Concepts.owl revision c4c2756a7ac6ba51ca2f35240bdb0cf99cf2092b
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<!DOCTYPE uridef[
<!ENTITY rdf "">
<!ENTITY rdfs "">
<!ENTITY owl "">
<!ENTITY xsd "">
<!ENTITY date "">
<!ENTITY time "">
<!ENTITY airport "">
This document uses entity types as a shorthand for URIs.
Download the source for a version with unexpanded entities.
xmlns:rdf= "&rdf;#"
xmlns:rdfs= "&rdfs;#"
xmlns:owl= "&owl;#"
xmlns:xsd= "&xsd;#"
xmlns= "&DEFAULT;#"
xml:base= "&DEFAULT;">
<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
DAML-S Coalition: Concepts used by the BravoAir
Example for DAML-S release 0.6, 15th Sept 2001
<!-- ########################################################################## -->
<!-- ## CONCEPTS FILE ######################################################### -->
<!-- ########################################################################## -->
<!-- # Flight Concepts
# ===============
# These concepts could be defined locally, but typically they should
# correspond to known concepts withing public ontologies to allow for
# general access and usage without prior knowledge of the BravoAir service
# -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Airport">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&airport;#AirportCodes"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="RoundTrip">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#boolean"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="FlightDate">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&date;#Date"/> -->
<!-- The definition of the compound entity "date" needs to be extended
here to include either a departure time or arrival time, i.e. the
filght must depart by, or arrive by...
<owl:Class rdf:ID="FlightItinerary">
<!-- Stub for an itinerary -->
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#string"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="FlightItineraryList">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#FlightItinerary"/> -->
<!-- NOTE - strictly incorrect, the correct format of
a list of flight itineraries should be determined
and inserted here! - T.Payne
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Confirmation">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#boolean"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ReservationNumber">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#integer"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="HaveFlight">
<owl:Class rdf:ID="FlightList">
<!-- placehodler for the definition of a list of flights -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="AcctName">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#string"/> -->
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Password">
<!-- <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&xsd;#string"/> -->
<!-- Quality Rating -->
<!-- This could exist within a defined ontology of quality ratings. For
now we stub a set of ratings for this example
<owl:Class rdf:ID="GoodRating">
This is just a placeholder for now.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="QualityRating">
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<QualityRating rdf:ID="qualityRating_Excellent"/>
<QualityRating rdf:ID="qualityRating_Good"/>
<QualityRating rdf:ID="qualityRating_Average"/>
<QualityRating rdf:ID="qualityRating_Poor"/>