Namespace.hs revision a74f814d3b445eadad6f68737a98a7a303698aff
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(instances for Namespace and Named Sentence)
This module implements a namespace transformation
module OWL.Namespace
( PNamespace (..)
, integrateNamespaces
, integrateOntologyFile
, uriToName) where
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.AS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Common.Annotation
import Data.List (find, nub)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlpha)
type TranslationMap = Map.Map String String -- OldPrefix -> NewPrefix
-- | propagate own namespaces from prefix to namespacesURI within a ontology
class PNamespace a where
-- | separate localpart of a QName into two divide: prefix and new
-- | localpart. If uri of the QName already existed in NamespaceMap,
-- | should prefix also be changed.
propagateNspaces :: Namespace -> a -> a
-- | on the basis of translation map changes the prefix of namespace.
renameNamespace :: TranslationMap -> a -> a
instance PNamespace Namespace where
propagateNspaces _ ns = ns
renameNamespace tMap oldNs =
foldl (\ ns (pre, ouri) ->
Map.insert (Map.findWithDefault pre pre tMap) ouri ns)
Map.empty $ Map.toList oldNs
instance PNamespace QName where
propagateNspaces ns old@(QN pre local isFull nsUri)
| null (pre ++ local ++ nsUri) = old
| otherwise =
if local == "Thing" || snd (span (/= ':') local) == ":Thing" then
QN "owl" "Thing" False ""
if null nsUri then let
prop :: String -> String -> QName
prop p loc = QN p loc isFull $ Map.findWithDefault "" p ns
in if null pre then
let (pre', local') = span (/= ':')
(if head local == '\"' then
read local :: String
else local
-- hiding "ftp://" oder "http://" oder "file:///"
in if null local' then old else let local'' = tail local' in
if length pre' > 3 && isAlpha (last pre') then old
else prop pre' local''
else prop pre local
if null pre then
let (pre', local') = span (/= '/')
(if head nsUri == '\"' then
read nsUri :: String
else nsUri
rns = reverseMap ns
in if pre' /= "file:" then
old { namePrefix = Map.findWithDefault pre
(nsUri ++ "#") rns }
-- if uri of QName already existed in namespace map, must
-- the prefix also changed (as is located in map).
else old { namePrefix = Map.findWithDefault pre
(pre' ++ "//" ++ local' ++ "#") rns }
else old
renameNamespace tMap old = let pre = namePrefix old in
old { namePrefix = Map.findWithDefault pre pre tMap }
instance PNamespace Sign where
propagateNspaces _ sig = sig
renameNamespace tMap (Sign p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p10) =
Sign (renameNamespace tMap p1)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p2)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p3)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p4)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p5)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p6)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p7)
( (renameNamespace tMap) p8)
(renameNamespace tMap p10)
instance PNamespace (DomainOrRangeOrFunc a) where
propagateNspaces _ = id
renameNamespace tMap dor = case dor of
DomainOrRange ty des -> DomainOrRange ty $ renameNamespace tMap des
RDRange dr -> RDRange $ renameNamespace tMap dr
_ -> dor
instance PNamespace SignAxiom where
propagateNspaces _ = id
renameNamespace tMap signAxiom =
case signAxiom of
Subconcept cId1 cId2 ->
Subconcept (renameNamespace tMap cId1)
(renameNamespace tMap cId2)
Role rdr id1 ->
Role (renameNamespace tMap rdr) (renameNamespace tMap id1)
Data rdr id1 ->
Data (renameNamespace tMap rdr) (renameNamespace tMap id1)
Conceptmembership iId des ->
Conceptmembership (renameNamespace tMap iId)
(renameNamespace tMap des)
instance PNamespace (Common.Annotation.Named Axiom) where
propagateNspaces _ nsent = nsent
renameNamespace tMap sent = sent {
Common.Annotation.sentence = renameNamespace tMap
