Morphism.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : OWL Morphisms
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Morphisms for OWL
module OWL.Morphism
( OWLMorphism (..)
, isOWLInclusion
, inclOWLMorphism
, legalMor
, composeMor
, cogeneratedSign
, generatedSign
, matchesSym
, statSymbItems
, statSymbMapItems
, inducedFromMor
, inducedFromToMor
, symMapOf
, mapSen
) where
import OWL.AS
import OWL.Print ()
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.StaticAnalysis
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result
import Common.Lib.State (execState)
import Common.Lib.Rel (setToMap)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data OWLMorphism = OWLMorphism
{ osource :: Sign
, otarget :: Sign
, mmaps :: Map.Map Entity URI
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
inclOWLMorphism :: Sign -> Sign -> OWLMorphism
inclOWLMorphism s t = OWLMorphism
{ osource = s
, otarget = t
, mmaps = Map.empty }
isOWLInclusion :: OWLMorphism -> Bool
isOWLInclusion m = Map.null (mmaps m) && isSubSign (osource m) (otarget m)
symMap :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Map.Map Entity Entity
symMap = Map.mapWithKey (\ (Entity ty _) -> Entity ty)
inducedElems :: Map.Map Entity URI -> [Entity]
inducedElems = Map.elems . symMap
inducedSign :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Sign -> Sign
inducedSign m = execState $ do
mapM_ (modEntity Set.delete) $ Map.keys m
mapM_ (modEntity Set.insert) $ inducedElems m
inducedFromMor :: Map.Map RawSymb RawSymb -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
inducedFromMor rm sig = do
let syms = symOf sig
mm <- foldM (\ m p -> case p of
(ASymbol s@(Entity _ v), ASymbol (Entity _ u)) ->
if Set.member s syms
then return $ if u == v then m else Map.insert s u m
else fail $ "unknown symbol: " ++ showDoc s ""
(AnUri v, AnUri u) -> case filter (`Set.member` syms)
$ map (`Entity` v) entityTypes of
[] -> fail $ "unknown symbol: " ++ showDoc v ""
l -> return $ if u == v then m else foldr (`Map.insert` u) m l
_ -> error "OWL.Morphism.inducedFromMor") Map.empty $ Map.toList rm
return OWLMorphism
{ osource = sig
, otarget = inducedSign mm sig
, mmaps = mm }
inducedFromToMor :: Map.Map RawSymb RawSymb -> ExtSign Sign Entity
-> ExtSign Sign Entity -> Result OWLMorphism
inducedFromToMor rm (ExtSign sig _) (ExtSign tar _) = do
mor <- inducedFromMor rm sig
let itar = otarget mor
if isSubSign itar tar
then return mor { otarget = tar }
else fail $ "no OWL mapping found for: " ++ showDoc
(Set.difference (symOf itar) $ symOf tar) ""
symMapOf :: OWLMorphism -> Map.Map Entity Entity
symMapOf mor = Map.union (symMap $ mmaps mor) $ setToMap $ symOf $ osource mor
instance Pretty OWLMorphism where
pretty m = let
s = osource m
srcD = specBraces $ space <> pretty s
t = otarget m
in if isOWLInclusion m then
if isSubSign t s then
fsep [text "identity morphism over", srcD]
else fsep
[ text "inclusion morphism of"
, srcD
, text "extended with"
, pretty $ Set.difference (symOf t) $ symOf s ]
else fsep
[ pretty $ mmaps m
, colon <+> srcD, mapsto <+> specBraces (space <> pretty t) ]
legalMor :: OWLMorphism -> Bool
legalMor m = let mm = mmaps m in
Set.isSubsetOf (Map.keysSet mm) (symOf $ osource m)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (Set.fromList $ inducedElems mm) (symOf $ otarget m)
getUri :: EntityType -> URI -> Map.Map Entity URI -> URI
