AS.hs revision 771c32080c77497c6c023a3b1c422f7daf3773f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
OWL 2 Functional Syntax constructs
module OWL2.AS where
import Common.Id
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import OWL2.Keywords
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data IRIType = Full | Abbreviated | NodeID
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- | full or abbreviated IRIs with a possible uri for the prefix
or a local part following a hash sign -}
data QName = QN
{ namePrefix :: String
-- ^ the name prefix part of a qualified name \"namePrefix:localPart\"
, localPart :: String
-- ^ the local part of a qualified name \"namePrefix:localPart\"
, iriType :: IRIType
, expandedIRI :: String
-- ^ the associated namespace uri (not printed)
, iriPos :: Range
} deriving Show
instance Eq QName where
p == q = compare p q == EQ
instance Ord QName where
compare (QN p1 l1 b1 n1 _) (QN p2 l2 b2 n2 _) =
if null n1 || null n2 then compare (b1, p1, l1) (b2, p2, l2) else
compare n1 n2 -- compare fully expanded names only
instance GetRange QName where
getRange = iriPos
showQN :: QName -> String
showQN q = (if iriType q /= Abbreviated then showQI else showQU) q
-- | show QName as abbreviated iri
showQU :: QName -> String
showQU (QN pre local _ _ _) =
if null pre then local else pre ++ ":" ++ local
-- | show QName in ankle brackets as full iris
showQI :: QName -> String
showQI = ('<' :) . (++ ">") . showQU
nullQName :: QName
nullQName = QN "" "" Abbreviated "" nullRange
isNullQName :: QName -> Bool
isNullQName qn = case qn of
QN "" "" _ "" _ -> True
_ -> False
dummyQName :: QName
dummyQName =
QN "http" "//" Full "" nullRange
mkQName :: String -> QName
mkQName s = nullQName { localPart = s }
setQRange :: Range -> QName -> QName
setQRange r q = q { iriPos = r }
setPrefix :: String -> QName -> QName
setPrefix s q = q { namePrefix = s }
setFull :: QName -> QName
setFull q = q {iriType = Full}
type IRI = QName
-- | checks if an IRI is an anonymous individual
isAnonymous :: IRI -> Bool
isAnonymous iri = iriType iri == NodeID
-- | checks if a string (bound to be localPart of an IRI) contains \":\/\/\"
cssIRI :: String -> IRIType
cssIRI iri = if isInfixOf "://" iri then Full else Abbreviated
-- | prefix -> localname
type PrefixMap = Map.Map String String
predefPrefixes :: PrefixMap
predefPrefixes = Map.fromList
[ ("owl", "")
, ("rdf", "")
, ("rdfs", "")
, ("xsd", "")
, ("", showQU dummyQName ++ "#") ]
type LexicalForm = String
type LanguageTag = String
type ImportIRI = IRI
type OntologyIRI = IRI
type Class = IRI
type Datatype = IRI
type ObjectProperty = IRI
type DataProperty = IRI
type AnnotationProperty = IRI
type NamedIndividual = IRI
type Individual = IRI
data EquivOrDisjoint = Equivalent | Disjoint
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showEquivOrDisjoint :: EquivOrDisjoint -> String
showEquivOrDisjoint ed = case ed of
Equivalent -> equivalentToC
Disjoint -> disjointWithC
data DomainOrRange = ADomain | ARange
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showDomainOrRange :: DomainOrRange -> String
showDomainOrRange dr = case dr of
ADomain -> domainC
ARange -> rangeC
data SameOrDifferent = Same | Different
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showSameOrDifferent :: SameOrDifferent -> String
showSameOrDifferent sd = case sd of
Same -> sameAsC
Different -> differentFromC
data Relation =
EDRelation EquivOrDisjoint
| SubPropertyOf
| InverseOf
| SubClass
| Types
| DRRelation DomainOrRange
| SDRelation SameOrDifferent
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showRelation :: Relation -> String
showRelation r = case r of
EDRelation ed -> showEquivOrDisjoint ed
SubPropertyOf -> subPropertyOfC
InverseOf -> inverseOfC
SubClass -> subClassOfC
Types -> typesC
DRRelation dr -> showDomainOrRange dr
SDRelation sd -> showSameOrDifferent sd
getED :: Relation -> EquivOrDisjoint
getED r = case r of
EDRelation ed -> ed
_ -> error "not domain or range"
getDR :: Relation -> DomainOrRange
getDR r = case r of
DRRelation dr -> dr
_ -> error "not domain or range"
getSD :: Relation -> SameOrDifferent
getSD s = case s of
SDRelation sd -> sd
_ -> error "not same or different"
data Character =
| InverseFunctional
| Reflexive
| Irreflexive
| Symmetric
| Asymmetric
| Antisymmetric
| Transitive
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Eq, Ord)
