Keywords.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : String constants for OWL keywords to be used for parsing
and printing
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder DFKI Bremen 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
String constants for keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- all identifiers are mixed case (i.e. the keyword followed by a capital S)
module OWL.Keywords where
keywords :: [String]
keywords =
[ booleanS
, decimalS
, digitsS
, exactlyS
, floatS
, fractionS
, functionalS
, hasS
, integerS
, inverseS
, lengthS
, maxLengthS
, maxS
, minLengthS
, minS
, negativeIntegerS
, nonNegativeIntegerS
, nonPositiveIntegerS
, oS
, onlyS
, onlysomeS
, orS
, patternS
, positiveIntegerS
, selfS
, someS
, thatS
, universalS
, valueS
, xorS
booleanS :: String
booleanS = "boolean"
dATAS :: String
decimalS :: String
decimalS = "decimal"
digitsS :: String
digitsS = "digits"
exactlyS :: String
exactlyS = "exactly"
floatS :: String
floatS = "float"
fractionS :: String
fractionS = "fraction"
functionalS :: String
functionalS = "Functional"
hasS :: String
hasS = "has"
integerS :: String
integerS = "integer"
inverseS :: String
inverseS = "inverse"
lengthS :: String
lengthS = "length"
maxLengthS :: String
maxLengthS = "maxLength"
maxS :: String
maxS = "max"
minLengthS :: String
minLengthS = "minLength"
minS :: String
minS = "min"
negativeIntegerS :: String
negativeIntegerS = "negativeInteger"
nonNegativeIntegerS :: String
nonNegativeIntegerS = "nonNegativeInteger"
nonPositiveIntegerS :: String
nonPositiveIntegerS = "nonPositiveInteger"
oS :: String
oS = "o"
onlyS :: String
onlyS = "only"
onlysomeS :: String
onlysomeS = "onlysome"
orS :: String
orS = "or"
patternS :: String
patternS = "pattern"
positiveIntegerS :: String
positiveIntegerS = "positiveInteger"
selfS :: String
selfS = "Self"
someS :: String
someS = "some"
thatS :: String
thatS = "that"
universalS :: String
universalS = "Universal"
valueS :: String
valueS = "value"
xorS :: String
xorS = "xor"