(Common.Annotation.sentence sent) }
instance PNamespace OntologyFile where
propagateNspaces ns ( OntologyFile namespace onto) =
OntologyFile (propagateNspaces ns namespace)
(propagateNspaces ns onto)
renameNamespace tMap ( OntologyFile namespace onto) =
OntologyFile (renameNamespace tMap namespace)
(renameNamespace tMap onto)
instance PNamespace Ontology where
propagateNspaces ns ( Ontology ouri impList anList axList) =
Ontology (propagateNspaces ns ouri)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) impList)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) anList)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) axList)
renameNamespace tMap ( Ontology ouri impList anList axList) =
Ontology (renameNamespace tMap ouri)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) impList)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) anList)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) axList)
instance PNamespace Annotation where
propagateNspaces ns anno =
case anno of
ExplicitAnnotation annoUri constant ->
ExplicitAnnotation (propagateNspaces ns annoUri)
(propagateNspaces ns constant)
Label constant ->
Label (propagateNspaces ns constant)
Comment constant ->
Comment (propagateNspaces ns constant)
Annotation annoUri entity ->
Annotation (propagateNspaces ns annoUri)
(propagateNspaces ns entity)
renameNamespace tMap anno =
case anno of
ExplicitAnnotation annoUri constant ->
ExplicitAnnotation (renameNamespace tMap annoUri)
(renameNamespace tMap constant)
Label constant ->
Label (renameNamespace tMap constant)
Comment constant ->
Comment (renameNamespace tMap constant)
Annotation annoUri entity ->
Annotation (renameNamespace tMap annoUri)
(renameNamespace tMap entity)
instance PNamespace Axiom where
propagateNspaces ns axiom = case axiom of
PlainAxiom annosList pa -> PlainAxiom
(map (propagateNspaces ns) annosList) $ propagateNspaces ns pa
EntityAnno entityAnnotation ->
EntityAnno (propagateNspaces ns entityAnnotation)
renameNamespace tMap axiom = case axiom of
PlainAxiom annosList pa -> PlainAxiom
(map (renameNamespace tMap) annosList) $ renameNamespace tMap pa
EntityAnno entityAnnotation ->
EntityAnno (renameNamespace tMap entityAnnotation)
instance PNamespace PlainAxiom where
propagateNspaces ns axiom =
case axiom of
SubClassOf sub sup -> SubClassOf
(propagateNspaces ns sub) (propagateNspaces ns sup)
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty descList -> EquivOrDisjointClasses ty
(map (propagateNspaces ns) descList)
DisjointUnion classUri descList -> DisjointUnion
(propagateNspaces ns classUri)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) descList)
SubObjectPropertyOf subExp objExp -> SubObjectPropertyOf
(propagateNspaces ns subExp) (propagateNspaces ns objExp)
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty objExpList ->
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty
(map (propagateNspaces ns) objExpList)
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty objExp desc ->
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty
(propagateNspaces ns objExp) (propagateNspaces ns desc)
InverseObjectProperties objExp1 objExp2 -> InverseObjectProperties
(propagateNspaces ns objExp1) (propagateNspaces ns objExp2)
ObjectPropertyCharacter ch objExp -> ObjectPropertyCharacter ch
(propagateNspaces ns objExp)
SubDataPropertyOf dpExp1 dpExp2 -> SubDataPropertyOf
(propagateNspaces ns dpExp1) (propagateNspaces ns dpExp2)
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty dpExpList ->
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty
(map (propagateNspaces ns) dpExpList)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dpExp -> DataPropertyDomainOrRange
(case ddr of
DataDomain desc -> DataDomain $ propagateNspaces ns desc
DataRange dataRange -> DataRange
$ propagateNspaces ns dataRange)
$ propagateNspaces ns dpExp
FunctionalDataProperty dpExp -> FunctionalDataProperty
