Parse.hs revision 317bcd45211dd8f28a8ebb3dee7a67197391fc0d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Manchester syntax parser for OWL 1.1
Copyright : (c) DFKI GmbH, Uni Bremen 2007-2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Manchester syntax parser for OWL 1.1
module OWL.Parse (basicSpec) where
import OWL.AS
import OWL.ManKeywords (casl_dl_keywords)
import Common.Token (casl_reserved_words)
import Common.Lexer hiding (skip)
import Common.Utils (nubOrd)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char
ncNameStart :: Char -> Bool
ncNameStart c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
-- | rfc3987 plus '+' from scheme (scheme does not allow the dots)
ncNameChar :: Char -> Bool
ncNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || elem c ".+-_\183"
prefix :: CharParser st String
prefix = satisfy ncNameStart <:> many (satisfy ncNameChar)
iunreserved :: Char -> Bool
iunreserved c = isAlphaNum c || elem c "-._~" || ord c >= 160 && ord c <= 55295
-- maybe lower case hex-digits should be illegal
pctEncoded :: CharParser st String
pctEncoded = char '%' <:> hexDigit <:> single hexDigit
-- comma and parens are removed here
-- but would cause no problems for full IRIs within angle brackets
subDelims :: Char -> Bool
subDelims c = elem c "!$&'*+;="
iunreservedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st Char
iunreservedSubDelims cs =
satisfy $ \ c -> iunreserved c || subDelims c || elem c cs
iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st String
iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims cs =
single (iunreservedSubDelims cs) <|> pctEncoded
ipChar :: CharParser st String
ipChar = iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ":@"
ifragment :: CharParser st String
ifragment = flat $ many (ipChar <|> single (char '/' <|> char '?'))
iquery :: CharParser st String
iquery = ifragment -- ignore iprivate
iregName :: CharParser st String
iregName = flat $ many $ iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ""
iuserinfo :: CharParser st String
iuserinfo = flat $ many $ iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims ":"
-- | parse zero or at most n consecutive arguments
atMost :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
atMost n p = if n <= 0 then return [] else
p <:> atMost (n - 1) p <|> return []
-- | parse at least one but at most n conse
atMost1 :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
atMost1 n p = p <:> atMost (n - 1) p
decOctet :: CharParser st String
decOctet = atMost 3 digit
`checkWith` \ s -> let v = value 10 s in v <= 255 &&
(if v == 0 then s == "0" else take 1 s /= "0")
iPv4Adress :: CharParser st String
iPv4Adress = decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet <++> string "."
<++> decOctet
ihost :: CharParser st String
ihost = iregName <|> iPv4Adress -- or ipLiteral
port :: CharParser st String
port = many digit
iauthority :: CharParser st String
iauthority = option "" (try $ iuserinfo <++> string "@") <++> ihost
<++> option "" (char ':' <:> port)
isegment :: CharParser st String
isegment = flat $ many ipChar
isegmentNz :: CharParser st String
isegmentNz = flat $ many1 ipChar
ipathAbempty :: CharParser st String
ipathAbempty = flat $ many (char '/' <:> isegment)
ipathAbsolute :: CharParser st String
ipathAbsolute = char '/' <:> option "" (isegmentNz <++> ipathAbempty)
-- within abbreviated IRIs only ipath-noscheme should be used
-- that excludes colons via isegment-nz-nc
ipathRootless :: CharParser st String
ipathRootless = isegmentNz <++> ipathAbempty
iauthorityWithPath :: CharParser st String
iauthorityWithPath = try (string "//") <++> iauthority <++> ipathAbempty
optQueryOrFrag :: CharParser st String
optQueryOrFrag = option "" (char '?' <:> iquery)
<++> option "" (char '#' <:> ifragment)
-- | covers irelative-part (therefore we omit curie)
ihierPart :: CharParser st String
ihierPart =
iauthorityWithPath <|> ipathAbsolute <|> ipathRootless
hierPartWithOpts :: CharParser st String
hierPartWithOpts = ihierPart <++> optQueryOrFrag
skip :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
skip = (<< spaces)
abbrIri :: CharParser st QName
