Print.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty printing for OWL DL theories.
module OWL.Print (printOWLBasicTheory, printAxiom) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import OWL.Sign
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
printOWLBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> Doc
printOWLBasicTheory (s, l) =
printSign s
$++$ vsep (map (pretty . sentence) l)
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s =
let cs = concepts s
ps = primaryConcepts s
ds = Set.difference cs ps
ts = Set.filter ((`notElem` datatypeKeys) . localPart) $ datatypes s
on = ontologyID s
pon = printURIreference $ if on == nullQName
then dummyQName
else on
in vcat (map (\ (c, l) -> hsep $ map text [namespaceC, c, '<' : l ++ ">"])
$ Map.toList $ namespaceMap s)
$++$ text ontologyC <+> pon
$++$ vcat (map (\ t -> text datatypeC <+> pretty t) $ Set.toList ts)
$++$ vcat (map (\ c -> classStart <+> pretty c) $ Set.toList ps)
$++$ vcat (map (\ c -> classStart <+> pretty c) $ Set.toList ds)
$++$ vcat (map (\ o -> opStart <+> pretty o) $ Set.toList $ indValuedRoles s)
vcat (map (\ d -> dpStart <+> pretty d) $ Set.toList $ dataValuedRoles s)
$++$ vcat (map (\ i -> indStart <+> pretty i) $ Set.toList $ individuals s)
instance Pretty QName where
pretty = printURIreference
printURIreference :: QName -> Doc
printURIreference = text . showQN
instance Pretty SymbItems where
pretty (SymbItems m us) = maybe empty (keyword . show) m
<+> ppWithCommas us
instance Pretty SymbMapItems where
pretty (SymbMapItems m us) = maybe empty (keyword . show) m
<+> sepByCommas
(map (\ (s, ms) -> sep
[ pretty s
, case ms of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> mapsto <+> pretty t]) us)
instance GetRange RawSymb -- no position by default
instance Pretty RawSymb where
pretty rs = case rs of
ASymbol e -> pretty e
AnUri u -> pretty u
instance Pretty Entity where
pretty (Entity ty e) = keyword (show ty) <+> pretty e
instance Pretty SignAxiom where
pretty = text . show
cardinalityType :: CardinalityType -> Doc
cardinalityType = text . showCardinalityType
quantifierType :: QuantifierType -> Doc
quantifierType = text . showQuantifierType
instance Pretty Description where
pretty desc = case desc of
OWLClassDescription ocUri -> printURIreference ocUri
ObjectJunction ty ds -> let
(k, p) = case ty of
UnionOf -> (orS, pretty)
IntersectionOf -> (andS, printPrimary)
in fsep $ prepPunctuate (text k <> space) $ map p ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> text notS <+> printNegatedPrimary d
ObjectOneOf indUriList -> specBraces $ ppWithCommas indUriList
ObjectValuesFrom ty opExp d ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> quantifierType ty <+> printNegatedPrimary d
ObjectExistsSelf opExp ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> text selfS
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri ->
pretty opExp <+> text valueS <+> pretty indUri
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ty card opExp maybeDesc) ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> cardinalityType ty
<+> text (show card) <+> maybe (text "owl:Thing") printPrimary maybeDesc
DataValuesFrom ty dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
printURIreference dpExp <+> quantifierType ty
<+> (if null dpExpList then empty
else specBraces $ ppWithCommas dpExpList) <+> pretty dRange
DataHasValue dpExp cons -> pretty dpExp <+> text valueS <+> pretty cons
DataCardinality (Cardinality ty card dpExp maybeRange) ->
pretty dpExp <+> cardinalityType ty <+> text (show card)
<+> maybe empty pretty maybeRange
printPrimary :: Description -> Doc
printPrimary d = let dd = pretty d in case d of
ObjectJunction _ _ -> parens dd
_ -> dd
printNegatedPrimary :: Description -> Doc
printNegatedPrimary d = let r = parens $ pretty d in case d of
ObjectComplementOf _ -> r
ObjectValuesFrom _ _ _ -> r
DataValuesFrom _ _ _ _ -> r
ObjectHasValue _ _ -> r
DataHasValue _ _ -> r
_ -> printPrimary d
instance Pretty ObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty = printObjPropExp
printObjPropExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printObjPropExp obExp =
case obExp of
OpURI ou -> pretty ou
InverseOp iopExp -> text inverseS <+> printObjPropExp iopExp
instance Pretty DataRange where
pretty = printDataRange
printDataRange :: DataRange -> Doc
printDataRange dr = case dr of
DRDatatype du -> pretty du
DataComplementOf drange -> text notS <+> pretty drange
DataOneOf constList -> specBraces $ ppWithCommas constList
