Conservativity.hs revision 247cc88aa55d0a7b6831767cd593ea885c6747a0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
This module implements conservativity checks for OWL 2.0 based on the
the syntactic locality checker written in Java from the OWL-Api.
module OWL.Conservativity
import Common.AS_Annotation
import OWL.Sign
import OWL.Morphism
import Common.Result
import Common.Consistency
import System.IO.Unsafe
import OWL.Print (printOWLBasicTheory)
import Common.Utils
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
import GUI.Utils ()
toolName :: String
toolName = "owl_locality"
-- | Conservativity Check for Propositional Logic
conserCheck :: String -- ^ Conser type
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence]) -- ^ Initial sign and formulas
-> OWLMorphism -- ^ morphism between specs
-> [Named Sentence] -- ^ Formulas of extended spec
-> Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence]))
conserCheck ct (sig, forms) mor =
unsafePerformIO . doConservCheck "OWLLocality.jar" ct sig forms mor
-- | Real conservativity check in IO Monad
doConservCheck :: String -- ^ Jar name
-> String -- ^ Conser Type
-> Sign -- ^ Signature of Onto 1
-> [Named Sentence] -- ^ Formulas of Onto 1
-> OWLMorphism -- ^ Morphism
-> [Named Sentence] -- ^ Formulas of Onto 2
-> IO (Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence])))
doConservCheck jar ct sig1 sen1 mor sen2 = do
let ontoFile = printOWLBasicTheory
(osource mor, filter isAxiom sen2)
sigFile = printOWLBasicTheory (sig1, filter isAxiom sen1)
runLocalityChecker jar ct (show ontoFile) (show sigFile)
getEnvSec :: String -> IO String
getEnvSec s = getEnvDef s ""
check4Tool :: String -> IO (Bool, Bool)
check4Tool jar =
pPath <- getEnvSec "HETS_OWL_TOOLS"
progTh <- doesFileExist $ pPath ++ "/" ++ jar
progEx <- if progTh
progPerms <- getPermissions $ pPath ++ "/" ++ toolName
return $ executable progPerms
return False
return (progTh, progEx)
-- | Invoke the Java checker
runLocalityChecker :: String -- ^ Jar name
-> String -- ^ Conser Type
-> String -- ^ Ontology
-> String -- ^ String
-> IO (Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence])))
runLocalityChecker jar ct onto sig =
let timeLimit = 800
(progTh, _) <- check4Tool jar
case progTh of
False -> return $ fail $ toolName ++ " not found"
True ->
t <- getCurrentTime
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
toolPath <- getEnvSec "HETS_OWL_TOOLS"
let baseName = "ConservativityCheck"
fileName = tempDir ++ "/" ++ baseName ++ show (utctDay t)
++ "-" ++ show (utctDayTime t)
ontoFile = fileName ++ ".onto.owl"
sigFile = fileName ++ ".sig.owl"
command = "java -jar " ++ jar ++ " file://" ++ ontoFile
++ " file://" ++ sigFile ++ " " ++ ct
writeFile ontoFile onto
writeFile sigFile sig
(result, _) <-
timeWatch timeLimit $ do
setCurrentDirectory toolPath
(_, outh, errh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
parseOutput outh errh proch
removeFile ontoFile
removeFile sigFile
return result
parseOutput :: Handle -- ^ handel of stdout
-> Handle -- ^ handel of stderr
-> ProcessHandle -- ^ handel of process
-> IO ((Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence]))), [String])
parseOutput outh _ procHndl =
collectLines =
procState <- waitForProcess procHndl
ls1 <- hGetContents outh
let ls = lines ls1
case procState of
ExitFailure 10 -> return (return $ Just (Conservative, []), ls)
ExitFailure 20 -> return (fail $ unlines ls, ls)
x -> return (fail ("Internal program error: " ++
show x ++ "\n" ++ unlines ls), ls)
timeWatch :: Int
-> IO (Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence])), [String])
-> IO (Result (Maybe (ConsistencyStatus, [Sentence])), [String])
timeWatch time process =
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
tid1 <- forkIO $ do z <- process
putMVar mvar (Just z)
tid2 <- forkIO $ do threadDelay (time * 1000000)
putMVar mvar Nothing
res <- takeMVar mvar
case res of
Just z -> do
killThread tid2 `catch` print
return z
Nothing -> do
killThread tid1 `catch` print
return (fail $ "Timelimit " ++ show time ++ " exceeded", [""])