PrintRDF.hs revision 7fe4aa6d1e595364b2fd66fe3936e353d6e07d86
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(instances for URIreference and Namespace)
Pretty printing for OWL DL theories from abstract syntax to RDF\/OWL file.
module OWL.PrintRDF (printRDF) where
import Common.Doc
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.AS
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import Debug.Trace
type AssMap = Map.Map IndividualURI OwlClassURI
class PrettyRDF a where
printRDF :: AssMap -> a -> Doc
-- printRDFs :: [a] -> AssMap -> Doc
-- printRDFs = brackets . ppWithCommas
instance PrettyRDF Sign where
printRDF _ = printOntologyHead
printOntologyHead :: Sign -> Doc
printOntologyHead sig =
let ns = namespaceMap sig
oID = ontologyID sig
in text "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" $++$
printNamespace oID ns $++$ nest 4 <>
text "<owl:Ontology" <+> printURI oID <> text ">" $+$ nest 4 <>
text "</owl:Ontology>"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!ENTITY family "" >
<!ENTITY owl "" >
<!ENTITY owl11 "" >
<!ENTITY xsd "" >
<!ENTITY owl11xml "" >
<!ENTITY rdfs "" >
<!ENTITY rdf "" >
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>An example to test features from OWL 1.1</rdfs:comment>
instance PrettyRDF URIreference where
printRDF _ = printURI
printURI :: URIreference -> Doc
printURI ur =
printURIWithAttr "rdf:about" ur
printResource :: URIreference -> Doc
printResource ur =
printURIWithAttr "rdf:resource" ur
printURIWithAttr :: String -> URIreference -> Doc
printURIWithAttr attr (QN prefix localpart u)
-- | localpart == "_" = text $ show "_"
| null prefix = if null u then
text (attr ++ "=" ++ show localpart)
else if null localpart then
text (attr ++ "=" ++ show u)
else text (attr ++ "=" ++
show (u ++ ";" ++ localpart))
| otherwise = text (attr ++ "=" ++
show ("&" ++ prefix ++ ";" ++ localpart))
printNamespace :: OntologyID -> Namespace -> Doc
printNamespace oid nsMap =
printDOCTYPE $++$
text "<rdf:RDF" <+>
text ("xmlns"++"=") <>
text ("\"" ++ (localPart oid) ++ "#\"") $+$ nest 9 <>
pp ("base", localPart oid) $+$ nest 9 <>
(vcat $ map pp (Map.toList nsMap)) <+>
text ">"
where pp :: (String, String) -> Doc
pp (s1,s2) = text ("xmlns:"++s1++"=") <> text ("\"" ++s2 ++ "\"")
printDOCTYPE =
text "<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [" $+$ nest 4 <>
(vcat $ map printDT (Map.toList nsMap)) $+$
text "]>"
printDT :: (String, String) -> Doc
printDT (prefix, u) =
text ("<!ENTITY " ++ prefix ++ " \"" ++ u ++ "\">")
instance PrettyRDF SignAxiom where
printRDF _ = text . show -- printSignAxiom ignored
instance PrettyRDF Description where
printRDF _ = printDescription
printDescription :: Description -> Doc
printDescription desc =
case desc of
OWLClass ocUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:Description" (printURI ocUri)
-- text "<owl:Class" <+> printURI ocUri
-- <+> text "/>"
ObjectUnionOf descList -> -- no example
tagToDocWithAttr "owl:UnionOf" "rdf:parseType=\"Collection\""
(listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) descList)
ObjectIntersectionOf descList ->
tagToDocWithAttr "owl:intersectionOf" "rdf:parseType=\"Collection\""
(listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) descList)
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Person"/>
ObjectComplementOf d ->
case d of
OWLClass curi ->
tagToDoc "owl:Class"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:complementOf"
(printResource curi))
_ ->
tagToDoc "owl:complementOf" (printRDF Map.empty d)
ObjectOneOf indUriList ->
tagToDocWithAttr "owl:oneOf" "rdf:parseType=\"Collection\""
(listToDoc' (\i -> oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:Description" (printURI i))
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#grandmother"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#mother"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#father"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#uncle"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#daughter"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#grandfather"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#son"/>
ObjectAllValuesFrom opExp d ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(printOPERes opExp $+$
tagToDoc "owl:allValuesFrom" (printRDF Map.empty d))
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#isMarriedTo"/>
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Male"/>
ObjectSomeValuesFrom opExp d ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(printOPERes opExp $+$
tagToDoc "owl:someValuesFrom" (printRDF Map.empty d))
ObjectExistsSelf opExp ->
tagToDoc "owl11:SelfRestriction"
(tagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printRDF Map.empty opExp))
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(printOPERes opExp $+$
oneLineTagToDoc "owl:hasValue" (printResource indUri))
ObjectMinCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(text "<owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:minCardinality>" $+$
