Sublogic.hs revision 2c47bb55d963ff37dbae4a0a7701274fddb95fc8
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Sublogics for OWL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Here is the place where the class Logic is instantiated for OWL DL.
module OWL.Sublogic
( OWLSub(..)
, NumberRestrictions(..)
, OWLDatatypes(..)
, sl_top
, sl_bottom
, sl_max
, sl_name
, sl_ax
, sl_o_file
, sl_sig
, sl_mor
, pr_o_file
, pr_sig
, pr_mor
, printXSDName
) where
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Morphism
import OWL.Sign
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data NumberRestrictions = None | Unqualified | Qualified
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data OWLDatatypes = OWLDATA | OWLString |
OWLnormalizedString |
OWLBoolean | OWLDecimal | OWLFloat | OWLDouble |
OWLInteger | OWLnonNegativeInteger | OWLpositiveInteger |
OWLnonPositiveInteger | OWLnegativeInteger
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
printXSDName :: (Show a) => a -> [Char]
printXSDName dt =
drop 3 $ show dt
data OWLSub = OWLSub
numberRestrictions :: NumberRestrictions
, nominals :: Bool
, inverseRoles :: Bool
, roleTransitivity :: Bool
, roleHierarchy :: Bool
, complexRoleInclusions :: Bool
, addFeatures :: Bool
, datatype :: Set.Set OWLDatatypes
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | sROIQ(D)
sl_top :: OWLSub
sl_top = OWLSub
numberRestrictions = Qualified
, nominals = True
, inverseRoles = True
, roleTransitivity = True
, roleHierarchy = True
, complexRoleInclusions = True
, addFeatures = True
, datatype = Set.fromList [OWLDATA
, OWLString
, OWLnormalizedString
, OWLBoolean
, OWLDecimal
, OWLFloat
, OWLDouble
, OWLInteger
, OWLnonNegativeInteger
, OWLpositiveInteger
, OWLnonPositiveInteger
, OWLnegativeInteger]
-- ALC
sl_bottom :: OWLSub
sl_bottom = OWLSub
numberRestrictions = None
, nominals = False
, inverseRoles = False
, roleTransitivity = False
, roleHierarchy = False
, complexRoleInclusions = False
, addFeatures = False
, datatype = Set.empty
sl_max :: OWLSub -> OWLSub -> OWLSub
sl_max sl1 sl2 =
numberRestrictions = max (numberRestrictions sl1)
(numberRestrictions sl2)
, nominals = max (nominals sl1)
(nominals sl2)
, inverseRoles = max (inverseRoles sl1)
(inverseRoles sl2)
, roleTransitivity = max (roleTransitivity sl1)
(roleTransitivity sl2)
, roleHierarchy = max (roleHierarchy sl1)
(roleHierarchy sl2)
, complexRoleInclusions = max (complexRoleInclusions sl1)
(complexRoleInclusions sl2)
, addFeatures = max (addFeatures sl1)
(addFeatures sl2)
, datatype = Set.union (datatype sl1)
(datatype sl2)
-- | Naming for Description Logics
sl_name :: OWLSub -> String
sl_name sl =
(if complexRoleInclusions sl || addFeatures sl
then (if addFeatures sl then "s" else "") ++ "R"
else (if roleTransitivity sl then "S" else "ALC")
++ if roleHierarchy sl then "H" else "")
++ (if nominals sl then "O" else "")
++ (if inverseRoles sl then "I" else "")
++ (case numberRestrictions sl of
Qualified -> "Q"
Unqualified -> "N"
None -> "")
++ if datatype sl /= Set.empty then
(if ((Set.filter (\x -> x /= OWLDATA) $ datatype sl) /= Set.empty)
" {" ++ (init $ (Set.fold (\x y -> (drop 3 $ show x) ++
" " ++ y) "" $
Set.filter (\x -> x /= OWLDATA) $ datatype sl))
++ "}"
")" else ""
requireQualNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireQualNumberRestrictions sl = sl { numberRestrictions = Qualified }
requireNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNumberRestrictions sl =
if numberRestrictions sl /= Qualified
numberRestrictions = Unqualified
requireRoleTransitivity :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleTransitivity sl = sl
roleTransitivity = True
requireRoleHierarchy :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleHierarchy sl = sl
roleHierarchy = True
requireComplexRoleInclusions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireComplexRoleInclusions sl =
(requireRoleHierarchy $ requireRoleTransitivity sl)
complexRoleInclusions = True
requireAddFeatures :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireAddFeatures sl =
(requireComplexRoleInclusions sl)
addFeatures = True
requireNominals :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNominals sl = sl
