StaticAnalysis.hs revision 4485d1c9ef1ff5a45c3ac3f76b7e952099625678
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of basic specifications for OWL 1.1.
module OWL.StaticAnalysis (basicOWLAnalysis) where
import OWL.Namespace
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.AS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Utils (nubOrd)
import Data.Char (toLower)
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWLAnalysis ::
(OntologyFile, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyFile, ExtSign Sign (), [Named Sentence])
basicOWLAnalysis (ofile, inSign, ga) =
if isEmptyOntologyFile ofile then
fail "An empty OntologyFile has been found."
let ns = namespaces ofile
diags1 = foldl (++) [] (map isNamespaceInImport
(Map.elems (removeDefault ns)))
(integNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSign) ns
ofile' = renameNamespace transMap ofile
in case anaOntologyFile (inSign {namespaceMap = integNamespace}) ofile' of
Result diags2 (Just (ontoFile, accSign, namedSen)) ->
Result (diags1 ++ diags2) $
Just (ontoFile, mkExtSign accSign, namedSen)
u -> fail ("unknown error in static analysis. Please try again.\n"
++ (show ofile) ++ "\n" ++ show u)
where -- static analysis with changed namespace base of inSign.
anaOntologyFile :: Sign -> OntologyFile
-> Result (OntologyFile, Sign, [Named Sentence])
anaOntologyFile inSign' (OntologyFile ns' on) =
case anaAxioms ga (inSign' {ontologyID = uri on}) ns'
(OntologyFile ns' (Ontology (uri on) [] [] []))
(nubOrd $ axiomsList on) of
Result dgs (Just (onto, sign, sents)) ->
let c = Set.toList $ concepts sign
np = getNonPrimaryConcept $ axiomsList on
sign' = sign { primaryConcepts = Set.difference
(Set.fromList c) (Set.fromList np)
sents' = nubOrd sents
in Result dgs
(Just (onto, sign', sents'))
res -> res
oName = uri $ ontology ofile
isNamespaceInImport :: String -> [Diagnosis]
isNamespaceInImport iuri =
if null iuri then []
let uri' = take ((length iuri) -1) iuri
in if uri' `elem` importList
then []
("\"" ++ uri' ++ "\"" ++
" is not imported in ontology: " ++
(show $ localPart oName))
importList = (localPart oName):
(map localPart (importsList $ ontology ofile))
removeDefault :: Namespace -> Namespace
removeDefault namespace =
Map.delete "owl11" (Map.delete "owl" (Map.delete "xsd"
(Map.delete "rdf" (Map.delete "rdfs"
(Map.delete "xml" namespace)))))
-- | concat the current result with total result
-- | first parameter is an result from current directive
-- | second parameter is the total result
concatResult :: Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
concatResult (Result diag1 maybeRes1) (Result diag2 maybeRes2) =
case maybeRes1 of
Nothing ->
case maybeRes2 of
Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) Nothing
_ -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes2
Just (ontoF1, _, namedSen1) ->
case maybeRes2 of
Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes1
Just (ontoF2, inSign2, namedSen2) ->
accSign = inSign2 -- insertSign inSign1 inSign2
namedSen = namedSen1 ++ namedSen2
onto = integrateOntologyFile ontoF1 ontoF2
in Result (diag2 ++ diag1)
(Just (onto, accSign, namedSen))
mkDefSen :: String -> Sentence -> Named Sentence
mkDefSen nam sen = (makeNamed nam sen) { isDef = True }
negPrefix :: PositiveOrNegative -> String
negPrefix ty = case ty of
Positive -> ""
Negative -> "negative_"
-- | static analyse of all Axoms of an ontology base of functional
-- | style syntax (see OWL\/OWL\/FFS.hs), ignores all imports and
-- | Annotations
-- Try to store the %implied in simpAnno of Named-struction.