abbrIri = try $ do
pre <- try $ prefix << char ':'
r <- hierPartWithOpts
return $ QN pre r ""
<|> fmap mkQName hierPartWithOpts
fullIri :: CharParser st QName
fullIri = do
char '<'
QN pre r _ <- abbrIri
char '>'
return $ QN pre r $ if null pre then r else pre
-- unclear how full IRIs are represented
<|> abbrIri
uriQ :: CharParser st QName
uriQ = fullIri <|> abbrIri
-- boolean not documented
datatypeKeys :: [String]
datatypeKeys = ["integer", "decimal", "float", "string", "boolean"]
uriP :: CharParser st QName
uriP = skip $ checkWithUsing showQN uriQ $ \ q -> not $ elem (localPart q)
$ datatypeKeys ++ casl_reserved_words ++ casl_dl_keywords
-- colon keywords should be checked as prefix
datatypeUri :: CharParser st QName
datatypeUri = fmap mkQName (choice $ map keyword datatypeKeys) <|> uriP
stringLit :: CharParser st String
stringLit = enclosedBy (flat $ many $ single (noneOf "\\\"")
<|> char '\\' <:> single anyChar) $ char '\"'
optSign :: CharParser st String
optSign = option "" (single $ oneOf "+-")
postDecimal :: CharParser st String
postDecimal = char '.' <:> getNumber
fullDecimal :: CharParser st String
fullDecimal = getNumber <++> option "" postDecimal
decimalLit :: CharParser st String
decimalLit = optSign <++> fullDecimal
floatingPointLit :: CharParser st String
floatingPointLit = optSign <++> (fullDecimal <|> postDecimal)
<++> option "" (oneOf "eE" <:> optSign <++> getNumber)
<++> single (oneOf "fF")
languageTag :: CharParser st String
languageTag = atMost1 4 letter
<++> flat (many $ char '-' <:> atMost1 8 alphaNum)
stringConstant :: CharParser st Constant
stringConstant = do
s <- stringLit
do string "^^"
d <- datatypeUri
return $ Constant s $ Typed d
<|> do
char '@'
t <- skip languageTag
return $ Constant s $ Untyped t
<|> skip (return $ Constant s $ Typed $ mkQName "string")
constant :: CharParser st Constant
constant = do
f <- skip $ try floatingPointLit
return $ Constant f $ Typed $ mkQName "float"
<|> do
d <- skip decimalLit
return $ Constant d $ Typed $ mkQName
$ if any (== '.') d then "decimal" else "integer"
<|> stringConstant
-- * description
owlClassUri :: CharParser st QName
owlClassUri = uriP
individualUri :: CharParser st QName
individualUri = uriP
parensP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parensP = between (skip $ char '(') (skip $ char ')')
bracesP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracesP = between (skip $ char '{') (skip $ char '}')
bracketsP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracketsP = between (skip $ char '[') (skip $ char ']')
commaP :: CharParser st ()
commaP = skip (char ',') >> return ()
sepByComma :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st [a]
sepByComma p = sepBy1 p commaP
-- keywords need to be case insensitive
-- | plain string parser with skip
pkeyword :: String -> CharParser st ()
pkeyword s = skip $ try (string s) >> return ()
keywordNotFollowedBy :: String -> CharParser st Char -> CharParser st String
keywordNotFollowedBy s c = skip $ try $ string s << notFollowedBy c
-- | keyword not followed by any alphanum
keyword :: String -> CharParser st String
keyword s = keywordNotFollowedBy s alphaNum
-- base OWLClass excluded
atomic :: CharParser st Description
atomic = parensP description
<|> fmap ObjectOneOf (bracesP $ sepByComma individualUri)
objectPropertyExpr :: CharParser st ObjectPropertyExpression
objectPropertyExpr = do
keyword "InverseOf"
fmap InverseOp objectPropertyExpr
<|> fmap OpURI uriP
facetValuePair :: CharParser st (DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue)
facetValuePair = do
df <- choice $ map (\ f -> keyword (showFacet f) >> return f)
(\ f -> keywordNotFollowedBy (showFacet f) (oneOf "<>=")
>> return f)
rv <- constant
return (df, rv)
dataRangeRestriction :: CharParser st DataRange
dataRangeRestriction = do
d <- fmap DRDatatype datatypeUri
option d $ fmap (DatatypeRestriction d) $ bracketsP
$ sepByComma facetValuePair
dataRange :: CharParser st DataRange
dataRange = do
keyword "not"
fmap DataComplementOf dataRange
<|> fmap DataOneOf (bracesP $ sepByComma constant)
<|> dataRangeRestriction
someOrOnly :: CharParser st QuantifierType
