Parse.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Manchester syntax parser for OWL 2
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH, Uni Bremen 2007-2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Manchester syntax parser for OWL 2
adpated from
Manchester syntax parser for OWL 1.1
module OWL.Parse (basicSpec, symbItems, symbMapItems) where
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Keywords
import OWL.ColonKeywords
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Parsec
import Common.AnnoParser (commentLine)
import Common.Token (criticalKeywords)
import Common.Utils (nubOrd)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
characters :: [Character]
characters = [minBound .. maxBound]
-- | OWL and CASL structured keywords including 'andS' and 'notS'
owlKeywords :: [String]
owlKeywords = notS : stringS : map show entityTypes
++ map show characters ++ keywords ++ criticalKeywords
ncNameStart :: Char -> Bool
ncNameStart c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
-- | rfc3987 plus '+' from scheme (scheme does not allow the dots)
ncNameChar :: Char -> Bool
ncNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || elem c ".+-_\183"
prefix :: CharParser st String
prefix = satisfy ncNameStart <:> many (satisfy ncNameChar)
iunreserved :: Char -> Bool
iunreserved c = isAlphaNum c || elem c "-._~" || ord c >= 160 && ord c <= 55295
-- maybe lower case hex-digits should be illegal
pctEncoded :: CharParser st String
pctEncoded = char '%' <:> hexDigit <:> single hexDigit
{- comma and parens are removed here
but would cause no problems for full IRIs within angle brackets -}
subDelims :: Char -> Bool
subDelims c = elem c "!$&'*+;="
iunreservedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st Char
iunreservedSubDelims cs =
satisfy $ \ c -> iunreserved c || subDelims c || elem c cs
iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st String
iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims cs =
single (iunreservedSubDelims cs) <|> pctEncoded
ipChar :: CharParser st String
ipChar = iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ":@"
ifragment :: CharParser st String
ifragment = flat $ many (ipChar <|> single (char '/' <|> char '?'))
iquery :: CharParser st String
iquery = ifragment -- ignore iprivate
iregName :: CharParser st String
iregName = flat $ many $ iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ""
iuserinfo :: CharParser st String
iuserinfo = flat $ many $ iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ":"
-- | parse zero or at most n consecutive arguments
atMost :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
atMost n p = if n <= 0 then return [] else
p <:> atMost (n - 1) p <|> return []
-- | parse at least one but at most n conse
atMost1 :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
atMost1 n p = p <:> atMost (n - 1) p
decOctet :: CharParser st String
decOctet = atMost 3 digit
`checkWith` \ s -> let v = value 10 s in v <= 255 &&
(if v == 0 then s == "0" else take 1 s /= "0")
iPv4Adress :: CharParser st String
iPv4Adress = decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet
ihost :: CharParser st String
ihost = iregName <|> iPv4Adress -- or ipLiteral
port :: CharParser st String
port = many digit
iauthority :: CharParser st String
iauthority = optionL (try $ iuserinfo <++> string "@") <++> ihost
<++> optionL (char ':' <:> port)
isegment :: CharParser st String
isegment = flat $ many ipChar
isegmentNz :: CharParser st String
isegmentNz = flat $ many1 ipChar
ipathAbempty :: CharParser st String
ipathAbempty = flat $ many (char '/' <:> isegment)
ipathAbsolute :: CharParser st String
ipathAbsolute = char '/' <:> optionL (isegmentNz <++> ipathAbempty)
{- within abbreviated IRIs only ipath-noscheme should be used
that excludes colons via isegment-nz-nc -}
ipathRootless :: CharParser st String
ipathRootless = isegmentNz <++> ipathAbempty
iauthorityWithPath :: CharParser st String