nominals = True
requireInverseRoles :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireInverseRoles sl = sl
inverseRoles = True
requireDatatype :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireDatatype sl = sl
datatype = Set.union (datatype sl)
$ Set.singleton OWLDATA
sl_ax :: Axiom -> OWLSub
sl_ax ax =
case ax of
PlainAxiom _ pax -> sl_p_ax pax
EntityAnno _ -> sl_bottom
sl_p_ax :: PlainAxiom -> OWLSub
sl_p_ax pax =
case pax of
SubClassOf sub super -> sl_max (sl_desc sub) (sl_desc super)
EquivOrDisjointClasses _ desl ->
foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_desc desl
DisjointUnion _ desl ->
foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_desc desl
SubObjectPropertyOf sub prop ->
requireRoleHierarchy $
sl_max (sl_sub_obj_prop sub) (sl_obj_prop prop)
SubDataPropertyOf sub prop ->
requireDatatype $ requireRoleHierarchy $
sl_max (sl_data_prop sub) (sl_data_prop prop)
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties c desc ->
(\x -> case c of
Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures x
_ -> x
) $ foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_obj_prop desc
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties c desc ->
requireDatatype $
(\x -> case c of
Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures x
_ -> x
) $ foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_data_prop desc
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange _ oprop descr ->
sl_max (sl_obj_prop oprop) (sl_desc descr)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange oprop descr ->
requireDatatype $
sl_max (case oprop of
DataDomain desc -> sl_desc desc
DataRange rn -> sl_data_range rn
) (sl_data_prop descr)
InverseObjectProperties o1 o2 ->
requireInverseRoles $ sl_max (sl_obj_prop o1) (sl_obj_prop o2)
ObjectPropertyCharacter k o ->
(\x -> case k of
Transitive -> requireRoleTransitivity x
Reflexive -> requireAddFeatures x
Irreflexive -> requireAddFeatures x
Asymmetric -> requireAddFeatures x
_ -> x
) $ sl_obj_prop o
FunctionalDataProperty dp ->
requireDatatype $ sl_data_prop dp
SameOrDifferentIndividual _ _ ->
requireNominals sl_bottom
ClassAssertion _ descr ->
case descr of
ObjectComplementOf (ObjectValuesFrom _ prop desc) ->
requireAddFeatures $ sl_max (sl_obj_prop prop) (sl_desc desc)
ObjectComplementOf (ObjectHasValue prop _) ->
requireAddFeatures $ sl_obj_prop prop
ObjectComplementOf (ObjectCardinality card) ->
requireAddFeatures $ sl_card card
_ -> sl_desc descr
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion objProp _ _ _) ->
sl_obj_prop objProp
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion dProp _ _ _) ->
sl_data_prop dProp
Declaration ent -> sl_ent ent
sl_ent :: Entity
-> OWLSub
sl_ent (Entity et _) =
case et of
Datatype -> requireDatatype sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom
sl_data_uri :: QName -> OWLSub
sl_data_uri ur =
case (namePrefix ur, localPart ur) of
("xsd", "string") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLString, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#string") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLString, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "normalizedString") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnormalizedString, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#normalizedString") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnormalizedString, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "boolean") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLBoolean, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#boolean") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLBoolean, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "decimal") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLDecimal, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#decimal") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLDecimal, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "float") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLFloat, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#float") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLFloat, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "double") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLDouble, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#double") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLDouble, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "integer") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#integer") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "nonNegativeInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnonNegativeInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#nonNegativeInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnonNegativeInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "positiveInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLpositiveInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#positiveInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLpositiveInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "nonPositiveInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnonPositiveInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#nonPositiveInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnonPositiveInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "negativeInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnegativeInteger, OWLDATA]}
("xsd", "#negativeInteger") ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.fromList [OWLnegativeInteger, OWLDATA]}
_ ->
sl_bottom {datatype = Set.singleton OWLDATA}
sl_data_prop :: DataPropertyExpression
-> OWLSub
sl_data_prop dt = sl_data_uri dt
sl_data_range :: DataRange
-> OWLSub
sl_data_range rn =
requireDatatype $
case rn of
DRDatatype ur -> sl_data_uri ur
DataComplementOf c -> sl_data_range c
DataOneOf _ -> requireNominals sl_bottom
DatatypeRestriction c _ -> sl_data_range c
sl_desc :: Description -> OWLSub
sl_desc des =
case des of
OWLClassDescription _ -> sl_bottom
ObjectJunction _ dec -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_desc dec
ObjectComplementOf dec -> sl_desc dec
ObjectOneOf _ -> requireNominals sl_bottom
ObjectValuesFrom _ o d -> sl_max (sl_obj_prop o) (sl_desc d)
ObjectExistsSelf o -> requireAddFeatures $ sl_obj_prop o
ObjectHasValue o _ -> sl_obj_prop o
ObjectCardinality c -> sl_card c
DataValuesFrom _ d ds dr -> requireDatatype $
sl_max (sl_data_range dr)
$ sl_max (sl_data_prop d)
(foldl sl_max sl_bottom$
map sl_data_prop ds)
DataHasValue d _ -> requireDatatype $ sl_data_prop d
DataCardinality c -> requireDatatype $ sl_d_card c
sl_d_card :: Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange
-> OWLSub
sl_d_card (Cardinality _ _ dp x) =
case x of
Nothing -> requireDatatype $
requireNumberRestrictions $
sl_data_prop dp
Just y -> requireDatatype $
requireQualNumberRestrictions $
sl_max (sl_data_prop dp) (sl_data_range y)
sl_card :: Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression Description
-> OWLSub
sl_card (Cardinality _ _ op x) =
case x of
Nothing -> requireNumberRestrictions $
sl_obj_prop op
Just y -> requireQualNumberRestrictions $
sl_max (sl_obj_prop op) (sl_desc y)
sl_sub_obj_prop :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> OWLSub
sl_sub_obj_prop s =
case s of
OPExpression e -> requireRoleHierarchy $ sl_obj_prop e
SubObjectPropertyChain e -> requireComplexRoleInclusions $
foldl sl_max sl_bottom $
map sl_obj_prop e
sl_obj_prop :: ObjectPropertyExpression
-> OWLSub
sl_obj_prop o =
case o of
OpURI _ -> sl_bottom
InverseOp p -> requireInverseRoles $ sl_obj_prop p
sl_o_file :: OntologyFile -> OWLSub
sl_o_file = foldl sl_max sl_bottom . map sl_ax . axiomsList . ontology
sl_sig :: Sign -> OWLSub
sl_sig sig =
if Set.size (dataValuedRoles sig) == 0
&& Set.size (datatypes sig) == 0
requireDatatype sl_bottom
sl_mor :: OWLMorphism -> OWLSub
sl_mor mor = sl_max (sl_sig $ osource mor) $ sl_sig $ otarget mor
-- projections along sublogics
pr_mor :: OWLSub -> OWLMorphism -> OWLMorphism
pr_mor s a = a
{ osource = pr_sig s $ osource a
, otarget = pr_sig s $ otarget a }
pr_sig :: OWLSub -> Sign -> Sign
pr_sig s a =
if datatype s == Set.empty
datatypes = Set.empty
, dataValuedRoles = Set.empty
pr_o_file :: OWLSub -> OntologyFile -> OntologyFile
pr_o_file s a =
o = (ontology a)
axiomsList = filter (\x -> s >= sl_ax x) $ axiomsList $
ontology a
ontology = o