ProvePellet.hs revision 247cc88aa55d0a7b6831767cd593ea885c6747a0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface to the OWL Ontology prover via Pellet.
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Interface for the Pellet service, uses GUI.GenericATP.
See <> for details on OWL, and
<> for Pellet.
module OWL.ProvePellet (pelletProver,pelletGUI,pelletCMDLautomatic,
pelletConsChecker) where
import Logic.Prover
import OWL.Morphism
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.Print
import OWL.Sublogic
import GUI.GenericATP
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import GUI.Utils (createTextSaveDisplay, infoDialog)
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result as Result
import Common.Utils
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Time (timeToTimeOfDay)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), secondsToDiffTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
data PelletProverState = PelletProverState
{ ontologySign :: Sign
, initialState :: [Named Sentence] }
deriving (Show)
data PelletProblem = PelletProblem
{ identifier :: PelletID
-- , description :: Description
, problemProverState :: PelletProverState
-- , settings :: [PelletSetting]
} deriving (Show)
type PelletID = String
data PelletSetting = PelletSetting
{ settingName :: String
, settingValue :: [String]
} deriving (Show)
-- * Prover implementation
pelletProverState :: Sign
-> [Named Sentence]
-> [FreeDefMorphism Sentence OWLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> PelletProverState
pelletProverState sig oSens _ = PelletProverState
{ ontologySign = sig
,initialState = filter isAxiom oSens }
{- |
The Prover implementation. First runs the batch prover (with graphical feedback), then starts the GUI prover.
pelletProver :: Prover Sign Sentence OWLMorphism OWLSub ProofTree
pelletProver = (mkProverTemplate "Pellet" sl_top pelletGUI)
{ proveCMDLautomatic = Just pelletCMDLautomatic
, proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Just pelletCMDLautomaticBatch }
pelletConsChecker :: ConsChecker Sign Sentence OWLSub
OWLMorphism ProofTree
pelletConsChecker = mkProverTemplate "Pellet Consistency Checker" sl_top
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence OWLMorphism ProofTree PelletProverState
atpFun thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = pelletProverState,
atpTransSenName = id, -- transSenName,
atpInsertSentence = insertOWLSentence,
goalOutput = showOWLProblem thName,
proverHelpText = "\n",
batchTimeEnv = "HETS_Pellet_BATCH_TIME_LIMIT",
fileExtensions = FileExtensions{problemOutput = ".owl", -- owl-hets
proverOutput = ".pellet",
theoryConfiguration = ".pconf"},
runProver = runPellet,
createProverOptions = extraOpts}
{- |
Inserts a named SoftFOL term into SoftFOL prover state.
insertOWLSentence :: PelletProverState -- ^ prover state containing
-- initial logical part
-> Named Sentence -- ^ goal to add
-> PelletProverState
insertOWLSentence pps s =
pps{initialState = (initialState pps) ++ [s]}
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI.
pelletGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-> [FreeDefMorphism Sentence OWLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO([Proof_status ProofTree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
pelletGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True (prover_name pelletProver) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
-- ** command line functions
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomatic' which provides an
automatic command line interface for a single goal.
Pellet specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
pelletCMDLautomatic ::
String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and a list of Named sentence
-> [FreeDefMorphism Sentence OWLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Result.Result ([Proof_status ProofTree]))
-- ^ Proof status for goals and lemmas
pelletCMDLautomatic thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomatic (atpFun thName) (prover_name pelletProver) thName
(parseTactic_script batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the Pellet prover via MathServe.
Pellet specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
pelletCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [Proof_status ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence'
-> [FreeDefMorphism Sentence OWLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId,Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
pelletCMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (prover_name pelletProver) thName
(parseTactic_script batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
-- * Main prover functions
{- |
Runs the Pellet service.
spamOutput :: Proof_status ProofTree -> IO ()
spamOutput ps =
dName = goalName ps
dStat = goalStatus ps
dTree = proofTree ps
case dStat of
Open (Reason l) ->
createTextSaveDisplay "Pellet prover" ("./"++ dName ++".pellet.log")
$ unlines
(show dTree :l)
Disproved -> createTextSaveDisplay "Pellet prover" (dName ++".pellet.owl")
show dTree
Proved (Just True) -> -- consistent
do --createInfoWindow "Pellet consistency check"
-- "This ontology is consistent."