someOrOnly = choice
$ map (\ f -> keyword (showQuantifierType f) >> return f)
[AllValuesFrom, SomeValuesFrom]
card :: CharParser st (CardinalityType, Int)
card = do
c <- choice $ map (\ f -> keywordNotFollowedBy (showCardinalityType f) letter
>> return f)
[MinCardinality, MaxCardinality, ExactCardinality]
n <- skip getNumber
return (c, value 10 n)
individualOrConstant :: CharParser st (Either QName Constant)
individualOrConstant = fmap Left individualUri <|> fmap Right constant
individualOrConstantList :: CharParser st (Either [QName] [Constant])
individualOrConstantList = do
ioc <- individualOrConstant
case ioc of
Left u -> fmap (Left . (u :)) $ option []
$ commaP >> sepByComma individualUri
Right c -> fmap (Right . (c :)) $ option []
$ commaP >> sepByComma constant
primaryOrDataRange :: CharParser st (Either Description DataRange)
primaryOrDataRange = do
ns <- many $ keyword "not" -- allows multiple not before primary
ed <- do
u <- datatypeUri
fmap Left (restrictionAny $ OpURI u)
<|> fmap (Right . DatatypeRestriction (DRDatatype u))
(bracketsP $ sepByComma facetValuePair)
<|> return (if elem u $ map mkQName datatypeKeys
then Right $ DRDatatype u
else Left $ OWLClass u) -- could still be a datatypeUri
<|> do
e <- bracesP individualOrConstantList
return $ case e of
Left us -> Left $ ObjectOneOf us
Right cs -> Right $ DataOneOf cs
<|> fmap Left restrictionOrAtomic
return $ if even (length ns) then ed else
case ed of
Left d -> Left $ ObjectComplementOf d
Right d -> Right $ DataComplementOf d
mkObjectJunction :: JunctionType -> [Description] -> Description
mkObjectJunction ty ds = case nubOrd ds of
[] -> error "mkObjectJunction"
[x] -> x
ns -> ObjectJunction ty ns
restrictionAny :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> CharParser st Description
restrictionAny opExpr = do
keyword "value"
e <- individualOrConstant
case e of
Left u -> return $ ObjectHasValue opExpr u
Right c -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr -> return $ DataHasValue dpExpr c
_ -> unexpected "constant"
<|> do
keyword "Self"
return $ ObjectExistsSelf opExpr
<|> do -- sugar
keyword "onlysome"
ds <- bracketsP $ sepByComma description
let as = map (\ d -> ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom opExpr d) ds
o = ObjectValuesFrom AllValuesFrom opExpr
$ mkObjectJunction UnionOf ds
return $ mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf $ o : as
<|> do -- sugar
keyword "has"
iu <- individualUri
return $ ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom opExpr $ ObjectOneOf [iu]
<|> do
v <- someOrOnly
pr <- primaryOrDataRange
case pr of
Left p -> return $ ObjectValuesFrom v opExpr p
Right r -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr -> return $ DataValuesFrom v dpExpr [] r
_ -> unexpected $ "dataRange after " ++ showQuantifierType v
<|> do
(c, n) <- card
mp <- optionMaybe primaryOrDataRange
case mp of
Nothing -> return $ ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality c n opExpr Nothing
Just pr -> case pr of
Left p ->
return $ ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality c n opExpr $ Just p
Right r -> case opExpr of
OpURI dpExpr ->
return $ DataCardinality $ Cardinality c n dpExpr $ Just r
_ -> unexpected $ "dataRange after " ++ showCardinalityType c
restriction :: CharParser st Description
restriction = objectPropertyExpr >>= restrictionAny
restrictionOrAtomic :: CharParser st Description
restrictionOrAtomic = do
opExpr <- objectPropertyExpr
restrictionAny opExpr <|> case opExpr of
OpURI euri -> return $ OWLClass euri
_ -> unexpected "inverse object property"
<|> atomic
optNot :: (a -> a) -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
optNot f p = (keyword "not" >> fmap f p) <|> p
primary :: CharParser st Description
primary = optNot ObjectComplementOf restrictionOrAtomic
conjunction :: CharParser st Description
conjunction = do
curi <- fmap OWLClass $ try (owlClassUri << keyword "that")
rs <- sepBy1 (optNot ObjectComplementOf restriction) $ keyword "and"
return $ mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf $ curi : rs
<|> fmap (mkObjectJunction IntersectionOf)
(sepBy1 primary $ keyword "and")