data PositiveOrNegative = Positive | Negative
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data QuantifierType = AllValuesFrom | SomeValuesFrom
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showQuantifierType :: QuantifierType -> String
showQuantifierType ty = case ty of
AllValuesFrom -> onlyS
SomeValuesFrom -> someS
-- * Predefined IRI checkings
isThing :: IRI -> Bool
isThing = isOWLPredef predefClass
isPredefObjProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefObjProp = isOWLPredef predefObjProp
isPredefDataProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefDataProp = isOWLPredef predefDataProp
isPredefRDFSAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefRDFSAnnoProp = checkPredef predefRDFSAnnoProps "rdfs"
isPredefOWLAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefOWLAnnoProp = isOWLPredef predefOWLAnnoProps
isPredefAnnoProp :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefAnnoProp iri = isPredefOWLAnnoProp iri || isPredefRDFSAnnoProp iri
isPredefPropOrClass :: IRI -> Bool
isPredefPropOrClass iri = isPredefAnnoProp iri || isPredefDataProp iri
|| isPredefObjProp iri || isThing iri
predefIRIs :: [IRI]
predefIRIs = map (setPrefix "xsd" . mkQName) xsdKeys
++ map (setPrefix "owl" . mkQName) owlNumbers
++ [setPrefix "rdf" (mkQName rdfsLiteral),
setPrefix "rdfs" $ mkQName xmlLiteral]
isDatatypeKey :: IRI -> Bool
isDatatypeKey iri = any (\ (l, p) -> checkPredef l p iri) [(xsdKeys, "xsd"),
(owlNumbers, "owl"), ([xmlLiteral], "rdf"), ([rdfsLiteral], "rdfs")]
checkPredef :: [String] -> String -> IRI -> Bool
checkPredef sl pref u =
localPart u `elem` sl && elem (namePrefix u) ["", pref]
|| showQU u `elem` map (Map.findWithDefault
(error $ "not predefined prefix: " ++ show pref)
pref (predefPrefixes `Map.difference`
Map.fromList [("", showQU dummyQName ++ "#")]) ++) sl
isOWLPredef :: [String] -> IRI -> Bool
isOWLPredef sl = checkPredef sl "owl"
-- | sets the correct prefix for the predefined datatypes
setDatatypePrefix :: IRI -> IRI
setDatatypePrefix iri = let lp = localPart iri in
if lp `elem` xsdKeys
then setPrefix "xsd" iri
else if lp `elem` owlNumbers
then setPrefix "owl" iri
else case lp of
"XMLLiteral" -> setPrefix "rdf" iri
"Literal" -> setPrefix "rdfs" iri
_ -> error $ showQU iri ++ " is not a predefined datatype"
-- | checks if the IRI is part of the built-in ones and puts the correct prefix
setReservedPrefix :: IRI -> IRI
setReservedPrefix iri
| isDatatypeKey iri && null (namePrefix iri) = setDatatypePrefix iri
| (isThing iri || isPredefDataProp iri || isPredefOWLAnnoProp iri
|| isPredefObjProp iri) && null (namePrefix iri) = setPrefix "owl" iri
| isPredefRDFSAnnoProp iri = setPrefix "rdfs" iri
| otherwise = iri
stripReservedPrefix :: IRI -> IRI
stripReservedPrefix = mkQName . getPredefName
{- | returns the name of the predefined IRI (e.g <xsd:string> returns "string"
or <> returns "real") -}
getPredefName :: IRI -> String
getPredefName iri =
if namePrefix iri `elem` ["", "xsd", "rdf", "rdfs", "owl"]
then localPart iri
else case mapMaybe (`stripPrefix` showQU iri)
$ Map.elems predefPrefixes of
[s] -> s
_ -> error $ showQU iri ++ " is not a predefined IRI"
printDatatype :: IRI -> String
printDatatype dt = showQU $
if isDatatypeKey dt then stripReservedPrefix dt else dt
data DatatypeCat = OWL2Number | OWL2String | OWL2Bool | Other
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
getDatatypeCat :: IRI -> DatatypeCat
getDatatypeCat iri = case isDatatypeKey iri of
| hasPrefXSD [booleanS] iri -> OWL2Bool
| hasPrefXSD xsdNumbers iri || checkPredef owlNumbers "owl" iri
-> OWL2Number
| hasPrefXSD xsdStrings iri -> OWL2String
| otherwise -> Other
False -> Other
hasPrefXSD :: [String] -> IRI -> Bool
hasPrefXSD sl = checkPredef sl "xsd"
facetToIRI :: DatatypeFacet -> ConstrainingFacet
facetToIRI = setPrefix "xsd" . mkQName . showFacet
-- * Cardinalities
data CardinalityType = MinCardinality | MaxCardinality | ExactCardinality
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showCardinalityType :: CardinalityType -> String
showCardinalityType ty = case ty of
MinCardinality -> minS
MaxCardinality -> maxS
ExactCardinality -> exactlyS
data Cardinality a b = Cardinality CardinalityType Int a (Maybe b)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data JunctionType = UnionOf | IntersectionOf
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type ConstrainingFacet = IRI