createTextSaveDisplay "Pellet prover" ("./"++ dName ++".pellet.log")
-- "I found a model for the theory " ++
-- dName ++". :) \n" ++
show dTree
Proved (Just False) -> -- not consistent
do --createInfoWindow "Pellet consistency check"
-- "This ontology is not consistent."
createTextSaveDisplay "Pellet prover" ("./"++ dName ++".pellet.log")
-- "I found a model for the theory " ++
-- dName ++". :) \n" ++
show dTree
Proved Nothing -> return () -- todo: another errors
getEnvSec :: String -> IO String
getEnvSec s = getEnvDef s ""
consCheck :: String
-> TheoryMorphism Sign Sentence OWLMorphism ProofTree
-> [FreeDefMorphism Sentence OWLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO([Proof_status ProofTree])
consCheck thName tm freedefs =
case t_target tm of
Theory sig nSens ->
saveOWL = False
timeLimitI = 800
tac = Tactic_script $ show ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = timeLimitI,
ts_extraOpts = [extraOptions]
proverStateI = pelletProverState sig
(toNamedList nSens) freedefs
-- problem = showOWLProblemA thName proverStateI []
problemS = showOWLProblemS thName proverStateI []
simpleOptions = "consistency "
extraOptions = ""
saveFileName = (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse thName)
tmpFileName = saveFileName
proof_statM :: ExitCode -> String -> [String]
-> Int -> Proof_status ProofTree
proof_statM exitCode _ out tUsed =
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> -- consistent
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = Proved (Just True)
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree (unlines out
++ "\n\n" ++ problemS)
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
,tacticScript = tac
ExitFailure 1 -> -- not consistent
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = Proved (Just False)
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree (unlines out
++ "\n\n" ++ (problemS))
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
,tacticScript = tac
ExitFailure 2 -> -- error by runing pellet
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = Disproved
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree "Cannot run pellet."
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
,tacticScript = tac
ExitFailure 3 -> -- timeout
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = openGoalStatus
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree (unlines out
++ "\n\n" ++ "timeout" ++
unlines out)
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime 0
,tacticScript = tac
ExitFailure 4 -> -- error by runing pellet
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = Disproved
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree ("Pellet returned an error.\n"
++ unlines out)
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
,tacticScript = tac
ExitFailure _ -> -- another errors
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = Disproved
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree (unlines out
++ "\n\n" ++ (problemS))
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
,tacticScript = tac
getAxioms =
map senAttr $ initialState proverStateI
timeWatch :: Int
-> IO (Proof_status ProofTree)
-> IO (Proof_status ProofTree)
timeWatch time process =
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
tid1 <- forkIO $ do z <- process
putMVar mvar (Just z)
tid2 <- forkIO $ do threadDelay (time * 1000000)
putMVar mvar Nothing
res <- takeMVar mvar
case res of
Just z -> do
killThread tid2 `catch` (\e -> putStrLn (show e))
return z
Nothing -> do
killThread tid1 `catch` (\e -> putStrLn (show e))
return (Proof_status{
goalName = thName
, goalStatus = openGoalStatus
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
, proofTree = ProofTree ("\n\n" ++ "timeout")
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime 0
,tacticScript = tac
(progTh, progEx) <- check4Pellet
case (progTh, progEx) of
(True,True) -> do
when saveOWL
(writeFile (saveFileName ++".owl") problemS)
t <- getCurrentTime
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let timeTmpFile = tempDir ++ "/" ++ tmpFileName
++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".owl"
tmpURI = "file://" ++ timeTmpFile
writeFile timeTmpFile $ problemS
putStrLn tmpURI
let command = "sh "
++ simpleOptions ++ extraOptions
++ tmpURI
pPath <- getEnvSec "PELLET_PATH"
outState <- timeWatch timeLimitI $
(_, outh, errh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
waitForProcess proch
outp <- hGetContents outh
eOut <- hGetContents errh
let (exCode, output, tUsed) = analyseOutput outp eOut
let outState = proof_statM exCode simpleOptions
output tUsed
return outState
spamOutput outState
removeFile timeTmpFile
return [outState]
(b, _) -> do
let mess = "Pellet not " ++
if b then "executable" else "found"
infoDialog "Pellet prover" mess
return [(openProof_status thName (prover_name pelletProver)
$ ProofTree mess)
{ usedAxioms = getAxioms
, tacticScript = tac
check4Pellet :: IO (Bool, Bool)
check4Pellet =
pPath <- getEnvSec "PELLET_PATH"
progTh <- doesFileExist $ pPath ++ "/"
progEx <- if (progTh)
progPerms <- getPermissions $ pPath ++ "/"
return $ executable $ progPerms
return False
return $ (progTh, progEx)
-- TODO: Pellet Prove for single goals.