description :: CharParser st Description
description =
fmap (mkObjectJunction UnionOf) $ sepBy1 conjunction $ keyword "or"
entityType :: CharParser st EntityType
entityType = choice $ map (\ f -> keyword (showEntityType f) >> return f)
[ Datatype
, OWLClassEntity
, ObjectProperty
, DataProperty
, Individual ]
-- AnnotationProperty is missing
entity :: CharParser st Entity
entity = do
t <- entityType
u <- parensP uriP
return $ Entity t u
annotation :: CharParser st Annotation
annotation = do
a <- uriP
parensP $ do
c <- constant
return $ ExplicitAnnotation a c
<|> do
e <- entity
return $ Annotation a e
<|> do
fail "unsupported individualURI of annotation"
-- | keyword followed by a colon (that is consumed too)
ckeyword :: String -> CharParser st ()
ckeyword s = pkeyword $ s ++ ":"
optAnnos :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st ([Annotation], a)
optAnnos p = do
as <- option [] annotations
a <- p
return (as, a)
annotations :: CharParser st [Annotation]
annotations = do
ckeyword "Annotations"
as <- sepByComma $ optAnnos annotation
return $ map snd as -- annoted annotations not supported yet
descriptionAnnotatedList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], Description)]
descriptionAnnotatedList = sepByComma $ optAnnos description
equivOrDisjoint :: CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
equivOrDisjoint = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showEquivOrDisjoint f) >> return f)
[Equivalent, Disjoint]
entityAnnos :: QName -> EntityType -> CharParser st [Axiom]
entityAnnos qn ty = do
as <- annotations
return [PlainAxiom as $ Declaration $ Entity ty qn]
classFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
classFrameBit curi = let duri = OWLClass curi in do
entityAnnos curi OWLClassEntity
<|> do
ckeyword "SubClassOf" <|> ckeyword "SubclassOf"
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as $ SubClassOf duri d) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointClasses e $ duri : map snd ds]
<|> do
ckeyword "DisjointUnionOf"
as <- annotations
ds <- sepByComma description
return [PlainAxiom as $ DisjointUnion curi ds]
<|> do -- no documented
ckeyword "Paraphrase"
skip stringLit
return []
classFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
classFrame = do
ckeyword "Class"
curi <- owlClassUri
las <- many $ classFrameBit curi
let as = concat las
return $ if null as
then [PlainAxiom [] $ Declaration $ Entity OWLClassEntity curi]
else as
domainOrRange :: CharParser st ObjDomainOrRange
domainOrRange = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showObjDomainOrRange f) >> return f)
[ObjDomain, ObjRange]
objectPropertyCharacter :: CharParser st Character
objectPropertyCharacter = choice
$ map (\ f -> keyword (show f) >> return f)
[ Functional
, InverseFunctional
, Reflexive
, Irreflexive
, Symmetric
, Asymmetric
, Transitive ]
objPropExprAList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], ObjectPropertyExpression)]
objPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyExpr
subPropertyKey :: CharParser st Bool
subPropertyKey = (ckeyword "SubPropertyOf" >> return True)
<|> (ckeyword "SuperPropertyOf" >> return False) -- sugar
characterKey :: CharParser st ()
characterKey = ckeyword "Characteristics"
objectFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
objectFrameBit ouri = let opExp = OpURI ouri in do
entityAnnos ouri ObjectProperty
<|> do
r <- domainOrRange
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as
$ ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange r opExp d) ds
<|> do
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos objectPropertyCharacter
return $ map (\ (as, c) -> PlainAxiom as
$ ObjectPropertyCharacter c opExp) ds
<|> do
b <- subPropertyKey
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, s) -> PlainAxiom as
$ if b then SubObjectPropertyOf (OPExpression s) opExp
else SubObjectPropertyOf (OPExpression opExp) s) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- objPropExprAList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties e $ opExp : map snd ds]
<|> do
ckeyword "Inverses"
ds <- objPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, i) -> PlainAxiom as