printOPERes opExp $+$
maybe empty printOnClass maybeDesc)
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl11:onClass rdf:resource="#Female"/>
<owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">2</owl:minCardinality>
ObjectMaxCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(text "<owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:maxCardinality>" $+$
printOPERes opExp $+$
maybe empty printOnClass maybeDesc
ObjectExactCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(text "<owl:cardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:cardinality>" $+$
printOPERes opExp $+$
maybe empty printOnClass maybeDesc)
DataAllValuesFrom dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(listToDoc' (\d -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty"
(printResource d)) (dpExp:dpExpList) $+$
tagToDoc "owl:allValuesFrom" (tagToDoc "rdf:Description"
(printRDF Map.empty dRange)))
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasAge"/>
.. ..
DataSomeValuesFrom dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(listToDoc' (\d -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty"
(printResource d)) (dpExp:dpExpList) $+$
tagToDoc "owl:someValuesFrom" (printRDF Map.empty dRange))
DataHasValue dpExp cons ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printResource dpExp)$+$
tagToDoc "owl:hasValue" (printRDF Map.empty cons))
DataMinCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printResource dpExp) $+$
text "<owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:minCardinality>" $+$
maybe empty (printRDF Map.empty) maybeRange)
DataMaxCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printResource dpExp) $+$
text "<owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:maxCardinality>" $+$
maybe empty (printRDF Map.empty) maybeRange)
DataExactCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
tagToDoc "owl:Restriction"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printResource dpExp) $+$
text "<owl:cardinality rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;nonNegativeInteger\">" <> text (show card) <> text "</owl:cardinality>" $+$
maybe empty (printRDF Map.empty) maybeRange)
instance PrettyRDF ObjectPropertyExpression where
printRDF _ = printObjPropExp
printObjPropExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printObjPropExp opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI ou -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURI ou)
InverseOp iopExp -> tagToDoc "owl:InverseObjectProperties"
(printRDF Map.empty iopExp)
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasChild">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/>
printOPERes :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printOPERes opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI ou -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:onProperty" (printResource ou)
InverseOp iopExp -> tagToDoc "owl:InverseObjectProperties"
(printOPERes iopExp)
printURIFromOPExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printURIFromOPExp opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI ou -> printURI ou
_ -> error ("ObjectPropertyExpression has not only the URI: "
++ show opExp)
printURIFromOPExpRes :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printURIFromOPExpRes opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI ou -> printResource ou
_ -> error ("ObjectPropertyExpression has not only the URI: "
++ show opExp)
printURIFromDesc :: Description -> Doc
printURIFromDesc desc =
case desc of
OWLClass curi -> printURI curi
_ -> error ("Description has not only a class URI:" ++ show desc)
printURIFromDescRes :: Description -> Doc
printURIFromDescRes desc =
case desc of
OWLClass curi -> printResource curi
_ -> error ("Description has not only a class: " ++ show desc)
instance PrettyRDF DataRange where
printRDF _ = printDataRange
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="datatypeProperty_1">
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
printDataRange :: DataRange -> Doc
printDataRange dr =
-- (tagToDoc "owl:DataRange"
case dr of
DRDatatype du ->
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:datatype"
(printResource du)
-- <Datatype URI="&rdfs;Literal"/>
DataComplementOf drange ->
tagToDoc "owl:ComplementOf"
(tagToDoc "rdf:Description" $ printRDF Map.empty drange)
DataOneOf constList ->
text "<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">" $+$nest 4 <>
listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) constList $+$
text "</owl:oneOf>"
DatatypeRestriction drange l ->
-- DatatypeRestriction DataRange [(DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue)]
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:type" (text "rdf:resource=\"&owl;DataRange\"")
$+$ oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:onDataRange"
(case drange of
DRDatatype u -> printResource u
_ -> error "unknown datatype.")