(propagateNspaces ns dpExp)
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty indUriList ->
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty
(map (propagateNspaces ns) indUriList)
ClassAssertion indUri desc -> ClassAssertion
(propagateNspaces ns indUri) (propagateNspaces ns desc)
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion objExp ty source target) ->
ObjectPropertyAssertion $ Assertion
(propagateNspaces ns objExp) ty
(propagateNspaces ns source) (propagateNspaces ns target)
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion dpExp ty source target) ->
DataPropertyAssertion $ Assertion
(propagateNspaces ns dpExp) ty
(propagateNspaces ns source) (propagateNspaces ns target)
Declaration entity -> Declaration (propagateNspaces ns entity)
renameNamespace tMap axiom =
case axiom of
SubClassOf sub sup -> SubClassOf
(renameNamespace tMap sub) (renameNamespace tMap sup)
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty descList -> EquivOrDisjointClasses ty
(map (renameNamespace tMap) descList)
DisjointUnion classUri descList -> DisjointUnion
(renameNamespace tMap classUri)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) descList)
SubObjectPropertyOf subExp objExp -> SubObjectPropertyOf
(renameNamespace tMap subExp)
(renameNamespace tMap objExp)
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty objExpList ->
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty
(map (renameNamespace tMap) objExpList)
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty objExp desc ->
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange ty
(renameNamespace tMap objExp) (renameNamespace tMap desc)
InverseObjectProperties objExp1 objExp2 -> InverseObjectProperties
(renameNamespace tMap objExp1)
(renameNamespace tMap objExp2)
ObjectPropertyCharacter ch objExp -> ObjectPropertyCharacter ch
(renameNamespace tMap objExp)
SubDataPropertyOf dpExp1 dpExp2 -> SubDataPropertyOf
(renameNamespace tMap dpExp1) (renameNamespace tMap dpExp2)
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty dpExpList ->
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty
(map (renameNamespace tMap) dpExpList)
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dpExp -> DataPropertyDomainOrRange
(case ddr of
DataDomain desc -> DataDomain $ renameNamespace tMap desc
DataRange dataRange -> DataRange
$ renameNamespace tMap dataRange)
(renameNamespace tMap dpExp)
FunctionalDataProperty dpExp -> FunctionalDataProperty
(renameNamespace tMap dpExp)
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty indUriList ->
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty
(map (renameNamespace tMap) indUriList)
ClassAssertion indUri desc -> ClassAssertion
(renameNamespace tMap indUri) (renameNamespace tMap desc)
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion objExp ty source target) ->
ObjectPropertyAssertion $ Assertion
(renameNamespace tMap objExp) ty
(renameNamespace tMap source) (renameNamespace tMap target)
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion dpExp ty source target) ->
DataPropertyAssertion $ Assertion
(renameNamespace tMap dpExp) ty
(renameNamespace tMap source) (renameNamespace tMap target)
Declaration entity -> Declaration (renameNamespace tMap entity)
instance PNamespace Entity where
propagateNspaces ns (Entity ty euri) = Entity ty $ propagateNspaces ns euri
renameNamespace tMap (Entity ty euri) = Entity ty $ renameNamespace tMap euri
instance PNamespace Constant where
propagateNspaces ns constant =
case constant of
Constant l (Typed curi) ->
Constant l $ Typed $ propagateNspaces ns curi
u -> u -- for untyped constant
renameNamespace tMap constant =
case constant of
Constant l (Typed curi) ->
Constant l $ Typed $ renameNamespace tMap curi
u -> u -- for untyped constant
instance PNamespace ObjectPropertyExpression where
