XmlInterface.hs revision f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932
, TypeSynonymInstances
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : OMDoc-to/from-XML conversion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : ewaryst.schulz@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
The transformation of the OMDoc intermediate representation to and from XML.
module OMDoc.XmlInterface where
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Common.Utils (splitBy)
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Network.URI (isUnescapedInURI, escapeURIString, unEscapeString)
#ifdef HEXPAT
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Common.XmlExpat as XE
import Text.XML.Light
-- | The implemented OMDoc version
omdoc_current_version :: String
omdoc_current_version = "1.6"
toQN :: String -> QName
toQN s = blank_name { qName = s }
toQNOM :: String -> QName
toQNOM s = blank_name { qName = s , qPrefix = Just "om" }
-- | often used element names
el_omdoc, el_theory, el_view, el_structure, el_type, el_adt, el_sortdef
, el_constructor, el_argument, el_insort, el_selector
, el_conass, el_constant, el_notation, el_text, el_definition, el_omobj
, el_ombind, el_oms, el_ombvar, el_omattr, el_omatp, el_omv, el_oma :: QName
el_omdoc = toQN "omdoc"
el_theory = toQN "theory"
el_view = toQN "view"
el_structure = toQN "structure"
el_type = toQN "type"
el_adt = toQN "adt"
el_sortdef = toQN "sortdef"
el_constructor = toQN "constructor"
el_argument = toQN "argument"
el_insort = toQN "insort"
el_selector = toQN "selector"
el_conass = toQN "conass"
el_constant = toQN "constant"
el_notation = toQN "notation"
el_text = toQN "text"
el_definition = toQN "definition"
el_omobj = toQN "OMOBJ"
el_ombind = toQNOM "OMBIND"
el_oms = toQNOM "OMS"
el_ombvar = toQNOM "OMBVAR"
el_omattr = toQNOM "OMATTR"
el_omatp = toQNOM "OMATP"
el_omv = toQNOM "OMV"
el_oma = toQNOM "OMA"
at_version, at_module, at_name, at_meta, at_role, at_type, at_total
, at_for, at_from, at_to, at_value, at_base :: QName
at_version = toQN "version"
at_module = toQN "module"
at_name = toQN "name"
at_meta = toQN "meta"
at_role = toQN "role"
at_type = toQN "type"
at_total = toQN "total"
at_for = toQN "for"
at_from = toQN "from"
at_to = toQN "to"
at_value = toQN "value"
at_base = toQN "base"
attr_om :: Attr
attr_om = Attr (blank_name { qName = "om" , qPrefix = Just "xmlns" })
mkElement :: QName -> [Attr] -> [Content] -> Content
mkElement qn atts elems = Elem $ Element qn atts elems Nothing
{- |
this class defines the interface to read from and write to XML
class XmlRepresentable a where
-- | render instance to an XML Element
toXml :: a -> Content
-- | read instance from an XML Element
fromXml :: Element -> Result (Maybe a)
-- * Top level from/to xml functions
class XmlSource a where
parseXml :: a -> Either Element String
instance XmlSource String where
parseXml s = case parseXMLDoc s of
Just x -> Left x
_ -> Right "parseXMLDoc: parse error"
#ifdef HEXPAT
instance XmlSource BS.ByteString where
parseXml = XE.parseXml
readXmlFile :: FilePath -> IO BS.ByteString
readXmlFile = BS.readFile
readXmlFile :: FilePath -> IO String
readXmlFile = readFile
-- for testing the performance without the xml lib we use the show and read funs
xmlOut :: Show a => a -> String
xmlOut = show
xmlIn :: String -> Result OMDoc
xmlIn = return . read
xmlOut :: XmlRepresentable a => a -> String
xmlOut obj = case toXml obj of (Elem e) -> ppTopElement e
c -> ppContent c
xmlIn :: XmlSource a => a -> Result OMDoc
xmlIn s = case parseXml s of
Left e -> fromXml e >>= maybeToMonad "xmlIn"
Right msg -> fail msg
listToXml :: XmlRepresentable a => [a] -> [Content]
listToXml l = map toXml l
listFromXml :: XmlRepresentable a => [Content] -> Result [a]
listFromXml elms = fmap catMaybes $ mapR fromXml (onlyElems elms)
makeComment :: String -> Content
makeComment s = Text $ CData CDataRaw ("<!-- " ++ s ++ " -->") Nothing
inAContent :: QName -> [Attr] -> Maybe Content -> Content
inAContent qn a c = mkElement qn a $ maybeToList c
inContent :: QName -> Maybe Content -> Content
inContent qn c = inAContent qn [] c
toOmobj :: Content -> Content
toOmobj c = inAContent el_omobj [attr_om] $ Just c
-- TODO: URL-encode/decode the ids
-- url escaping and unescaping.
