Print.hs revision d0279930f87bf39843e0bd2992a4789322662144
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(instances for URIreference and Namespace)
Pretty printing for OWL DL theories.
module OWL.Print where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
-- import qualified Common.Lib.Pretty as Pretty (nest, char)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName (QName(QN))
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.AS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign (Sign _ p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 _ p8 _ p10) =
text "namespaces " $+$ printNamespace p10 $+$
text "concepts" <+> setToDocF p2 $+$
text "primaryConcepts " <+> setToDocF p3 $+$
text "datatypes " <+> setToDocF p4 $+$
text "indvidual_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p5 $+$
text "data_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p6 $+$
text "individuals " <+> setToDocF p8
instance Pretty URIreference where
pretty = printURIreference
printURIreference :: URIreference -> Doc
printURIreference (QN prefix localpart u)
| localpart == "_" = text $ show "_"
| null prefix = if null u then
text localpart
else text $ show (u ++ ":" ++ localpart)
| otherwise = text $ show ( prefix ++ ":" ++ localpart)
printNamespace :: Namespace -> Doc
printNamespace nsMap =
vcat $ map pp (Map.toList nsMap)
where pp :: (String, String) -> Doc
pp (s1,s2) = text s1 <> defn <> text s2
instance Pretty SignAxiom where
pretty = text . show -- printSignAxiom
printSignAxiom :: SignAxiom -> Doc
printSignAxiom signAxiom = case signAxiom of
Subconcept cid1 cid2 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printDescription cid1 <+> text "x") <+>
parens (printDescription cid2 <+> text "x")))
RoleDomain rid rdomains ->
(\x y -> parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" $+$
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference x <+>
text "x y") <+>
(parens $ printRDomain y)))
) rid rdomains
RoleRange rid rranges -> case head rranges of
RDRange _ ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y rdfs:Literal))" $+$
text "(implies (" <> printURIreference rid <+> text "x y)" $+$
(if (length rranges > 1) then
text "(or "
else lparen) <>
listToDocH form5 rid rranges $+$ text ")))"
_ ->
(\x y -> text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" $+$
text "(implies (" <> printURIreference x <+>
text "x y) (" <> printRRange y <> text " y)" $+$
text "))")
rid rranges
FuncRole (rtype, rid) ->
case rtype of
IRole ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing) (z owl:Thing))" $+$
text "(implies" $+$
text "(and (" <> printURIreference rid <+>
text "x y) (" <+> printURIreference rid <+> text "x z))" $+$
text "(= y z)" $+$ text "))"
DRole ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y rdfs:Literal) (z rdfs:Literal))" $+$
text "(implies" $+$
text "(and (" <> printURIreference rid <+>
text "x y) (" <+> printURIreference rid <+> text "x z))" $+$
text "(= y z)" $+$ text "))"
Conceptmembership iID desc ->
parens (printDescription 0 iID desc <+> printURIreference iID)
u -> text . show u
instance Pretty Description where
pretty = printDescription
printDescription :: Description -> Doc
printDescription desc = case desc of
OWLClass ocUri -> printURIreference ocUri
ObjectUnionOf descList ->
text "or:" <+> sepByCommas (setToDocs $ Set.fromList descList)
ObjectIntersectionOf descList -> printDescriptionWithRestriction descList
ObjectComplementOf d -> text "not" <+> pretty d
ObjectOneOf indUriList -> specBraces $ setToDocF $ Set.fromList indUriList
ObjectAllValuesFrom opExp d -> printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "only"
<+> pretty d
ObjectSomeValuesFrom opExp d -> printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "some"
<+> pretty d
ObjectExistsSelf opExp -> printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "some"
<+> text "self"
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri -> pretty opExp <+> text "value"
<+> pretty indUri
ObjectMinCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "min" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeDesc)
ObjectMaxCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "max" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeDesc)
ObjectExactCardinality card opExp maybeDesc ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> text "exactly" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeDesc)
