StaticAnalysis.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of basic specifications for OWL 1.1.
module OWL.StaticAnalysis (basicOWLAnalysis, modEntity) where
import OWL.Namespace
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.AS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Lib.State
modEntity :: (URI -> Set.Set URI -> Set.Set URI) -> Entity -> State Sign ()
modEntity f (Entity ty u) = do
s <- get
let chg = f u
put $ case ty of
Datatype -> s { datatypes = chg $ datatypes s }
Class -> s { concepts = chg $ concepts s }
ObjectProperty -> s { indValuedRoles = chg $ indValuedRoles s }
DataProperty -> s { dataValuedRoles = chg $ dataValuedRoles s }
NamedIndividual -> s { individuals = chg $ individuals s }
AnnotationProperty -> s -- ignore
addEntity :: Entity -> State Sign ()
addEntity = modEntity Set.insert
anaAxiom :: Axiom -> State Sign [Named Axiom]
anaAxiom an = case an of
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation _ e _) -> do
addEntity e
return []
PlainAxiom as p -> do
anaPlainAxiom p
return [findImplied as $ makeNamed "" an]
anaObjPropExpr :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
anaObjPropExpr = addEntity . Entity ObjectProperty . getObjRoleFromExpression
anaDataPropExpr :: DataPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
anaDataPropExpr = addEntity . Entity DataProperty
anaIndividual :: IndividualURI -> State Sign ()
anaIndividual = addEntity . Entity NamedIndividual
anaConstant :: Constant -> State Sign ()
anaConstant (Constant _ ty) = case ty of
Typed u -> addEntity $ Entity Datatype u
_ -> return ()
anaDataRange :: DataRange -> State Sign ()
anaDataRange dr = case dr of
DRDatatype u -> addEntity $ Entity Datatype u
DataComplementOf r -> anaDataRange r
DataOneOf cs -> mapM_ anaConstant cs
DatatypeRestriction r fcs -> do
anaDataRange r
mapM_ (anaConstant . snd) fcs
anaDescription :: Description -> State Sign ()
anaDescription desc = case desc of
OWLClassDescription u ->
case u of
QN _ "Thing" _ _ -> addEntity $ Entity Class $
QN "owl" "Thing" False ""
QN _ "Nothing" _ _ -> addEntity $ Entity Class $
QN "owl" "Nothing" False ""
v -> addEntity $ Entity Class v
ObjectJunction _ ds -> mapM_ anaDescription ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> anaDescription d
ObjectOneOf is -> mapM_ anaIndividual is
ObjectValuesFrom _ opExpr d -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
anaDescription d
ObjectExistsSelf opExpr -> anaObjPropExpr opExpr
ObjectHasValue opExpr i -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
anaIndividual i
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality _ _ opExpr md) -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
maybe (return ()) anaDescription md
DataValuesFrom _ dExp ds r -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
mapM_ anaDataPropExpr ds
anaDataRange r
DataHasValue dExp c -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
anaConstant c
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
maybe (return ()) anaDataRange mr
anaPlainAxiom :: PlainAxiom -> State Sign ()
anaPlainAxiom pa = case pa of
SubClassOf s1 s2 -> do
anaDescription s1
anaDescription s2
EquivOrDisjointClasses _ ds ->
mapM_ anaDescription ds
DisjointUnion u ds -> do
addEntity $ Entity Class u
mapM_ anaDescription ds
SubObjectPropertyOf sop op -> do
mapM_ (addEntity . Entity ObjectProperty)
$ getObjRoleFromSubExpression sop
anaObjPropExpr op
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties _ os ->
mapM_ anaObjPropExpr os
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange _ op d -> do
anaObjPropExpr op
anaDescription d
InverseObjectProperties o1 o2 -> do
anaObjPropExpr o1
anaObjPropExpr o2
ObjectPropertyCharacter _ op -> anaObjPropExpr op
SubDataPropertyOf d1 d2 -> do
anaDataPropExpr d1
anaDataPropExpr d2
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties _ ds ->
mapM_ anaDataPropExpr ds
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dp -> do
case ddr of
DataDomain d -> anaDescription d
DataRange r -> anaDataRange r
anaDataPropExpr dp
FunctionalDataProperty dp -> anaDataPropExpr dp
SameOrDifferentIndividual _ is ->
mapM_ anaIndividual is
ClassAssertion i d -> do
anaIndividual i
anaDescription d
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion op _ s t) -> do
anaObjPropExpr op
anaIndividual s
anaIndividual t
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion dp _ s c) -> do
anaDataPropExpr dp
anaIndividual s
anaConstant c
Declaration e -> addEntity e
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWLAnalysis ::
(OntologyFile, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyFile, ExtSign Sign Entity, [Named Axiom])
basicOWLAnalysis (ofile, inSign, _) =
let ns = namespaces ofile
diags1 = foldl (++) [] (map isNamespaceInImport
(Map.elems (removeDefault ns)))
(integNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSign) ns
ofile' = renameNamespace transMap ofile
syms = Set.difference (symOf accSign) $ symOf inSign
(sens, accSign) = runState
(mapM anaAxiom $ axiomsList $ ontology ofile')
inSign {namespaceMap = integNamespace
, ontologyID = uri $ ontology ofile'
in Result diags1
$ Just (ofile', ExtSign accSign syms, concat sens)
oName = uri $ ontology ofile
isNamespaceInImport :: String -> [Diagnosis]
isNamespaceInImport iuri =
if null iuri then []
let uri' = take (length iuri - 1) iuri
in if elem uri' importList
then []
("\"" ++ uri' ++ "\"" ++
" is not imported in ontology: " ++
show (localPart oName))
importList = localPart oName
: map localPart (importsList $ ontology ofile)
removeDefault :: Namespace -> Namespace
removeDefault ns =
foldr Map.delete ns
["owl11", "owl", "xsd", "rdf", "rdfs", "xml", "owl2xml"]
getObjRoleFromExpression :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IndividualRoleURI
getObjRoleFromExpression opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI u -> u
InverseOp objProp -> getObjRoleFromExpression objProp
getObjRoleFromSubExpression :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> [IndividualRoleURI]
getObjRoleFromSubExpression sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> [getObjRoleFromExpression opExp]
SubObjectPropertyChain expList ->
map getObjRoleFromExpression expList
findImplied :: [OWL.AS.Annotation] -> Named Axiom -> Named Axiom
findImplied anno sent =
if isToProve anno then sent
{ isAxiom = False
, isDef = False
, wasTheorem = False }
else sent { isAxiom = True }
isToProve :: [OWL.AS.Annotation] -> Bool
isToProve [] = False
isToProve (anno : r) =
case anno of
ExplicitAnnotation auri (Constant value (Typed _)) ->
if localPart auri == "Implied" then value == "true"
else isToProve r
_ -> isToProve r