$+$ (vcat $ map printFV l)
printOnClass :: Description -> Doc
printOnClass desc =
case desc of
OWLClass c -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:onClass" (printResource c)
_ -> text $ show desc -- debug
-- <owl11:onClass rdf:resource="#Female"/>
printFV :: (DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue) -> Doc
printFV (facet, restValue) = printFacet facet
(getValueFromConst restValue)
getValueFromConst :: Constant -> Doc
getValueFromConst cons =
case cons of
TypedConstant (lexi, _) ->
text lexi
UntypedConstant (lexi, _) ->
text lexi
printFacet :: DatatypeFacet -> Doc -> Doc
printFacet facet doc =
(text "<" <> printRDF Map.empty facet <+> text "rdf:datatype=\"&xsd;int\">") <>
doc <>
text "</"<> printRDF Map.empty facet <> text ">"
instance PrettyRDF DatatypeFacet where
printRDF _ df =
case df of
LENGTH -> text "owl11:length"
MINLENGTH -> text "owl11:minLength"
MAXLENGTH -> text "owl11:maxLength"
PATTERN -> text "owl11:pattern"
MININCLUSIVE -> text "owl11:minInclusive"
MINEXCLUSIVE -> text "owl11:minExclusive"
MAXINCLUSIVE -> text "owl11:maxInclusive"
MAXEXCLUSIVE -> text "owl11:maxExclusive"
TOTALDIGITS -> text "owl11:totalDigits"
FRACTIONDIGITS -> text "owl11:fractionDigits"
instance PrettyRDF Constant where
printRDF _ cons =
case cons of
TypedConstant (lexi, u) ->
text "<owl11:Constant rdfs:Datatype=" <>
(text $ show$localPart u) <>
text (">" ++ lexi) <> text "</owl11:Constant>"
-- <Constant Datatype="&xsd;int">20</Constant>
UntypedConstant (lexi, _) ->
text "<owl11:Constant>" <>
(text $ lexi) <> (text "</owl11:Constant>")
instance PrettyRDF Entity where
printRDF _ = printEntity
printEntity :: Entity -> Doc
printEntity entity =
case entity of
Datatype dUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:Datatype" (printURI dUri)
OWLClassEntity cUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "owl:OWLClass" (printURI cUri)
ObjectProperty opUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURI opUri)
DataProperty dpUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpUri)
Individual iUri ->
oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:Individual" (printURI iUri)
instance PrettyRDF Sentence where
printRDF = printSentence
printSentence :: AssMap -> Sentence -> Doc
printSentence m sent = case sent of
OWLAxiom axiom -> nest 4 <> printRDF m axiom
OWLFact fact -> nest 4 <> printRDF m fact
instance PrettyRDF Axiom where
printRDF = printAxiom
printAxiom :: AssMap -> Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom indClsMap axiom = case axiom of
SubClassOf _ sub super ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:Class" (printURIFromDesc sub)
(tagToDoc "rdfs:subClassOf" (printRDF Map.empty super))
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Male">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#isMarriedTo"/>
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Female"/>
EquivalentClasses _ (clazz:equiList) ->
printClass clazz
$ listToDoc' (\d -> case d of
ObjectIntersectionOf _ -> tagToDoc "owl:Class" (printRDF Map.empty d)
ObjectOneOf _ -> tagToDoc "owl:Class" (printRDF Map.empty d)
_ -> printRDF Map.empty d) equiList)
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Adult">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasAge"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;DataRange"/>
<owl11:minInclusive rdf:datatype="&xsd;int">20</owl11:minInclusive>
<owl11:onDataRange rdf:resource="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Person"/>
<owl:equivalentClass rdf:resource="#Child"/>
DisjointClasses _ (clazz:djList) ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:Class" (printURIFromDesc clazz)
(tagToDoc "owl:disjointWith" (listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) djList))
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Teenager">
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Adult"/>
DisjointUnion _ curi discList ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:Class" (printURI curi)
(tagToDocWithAttr "owl11:disjointUnionOf" "rdf:parseType=\"Collection\"" (listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) discList))
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Person">
<owl11:disjointUnionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Female"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Male"/>
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf _ sopExp opExp ->
case sopExp of
OPExpression oexp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp oexp)
(tagToDoc "rdfs:subPropertyOf" (printRDF Map.empty opExp))
SubObjectPropertyChain oeList ->
tagToDoc "rdf:Description"
(listToDoc (printRDF Map.empty) oeList $+$
oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:subPropertyOf"
(printURIFromOPExpRes opExp))
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#dislikes">
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl11:disjointObjectProperties rdf:resource="#likes"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&rdf;List"/>
<rdf:first rdf:resource="#hasAncestor"/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasAncestor"/>
<rdf:rest rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#hasAncestor"/>
EquivalentObjectProperties _ (opExp:opList) ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(listToDoc' (\o -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:equivalentProperty"
(printURIFromOPExpRes o)) opList)
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasSon">