getUri ty u = fromMaybe u . Map.lookup (Entity ty u)
composeMor :: OWLMorphism -> OWLMorphism -> Result OWLMorphism
composeMor m1 m2 =
let nm = Set.fold (\ s@(Entity ty u) -> let
t = getUri ty u $ mmaps m1
r = getUri ty t $ mmaps m2
in if r == u then id else Map.insert s r) Map.empty
. symOf $ osource m1
in return m1
{ otarget = otarget m2
, mmaps = nm }
cogeneratedSign :: Set.Set Entity -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
cogeneratedSign s sign =
let sig2 = execState (mapM_ (modEntity Set.delete) $ Set.toList s) sign
in if isSubSign sig2 sign then return $ inclOWLMorphism sig2 sign else
fail "non OWL subsignatures for (co)generatedSign"
generatedSign :: Set.Set Entity -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
generatedSign s sign = cogeneratedSign (Set.difference (symOf sign) s) sign
matchesSym :: Entity -> RawSymb -> Bool
matchesSym e@(Entity _ u) r = case r of
ASymbol s -> s == e
AnUri s -> s == u
statSymbItems :: [SymbItems] -> [RawSymb]
statSymbItems = concatMap
$ \ (SymbItems m us) -> case m of
Nothing -> map AnUri us
Just ty -> map (ASymbol . Entity ty) us
statSymbMapItems :: [SymbMapItems] -> Result (Map.Map RawSymb RawSymb)
statSymbMapItems =
foldM (\ m (s, t) -> case Map.lookup s m of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert s t m
Just u -> case (u, t) of
(AnUri su, ASymbol (Entity _ tu)) | su == tu ->
return $ Map.insert s t m
(ASymbol (Entity _ su), AnUri tu) | su == tu ->
return m
_ -> if u == t then return m else
fail $ "differently mapped symbol: " ++ showDoc s "\nmapped to "
++ showDoc u " and " ++ showDoc t "")
. concatMap (\ (SymbMapItems m us) ->
let ps = map (\ (u, v) -> (u, fromMaybe u v)) us in
case m of
Nothing -> map (\ (s, t) -> (AnUri s, AnUri t)) ps
Just ty -> let mS = ASymbol . Entity ty in
map (\ (s, t) -> (mS s, mS t)) ps)
mapEntity :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Entity -> Entity
mapEntity m (Entity ty u) = Entity ty $ getUri ty u m
mapAnno :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Annotation -> Annotation
mapAnno m ann = case ann of
Annotation a e -> Annotation a $ mapEntity m e
_ -> ann
mapSen :: OWLMorphism -> Axiom -> Result Axiom
mapSen m = return . mapAxiom (mmaps m)
mapAxiom :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Axiom -> Axiom
mapAxiom m axm = case axm of
PlainAxiom as a -> PlainAxiom (map (mapAnno m) as) $ mapPlainAxiom m a
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation as e bs) ->
EntityAnno $ EntityAnnotation (map (mapAnno m) as) (mapEntity m e)
$ map (mapAnno m) bs
mapObjExpr :: Map.Map Entity URI -> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
mapObjExpr m ope = case ope of
OpURI u -> OpURI $ getUri ObjectProperty u m
InverseOp o -> InverseOp $ mapObjExpr m o
mapDRange :: Map.Map Entity URI -> DataRange -> DataRange
mapDRange m dr = case dr of
DRDatatype u -> DRDatatype $ getUri Datatype u m
DataComplementOf d -> DataComplementOf $ mapDRange m d
DataOneOf _ -> dr
DatatypeRestriction d l -> DatatypeRestriction (mapDRange m d) l
mapDataExpr :: Map.Map Entity URI -> DataPropertyExpression
-> DataPropertyExpression
mapDataExpr m dpe = getUri DataProperty dpe m
getClassUri :: URI -> Map.Map Entity URI -> URI
getClassUri = getUri Class
getIndUri :: URI -> Map.Map Entity URI -> URI
getIndUri = getUri NamedIndividual