anaAxioms :: GlobalAnnos -> Sign -> Namespace -> OntologyFile -> [Axiom]
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
anaAxioms _ _ _ _ [] = Result [] Nothing
anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF@(OntologyFile _ onto) (axiom:rest) =
case axiom of
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation _ entity _) -> -- no idee
let accSign = getDeclFromEntity entity inSign
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
PlainAxiom anno paxiom -> case paxiom of
SubClassOf sub super ->
let ax = axioms inSign
c = (getClassFromDescription sub) ++
(getClassFromDescription super)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printDescForSentName sub
++ "_SubClassOf_"
++ printDescForSentName super)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
,axioms =
Set.insert (Subconcept sub super) ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology =
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivOrDisjointClasses Equivalent descList ->
let clazz : equiv = descList in case clazz of
OWLClass _ ->
let c = foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printDescForSentName clazz
++ "_EquivalentClasses_["
++ (foldr (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName equiv))
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology =
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
_ -> let reAnaAxiom = PlainAxiom anno $ EquivOrDisjointClasses
Equivalent (equiv ++ [clazz])
in anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF (reAnaAxiom:rest)
EquivOrDisjointClasses Disjoint descList ->
let clazz = head descList
equiv = tail descList
c = foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printDescForSentName clazz
++ "_DisjointClasses_["
++(foldr (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName equiv))
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF {ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DisjointUnion cid descList ->
let c = cid:(foldl (++) [] $
map getClassFromDescription descList)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printQN cid
++ "_DisjointUnion_["
++ (foldr (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName descList))
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf subObjProp objProp ->
let r = (getObjRoleFromExpression objProp):
(getObjRoleFromSubExpression subObjProp)
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
Set.union (Set.fromList r)
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printSubOExp subObjProp
++ "_SubObjectPropertyOf_"
++ printOExp objProp)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty objPropExps ->
let prop = head objPropExps
equiv = tail objPropExps
r = map getObjRoleFromExpression objPropExps
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
Set.union (Set.fromList r)
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printOExp prop
++ "_IndividualValued"
++ show ty ++ "Properties_["
++ ((foldr (\x y -> x ++ " " ++ y) "]" $
map printOExp equiv)))
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty opExp desc ->
let (rr, rname) = case ty of
ObjDomain -> (RDomain, "_objectPropertyDomain_")
ObjRange -> (RIRange, "_objectPropertyRange_")
roleDomain = Role (DomainOrRange rr desc) opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert roleDomain ax
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printOExp opExp
++ rname)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
InverseObjectProperties opExp1 opExp2 ->
let r = (getObjRoleFromExpression opExp1):
(getObjRoleFromExpression opExp2):[]
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
Set.union (Set.fromList r)
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printOExp opExp1
++ "_InverseObjectProperty_"
++ printOExp opExp2)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyCharacter ch opExp ->
let rname = map toLower (show ch) ++ "_object_property"
accSign = case ch of
Symmetric -> inSign
Asymmetric -> inSign
_ -> let
funcRole = case ch of
Reflexive -> RefRole
Irreflexive -> RefRole
_ -> FuncRole
r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
fr = Role (FuncProp (funcRole, IRole)) opExp
in inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert fr ax
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen rname $ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
let r = dpExp1:dpExp2:[]
accSign = inSign {dataValuedRoles =
Set.union (Set.fromList r)
(dataValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printQN dpExp1
++ "_SubDataPropertyOf_"
++ printQN dpExp2)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty r ->
let dpExp1 : dpExp2 : dpList = r
accSign = inSign {dataValuedRoles =
Set.union (Set.fromList r)
(dataValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed (printQN dpExp1
++ "_" ++ show ty ++ "_DataPropertyOf_"
++ printQN dpExp2
++ (foldl (\x y -> x++" "++y)
"" $ map printQN dpList))
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dpExp ->
let (dataPart, tyname) = case ddr of
DataDomain desc -> (DomainOrRange DDomain desc, "Domain")
DataRange dr -> (RDRange dr, "Range")
dataSen = Data dataPart dpExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert dataSen ax
