OWLAnalysis.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
analyse OWL files by calling the external Java parser.
module OWL.OWLAnalysis (structureAna, parseOWL) where
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Namespace
import OWL.Logic_OWL
import OWL.ReadWrite ()
import OWL.StaticAnalysis
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.StructureAnalysis
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.ProverTools
import Common.Utils
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (isAxiom, isDef)
import ATerm.ReadWrite
import ATerm.Unshared
import Driver.Options
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS as DFS
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS as BFS
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- | call for owl parser (env. variable $HETS_OWL_TOOLS muss be defined)
parseOWL :: FilePath -- ^ local filepath or uri
-> IO OntologyMap -- ^ map: uri -> OntologyFile
parseOWL filename = do
let jar = "OWL2ATerm.jar"
absfile <- if checkUri filename then return filename else
fmap ("file://" ++) $ canonicalizePath filename
(hasJar, toolPath) <- check4HetsOWLjar jar
if hasJar then do
tmpFile <- getTempFile "" $ basename filename ++ ".term"
(exitCode, _, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "java"
["-jar", toolPath </> jar, absfile, tmpFile] ""
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> parseProc tmpFile
_ -> error ("process stop! " ++ show exitCode)
else error $ jar ++ " not found"
-- | parse the tmp-ATerm-file from java-owl-parser
parseProc :: FilePath -> IO OntologyMap
parseProc filename =
do d <- readFile filename
let aterm = getATermFull $ readATerm d
case aterm of
AList paarList _ -> do
let om = Map.fromList $ parsingAll paarList
return om
_ -> error ("false file: " ++ show filename ++ ".")
-- | parse an ontology with all imported ontologies
parsingAll :: [ATerm] -> [(String, OntologyFile)]
parsingAll = map aTerm2Ontology
-- | translates ATerm to ontologyFile.
aTerm2Ontology :: ATerm -> (String, OntologyFile)
aTerm2Ontology (AAppl "UOPaar" [AAppl ouri _ _, ontoFile] _) =
(if head ouri == '"' then read ouri :: String else ouri,
propagateNspaces (namespaces parsedOntologFile) parsedOntologFile)
where parsedOntologFile = fromATerm ontoFile :: OntologyFile
aTerm2Ontology _ = error "false ontology file."
-- | structure analysis bases of ontologyMap from owl parser
structureAna :: FilePath
-> HetcatsOpts
-> OntologyMap
-> IO (Maybe (LibName, -- filename
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
structureAna file opt ontoMap =
let (newOntoMap, dg) = buildDevGraph ontoMap
case analysis opt of
Structured -> do -- only structure analysis
printMsg $ labNodesDG dg
print $ dgBody dg
return (Just (simpleLibName file,
simpleLibEnv file $ reverseGraph dg))
Skip -> return $ fail "" -- Nothing is ambiguous
_ -> staticAna file opt (newOntoMap, dg)
where -- output Analyzing messages for structured anaylsis
printMsg :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> IO ()
printMsg [] = putStrLn ""
printMsg ((_, node) : rest) =
do putStrLn $ "Analyzing ontology - printMsg "
++ showName (dgn_name node)
printMsg rest
-- simpleLibEnv and simpleLibName builded two simple lib-entities for showGraph
simpleLibEnv :: FilePath -> DGraph -> LibEnv
simpleLibEnv filename dg = let
minNode = minimum $ nodesDG dg
nodeSig = NodeSig minNode $ signOf $ dgn_theory $ labDG dg minNode
esig = EmptyNode $ Logic OWL
in Map.singleton (simpleLibName filename) (computeDGraphTheories Map.empty dg)
{ globalEnv = Map.singleton (mkSimpleId "")
(SpecEntry (ExtGenSig (GenSig esig [] esig) nodeSig))}
simpleLibName :: FilePath -> LibName
simpleLibName s = emptyLibName $ "library_" ++ s
{- | static analysis if the HetcatesOpts is not only Structured.
sequence call for nodesStaticAna on the basis of topologically
sort of all nodes. -}
staticAna :: FilePath
-> HetcatsOpts
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
-> IO (Maybe (LibName, -- filename
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
staticAna file opt (ontoMap, dg) =
do let topNodes = DFS.topsort $ dgBody dg
Result diagnoses res <-
nodesStaticAna (reverse topNodes) Map.empty ontoMap Map.empty dg []
case res of
Just (_, dg', _) -> do
showDiags opt $ List.nub diagnoses
let dg'' = insEdgesDG (reverseLinks $ labEdgesDG dg')
(delEdgesDG (edgesDG dg') dg')
return (Just (simpleLibName file,
simpleLibEnv file dg''))
_ -> error "no devGraph..."
-- | get all the edges of the given DG
edgesDG :: DGraph -> [Edge]
edgesDG = edges . dgBody
-- | delete a list of edges
delEdgesDG :: [Edge] -> DGraph -> DGraph
delEdgesDG es dg = dg { dgBody = delEdges es $ dgBody dg }
-- | a map to save which node has been analysed.
type SignMap = Map.Map Node (Sign, [Named Axiom])
getBFSnodeList :: Node -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
getBFSnodeList h dg = reverse $ map (matchNode dg) $ BFS.bfs h $ dgBody dg
-- | call to static analyse of all nodes
nodesStaticAna :: [Node] -- ^ topologically sort of graph
-> SignMap -- ^ an map of analyzed nodes
-> OntologyMap -- ^ an map of parsed ontology
-> Namespace -- ^ global namespaces
-> DGraph -- ^ current graph
-> [Diagnosis] -- ^ diagnosis of result
-> IO (Result (SignMap, DGraph, Namespace))
{- ^ result is tuple of new map of signs and sentences,
new grpah, and new global namespace map. -}
nodesStaticAna [] signMap _ ns dg diag =
return $ Result diag (Just (signMap, dg, ns))
nodesStaticAna (h : r) signMap ontoMap globalNs dg diag = do
Result digs res <-
{- Each node must be analyzed with the associated imported nodes.