DataAllValuesFrom dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
printURIreference dpExp <+> text "only"
<+> (if null dpExpList then empty
else specBraces (sepByCommas $ setToDocs
(Set.fromList dpExpList))) <+> pretty dRange
DataSomeValuesFrom dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
printURIreference dpExp <+> text "some"
<+> (if null dpExpList then empty
else specBraces (sepByCommas $ setToDocs
(Set.fromList dpExpList))) <+> pretty dRange
DataHasValue dpExp cons -> pretty dpExp <+> text "value" <+> pretty cons
DataMinCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
pretty dpExp <+> text "min" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeRange)
DataMaxCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
pretty dpExp <+> text "max" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeRange)
DataExactCardinality card dpExp maybeRange ->
pretty dpExp <+> text "exactly" <+> (text $ show card) <+>
(maybe empty pretty maybeRange)
printDescriptionWithRestriction :: [Description] -> Doc
printDescriptionWithRestriction descList =
writeDesc descList True False empty
writeDesc [] _ _ doc = doc
writeDesc (h:r) isFirst lastWasNamed doc =
let thisIsNamed = (case h of
OWLClass _ -> True
_ -> False)
in if isFirst then
writeDesc r False thisIsNamed (printDescription h)
else if not lastWasNamed then
writeDesc r False thisIsNamed
(doc $+$ text "and" <+> (printDescription h))
writeDesc r False thisIsNamed
((case h of
OWLClass _ -> doc $+$ text "and"
ObjectUnionOf _ -> doc $+$ text "and"
ObjectIntersectionOf _ -> doc $+$ text "and"
ObjectComplementOf _ -> doc $+$ text "and"
ObjectOneOf _ -> doc $+$ text "and"
_ -> doc $+$ text "that") <+> (printDescription h))
instance Pretty ObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty = printObjPropExp
printObjPropExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printObjPropExp obExp =
case obExp of
OpURI ou -> pretty ou
InverseOp iopExp -> text "inverse" <> parens (printObjPropExp iopExp)
instance Pretty DataRange where
pretty = printDataRange
printDataRange :: DataRange -> Doc
printDataRange dr = case dr of
DRDatatype du -> pretty du
DataComplementOf drange -> text "not" <+> pretty drange
DataOneOf constList -> specBraces $ sepByCommas $ map pretty constList
DatatypeRestriction drange l ->
pretty drange <+> brackets (sepByCommas $ printFV l)
printFV :: [(DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue)] -> [Doc]
printFV [] = []
printFV ((facet, restValue):r) = (pretty facet <> text ":"
<+> pretty restValue):(printFV r)
instance Pretty DatatypeFacet where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty Constant where
pretty cons = case cons of
TypedConstant (lexi, u) ->
text lexi <> text "^^" <> pretty u
UntypedConstant (lexi, tag) ->
text lexi <> text "@@" <> text tag
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty = printSentence
printSentence :: Sentence -> Doc
printSentence sent = case sent of
OWLAxiom axiom -> pretty axiom
OWLFact fact -> pretty fact
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = printAxiom
printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom axiom = case axiom of
SubClassOf _ sub super ->
classStart <+> pretty sub $+$ (text "SubClassOf:") $+$
(pretty super)
EquivalentClasses _ (clazz:equiList) ->
classStart <+> pretty clazz $+$ (text "EquivalentTo:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList equiList)
DisjointClasses _ (clazz:equiList) ->
classStart <+> pretty clazz $+$ (text "DisjointWith:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList equiList)
DisjointUnion _ curi discList ->
classStart <+> pretty curi $+$ (text "DisjointUnionOf:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList discList)
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf _ sopExp opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty sopExp $+$ (text "SubObjectPropertyOf:") $+$
(pretty opExp)
EquivalentObjectProperties _ (opExp:opList) ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (text "EquivalentTo:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList opList)
DisjointObjectProperties _ (opExp:opList) ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (text "DisjointWith:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList opList)
ObjectPropertyDomain _ opExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (text "Domain:") $+$
