StructureAnalysis.hs revision 7fe4aa6d1e595364b2fd66fe3936e353d6e07d86
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
Structured analysis of the import structure of OWL-DL files. circular
imports result in a united theory of all members of the circle.
module OWL.StructureAnalysis (getNameFromNode, buildDevGraph) where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.Logic_OWL11
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Namespace
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Coerce
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS as DFS
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List
buildDevGraph :: OntologyMap -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
buildDevGraph ontoMap =
if (detectLoop sscList) then
rebuildDGraph sscList ontoMap' dg
else (ontoMap', dg)
where (ontoMap', dg) =
Map.foldWithKey graphFromMap
(ontoMap, emptyDG)
sscList = DFS.scc $ dgBody dg
-- | detect loop reference in graph
detectLoop :: [[Node]] -> Bool
detectLoop nl =
any (\x -> length x > 1) nl
graphFromMap :: String -> OntologyFile
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
graphFromMap ouri (OntologyFile _ onto) (ontoMap, dg) =
let existedLNodes = labNodesDG dg
currentSign = mkExtSign $ simpleSign $ QN "" ouri ""
-- get current node
(lnode, ontoMap1) =
createLNodes [ouri] existedLNodes ontoMap
cl@(ind, _) = head lnode
impList = map localPart $ importsList onto -- searchImports onto
-- create LabNodes from imports list, this incl. the LNodes
-- which been existed because of building of edge.
(tagLNodes, ontoMap2) =
createLNodes impList (nub (cl:existedLNodes)) ontoMap1
-- if tagnode existed then it muss be reduced.
newLNodes = reduceLNodes (cl:tagLNodes) dg
morphism = idComorphism (Logic OWL11)
Result _ (Just comorphism) =
gEmbedComorphism morphism (G_sign OWL11 currentSign startSigId)
-- to add ids into edges
ledgeList = zipWith (\(indT, _) n ->
(ind, indT, DGLink{ dgl_morphism = comorphism
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = DGLinkImports
, dgl_id = n
[getNewEdgeId dg ..]
in (ontoMap2, insEdgesDG ledgeList (insNodesDG newLNodes dg))
createLNodes :: [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> OntologyMap
-> ([LNode DGNodeLab], OntologyMap)
createLNodes [] _ om = ([], om)
createLNodes (hs:rs) exLNodes om =
let lnode@(_, currentLN) =
buildLNodeFromStr hs ((length exLNodes)-1)
in -- if the node already existed muss be anyhow also created
-- for building of edges. But the ontology map need not to
-- change
if isEqLNode currentLN exLNodes then
let (newLNodes, ontoMap') = createLNodes rs exLNodes om
in (
(getLnode currentLN exLNodes):newLNodes,
else let lnode' = disambiguateName lnode exLNodes
(newLNodes, ontoMap') =
createLNodes rs (lnode':exLNodes) om
sid = getName $ dgn_name $ snd lnode'
Map.delete hs (Map.insert (show sid)
(case Map.lookup hs ontoMap' of
Just res -> res
Nothing -> emptyOntologyFile
-- get (LNode DGNodeLab) with LabNode
getLnode _ [] = error "LNode not found"
getLnode node (hx:rx) | dgn_theory node == (dgn_theory $ snd hx) = hx
| otherwise = getLnode node rx
isEqLNode :: DGNodeLab -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> Bool
isEqLNode cn exn =
any (\x -> (dgn_theory cn) == (dgn_theory $ snd x)) exn
disambiguateName :: (LNode DGNodeLab)
-> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> (LNode DGNodeLab)
disambiguateName (ind, dgn) exn =
let name@(NodeName sid u1 u2) = dgn_name dgn
nameSet = map (dgn_name . snd) exn
name' = if name `elem` nameSet then
let n = show sid
nsid = if isDigit $ head $ reverse n then
take ((length n) - 1) n
else n
in fromJust $ find (not . flip elem nameSet)
[NodeName (mkSimpleId $ nsid ++ show i) u1 u2
| i <- [1 :: Int ..]]