Those search for imported nodes is by bfs accomplished. -}
nodeStaticAna (getBFSnodeList h dg)
(emptySign, diag)
signMap ontoMap globalNs dg
case res of
Just (newSignMap, newDg, newGlobalNs) ->
nodesStaticAna r newSignMap ontoMap newGlobalNs newDg (diag ++ digs)
Nothing ->
-- Warning or Error message
nodesStaticAna r signMap ontoMap globalNs dg (diag ++ digs)
-- | call to static analyse of single nodes
nodeStaticAna :: [LNode DGNodeLab] {- ^ imported nodes of one node
(incl. itself) -}
-> (Sign, [Diagnosis]) -- ^ here saved incoming sign, diagnoses
-> SignMap -- ^ an map of analyzed nodes
-> OntologyMap -- ^ an map of parsed ontology
-> Namespace -- ^ global namespaces
-> DGraph -- ^ current graph
-> IO (Result (SignMap, DGraph, Namespace))
nodeStaticAna [] _ _ _ _ _ = return $ Result [] Nothing -- remove warning
-- the last node in list is current top node.
((n, topNode) : []) (inSig, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap globalNs dg =
let nn = dgn_name topNode
nodeName = getName nn
putStrLn $ "Analyzing ontology " ++ show nodeName
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just _ ->
return $ Result oldDiags (Just (signMap, dg, globalNs))
_ ->
-- putStrLn $ show $ ontoMap
let ontoF@(OntologyFile _ (Ontology mid _ _ _)) = fromJust $
Map.lookup (getNameFromNode nn) ontoMap
Result diag res =
{- static analysis of current ontology with all sign of
imported ontology. -}
basicOWLAnalysis (ontoF, inSig, emptyGlobalAnnos)
case res of
Just (_, ExtSign accSig _, sent) ->
let (newGlobalNs, tMap) =
integrateNamespaces globalNs (namespaceMap accSig)
newSent = map (renameNamespace tMap) sent
difSig = diffSig accSig inSig
newDifSig = renameNamespace tMap difSig
newSig = mkExtSign $ renameNamespace tMap accSig
{- the new node (with sign and sentence) has the sign of
accumulated sign with imported signs, but the sentences
is only of current ontology, because all sentences of
imported ontoloies can be automatically outputed by
showTheory (see GUI) -}
newLNode = (n, topNode
{ dgn_theory = G_theory OWL newSig startSigId
(toThSens newSent) startThId })
{- by remove of an node all associated edges are also deleted
so the deges must be saved before remove the node, then
appended again.
The out edges (after reverse are inn edges) must
also with new signature be changed. -}
ledges = innDG dg n ++
map (changeGMorOfEdges newSig) (outDG dg n)
newG = insEdgesDG ledges (insNodeDG newLNode
(delNodeDG n dg))
return $ Result (oldDiags ++ diag)
$ Just (Map.insert n (newDifSig, newSent) signMap,
newG, newGlobalNs)
_ -> do
let actDiag = mkDiag Error ("error by analysing of "
++ show mid) ()
print diag
return $ Result (actDiag : oldDiags) Nothing
{- The GMorphism of edge should also with new Signature be changed,
since with "show theory" the edges also with Sign one links
(see Static.DevGraph.joinG_sentences). -}
where changeGMorOfEdges newSign (n1, n2, edge) =
let newCMor = idComorphism (Logic OWL)
Result _ newGMor = gEmbedComorphism newCMor
(G_sign OWL newSign startSigId)
in (n1, n2, edge {dgl_morphism = fromJust newGMor})
{- The other nodes in list are examined whether they were already analyzed.
if yes then signs of it for further analysis are taken out; otherwise they
are first analyzed (with complete part tree of this node). -}
nodeStaticAna ((n, _) : r) (inSig, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap globalNs dg =
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just (sig, _) ->
nodeStaticAna r (integSign sig inSig, oldDiags)
signMap ontoMap globalNs dg
Nothing ->
Result digs' res' <-
nodeStaticAna (getBFSnodeList n dg)
(emptySign, [])
signMap ontoMap globalNs dg
case res' of
Just (signMap', dg', globalNs') ->
let (sig', _) = fromJust $ Map.lookup n signMap'
nodeStaticAna r
(integSign sig' inSig, oldDiags ++ digs')
signMap' ontoMap globalNs' dg'
_ -> do
error "Error by analysis : nodeStaticAna"
nodeStaticAna r (inSig, oldDiags)
signMap ontoMap globalNs dg
-- | build up two sign
integSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
integSign inSig totalSig =
let (newNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap totalSig) (namespaceMap inSig)
in addSign (renameNamespace transMap inSig)
(totalSig {namespaceMap = newNamespace})
-- | turn edges over
reverseLinks :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
reverseLinks = map (\ (source, target, edge) -> (target, source, edge))
-- | turn all edges over of graph
reverseGraph :: DGraph -> DGraph
reverseGraph dg =
let newLinks = reverseLinks $ labEdgesDG dg
in insEdgesDG newLinks (delEdgesDG (edgesDG dg) dg)
-- | find a node in DevGraph
matchNode :: DGraph -> Node -> LNode DGNodeLab
matchNode dgraph node = (node, labDG dgraph node)