iauthorityWithPath = tryString "//" <++> iauthority <++> ipathAbempty
optQueryOrFrag :: CharParser st String
optQueryOrFrag = optionL (char '?' <:> iquery)
<++> optionL (char '#' <:> ifragment)
-- | covers irelative-part (therefore we omit curie)
ihierPart :: CharParser st String
ihierPart =
iauthorityWithPath <|> ipathAbsolute <|> ipathRootless
hierPartWithOpts :: CharParser st String
hierPartWithOpts = ihierPart <++> optQueryOrFrag
skips :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
skips = (<< skipMany
(forget space <|> forget commentLine <|> nestCommentOut <?> ""))
abbrIri :: CharParser st QName
abbrIri = try $ do
pre <- try $ prefix << char ':'
r <- hierPartWithOpts
return $ QN pre r False ""
<|> fmap mkQName hierPartWithOpts
fullIri :: CharParser st QName
fullIri = do
char '<'
QN pre r _ _ <- abbrIri
char '>'
return $ QN pre r True ""
uriQ :: CharParser st QName
uriQ = fullIri <|> abbrIri
uriP :: CharParser st QName
uriP =
skips $ try $ checkWithUsing showQN uriQ $ \ q -> let p = namePrefix q in
if null p then notElem (localPart q) owlKeywords
else notElem p $ map (takeWhile (/= ':'))
$ colonKeywords
++ [ show d ++ e | d <- equivOrDisjointL, e <- [classesC, propertiesC]]
-- | parse a possibly kinded list of comma separated uris aka symbols
symbItems :: GenParser Char st SymbItems
symbItems = do
m <- optionMaybe entityType
uris <- symbs
return $ SymbItems m uris
-- | parse a comma separated list of uris
symbs :: GenParser Char st [URI]
symbs = uriP >>= \ u -> do
commaP `followedWith` uriP
us <- symbs
return $ u : us
<|> return [u]
-- | parse a possibly kinded list of comma separated symbol pairs
symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SymbMapItems
symbMapItems = do
m <- optionMaybe entityType
uris <- symbPairs
return $ SymbMapItems m uris
-- | parse a comma separated list of uri pairs
symbPairs :: GenParser Char st [(URI, Maybe URI)]
symbPairs = uriPair >>= \ u -> do
commaP `followedWith` uriP
us <- symbPairs
return $ u : us
<|> return [u]
uriPair :: GenParser Char st (URI, Maybe URI)
uriPair = uriP >>= \ u -> do
pToken $ toKey mapsTo
u2 <- uriP
return (u, Just u2)
<|> return (u, Nothing)
datatypeUri :: CharParser st QName
datatypeUri = fmap mkQName (choice $ map keyword datatypeKeys) <|> uriP
optSign :: CharParser st String
optSign = optionL (single $ oneOf "+-")
postDecimal :: CharParser st String
postDecimal = char '.' <:> getNumber
fullDecimal :: CharParser st String
fullDecimal = getNumber <++> optionL postDecimal
decimalLit :: CharParser st String
decimalLit = optSign <++> fullDecimal
floatingPointLit :: CharParser st String
floatingPointLit = optSign <++> (fullDecimal <|> postDecimal)
<++> optionL (oneOf "eE" <:> optSign <++> getNumber)
<< oneOf "fF"
languageTag :: CharParser st String
languageTag = atMost1 4 letter
<++> flat (many $ char '-' <:> atMost1 8 alphaNum)
stringConstant :: CharParser st Constant
stringConstant = do
s <- stringLit
string cTypeS
d <- datatypeUri
return $ Constant s $ Typed d
<|> do
string asP
t <- skips languageTag
return $ Constant s $ Untyped t
<|> skips (return $ Constant s $ Typed $ mkQName stringS)
constant :: CharParser st Constant
constant = do
f <- skips $ try floatingPointLit
return $ Constant f $ Typed $ mkQName floatS
<|> do
d <- skips decimalLit
return $ Constant d $ Typed $ mkQName
$ if any (== '.') d then decimalS else integerS
<|> stringConstant
-- * description
owlClassUri :: CharParser st QName
owlClassUri = uriP
individualUri :: CharParser st QName
individualUri = uriP
skipChar :: Char -> CharParser st ()
skipChar = forget . skips . char
parensP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parensP = between (skipChar '(') (skipChar ')')
bracesP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracesP = between (skipChar '{') (skipChar '}')
bracketsP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracketsP = between (skipChar '[') (skipChar ']')
commaP :: CharParser st ()