else name
in (ind, dgn {dgn_name = name'})
buildLNodeFromStr :: String -> Int -> (LNode DGNodeLab)
buildLNodeFromStr u i =
let name = uriToName u
nodeName = makeName $ mkSimpleId name
currentSign = mkExtSign $ simpleSign $ QN "" u ""
in (i+1, newNodeLab nodeName DGBasic
$ noSensGTheory OWL11 currentSign startSigId)
-- remove existing nodes in graph
reduceLNodes :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
reduceLNodes l dg = filter ( \ (ind, _) -> not $ gelemDG ind dg) l
rebuildDGraph :: [[Node]] -> OntologyMap -> DGraph -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
rebuildDGraph [] ontoMap dg = (ontoMap, dg)
rebuildDGraph (hd:rs) ontoMap dg
| length hd <= 1 = rebuildDGraph rs ontoMap dg
| otherwise =
let (ontoMap', dg') = integrateScc hd ontoMap dg
in rebuildDGraph rs ontoMap' dg'
integrateScc :: [Node] -> OntologyMap -> DGraph -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
integrateScc nodeList ontoMap dg =
let decomps = map (fromJust . fst . flip matchDG dg) nodeList
(_, _, lnodes,_) = unzip4 decomps
dgnNames = map (getNameFromNode . dgn_name) lnodes
theories = map dgn_theory lnodes
ontologies = map (\x -> case Map.lookup x ontoMap of
Just res -> res
Nothing -> emptyOntologyFile
) dgnNames
newName = makeName $ mkSimpleId $ (\z -> take ((length z) -1) z) $
foldr (\x y -> x ++ "_" ++ y) "" dgnNames
newTheory = integrateTheory theories
newNodeNum = noNodesDG dg
in ( Map.insert (getNameFromNode newName)
(foldl integrateOntologyFile emptyOntologyFile
(Map.filterWithKey (\x _ -> not $ x `elem` dgnNames)
, delNodesDG nodeList $ changeEdges decomps newNodeNum $ insNodeDG
(newNodeNum, newNodeLab newName DGintegratedSCC newTheory) dg)
-- simple integrate Theory
integrateTheory :: [G_theory] -> G_theory
integrateTheory theories =
foldl assembleTheories emptyOWL11Theory theories
assembleTheories :: G_theory -> G_theory -> G_theory
assembleTheories (G_theory lid1 sign1 _ theSen1 _)
(G_theory lid2 sign2 _ theSen2 _) =
let thSen2' = maybe (error "could not coerce sentences")
id (coerceThSens lid2 lid1 "" theSen2)
sign2' = maybe (error "could not coerce sign")
id (coerceSign lid2 lid1 "" sign2)
csign = case ext_signature_union lid1 sign2' sign1 of
Result dgs mv ->
maybe (error ("sig_union"++show dgs)) id mv
in G_theory lid1 csign startSigId
(joinSens theSen1 thSen2') startThId
getNameFromNode :: NodeName -> String
getNameFromNode = show . getName
changeEdges :: [Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab] -> Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeEdges [] _ dg = dg
changeEdges ((fromNodes, n, _, toNodes):r) newNode dg =
changeEdges r newNode $ changeTo toNodes $ changeFrom fromNodes dg
where changeFrom :: [(DGLinkLab, Node)] -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeFrom [] dg2 = dg2
changeFrom ((dgLink,fn):rf) dg2
| fn `gelemDG` dg2 =
changeFrom rf $ insEdgeDG (fn, newNode, dgLink) $
delEdgeDG (fn, n) dg2
| otherwise = changeFrom rf dg2
changeTo :: [(DGLinkLab, Node)] -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeTo [] dg2 = dg2
changeTo ((dgLink,tn):rf) dg2
| tn `gelemDG` dg2 =
changeTo rf $ insEdgeDG (newNode, tn, dgLink) $
delEdgeDG (n, tn) dg2
| otherwise = changeTo rf dg2
emptyOWL11Theory:: G_theory
emptyOWL11Theory = noSensGTheory OWL11 (mkExtSign emptySign) startSigId