(pretty desc)
ObjectPropertyRange _ opExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (text "Range:") $+$
(pretty desc)
InverseObjectProperties _ opExp1 opExp2 ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp1 $+$ (text "Inverse:") $+$
(pretty opExp2)
FunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Functinal")
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Inverse_Functinal")
ReflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Reflexive")
IrreflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Irreflexive")
SymmetricObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Symmetric")
AntisymmetricObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "AntiSymmetric")
TransitiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ (printCharact "Transitive")
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf _ dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp1 $+$ (text "SubDataPropertyOf") $+$
(pretty dpExp2)
EquivalentDataProperties _ (dpExp:dpList) ->
opStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ (text "EquivalentTo:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList dpList)
DisjointDataProperties _ (dpExp:dpList) ->
opStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ (text "DisjointWith:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList dpList)
DataPropertyDomain _ dpExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ (text "Domain:") $+$
(pretty desc)
DataPropertyRange _ dpExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ (text "Range:") $+$
(pretty desc)
FunctionalDataProperty _ dpExp ->
opStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ (printCharact "Functinal")
-- Fact
SameIndividual _ (ind:indList) ->
indStart <+> (pretty ind) $+$ (text "SameAs:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList indList)
DifferentIndividuals _ (ind:indList) ->
indStart <+> (pretty ind) $+$ (text "DifferentFrom:") $+$
(setToDocV $ Set.fromList indList)
ClassAssertion _ ind desc ->
indStart <+> (pretty ind) $+$ (text "Types:") $+$
(pretty desc)
ObjectPropertyAssertion _ opExp source target ->
indStart <+> (pretty source) $+$ (pretty opExp) $+$
(pretty target)
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _ opExp source target ->
indStart <+> (pretty source) $+$ (text "not" <+>
parens (pretty opExp <+> pretty target))
DataPropertyAssertion _ dpExp source target ->
indStart <+> (pretty source) $+$ (pretty dpExp) $+$
(pretty target)
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _ dpExp source target ->
indStart <+> (pretty source) $+$ (text "not" <+>
parens (pretty dpExp <+> pretty target))
Declaration _ _ -> empty -- [Annotation] Entity
EntityAnno _ -> empty -- EntityAnnotation
u -> error ("unknow axiom" ++ show u)
classStart :: Doc
classStart = text "Class:"
opStart :: Doc
opStart = text "ObjectProterty:"
dpStart :: Doc
dpStart = text "DataProperty:"
indStart :: Doc
indStart = text "Individual:"
printCharact :: String -> Doc
printCharact charact =
text "Characteristics:" $+$ (text charact)
instance Pretty SubObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> pretty opExp
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
foldl (\x y -> x <+> text "o" <+> y)
empty (setToDocs (Set.fromList $
take (length opExpList -1) opExpList)) <+>
text "o" <+> pretty (head $ reverse opExpList)
-- not necessary
instance Pretty OntologyFile where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty Ontology where
pretty = text . show -- printOntology
setToDocs :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> [Doc]
setToDocs = punctuate comma . map pretty . Set.toList
setToDocF :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocF = fsep . setToDocs
setToDocV :: (Pretty a) => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocV = vcat . setToDocs
-- output a list in vertikal direction
listToDocV :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocV printForm iD = vcat . map (printForm iD)
-- output a list in horizonal direction
listToDocH :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocH printForm iD = hsep . map (printForm iD)
emptyQN :: QName
emptyQN = QN "" "" ""
simpleQN :: String -> QName
simpleQN str = QN "" str ""
choiceName :: Int -> String
choiceName level
| level <= 0 = "x"
| level == 1 = "y"
| level == 2 = "z"
| otherwise = "u" ++ (show (level -2))