commaP = skipChar ',' >> return ()
sepByComma :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st [a]
sepByComma p = sepBy1 p commaP
-- | parse character case insensitive
ichar :: Char -> CharParser st Char
ichar c = char (toUpper c) <|> char (toLower c) <?> show [c]
-- | parse string case insensitive
istring :: String -> CharParser st String
istring s = case s of
[] -> return ""
c : r -> ichar c <:> istring r
-- | plain string parser with skip
pkeyword :: String -> CharParser st ()
pkeyword s = keywordNotFollowedBy s (alphaNum <|> char '/') >> return ()
keywordNotFollowedBy :: String -> CharParser st Char -> CharParser st String
keywordNotFollowedBy s c = skips $ try $ istring s << notFollowedBy c
-- | keyword not followed by any alphanum
keyword :: String -> CharParser st String
keyword s = keywordNotFollowedBy s alphaNum
-- base OWLClass excluded
atomic :: CharParser st Description
atomic = parensP description
<|> fmap ObjectOneOf (bracesP $ sepByComma individualUri)
objectPropertyExpr :: CharParser st ObjectPropertyExpression
objectPropertyExpr = do
keyword inverseS
fmap InverseOp objectPropertyExpr
<|> fmap OpURI uriP
facetValuePair :: CharParser st (DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue)
facetValuePair = do
df <- choice $ map (\ f -> keyword (showFacet f) >> return f)
(\ f -> keywordNotFollowedBy (showFacet f) (oneOf "<>=")
>> return f)
rv <- constant
return (df, rv)
dataRangeRestriction :: CharParser st DataRange
dataRangeRestriction = do
d <- fmap DRDatatype datatypeUri
option d $ fmap (DatatypeRestriction d) $ bracketsP
$ sepByComma facetValuePair
dataConjunct :: CharParser st DataRange
dataConjunct = fmap head $ sepBy1 dataPrimary $ keyword andS
dataRange :: CharParser st DataRange
dataRange = fmap head $ sepBy1 dataConjunct $ keyword orS
dataPrimary :: CharParser st DataRange
dataPrimary = do
keyword notS
fmap DataComplementOf dataPrimary
<|> fmap DataOneOf (bracesP $ sepByComma constant)
<|> dataRangeRestriction
someOrOnly :: CharParser st QuantifierType
someOrOnly = choice
$ map (\ f -> keyword (showQuantifierType f) >> return f)
[AllValuesFrom, SomeValuesFrom]
card :: CharParser st (CardinalityType, Int)
card = do
c <- choice $ map (\ f -> keywordNotFollowedBy (showCardinalityType f) letter
>> return f)
[MinCardinality, MaxCardinality, ExactCardinality]
n <- skips getNumber
return (c, value 10 n)
individualOrConstant :: CharParser st (Either QName Constant)
individualOrConstant = fmap Right constant <|> fmap Left individualUri
individualOrConstantList :: CharParser st (Either [QName] [Constant])
individualOrConstantList = do
ioc <- individualOrConstant
case ioc of
Left u -> fmap (Left . (u :)) $ optionL
$ commaP >> sepByComma individualUri
Right c -> fmap (Right . (c :)) $ optionL
$ commaP >> sepByComma constant
primaryOrDataRange :: CharParser st (Either Description DataRange)
primaryOrDataRange = do
ns <- many $ keyword notS -- allows multiple not before primary
ed <- do
u <- datatypeUri
fmap Left (restrictionAny $ OpURI u)
<|> fmap (Right . DatatypeRestriction (DRDatatype u))
(bracketsP $ sepByComma facetValuePair)
<|> return (if elem (localPart u) datatypeKeys
&& elem (namePrefix u) ["", "xsd"]
then Right $ DRDatatype u
else Left $ OWLClassDescription u) -- could still be a datatypeUri
<|> do
e <- bracesP individualOrConstantList
return $ case e of
Left us -> Left $ ObjectOneOf us
Right cs -> Right $ DataOneOf cs
<|> fmap Left restrictionOrAtomic
return $ if even (length ns) then ed else
case ed of
Left d -> Left $ ObjectComplementOf d
Right d -> Right $ DataComplementOf d
mkObjectJunction :: JunctionType -> [Description] -> Description
mkObjectJunction ty ds = case nubOrd ds of
[] -> error "mkObjectJunction"
[x] -> x
ns -> ObjectJunction ty ns
restrictionAny :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> CharParser st Description
restrictionAny opExpr = do
keyword valueS
e <- individualOrConstant
case e of
Left u -> return $ ObjectHasValue opExpr u
