ColonKeywords.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : String constants for OWL colon keywords to be used for parsing
and printing
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder DFKI Bremen 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
String constants for keywords followed by a colon to be used for parsing and
- all identifiers are mixed case
the keyword is followed by a capital C to indicate the final colon
module OWL.ColonKeywords where
colonKeywords :: [String]
colonKeywords =
[ annotationPropertyC
, annotationsC
, characteristicsC
, classC
, dataPropertyC
, datatypeC
, differentFromC
, differentIndividualsC
, disjointUnionOfC
, disjointWithC
, domainC
, equivalentToC
, factsC
, hasKeyC
, importC
, individualC
, inverseOfC
, objectPropertyC
, ontologyC
, prefixC
, rangeC
, sameAsC
, sameIndividualC
, subClassOfC
, subPropertyChainC
, subPropertyOfC
, typesC ]
namespaceC :: String
namespaceC = "Namespace:"
annotationPropertyC :: String
annotationPropertyC = "AnnotationProperty:"
annotationsC :: String
annotationsC = "Annotations:"
characteristicsC :: String
characteristicsC = "Characteristics:"
classC :: String
classC = "Class:"
classesC :: String
classesC = "Classes:"
dataPropertyC :: String
dataPropertyC = "DataProperty:"
datatypeC :: String
datatypeC = "Datatype:"
differentFromC :: String
differentFromC = "DifferentFrom:"
differentIndividualsC :: String
differentIndividualsC = "DifferentIndividuals:"
disjointUnionOfC :: String
disjointUnionOfC = "DisjointUnionOf:"
disjointWithC :: String
disjointWithC = "DisjointWith:"
domainC :: String
domainC = "Domain:"
equivalentToC :: String
equivalentToC = "EquivalentTo:"
factsC :: String
factsC = "Facts:"
hasKeyC :: String
hasKeyC = "HasKey:"
importC :: String
importC = "Import:"
individualC :: String
individualC = "Individual:"
inverseOfC :: String
inverseOfC = "InverseOf:"
objectPropertyC :: String
objectPropertyC = "ObjectProperty:"
ontologyC :: String
ontologyC = "Ontology:"
prefixC :: String
prefixC = "Prefix:"
propertiesC :: String
propertiesC = "Properties:"
rangeC :: String
rangeC = "Range:"
sameAsC :: String
sameAsC = "SameAs:"
sameIndividualC :: String
sameIndividualC = "SameIndividual:"
subClassOfC :: String
subClassOfC = "SubClassOf:"
subPropertyChainC :: String
subPropertyChainC = "SubPropertyChain:"
subPropertyOfC :: String
subPropertyOfC = "SubPropertyOf:"
typesC :: String
typesC = "Types:"