$ InverseObjectProperties opExp i) ds
<|> do
ckeyword "SubPropertyChain"
as <- annotations
os <- sepBy1 objectPropertyExpr (keyword "o")
return [PlainAxiom as
$ SubObjectPropertyOf (SubObjectPropertyChain os) opExp]
objectPropertyFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
objectPropertyFrame = do
ckeyword "ObjectProperty"
ouri <- uriP
flat $ many $ objectFrameBit ouri
dataPropExprAList :: CharParser st [([Annotation], DataPropertyExpression)]
dataPropExprAList = sepByComma $ optAnnos uriP
dataFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
dataFrameBit duri = do
entityAnnos duri DataProperty
<|> do
ckeyword "Domain"
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as
$ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataDomain d) duri) ds
<|> do
ckeyword "Range"
ds <- sepByComma $ optAnnos dataRange
return $ map (\ (as, r) -> PlainAxiom as
$ DataPropertyDomainOrRange (DataRange r) duri) ds
<|> do
as <- annotations
keyword "Functional"
return [PlainAxiom as $ FunctionalDataProperty duri]
<|> do
b <- subPropertyKey
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return $ map (\ (as, s) -> PlainAxiom as $
if b then SubDataPropertyOf s duri
else SubDataPropertyOf duri s) ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjoint
ds <- dataPropExprAList
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst ds)
$ EquivOrDisjointDataProperties e $ duri : map snd ds]
dataPropertyFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
dataPropertyFrame = do
ckeyword "DataProperty"
duri <- uriP
flat $ many $ dataFrameBit duri
sameOrDifferent :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
sameOrDifferent = choice
$ map (\ f -> pkeyword (showSameOrDifferent f) >> return f)
[Same, Different]
fact :: QName -> CharParser st PlainAxiom
fact iuri = do
pn <- option Positive $ keyword "not" >> return Negative
u <- uriP
do c <- constant
return $ DataPropertyAssertion $ Assertion u pn iuri c
<|> do
t <- individualUri
return $ ObjectPropertyAssertion $ Assertion (OpURI u) pn iuri t
iFrameBit :: QName -> CharParser st [Axiom]
iFrameBit iuri = do
entityAnnos iuri Individual
<|> do
ckeyword "Types"
ds <- descriptionAnnotatedList
return $ map (\ (as, d) -> PlainAxiom as $ ClassAssertion iuri d) ds
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferent
is <- sepByComma $ optAnnos individualUri
return [PlainAxiom (concatMap fst is)
$ SameOrDifferentIndividual s $ iuri : map snd is]
<|> do
ckeyword "Facts"
fs <- sepByComma $ optAnnos $ fact iuri
return $ map (\ (as, f) -> PlainAxiom as f) fs
individualFrame :: CharParser st [Axiom]
individualFrame = do
ckeyword "Individual"
iuri <- individualUri
flat $ many $ iFrameBit iuri
equivOrDisjointKeyword :: String -> CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
equivOrDisjointKeyword ext =
(ckeyword ("Equivalent" ++ ext) >> return Equivalent)
<|> (ckeyword ("Disjoint" ++ ext) >> return Disjoint)
-- note the plural when different
sameOrDifferentIndu :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
sameOrDifferentIndu =
(ckeyword "SameIndividual" >> return Same)
<|> (ckeyword "DifferentIndividuals" >> return Different)
misc :: CharParser st Axiom
misc = do
e <- equivOrDisjointKeyword "Classes"
as <- annotations
ds <- sepByComma description
return $ PlainAxiom as $ EquivOrDisjointClasses e ds
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjointKeyword "ObjectProperties"
as <- annotations
es <- sepByComma objectPropertyExpr
return $ PlainAxiom as $ EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties e es
<|> do
e <- equivOrDisjointKeyword "DataProperties"
as <- annotations
ds <- sepByComma uriP
return $ PlainAxiom as $ EquivOrDisjointDataProperties e ds
<|> do
s <- sameOrDifferentIndu
as <- annotations
is <- sepByComma individualUri
return $ PlainAxiom as $ SameOrDifferentIndividual s is
frames :: CharParser st [Axiom]
frames = flat $ many $ classFrame
<|> objectPropertyFrame <|> dataPropertyFrame <|> individualFrame
<|> single misc
basicSpec :: CharParser st OntologyFile
basicSpec = do
as <- frames
return emptyOntologyFile { ontology = emptyOntology { axiomsList = as } }