ReadWrite.der.hs revision 7fe4aa6d1e595364b2fd66fe3936e353d6e07d86
{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (ATerms)
Automatic derivation of instances via DrIFT-rule Typeable, ShATermConvertible
the type in OWL.OWL11.FFS
manual instance for 'OntologyFile'
module OWL.ReadWrite () where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import OWL.AS
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
instance ShATermConvertible QName where
toShATermAux = toShATermAux_QName
fromShATermAux = fromShATermAux_QName
toShATermAux_QName :: ATermTable -> QName -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux_QName att0 (QN aa ab _) = do
(att1, aa') <- toShATerm' att0 (aa ++ ":" ++ ab)
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl (aa ++ ":" ++ ab) [aa'] []) att1
fromShATermAux_QName :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, QName)
fromShATermAux_QName ix att = (att,
case getShATerm ix att of
ShAAppl idName _ _ ->
if null idName || idName == "\"\"" then
QN "" "_" ""
let idName' = read idName::String
idName'' = if head idName' == '<' then
take ((length idName') -2) $ tail idName'
else idName'
(pre, loc) = span (/= ':') idName''
in if null loc then -- no : in ID, only localName
QN "" pre ""
if (not $ isAlpha $ head pre)
then QN "" idName'' ""
if (take 4 pre == "http" ||
take 4 pre == "file")
then let (ns, loc2) = span (/= '#') idName''
in if length loc2 > 1 then
QN "" (tail loc2) ns
else QN "" ns ""
else QN pre (tail loc) ""
u -> fromShATermError "OWL.QName" u)
instance ShATermConvertible OntologyFile where
toShATermAux att0 (OntologyFile a b) = do
(att1, a') <- toShATermFromNamespace att0 a
(att2, b') <- toShATerm' att1 b
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "OntologyFile" [a', b'] []) att2
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "OntologyFile" [a,b] _ ->
case fromShATermToNamespace a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
case fromShATerm' b att1 of { (att2, b') ->
(att2, OntologyFile a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "OntologyFile" u
toShATermFromNamespace :: ATermTable -> Namespace -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermFromNamespace att nsMap = do
(att2, inds) <- foldM (\ (att0, l) t -> do
(att1, i) <- toShATermFromNS att0 t
return (att1, i : l)) (att, []) $ Map.toList nsMap
return $ addATerm (ShAList (reverse inds) []) att2
toShATermFromNS :: ATermTable -> (String, String) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermFromNS att0 (pre,u) = do
(att1, pre') <- toShATerm' att0 pre
(att2, uri') <- toShATerm' att1 u
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "NS" [pre', uri'] []) att2
fromShATermToNamespace :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Namespace)
fromShATermToNamespace ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "Namespace" [ind] _ ->
case getShATerm ind att0 of
ShAList ns _ ->
case mapAccumL fromShATermToNS att0 ns of
(att1, ps) -> (att1, Map.fromList ps)
u -> fromShATermError "OWL.NamespaceList" u
u -> fromShATermError "OWL.Namespace" u
fromShATermToNS :: ATermTable -> Int -> (ATermTable, (String, String))
fromShATermToNS att0 ix =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "NS" [name, u] _ ->
case fromShATerm' name att0 of { (att1, name') ->
case fromShATerm' u att1 of { (att2, uri') ->
(att2, (name', take (length uri' -2) (tail uri')))}}
u -> fromShATermError "OWL.NS" u
instance ShATermConvertible Constant where
toShATermAux att0 (TypedConstant (a, b)) = do
(att1, a') <- toShATerm' att0 (a ++ "^^")
(att2, b') <- toShATerm' att1 b
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "TypedConstant" [a', b'] []) att2
toShATermAux att0 (UntypedConstant (a, b)) = do
(att1, a') <- toShATerm' att0 (a ++ "@" ++ b)
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "UntypedConstant" [a'] []) att1
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "TypedConstant" [a] _ ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
let (b, c) = span (/='^') a'
c' = mkName $ (if null c then "" else tail $ tail c)
in (att1, TypedConstant (b, c')) }
ShAAppl "UntypedConstant" [a] _ ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
let (b, c) = span (/='@') a'
in (att1, UntypedConstant (b, if null c then "" else tail c)) }
u -> fromShATermError "Constant" u
{-! for QName derive : Typeable!-}
{-! for OntologyFile derive : Typeable!-}
{-! for Ontology derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Annotation derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Entity derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Constant derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for ObjectPropertyExpression derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for DatatypeFacet derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for DataRange derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for EntityAnnotation derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Description derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for SubObjectPropertyExpression derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Axiom derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Ontology derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Annotation derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Entity derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for ObjectPropertyExpression derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for DatatypeFacet derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for DataRange derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for EntityAnnotation derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Description derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for SubObjectPropertyExpression derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Axiom derive : ShATermConvertible !-}