runPellet :: PelletProverState
-- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
-- goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save TPTP file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> Named Sentence -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runPellet sps cfg savePellet thName nGoal =
(progTh, progEx) <- check4Pellet
case (progTh,progEx) of
(True,True) -> do
let prob = showOWLProblemS thName sps []
let entail = showOWLProblemS thName
(sps{initialState = [nGoal{isAxiom=True}]}) []
when savePellet
(writeFile (saveFileName ++".owl") prob)
when savePellet
(writeFile (saveFileName ++".entail.owl") entail)
t <- getCurrentTime
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let timeTmpFile = tempDir ++ "/" ++ tmpFileName ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".owl"
entailsFile = tempDir ++ "/" ++ tmpFileName ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".entails.owl"
writeFile timeTmpFile prob
writeFile entailsFile entail
let command = "sh " ++ extraOptions ++ " " ++ entailsFile
++ " " ++ timeTmpFile
pPath <- getEnvSec "PELLET_PATH"
((err, retval),output, tUsed) <- case tLimit of
Nothing ->
(_, outh, errh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
waitForProcess proch
output <- hGetContents outh
eOut <- hGetContents errh
let (exCode, outp, tUsed) = analyseOutput output eOut
return $ (proof_stat exCode simpleOptions outp tUsed,
outp, tUsed)
Just tm ->
timeWatchP tm
(_, outh, errh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
waitForProcess proch
output <- hGetContents outh
eOut <- hGetContents errh
let (exCode, outp, tUsed) = analyseOutput output eOut
return $ (proof_stat exCode simpleOptions outp tUsed,
outp, tUsed)
removeFile timeTmpFile
removeFile entailsFile
return (err,
cfg{proof_status = retval,
resultOutput = output,
timeUsed = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed})
(True,False) -> return
(ATPError "Pellet prover found, but file is not executable.",
emptyConfig (prover_name pelletProver)
(senAttr nGoal) emptyProofTree)
(False,_) -> return
(ATPError "Could not find pellet prover. Is $PELLET_PATH set?",
emptyConfig (prover_name pelletProver)
(senAttr nGoal) emptyProofTree)
simpleOptions = extraOpts cfg
tLimit = timeLimit cfg
extraOptions = "entail -e "
goalSuffix = '_' : senAttr nGoal
saveFileName = thName ++ goalSuffix
tmpFileName = reverse (takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse thName) ++ goalSuffix
timeWatchP :: Int -> IO ((ATPRetval, Proof_status ProofTree), [String], Int)
-> IO ((ATPRetval, Proof_status ProofTree), [String] , Int)
timeWatchP time process =
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
tid1 <- forkIO $ do z <- process
putMVar mvar (Just z)
tid2 <- forkIO $ do threadDelay (time * 1000000)
putMVar mvar Nothing
res <- takeMVar mvar
case res of
Just z -> do
killThread tid2 `catch` (\e -> putStrLn (show e))
return z
Nothing -> do
killThread tid1 `catch` (\e -> putStrLn (show e))
return ((ATPTLimitExceeded
, defaultProof_status simpleOptions)
, [],time)
proof_stat exitCode options out tUsed =
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> (ATPSuccess, (proved_status options tUsed)
usedAxioms = map senAttr $
initialState sps
ExitFailure 2 -> (ATPError (unlines ("Internal error.":out)),
defaultProof_status options)
ExitFailure 112 ->
(ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultProof_status options)
ExitFailure 105 ->
(ATPBatchStopped, defaultProof_status options)
ExitFailure _ ->
(ATPSuccess, disProved_status options)
defaultProof_status opts =
(senAttr nGoal) (prover_name pelletProver) $
{tacticScript = Tactic_script $ show $ ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
ts_extraOpts = opts} }
disProved_status opts = (defaultProof_status opts)
{goalStatus = Disproved}
proved_status opts ut =
goalName = senAttr nGoal
,goalStatus = Proved (Just True)
,usedAxioms = getAxioms -- []
,proverName = (prover_name pelletProver)
,proofTree = emptyProofTree
,usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $
secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger ut
,tacticScript = Tactic_script $ show $ ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
ts_extraOpts = opts}
getAxioms = []
analyseOutput :: String -> String -> (ExitCode, [String], Int)
analyseOutput err outp =
errL = lines err
outL = lines outp
anaHelp x [] = x
anaHelp (exCode, output, to) (line:ls) =
let (okey, ovalue) = span (/=':') line
if "Usage: java Pellet" `isPrefixOf` line
-- error by running pellet.