Right c -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr -> return $ DataHasValue dpExpr c
_ -> unexpected "constant"
<|> do
keyword selfS
return $ ObjectExistsSelf opExpr
<|> do -- sugar
keyword onlysomeS
ds <- bracketsP $ sepByComma description
let as = map (ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom opExpr) ds
o = ObjectValuesFrom AllValuesFrom opExpr
$ mkObjectJunction UnionOf ds
return $ mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf $ o : as
<|> do -- sugar
keyword hasS
iu <- individualUri
return $ ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom opExpr $ ObjectOneOf [iu]
<|> do
v <- someOrOnly
pr <- primaryOrDataRange
case pr of
Left p -> return $ ObjectValuesFrom v opExpr p
Right r -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr -> return $ DataValuesFrom v dpExpr [] r
_ -> unexpected $ "dataRange after " ++ showQuantifierType v
<|> do
(c, n) <- card
mp <- optionMaybe primaryOrDataRange
case mp of
Nothing -> return $ ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality c n opExpr Nothing
Just pr -> case pr of
Left p ->
return $ ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality c n opExpr $ Just p
Right r -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr ->
return $ DataCardinality $ Cardinality c n dpExpr $ Just r
_ -> unexpected $ "dataRange after " ++ showCardinalityType c
restriction :: CharParser st Description
restriction = objectPropertyExpr >>= restrictionAny
restrictionOrAtomic :: CharParser st Description
restrictionOrAtomic = do
opExpr <- objectPropertyExpr
restrictionAny opExpr <|> case opExpr of
OpURI euri -> return $ OWLClassDescription euri
_ -> unexpected "inverse object property"
<|> atomic
optNot :: (a -> a) -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
optNot f p = (keyword notS >> fmap f p) <|> p
primary :: CharParser st Description
primary = optNot ObjectComplementOf restrictionOrAtomic
conjunction :: CharParser st Description
conjunction = do
curi <- fmap OWLClassDescription $ try (owlClassUri << keyword thatS)
rs <- sepBy1 (optNot ObjectComplementOf restriction) $ keyword andS
return $ mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf $ curi : rs
<|> fmap (mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf)
(sepBy1 primary $ keyword andS)
description :: CharParser st Description
description =
fmap (mkObjectJunction UnionOf) $ sepBy1 conjunction $ keyword orS
entityType :: CharParser st EntityType
entityType = choice $ map (\ f -> keyword (show f) >> return f)
entity :: CharParser st Entity
entity = do
t <- entityType
u <- parensP uriP
return $ Entity t u
annotation :: CharParser st Annotation
annotation = do
a <- uriP
c <- constant
return $ ExplicitAnnotation a c
<|> do
e <- entity
return $ Annotation a e
<|> do
fail "unsupported individualURI of annotation"
optAnnos :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st ([Annotation], a)
optAnnos p = do
as <- annotations
a <- p
return (as, a)
annotations :: CharParser st [Annotation]
annotations = optionL realAnnotations
realAnnotations :: CharParser st [Annotation]
realAnnotations = do
pkeyword annotationsC
as <- sepByComma $ optAnnos annotation
return $ map snd as -- annoted annotations not supported yet
descriptionAnnotatedList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], Description)]
descriptionAnnotatedList = sepByComma $ optAnnos description
equivOrDisjointL :: [EquivOrDisjoint]
equivOrDisjointL = [Equivalent, Disjoint]
equivOrDisjoint :: CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
equivOrDisjoint = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showEquivOrDisjoint f) >> return f)
entityAnnos :: QName -> EntityType -> CharParser st [Axiom]
entityAnnos qn ty = do
as <- realAnnotations
return [PlainAxiom as $ Declaration $ Entity ty qn]
datatypeFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
datatypeFrame = do
pkeyword datatypeC
duri <- datatypeUri