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Male"/>
<owl:equivalentProperty rdf:resource="#hasSibling"/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl:equivalentProperty rdf:resource="#hasDaughter"/>
DisjointObjectProperties _ (opExp:opList) ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(listToDoc' (\o -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:disjointObjectProperties"
(printURIFromOPExpRes o)) opList)
ObjectPropertyDomain _ opExp desc ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty"
(printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(case desc of
OWLClass _ -> oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:domain"
(printURIFromDescRes desc)
_ -> tagToDoc "rdfs:domain"
(printRDF Map.empty desc))
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasAncestor">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Person"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Person"/>
ObjectPropertyRange _ opExp desc ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:range" (printURIFromDescRes desc))
InverseObjectProperties _ opExp1 opExp2 ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty"
(printURIFromOPExp opExp1)
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl:inverseOf" (printURIFromOPExpRes opExp2))
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasBrother">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasSister"/>
FunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;FunctionalProperty\"/>")
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasFather">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl11;AntisymmetricProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl11;ReflexiveProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl11;IrreflexiveProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;TransitiveProperty"/>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;SymmetricProperty"/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Male"/>
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty\"/>")
ReflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl11;ReflexiveProperty\"/>")
IrreflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl11;IrreflexiveProperty\"/>")
SymmetricObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;SymmetricProperty\"/>")
AntisymmetricObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;AntisymmetricProperty\"/>")
TransitiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:ObjectProperty" (printURIFromOPExp opExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;TransitiveProperty\"/>")
-- DataPropertyAxiom
-- no example
SubDataPropertyOf _ dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp1)
(oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:subPropertyOf" (printResource dpExp2))
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="#isOfAge">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;integer"/>
<owl:equivalentProperty rdf:resource="#topDataProperty"/>
<owl11:disjointDataProperties rdf:resource="#hasAge"/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#topDataProperty"/>
EquivalentDataProperties _ (dpExp:dpList) ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp)
(listToDoc' (\dp -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:equivalentProperty"
(printResource dp)) dpList)
DisjointDataProperties _ (dpExp:dpList) ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp)
(listToDoc' (\dp -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:disjointDataProperties"
(printResource dp)) dpList)
DataPropertyDomain _ dpExp desc ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp)
(tagToDoc "rdfs:domain" (printRDF Map.empty desc))
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="#testDataProperty1">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Female"/>
DataPropertyRange _ dpExp drange ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp)
(case drange of
DRDatatype did ->
oneLineTagToDoc "rdfs:range" (printResource did)
_ ->
(tagToDoc "rdfs:range" (printRDF Map.empty drange)))
FunctionalDataProperty _ dpExp ->
tagToDocWithAttr' "owl:DatatypeProperty" (printURI dpExp)
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;FunctionalProperty\"/>")
-- Fact
-- see
SameIndividual _ (ind:indList) ->
case Map.lookup ind indClsMap of
Just classId ->
let clz = classNameForInd classId
in tagToDocWithAttr' clz (printURI ind)
(\i -> oneLineTagToDoc "owl:sameAs"
(printResource i)) indList)
Nothing ->
tagToDoc "owl11:SameIndividual"
((printIndividual ind)
$+$ (listToDoc printIndividual indList))
<Person rdf:about="#personX">
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="#uncle"/>
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="#father"/>
DifferentIndividuals _ (ind:indList) ->
tagToDoc "rdf:Description"
(text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;AllDifferent\"/>" $+$
tagToDocWithAttr "owl:distinctMembers" "rdf:parseType=\"Collection\"" (listToDoc' (\d -> oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:Description" (printURI d)) (ind:indList)))
<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;AllDifferent"/>
<owl:distinctMembers rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#personY"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#father"/>
ClassAssertion _ ind desc ->
case Map.lookup ind indClsMap of
Just clsOfInd ->
case desc of
OWLClass curi ->
-- if the classAssertion is only a declaration of
-- individual, a oneline-tag is used oder ignored.