then (ExitFailure 2, (output ++ [line]), to)
else if okey == "Consistent" -- consistent state
then if (tail $ tail ovalue) == "Yes" then
anaHelp (ExitSuccess, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
else anaHelp (ExitFailure 1, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
else if "Time" `isPrefixOf` okey -- get cup time
then anaHelp (exCode, (output ++ [line]),
((read $ fst $ span (/=' ') $ tail ovalue)::Int)) ls
else if "All axioms are entailed" `isPrefixOf` line
anaHelp (ExitSuccess, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
else if "Non-entailments:" `isPrefixOf` line
anaHelp (ExitFailure 5, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
else if "ERROR:" `isPrefixOf` line
anaHelp (ExitFailure 4, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
anaHelp (exCode, (output ++ [line]), to) ls
anaHelp (ExitFailure 1, [], -1) (outL ++ errL)
showOWLProblemS :: String -- ^ theory name
-> PelletProverState -- ^ prover state containing
-- initial logical part
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showOWLProblemS thName pst _ =
let namedSens = initialState $ problemProverState
$ genPelletProblemS thName pst Nothing
sign = ontologySign $ problemProverState
$ genPelletProblemS thName pst Nothing
in show $ printOWLBasicTheory (sign, filter (\ax -> isAxiom(ax)) namedSens)
{- |
Pretty printing SoftFOL goal in DFG format.
showOWLProblem :: String -- ^ theory name
-> PelletProverState -- ^ prover state containing
-- initial logical part
-> Named Sentence -- ^ goal to print
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showOWLProblem thName pst nGoal _ =
let namedSens = initialState $ problemProverState
$ genPelletProblemS thName pst Nothing
sign = ontologySign $ problemProverState
$ genPelletProblemS thName pst Nothing
in return $
((show $ printOWLBasicTheory (sign, filter (\ax -> isAxiom(ax)) namedSens))
++ "\n\nEntailments:\n\n" ++
(show $ printOWLBasicTheory (sign, [nGoal]))
{- |
Generate a SoftFOL problem with time stamp while maybe adding a goal.
genPelletProblemS :: String -> PelletProverState
-> Maybe (Named Sentence)
-> PelletProblem
genPelletProblemS thName pps m_nGoal =
{identifier = thName
, problemProverState = pps
{ initialState = initialState pps ++
(maybe [] (\g -> g:[]) m_nGoal)}
-- , settings = []
{- |
Returns the time limit from GenericConfig if available. Otherwise
guiDefaultTimeLimit is returned.
configTimeLimit :: GenericConfig ProofTree
-> Int
configTimeLimit cfg =
maybe (guiDefaultTimeLimit) id $ timeLimit cfg
{- |
Parses a given default tactic script into a
'Interfaces.GenericATPState.ATPTactic_script' if possible. Otherwise a default
prover's tactic script is returned.
parseTactic_script :: Int -- ^ default time limit (standard:
-- 'Proofs.BatchProcessing.batchTimeLimit')
-> [String] -- ^ default extra options (prover specific)
-> Tactic_script
-> ATPTactic_script
parseTactic_script tLimit extOpts (Tactic_script ts) =
maybe (ATPTactic_script { ts_timeLimit = tLimit,
ts_extraOpts = extOpts })
id $ readMaybe ts