as1 <- many realAnnotations
option () $ do
pkeyword equivalentToC
return ()
as2 <- many realAnnotations
return [ PlainAxiom (concat $ as1 ++ as2)
$ Declaration $ Entity Datatype duri ]
classFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
classFrameBit curi = let duri = OWLClassDescription curi in
entityAnnos curi Class
<|> do
pkeyword subClassOfC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as $ SubClassOf duri d) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointClasses e $ duri : map snd ds]
<|> do
pkeyword disjointUnionOfC
as <- annotations
ds <- sepByComma description
return [PlainAxiom as $ DisjointUnion curi ds]
<|> do
pkeyword hasKeyC
many objectPropertyExpr
return []
classFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
classFrame = do
pkeyword classC
curi <- owlClassUri
as <- flat $ many $ classFrameBit curi
return $ if null as
then [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity Class curi]
else as
domainOrRange :: CharParser st ObjDomainOrRange
domainOrRange = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showObjDomainOrRange f) >> return f)
[ObjDomain, ObjRange]
objectPropertyCharacter :: CharParser st Character
objectPropertyCharacter =
choice $ map (\ f -> keyword (show f) >> return f) characters
objPropExprAList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], ObjectPropertyExpression)]
objPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyExpr
subPropertyKey :: CharParser st ()
subPropertyKey = pkeyword subPropertyOfC
characterKey :: CharParser st ()
characterKey = pkeyword characteristicsC
objectFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
objectFrameBit ouri = let opExp = OpURI ouri in
entityAnnos ouri ObjectProperty
<|> do
r <- domainOrRange
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as
$ ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange r opExp d) ds
<|> do
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyCharacter
return $ map (\ (as, c) -> PlainAxiom as
$ ObjectPropertyCharacter c opExp) ds
<|> do
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, s) -> PlainAxiom as
$ SubObjectPropertyOf (OPExpression s) opExp) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- objPropExprAList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties e $ opExp : map snd ds]
<|> do
pkeyword inverseOfC
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, i) -> PlainAxiom as
$ InverseObjectProperties opExp i) ds
<|> do
pkeyword subPropertyChainC
as <- annotations
os <- sepBy1 objectPropertyExpr (keyword oS)
return [PlainAxiom as
$ SubObjectPropertyOf (SubObjectPropertyChain os) opExp]
objectPropertyFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
objectPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword objectPropertyC
ouri <- uriP
as <- flat $ many $ objectFrameBit ouri
return $ if null as
then [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity ObjectProperty ouri]
else as
dataPropExprAList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], DataPropertyExpression)]
dataPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
dataFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
dataFrameBit duri =
entityAnnos duri DataProperty
<|> do
pkeyword domainC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as
$ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataDomain d) duri) ds
<|> do
pkeyword rangeC
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos dataRange
return $ map (\ (as, r) -> PlainAxiom as
$ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataRange r) duri) ds
<|> do
as <- annotations
keyword functionalS
return [PlainAxiom as $ FunctionalDataProperty duri]
<|> do
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, s) -> PlainAxiom as $ SubDataPropertyOf s duri) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointDataProperties e $ duri : map snd ds]
dataPropertyFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
dataPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword dataPropertyC
duri <- uriP
as <- flat $ many $ dataFrameBit duri
return $ if null as
then [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity DataProperty duri]
else as
sameOrDifferent :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
sameOrDifferent = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showSameOrDifferent f) >> return f)
[Same, Different]
fact :: QName -> CharParser st PlainAxiom
fact iuri = do
pn <- option Positive $ keyword notS >> return Negative
u <- uriP
c <- constant
return $ DataPropertyAssertion $ Assertion u pn iuri c
<|> do
t <- individualUri
return $ ObjectPropertyAssertion $ Assertion (OpURI u) pn iuri t
iFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
iFrameBit iuri =
entityAnnos iuri NamedIndividual
<|> do
pkeyword typesC
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as $ ClassAssertion iuri d) ds
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferent
is <- sepByComma $ optAnnos individualUri
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst is)
$ SameOrDifferentIndividual s $ iuri : map snd is]
<|> do
pkeyword factsC
fs <- sepByComma $ optAnnos $ fact iuri
return $ map (uncurry PlainAxiom) fs
individualFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
individualFrame = do
pkeyword individualC
iuri <- individualUri
as <- flat $ many $ iFrameBit iuri
return $ if null as
then [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity NamedIndividual iuri]
else as
equivOrDisjointKeyword :: String -> CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
equivOrDisjointKeyword ext = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (show f ++ ext) >> return f)
-- note the plural when different
sameOrDifferentIndu :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
sameOrDifferentIndu =
(pkeyword sameIndividualC >> return Same)
<|> (pkeyword differentIndividualsC >> return Different)
annotationPropertyFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
annotationPropertyFrame = do
pkeyword annotationPropertyC
ap <- uriP
many apBit -- ignore
return [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity AnnotationProperty ap]
apBit :: CharParser st ()
apBit = (realAnnotations >> return ())
<|> do
pkeyword domainC <|> pkeyword rangeC <|> subPropertyKey
sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
return ()
misc :: CharParser st Axiom
misc = do
e <- equivOrDisjointKeyword classesC
as <- annotations
ds <- sepByComma description
return $ PlainAxiom as $ EquivOrDisjointClasses e ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjointKeyword propertiesC
as <- annotations
es <- sepByComma objectPropertyExpr
-- indistinguishable from dataProperties
return $ PlainAxiom as $ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties e es
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferentIndu
as <- annotations
is <- sepByComma individualUri
return $ PlainAxiom as $ SameOrDifferentIndividual s is
frames :: CharParser st [Axiom]
frames = flat $ many $ datatypeFrame <|> classFrame
<|> objectPropertyFrame <|> dataPropertyFrame <|> individualFrame
<|> annotationPropertyFrame <|> single misc
nsEntry :: CharParser st (String, QName)
nsEntry = do
pkeyword prefixC
p <- skips (option "" prefix << char ':')
i <- skips fullIri
return (p, i)
<|> do
pkeyword namespaceC
p <- skips prefix
i <- skips fullIri
return (p, i)
importEntry :: CharParser st QName
importEntry = pkeyword importC >> uriP
basicSpec :: CharParser st OntologyFile
basicSpec = do
nss <- many nsEntry
option () $ pkeyword ontologyC >> uriP >> return ()
many importEntry
many realAnnotations
as <- frames
return emptyOntologyFile
{ ontology = emptyOntology
{ axiomsList = as
, uri = dummyQName }
, namespaces = Map.fromList $
[ ("owl", "")
, ("rdf", "")
, ("rdfs", "")
, ("xsd", "")
-- , ("", showQU dummyQName ++ "#") -- uncomment for API v3
, ("owl2xml", "") ]
++ map (\ (p, q) -> (p, showQU q)) nss }