if clsOfInd == curi then
-- oneLineTagToDoc (localPart curi)
-- (printURI ind)
else printClassAssertion clsOfInd ind desc
_ -> printClassAssertion clsOfInd ind desc
Nothing ->
tagToDoc "owl11:ClassAssertion"
((case desc of
OWLClass ouri ->
text "<owl:Class" <+> printResource ouri
<+> text "/>"
_ -> printRDF Map.empty desc)
$+$ printIndividual ind)
<Person rdf:about="#father">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#FamilyMembers"/>
ObjectPropertyAssertion _ opExp source target ->
case Map.lookup source indClsMap of
Just curi ->
tagToDocWithAttr' (classNameForInd curi) (printURI source)
(case opExp of
OpURI ou -> oneLineTagToDoc (classNameForInd ou)
(printResource target)
InverseOp _ -> -- on idee, error?
error ("ObjectPropertyAssertion can not accept a inverse object property expression.")
Nothing -> -- without classAssertion of source the object-
-- propertyAssertion can't be declared in RDF.
tagToDoc "owl11:ObjectPropertyAssertion"
(printOPERes opExp $+$ printIndividual source
$+$ printIndividual target)
<ObjectProperty URI="&family;hasMother"/>
<Individual URI="&family;father"/>
<Individual URI="&family;grandmother"/>
<Person rdf:about="#father">
<hasMother rdf:resource="#grandmother"/>
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _ opExp source target ->
tagToDoc "owl11:NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion"
(printSubject source <+>
printPredicate opExp <+>
printObject target)
<rdf:subject rdf:resource="#father"/>
<rdf:predicate rdf:resource="#hasBrother"/>
<rdf:object rdf:resource="#uncle"/>
DataPropertyAssertion _ dpExp source target ->
case Map.lookup source indClsMap of
Just curi ->
tagToDocWithAttr' (classNameForInd curi) (printURI source)
(printDPWithConst dpExp target)
Nothing ->
tagToDoc "owl11:DataPropertyAssertion"
(oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:DataProperty"
(printResource dpExp)
$+$ printIndividual source
$+$ printRDF Map.empty target)
<Person rdf:about="#father">
<hasAge rdf:datatype="&xsd;int">38</hasAge>
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _ dpExp source target ->
tagToDoc "owl11:NegativeDataPropertyAssertion"
(printSubject source
$+$ printPredicateDataProp dpExp
$+$ printObjectDataProp target
<rdf:subject rdf:resource="#father"/>
<rdf:predicate rdf:resource="#hasName"/>
<rdf:object rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">RRRRRRRRR</rdf:object>
Declaration _ entity ->
{- case entity of ->
Datatype u ->
OWLClassEntity u
ObjectProperty u
DataProperty u
Individual u
tagToDoc "Declaration"
(printRDF Map.empty entity)
EntityAnno _ -> empty -- EntityAnnotation, here the "implied" comes
u -> error ("unknow axiom" ++ show u)
instance PrettyRDF SubObjectPropertyExpression where
printRDF _ sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp ->
tagToDoc "rdfs:subPropertyOf" (printRDF Map.empty opExp)
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
tagToDoc "rdfs:subPropertyOf"
(tagToDoc "owl11:propertyChain"
(listToDoc' (printRDF Map.empty) opExpList))
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#dislikes">
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl11:disjointObjectProperties rdf:resource="#likes"/>
printClass :: Description -> Doc -> Doc
printClass desc content =
case desc of
OWLClass curi ->
classStart curi $+$
nest 4 <> content $+$
_ -> error ("Class here muss be a delaration of OWLClass")
classStart :: OwlClassURI -> Doc
classStart cu =
text "<owl:Class" <+> printURI cu
<+> text ">"
classEnd :: Doc
classEnd = text "</owl:Class>"
equivalentClassTag :: Doc -> Doc
equivalentClassTag doc =
text "<owl:equivalentClass>" $+$
nest 4 <> doc $+$
text "</owl:equivalentClass>"
printIndividual :: IndividualURI -> Doc
printIndividual iuri =
oneLineTagToDoc "owl11:Individual" (printResource iuri)
printSubject :: SourceIndividualURI -> Doc
printSubject ind =
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:subject" (printResource ind)
printObject :: TargetIndividualURI -> Doc
printObject ind =
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:object" (printResource ind)
printPredicate :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printPredicate ope =
case ope of
OpURI oUri -> oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:predicate"
(printResource oUri)
InverseOp _ -> error ("NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion can not accept a inverse object property expression.")