DatatypeRestriction drange l -> pretty drange <+>
if null l then empty else brackets $ sepByCommas $ map printFV l
printFV :: (DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue) -> Doc
printFV (facet, restValue) = pretty facet <+> pretty restValue
instance Pretty DatatypeFacet where
pretty = text . showFacet
instance Pretty Constant where
pretty (Constant lexi ty) =
text (case lexi of
'"' : _ -> lexi
_ -> show lexi) <> case ty of
Typed u -> text cTypeS <> pretty u
Untyped tag -> if null tag then empty else text asP <> text tag
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = printAxiom
printEquivOrDisjoint :: EquivOrDisjoint -> Doc
printEquivOrDisjoint = text . showEquivOrDisjoint
printObjDomainOrRange :: ObjDomainOrRange -> Doc
printObjDomainOrRange = text . showObjDomainOrRange
printDataDomainOrRange :: DataDomainOrRange -> Doc
printDataDomainOrRange dr = case dr of
DataDomain d -> text domainC <+> pretty d
DataRange d -> text rangeC <+> pretty d
printSameOrDifferent :: SameOrDifferent -> Doc
printSameOrDifferent = text . showSameOrDifferent
printAssertion :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Assertion a b -> Doc
printAssertion (Assertion a p s b) = indStart <+> pretty s $+$
let d = fsep [pretty a, pretty b] in
text factsC <+> case p of
Positive -> d
Negative -> text notS <+> d
printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom axiom = case axiom of
EntityAnno _ -> empty -- EntityAnnotation
PlainAxiom _ paxiom -> case paxiom of
SubClassOf sub super -> case super of
OWLClassDescription curi
| localPart curi == "Thing" && namePrefix curi == "owl" -> empty
_ -> classStart <+> pretty sub $+$ text subClassOfC <+> pretty super
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty (clazz : equiList) ->
classStart <+> pretty clazz $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList equiList)
DisjointUnion curi discList ->
classStart <+> pretty curi $+$ text disjointUnionOfC <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList discList)
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf sopExp opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ text (case sopExp of
SubObjectPropertyChain _ -> subPropertyChainC
_ -> subPropertyOfC)
<+> pretty sopExp
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty (opExp : opList) ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList opList)
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty opExp desc ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printObjDomainOrRange ty <+> pretty desc
InverseObjectProperties opExp1 opExp2 ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp1 $+$ text inverseOfC <+> pretty opExp2
ObjectPropertyCharacter ch opExp ->
opStart <+> pretty opExp $+$ printCharact (show ch)
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp1 $+$ text subPropertyOfC <+> pretty dpExp2
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty (dpExp : dpList) ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printEquivOrDisjoint ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList dpList)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dpExp ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printDataDomainOrRange ddr
FunctionalDataProperty dpExp ->
dpStart <+> pretty dpExp $+$ printCharact functionalS
-- Fact
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty (ind : indList) ->
indStart <+> pretty ind $+$ printSameOrDifferent ty <+>
setToDocV (Set.fromList indList)
ClassAssertion ind desc ->
indStart <+> pretty ind $+$ text typesC <+> pretty desc
ObjectPropertyAssertion ass -> printAssertion ass
DataPropertyAssertion ass -> printAssertion ass
Declaration _ -> empty -- [Annotation] Entity
u -> error $ "unknow axiom " ++ show u
classStart :: Doc
classStart = text classC
opStart :: Doc
opStart = text objectPropertyC
dpStart :: Doc
dpStart = text dataPropertyC
indStart :: Doc
indStart = text individualC
printCharact :: String -> Doc
printCharact charact =
text characteristicsC <+> text charact
instance Pretty SubObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> pretty opExp
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
fsep $ prepPunctuate (text oS <> space) $ map pretty opExpList
instance Pretty OntologyFile where
pretty = vsep . map pretty . axiomsList . ontology
setToDocs :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> [Doc]
setToDocs = punctuate comma . map pretty . Set.toList
setToDocV :: (Pretty a) => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocV = vcat . setToDocs