mapCard :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Cardinality a c -> Cardinality b d
mapCard f g (Cardinality ty i a mb) =
Cardinality ty i (f a) $ fmap g mb
mapDescr :: Map.Map Entity URI -> Description -> Description
mapDescr m desc = case desc of
OWLClassDescription u -> OWLClassDescription $ getClassUri u m
ObjectJunction ty ds -> ObjectJunction ty $ map (mapDescr m) ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> ObjectComplementOf $ mapDescr m d
ObjectOneOf is -> ObjectOneOf $ map (`getIndUri` m) is
ObjectValuesFrom ty o d -> ObjectValuesFrom ty (mapObjExpr m o)
$ mapDescr m d
ObjectExistsSelf o -> ObjectExistsSelf $ mapObjExpr m o
ObjectHasValue o i -> ObjectHasValue (mapObjExpr m o) $ getIndUri i m
ObjectCardinality c -> ObjectCardinality
$ mapCard (mapObjExpr m) (mapDescr m) c
DataValuesFrom ty d ds dr -> DataValuesFrom ty (mapDataExpr m d)
(map (mapDataExpr m) ds) $ mapDRange m dr
DataHasValue d c -> DataHasValue (mapDataExpr m d) c
DataCardinality c -> DataCardinality
$ mapCard (mapDataExpr m) (mapDRange m) c
mapSubObjExpr :: Map.Map Entity URI -> SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> SubObjectPropertyExpression
mapSubObjExpr m ope = case ope of
OPExpression o -> OPExpression $ mapObjExpr m o
SubObjectPropertyChain os -> SubObjectPropertyChain
$ map (mapObjExpr m) os
mapDataDomOrRange :: Map.Map Entity URI -> DataDomainOrRange
-> DataDomainOrRange
mapDataDomOrRange m ddr = case ddr of
DataDomain d -> DataDomain $ mapDescr m d
DataRange d -> DataRange $ mapDRange m d
mapAssertion :: Map.Map Entity URI -> (a -> b) -> (c -> d)
-> Assertion a c -> Assertion b d
mapAssertion m f g (Assertion a ty i b) =
Assertion (f a) ty (getIndUri i m) $ g b
mapPlainAxiom :: Map.Map Entity URI -> PlainAxiom -> PlainAxiom
mapPlainAxiom m pax = case pax of
SubClassOf s t -> SubClassOf (mapDescr m s) $ mapDescr m t
EquivOrDisjointClasses ty ds -> EquivOrDisjointClasses ty
$ map (mapDescr m) ds
DisjointUnion u ds -> DisjointUnion (getClassUri u m)
$ map (mapDescr m) ds
SubObjectPropertyOf so o -> SubObjectPropertyOf (mapSubObjExpr m so)
$ mapObjExpr m o
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty os -> EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties ty
$ map (mapObjExpr m) os
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange odr o d -> ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange odr
(mapObjExpr m o) $ mapDescr m d
InverseObjectProperties o p -> InverseObjectProperties (mapObjExpr m o)
$ mapObjExpr m p
ObjectPropertyCharacter c o -> ObjectPropertyCharacter c $ mapObjExpr m o
SubDataPropertyOf d e -> SubDataPropertyOf (mapDataExpr m d)
$ mapDataExpr m e
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty ds -> EquivOrDisjointDataProperties ty
$ map (mapDataExpr m) ds
DataPropertyDomainOrRange dd d -> DataPropertyDomainOrRange
(mapDataDomOrRange m dd) $ mapDataExpr m d
FunctionalDataProperty d -> FunctionalDataProperty $ mapDataExpr m d
SameOrDifferentIndividual ty is -> SameOrDifferentIndividual ty
$ map (`getIndUri` m) is
ClassAssertion i d -> ClassAssertion (getIndUri i m) $ mapDescr m d
ObjectPropertyAssertion a -> ObjectPropertyAssertion
$ mapAssertion m (mapObjExpr m) (`getIndUri` m) a
DataPropertyAssertion a -> DataPropertyAssertion
$ mapAssertion m (mapDataExpr m) id a
Declaration (Entity ty u) -> Declaration $ Entity ty $ getUri ty u m