printPredicateDataProp :: DataPropertyExpression -> Doc
printPredicateDataProp dpe =
oneLineTagToDoc "rdf:predicate" (printResource dpe)
printObjectDataProp :: TargetValue -> Doc
printObjectDataProp cons =
tagToDocWithAttr' "rdf:object"
(case cons of
TypedConstant (_, ty) ->
printURIWithAttr "rdf:datatype" ty
UntypedConstant _ -> empty)
(getValueFromConst cons)
printDPWithConst :: DataPropertyExpression
-> Constant -> Doc
printDPWithConst dpe cons =
tagToDocWithAttr' (localPart dpe)
(case cons of
TypedConstant (_, ty) ->
printURIWithAttr "rdf:datatype" ty
UntypedConstant _ -> empty)
(getValueFromConst cons)
tagToDoc :: String -> Doc -> Doc
tagToDoc tag content =
text ("<" ++ tag ++ ">") $+$
nest 4 <> content $+$
text ("</" ++ tag ++ ">")
tagToDocWithAttr :: String -> String -> Doc -> Doc
tagToDocWithAttr tag attr content =
text ("<" ++ tag ++ " " ++ attr ++ ">") $+$
nest 4 <> content $+$
text ("</" ++ tag ++ ">")
tagToDocWithAttr' :: String -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
tagToDocWithAttr' tag attr content =
text ("<" ++ tag) <+> attr <> text ">" $+$
nest 4 <> content $+$
text ("</" ++ tag ++ ">")
printClassAssertion :: OwlClassURI -> IndividualURI
-> Description -> Doc
printClassAssertion clsOfInd ind desc =
tagToDocWithAttr' (classNameForInd clsOfInd) (printURI ind)
(tagToDoc "rdf:type" (printRDF Map.empty desc))
<Person rdf:about="#father">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#FamilyMembers"/>
oneLineTagToDoc :: String -> Doc -> Doc
oneLineTagToDoc s content =
text ("<" ++ s) <+> content <> text "/>"
-- not necessary
instance PrettyRDF OntologyFile where
printRDF _ = text . show
instance PrettyRDF Ontology where
printRDF _ = text . show -- printOntology
instance PrettyRDF [AS_Anno.Named Sentence] where
printRDF m l = foldl ($+$) empty $ map (printRDF m) l
instance PrettyRDF (AS_Anno.Named Sentence) where
printRDF m s = printRDF m (AS_Anno.sentence s)
listToDoc :: (PrettyRDF a) =>
(a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
listToDoc pf list =
text "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&rdf;List\"/>"
$+$ (ltd pf list)
ltd _ [] = empty
ltd p (lastOne:[]) =
text ("<rdf:rest " ++
$+$ (tagToDoc "rdf:first" (p lastOne))
ltd p (h:r) =
text "<rdf:rest rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">" $+$
nest 4 <> ltd p r $+$
text "</rdf:rest>" $+$
(tagToDoc "rdf:first" (p h))
listToDoc' :: (PrettyRDF a) =>
(a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
listToDoc' p = vcat . map p
classNameForInd ::OwlClassURI -> String
classNameForInd cid =
let lp = localPart cid
in if lp == "Thing" then
"owl:" ++ lp
else lp
nest :: Int -> Doc
nest longOfNest
| longOfNest == 0 = empty
| otherwise = space <> (nest (longOfNest -1))