propagateNspaces ns opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI opuri -> OpURI (propagateNspaces ns opuri)
InverseOp invOp -> InverseOp (propagateNspaces ns invOp)
renameNamespace tMap opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI opuri -> OpURI (renameNamespace tMap opuri)
InverseOp invOp -> InverseOp (renameNamespace tMap invOp)
instance PNamespace DataRange where
propagateNspaces ns dr =
case dr of
DRDatatype druri ->
DRDatatype (propagateNspaces ns druri)
DataComplementOf dataRange ->
DataComplementOf (propagateNspaces ns dataRange)
DataOneOf constList ->
DataOneOf (map (propagateNspaces ns) constList)
DatatypeRestriction dataRange restrList ->
DatatypeRestriction (propagateNspaces ns dataRange)
(map pnRest restrList)
where pnRest (facet, value) =
(facet, propagateNspaces ns value)
renameNamespace tMap dr =
case dr of
DRDatatype druri ->
DRDatatype (renameNamespace tMap druri)
DataComplementOf dataRange ->
DataComplementOf (renameNamespace tMap dataRange)
DataOneOf constList ->
DataOneOf (map (renameNamespace tMap) constList)
DatatypeRestriction dataRange restrList ->
DatatypeRestriction (renameNamespace tMap dataRange)
(map rnRest restrList)
where rnRest (facet, value) =
(facet, renameNamespace tMap value)
instance PNamespace Description where
propagateNspaces ns desc =
case desc of
OWLClassDescription curi ->
OWLClassDescription (propagateNspaces ns curi)
ObjectJunction ty descList ->
ObjectJunction ty (map (propagateNspaces ns) descList)
ObjectComplementOf desc' ->
ObjectComplementOf (propagateNspaces ns desc')
ObjectOneOf indsList ->
ObjectOneOf (map (propagateNspaces ns) indsList)
ObjectValuesFrom ty opExp desc' ->
ObjectValuesFrom ty (propagateNspaces ns opExp)
(propagateNspaces ns desc')
ObjectExistsSelf opExp ->
ObjectExistsSelf (propagateNspaces ns opExp)
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri ->
ObjectHasValue (propagateNspaces ns opExp)
(propagateNspaces ns indUri)
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ty card opExp maybeDesc) ->
ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(propagateNspaces ns opExp) (maybePropagate ns maybeDesc)
DataValuesFrom ty dpExp dpExpList dataRange ->
DataValuesFrom ty (propagateNspaces ns dpExp)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) dpExpList)
(propagateNspaces ns dataRange)
DataHasValue dpExp const' ->
DataHasValue (propagateNspaces ns dpExp)
(propagateNspaces ns const')
DataCardinality (Cardinality ty card dpExp maybeRange) ->
DataCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(propagateNspaces ns dpExp) (maybePropagate ns maybeRange)
renameNamespace tMap desc =
case desc of
OWLClassDescription curi ->
OWLClassDescription (renameNamespace tMap curi)
ObjectJunction ty descList ->
ObjectJunction ty (map (renameNamespace tMap) descList)
ObjectComplementOf desc' ->
ObjectComplementOf (renameNamespace tMap desc')
ObjectOneOf indsList ->
ObjectOneOf (map (renameNamespace tMap) indsList)
ObjectValuesFrom ty opExp desc' ->
ObjectValuesFrom ty (renameNamespace tMap opExp)
(renameNamespace tMap desc')
ObjectExistsSelf opExp ->
ObjectExistsSelf (renameNamespace tMap opExp)
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri ->
ObjectHasValue (renameNamespace tMap opExp)
(renameNamespace tMap indUri)
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ty card opExp maybeDesc) ->
ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(renameNamespace tMap opExp) (maybeRename tMap maybeDesc)
DataValuesFrom ty dpExp dpExpList dataRange ->
DataValuesFrom ty (renameNamespace tMap dpExp)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) dpExpList)
(renameNamespace tMap dataRange)
DataHasValue dpExp const' ->
DataHasValue (renameNamespace tMap dpExp)
(renameNamespace tMap const')
DataCardinality (Cardinality ty card dpExp maybeRange) ->
DataCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(renameNamespace tMap dpExp) (maybeRename tMap maybeRange)