namedSent = findImplied anno
(makeNamed ("DataProperty_" ++ tyname)
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}}
, accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
FunctionalDataProperty dpExp ->
let _isImp = isToProve anno
fr = Data (FuncProp ()) dpExp
accSign = inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert dpExp
(dataValuedRoles inSign),
axioms = Set.insert fr (axioms inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen "functional_data_property"
$ OWLAxiom axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- Fact
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty indList ->
let ind1 : iList = indList
accSign = inSign { individuals =
Set.union (Set.fromList indList)
(individuals inSign)
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen (printQN ind1
++ "_" ++ show ty ++ "Individual_"
++ (foldl (\x y -> x ++ " " ++ y)
"" $ map printQN iList))
$ OWLFact axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ClassAssertion indUri _ -> -- no idee
accSign = inSign { individuals = Set.insert indUri
(individuals inSign)}
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen "class_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion _ ty sourceID targetID) -> -- no idee
let accSign = inSign { individuals = Set.insert sourceID
(Set.insert targetID
(individuals inSign))}
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen (negPrefix ty ++ "objectProperty_assertion")
$ OWLFact axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion _ ty sourceID _) -> -- no idee
accSign = inSign { individuals = Set.insert sourceID
(individuals inSign)}
namedSent = findImplied anno
(mkDefSen (negPrefix ty ++ "dataProperty_assertion")
$ OWLFact axiom)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
Declaration entity ->
let accSign = getDeclFromEntity entity inSign
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
let namedSent = mkDefSen "Description_entityAnnotation"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
where getDeclFromEntity :: Entity -> Sign -> Sign
getDeclFromEntity (Entity ty u) s =
case ty of
Datatype ->
let dt = datatypes s
in s { datatypes = Set.insert u dt}
OWLClassEntity ->
let c = concepts s
in s { concepts = Set.insert u c}
ObjectProperty ->
let ind = indValuedRoles s
in s { indValuedRoles = Set.insert u ind}
DataProperty ->
let d = dataValuedRoles s
in s { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert u d}
Individual ->
let i = individuals s
in s { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert u i}
-- | if CASL_Sort == false then the concept is not primary
getNonPrimaryConcept :: [Axiom] -> [ClassID]
getNonPrimaryConcept [] = []
getNonPrimaryConcept (h:r) =
case h of
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation _ (Entity OWLClassEntity curi) annos) ->
if isCASL_SortFalse annos then
curi:(getNonPrimaryConcept r)
else getNonPrimaryConcept r
_ -> getNonPrimaryConcept r
where isCASL_SortFalse [] = False
isCASL_SortFalse (f:s) =
case f of
ExplicitAnnotation annoUri cons ->
if localPart annoUri == "CASL_Sort" then
case cons of
Constant lexi (Typed _) ->
if lexi == "false" then
else False
_ -> error ("incorrect type of CASL_Sort by:"
++ show h)
else isCASL_SortFalse s
_ -> isCASL_SortFalse s
getClassFromDescription :: Description -> [OwlClassURI]
getClassFromDescription desc =
case desc of
OWLClass clazz -> [clazz]
ObjectJunction _ descList ->
foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
ObjectComplementOf desc' -> getClassFromDescription desc'
_ -> []
getObjRoleFromExpression :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IndividualRoleURI
getObjRoleFromExpression opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI u -> u
InverseOp objProp -> getObjRoleFromExpression objProp
getObjRoleFromSubExpression :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> [IndividualRoleURI]
getObjRoleFromSubExpression sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> (getObjRoleFromExpression opExp):[]
SubObjectPropertyChain expList ->
map getObjRoleFromExpression expList
printDescForSentName :: Description -> String
printDescForSentName (OWLClass cid) = printQN cid
printDescForSentName _ = ""
printOExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> String
printOExp opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI u -> printQN u
InverseOp opExp' -> "inverse "++ printOExp opExp'
printSubOExp :: SubObjectPropertyExpression -> String
printSubOExp subOpExp =
case subOpExp of
OPExpression opExp -> printOExp opExp
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
"chain: " ++ (foldl (\x y -> x++ " " ++ " " ++y)
"" $ map printOExp opExpList)
findImplied :: [OWL.AS.Annotation] -> Named Sentence
-> Named Sentence
findImplied anno sent
| isToProve anno = sent {isAxiom = False
,isDef = False
,wasTheorem = False}
| otherwise = sent {isAxiom = True}
isToProve :: [OWL.AS.Annotation] -> Bool
isToProve [] = False
isToProve (anno:r) =
case anno of
ExplicitAnnotation auri (Constant value (Typed _)) ->
if localPart auri == "Implied" then
if value == "true" then
else False
else isToProve r
_ -> isToProve r