: DecLit -> DecLit
abDec dec = dec {truncDec = abInt $ truncDec dec}
abFloat :: FloatLit -> FloatLit
abFloat f = f {floatBase = abDec $ floatBase f}
isNegDec :: DecLit -> Bool
isNegDec d = isNegInt $ truncDec d
numberName :: FloatLit -> String
numberName f
| isFloatInt f = integerS
| isFloatDec f = decimalS
| otherwise = floatS
cTypeS :: String
cTypeS = "^^"
type InverseObjectProperty = ObjectPropertyExpression
data ObjectPropertyExpression = ObjectProp ObjectProperty
| ObjectInverseOf InverseObjectProperty
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
objPropToIRI :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Individual
objPropToIRI opExp = case opExp of
ObjectProp u -> u
ObjectInverseOf objProp -> objPropToIRI objProp
type DataPropertyExpression = DataProperty
data DataRange =
DataType Datatype [(ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)]
| DataJunction JunctionType [DataRange]
| DataComplementOf DataRange
| DataOneOf [Literal]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data ClassExpression =
Expression Class
| ObjectJunction JunctionType [ClassExpression]
| ObjectComplementOf ClassExpression
| ObjectOneOf [Individual]
| ObjectValuesFrom QuantifierType ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression
| ObjectHasValue ObjectPropertyExpression Individual
| ObjectHasSelf ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression)
| DataValuesFrom QuantifierType DataPropertyExpression DataRange
| DataHasValue DataPropertyExpression Literal
| DataCardinality (Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data Annotation = Annotation [Annotation] AnnotationProperty AnnotationValue
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data AnnotationValue = AnnValue IRI | AnnValLit Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)