instance PNamespace SubObjectPropertyExpression where
propagateNspaces ns subOpExp =
case subOpExp of
OPExpression opExp ->
OPExpression (propagateNspaces ns opExp)
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
(map (propagateNspaces ns) opExpList)
renameNamespace tMap subOpExp =
case subOpExp of
OPExpression opExp ->
OPExpression (renameNamespace tMap opExp)
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
(map (renameNamespace tMap) opExpList)
instance PNamespace EntityAnnotation where
propagateNspaces ns ( EntityAnnotation annoList1 entity annoList2) =
EntityAnnotation (map (propagateNspaces ns) annoList1)
(propagateNspaces ns entity)
(map (propagateNspaces ns) annoList2)
renameNamespace tMap ( EntityAnnotation annoList1 entity annoList2) =
EntityAnnotation (map (renameNamespace tMap) annoList1)
(renameNamespace tMap entity)
(map (renameNamespace tMap) annoList2)
-- propagate namespace of Maybe
maybePropagate :: (PNamespace a) => Namespace -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybePropagate ns = fmap $ propagateNspaces ns
-- rename namespace of Maybe
maybeRename :: (PNamespace a) => TranslationMap -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybeRename tMap = fmap $ renameNamespace tMap
integrateNamespaces :: Namespace -> Namespace
-> (Namespace, TranslationMap)
integrateNamespaces oldNsMap testNsMap =
if oldNsMap == testNsMap then (oldNsMap, Map.empty)
else testAndInteg oldNsMap (Map.toList testNsMap) Map.empty
where testAndInteg :: Namespace -> [(String, String)]
-> TranslationMap
-> (Namespace, TranslationMap)
testAndInteg old [] tm = (old, tm)
testAndInteg old ((pre, ouri) : r) tm
| Just ouri == Map.lookup pre old =
testAndInteg old r tm
-- if the uri already existed in old map, the key must be changed.
| isJust val =
testAndInteg old r
(Map.insert pre (fromJust val) tm)
| Map.member pre old =
let pre' = disambiguateName pre old
in testAndInteg (Map.insert pre' ouri old) r
(Map.insert pre pre' tm)
| otherwise = testAndInteg (Map.insert pre ouri old) r tm
where val = Map.lookup ouri $ reverseMap old
disambiguateName :: String -> Namespace -> String
disambiguateName name nameMap =
let name' = if isDigit $ last name then
take (length name - 1) name
else name
-- how about "reverse . dropWhile isDigit . reverse"?
in fromJust $ find (not . flip Map.member nameMap)
[name' ++ show (i :: Int) | i <- [1 ..]]
integrateOntologyFile :: OntologyFile -> OntologyFile
-> OntologyFile
integrateOntologyFile of1@( OntologyFile ns1
( Ontology oid1 imp1 anno1 axiom1))
of2@( OntologyFile ns2
( Ontology oid2 imp2 anno2 axiom2)) =
if of1 == of2 then of1
let (newNamespace, transMap) = integrateNamespaces ns1 ns2
newOid :: OntologyURI -> OntologyURI -> OntologyURI
newOid id1 id2 = let
lid1 = localPart id1
lid2 = localPart id2
in if null lid1 then id2 else
if null lid2 || id1 == id2 then id1 else id1
{ localPart = uriToName lid1 ++ "_" ++ uriToName lid2 }
in OntologyFile newNamespace
( Ontology (newOid oid1 oid2)
(nub $ imp1 ++ map (renameNamespace transMap) imp2)
(nub $ anno1 ++ map (renameNamespace transMap) anno2)
(nub $ axiom1 ++ map (renameNamespace transMap) axiom2))
-- | reverse a map: (key, value) -> (value, key)
reverseMap :: Ord a => Map.Map k a -> Map.Map a k
reverseMap oldMap =
Map.foldWithKey transport Map.empty oldMap
transport :: Ord a => k -> a -> Map.Map a k -> Map.Map a k
transport mKey mElem newMap
| Map.member mElem newMap = error "double keys in translationMap."
| otherwise = Map.insert mElem mKey newMap
-- build a QName from string, only local part (for node name, etc.).
uriToName :: String -> String
uriToName str = let
str' = case str of
'"' : _ -> read str
_ -> str
in takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse $ case takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse str' of
'#' : r -> r
r -> r