type RestrictionValue = Literal
data Entity = Entity EntityType IRI deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Entity where
getRange (Entity _ iri) = iriPos iri
data EntityType =
| Class
| ObjectProperty
| DataProperty
| AnnotationProperty
| NamedIndividual
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
showEntityType :: EntityType -> String
showEntityType e = case e of
Datatype -> datatypeC
Class -> classC
ObjectProperty -> objectPropertyC
DataProperty -> dataPropertyC
AnnotationProperty -> annotationPropertyC
NamedIndividual -> individualC
entityTypes :: [EntityType]
entityTypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
cutIRI :: Entity -> IRI
cutIRI (Entity _ iri) = iri
data TypedOrUntyped = Typed Datatype | Untyped (Maybe LanguageTag)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Literal = Literal LexicalForm TypedOrUntyped | NumberLit FloatLit
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | non-negative integers given by the sequence of digits
data NNInt = NNInt [Int] deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show NNInt where
show (NNInt l) = map intToDigit l
zeroNNInt :: NNInt
zeroNNInt = NNInt []
isZeroNNInt :: NNInt -> Bool
isZeroNNInt (NNInt l) = null l
data IntLit = IntLit
{ absInt :: NNInt
, isNegInt :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show IntLit where
show (IntLit n b) = (if b then ('-' :) else id) $ show n
zeroInt :: IntLit
zeroInt = IntLit zeroNNInt False
isZeroInt :: IntLit -> Bool
isZeroInt (IntLit n _) = isZeroNNInt n
negNNInt :: Bool -> NNInt -> IntLit
negNNInt b n = IntLit n b
negInt :: IntLit -> IntLit
negInt (IntLit n b) = IntLit n $ not b
data DecLit = DecLit
{ truncDec :: IntLit
, fracDec :: NNInt }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show DecLit where
show (DecLit t f) = show t
++ if isZeroNNInt f then "" else
'.' : show f
isDecInt :: DecLit -> Bool
isDecInt = isZeroNNInt . fracDec
negDec :: Bool -> DecLit -> DecLit
negDec b (DecLit t f) = DecLit (if b then negInt t else t) f
data FloatLit = FloatLit
{ floatBase :: DecLit
, floatExp :: IntLit }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show FloatLit where
show (FloatLit b e) = show b
++ if isZeroInt e then "" else
'E' : show e ++ "F"
isFloatDec :: FloatLit -> Bool
isFloatDec = isZeroInt . floatExp
isFloatInt :: FloatLit -> Bool
isFloatInt f = isFloatDec f && isDecInt (floatBase f)
floatToInt :: FloatLit -> IntLit
floatToInt = truncDec . floatBase
intToDec :: IntLit -> DecLit
intToDec i = DecLit i zeroNNInt
decToFloat :: DecLit -> FloatLit
decToFloat d = FloatLit d zeroInt
intToFloat :: IntLit -> FloatLit
intToFloat = decToFloat . intToDec
abInt :: IntLit -> IntLit
abInt int = int {isNegInt = False}
abDec :: DecLit -> DecLit
abDec dec = dec {truncDec = abInt $ truncDec dec}
abFloat :: FloatLit -> FloatLit
abFloat f = f {floatBase = abDec $ floatBase f}
isNegDec :: DecLit -> Bool
isNegDec d = isNegInt $ truncDec d
numberName :: FloatLit -> String
numberName f
| isFloatInt f = integerS
| isFloatDec f = decimalS
| otherwise = floatS
cTypeS :: String
cTypeS = "^^"
type InverseObjectProperty = ObjectPropertyExpression
data ObjectPropertyExpression = ObjectProp ObjectProperty
| ObjectInverseOf InverseObjectProperty
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type DataPropertyExpression = DataProperty
data DataRange =
DataType Datatype [(ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)]
| DataJunction JunctionType [DataRange]
| DataComplementOf DataRange
| DataOneOf [Literal]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ClassExpression =
Expression Class
| ObjectJunction JunctionType [ClassExpression]
| ObjectComplementOf ClassExpression
| ObjectOneOf [Individual]
| ObjectValuesFrom QuantifierType ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression
| ObjectHasValue ObjectPropertyExpression Individual
| ObjectHasSelf ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression)
| DataValuesFrom QuantifierType DataPropertyExpression DataRange
| DataHasValue DataPropertyExpression Literal
| DataCardinality (Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Annotation = Annotation [Annotation] AnnotationProperty AnnotationValue
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnnotationValue = AnnValue IRI | AnnValLit Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)