AS.hs revision 15f3de39c0f1db5f5adf6180d956e7dc578c3f52
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(deriving Typeable)
Contains : Common datatypes for the Functional and Manchester Syntaxes of OWl 2
References : <>
module OWL2.AS where
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id (GetRange)
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Map as Map
{- | full or abbreviated IRIs with a possible uri for the prefix
or a local part following a hash sign -}
data QName = QN
{ namePrefix :: String
-- ^ the name prefix part of a qualified name \"namePrefix:localPart\"
, localPart :: String
-- ^ the local part of a qualified name \"namePrefix:localPart\"
, isFullIri :: Bool
, namespaceUri :: String
-- ^ the associated namespace uri (not printed)
} deriving Show
showQN :: QName -> String
showQN q = (if isFullIri q then showQI else showQU) q
-- | show QName as abbreviated iri
showQU :: QName -> String
showQU (QN pre local _ _) =
if null pre then local else pre ++ ":" ++ local
-- | show QName in ankle brackets as full iris
showQI :: QName -> String
showQI = ('<' :) . (++ ">") . showQU
nullQName :: QName
nullQName = QN "" "" False ""
dummyQName :: QName
dummyQName = QN "http" "//" True ""
mkQName :: String -> QName
mkQName s = nullQName { localPart = s }
instance Eq QName where
p == q = compare p q == EQ
instance Ord QName where
compare (QN p1 l1 b1 n1) (QN p2 l2 b2 n2) =
if null n1 then
if null n2 then compare (b1, p1, l1) (b2, p2, l2) else LT
else if null n2 then GT else compare (b1, l1, n1) (b2, l2, n2)
type IRIreference = QName
type IRI = QName
-- | prefix -> localname
type PrefixMap = Map.Map String String
type NodeID = IRI
type LexicalForm = String
type LanguageTag = String
type PrefixName = String
type ImportIRI = IRI
type OntologyIRI = IRI
type Class = IRI
type Datatype = IRI
type ObjectProperty = IRI
type DataProperty = IRI
type AnnotationProperty = IRI
type NamedIndividual = IRI
type Individual = IRI
data TypedOrUntyped = Typed Datatype | Untyped (Maybe LanguageTag)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Literal = Literal LexicalForm TypedOrUntyped
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
cTypeS :: String
cTypeS = "^^"
-- | a lexical representation either with an "^^" URI (typed) or
-- an optional language tag starting with "\@" (untyped)
type InverseObjectProperty = ObjectPropertyExpression
data ObjectPropertyExpression = ObjectProp ObjectProperty
| ObjectInverseOf InverseObjectProperty
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type DataPropertyExpression = DataProperty
data SubObjectPropertyExpression
= OPExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| SubObjectPropertyChain [ObjectPropertyExpression] -- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | data type strings (some are not listed in the grammar)
datatypeKeys :: [String]
datatypeKeys =
[ booleanS
, decimalS
, floatS
, integerS
, negativeIntegerS
, nonNegativeIntegerS
, nonPositiveIntegerS
, positiveIntegerS
, stringS
, universalS
data DatatypeFacet =
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showFacet :: DatatypeFacet -> String
showFacet df = case df of
LENGTH -> lengthS
MINLENGTH -> minLengthS
MAXLENGTH -> maxLengthS
PATTERN -> patternS
data DataRange
= DataType Datatype [(ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)]
| DataJunction JunctionType [DataRange]
-- at least two elements in the list
| DataComplementOf DataRange
| DataOneOf [Literal] -- at least one element in the list
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data JunctionType = UnionOf | IntersectionOf deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type ConstrainingFacet = IRI
type RestrictionValue = Literal
data QuantifierType = AllValuesFrom | SomeValuesFrom deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showQuantifierType :: QuantifierType -> String
showQuantifierType ty = case ty of
AllValuesFrom -> onlyS
SomeValuesFrom -> someS
data CardinalityType = MinCardinality | MaxCardinality | ExactCardinality
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showCardinalityType :: CardinalityType -> String
showCardinalityType ty = case ty of
MinCardinality -> minS
MaxCardinality -> maxS
ExactCardinality -> exactlyS
data Cardinality a b = Cardinality CardinalityType Int a (Maybe b)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ClassExpression =
Expression Class
| ObjectJunction JunctionType [ClassExpression] -- min. 2 ClassExpressions
| ObjectComplementOf ClassExpression
| ObjectOneOf [Individual] -- min. 1 Individual
| ObjectValuesFrom QuantifierType ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression
| ObjectHasValue ObjectPropertyExpression Individual
| ObjectHasSelf ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression)
| DataValuesFrom QuantifierType
DataPropertyExpression [DataPropertyExpression] DataRange
| DataHasValue DataPropertyExpression Literal
| DataCardinality (Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Annotation = Annotation [Annotation] AnnotationProperty AnnotationValue
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnnotationAxiom
= AnnotationAssertion [Annotation] IRI
| AnnotationAxiom Relation [Annotation] AnnotationProperty IRI
| AnnDomainOrRange AnnotationDomainOrRange [Annotation] AnnotationProperty IRI
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data AnnotationDomainOrRange = AnnDomain | AnnRange deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showAnnDomainOrRange :: AnnotationDomainOrRange -> String
showAnnDomainOrRange dr = case dr of
AnnDomain -> domainC
AnnRange -> rangeC
data AnnotationValue
= AnnValue IRI
| AnnValLit Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Entity = Entity EntityType IRI deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Entity
data EntityType =
| Class
| ObjectProperty
| DataProperty
| AnnotationProperty
| NamedIndividual
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
showEntityType :: EntityType -> String
showEntityType e = case e of
Datatype -> datatypeC
Class -> classC
ObjectProperty -> objectPropertyC
DataProperty -> dataPropertyC
AnnotationProperty -> annotationPropertyC
NamedIndividual -> individualC
entityTypes :: [EntityType]
entityTypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
type SourceIndividual = Individual
type TargetIndividual = Individual
type TargetValue = Literal
data Relation =
| Disjoint
| SubPropertyOf
| InverseOf
| SubClass
| Types
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showRelation :: Relation -> String
showRelation ed = case ed of
Equivalent -> equivalentToC
Disjoint -> disjointWithC
SubPropertyOf -> subPropertyOfC
InverseOf -> inverseOfC
SubClass -> subClassOfC
Types -> typesC
data ObjDomainOrRange = ObjDomain | ObjRange deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showObjDomainOrRange :: ObjDomainOrRange -> String
showObjDomainOrRange dr = case dr of
ObjDomain -> domainC
ObjRange -> rangeC
data DataDomainOrRange = DataDomain ClassExpression | DataRange DataRange
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Character =
| InverseFunctional
| Reflexive
| Irreflexive
| Symmetric
| Asymmetric
| Antisymmetric
| Transitive
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Eq, Ord)
data SameOrDifferent = Same | Different | Individuals deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showSameOrDifferent :: SameOrDifferent -> String
showSameOrDifferent sd = case sd of
Same -> sameAsC
Different -> differentFromC
Individuals -> individualsC
data PositiveOrNegative = Positive | Negative deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)