-- We use ? and / as special characters, so we need them to be encoded in names
urlEscape :: String -> String
urlEscape = escapeURIString (\ c -> isUnescapedInURI c && notElem c "/?")
urlUnescape :: String -> String
urlUnescape = unEscapeString
-- encoding
uriEncodeCDName :: OMCD -> OMName -> String
uriEncodeCDName omcd omname = uriEncodeCD omcd ++ "?" ++ encodeOMName omname
uriEncodeCD :: OMCD -> String
uriEncodeCD cd = let [x,y] = cdToList cd
in concat [x, "?", urlEscape y]
encodeOMName :: OMName -> String
encodeOMName on = intercalate "/" $ map urlEscape $ path on ++ [name on]
tripleEncodeOMS :: OMCD -> OMName -> [Attr]
tripleEncodeOMS omcd omname
= pairEncodeCD omcd ++ [Attr at_name $ encodeOMName omname]
pairEncodeCD :: OMCD -> [Attr]
pairEncodeCD cd = let [base, modl] = cdToMaybeList cd
in catMaybes $ [ fmap (Attr at_base) base
, fmap (Attr at_module . urlEscape) modl]
-- decoding
uriDecodeCD :: Show a => a -> String -> OMCD
uriDecodeCD _ s = case splitBy '?' s of
[b, cd] -> cdFromList [b, urlUnescape cd]
_ -> error $ concat [ "uriDecodeCD: The value "
, "has to contain exactly one '?'"]
uriDecodeCDName :: String -> OMQualName
uriDecodeCDName s = case splitBy '?' s of
(b:cd:n:[]) -> ( cdFromList [b, urlUnescape cd]
, decodeOMName n)
_ -> error $ concat [ "uriDecodeCDName: The value "
, "has to contain exactly two '?'"]
decodeOMName :: String -> OMName
decodeOMName s = let l = map urlUnescape $ splitBy '/' s
in OMName (last l) $ init l
tripleDecodeOMS :: String -> String -> String -> (OMCD, OMName)
tripleDecodeOMS cd base nm =
let cdl = filter (not . null) [urlUnescape cd, base]
in if null cd && not (null base)
then error "tripleDecodeOMS: base not empty but cd not given!"
else (CD cdl, decodeOMName nm)
warnIfNothing :: String -> (Maybe a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Result b
warnIfNothing s f v = let o = f v in
case v of Nothing -> warning () s nullRange >> return o
_ -> return o
warnIf :: String -> Bool -> Result ()
warnIf s b = if b then warning () s nullRange else return ()
elemIsOf :: Element -> QName -> Bool
elemIsOf e qn = let en = elName e in
(qName en, qPrefix en) == (qName qn, qPrefix qn)
oneOfMsg :: Element -> [QName] -> String
oneOfMsg e l = let printName = qName in
concat [ "Couldn't find expected element {"
, intercalate ", " (map printName l), "}"
, fromMaybe "" $ fmap ((" at line "++).show) $ elLine e
, " but found ", printName $ elName e, "."
------------------------- Monad and Maybe interplay -------------------------
justReturn :: Monad m => a -> m (Maybe a)
justReturn = return . Just
fmapMaybe :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Maybe a -> m (Maybe b)
fmapMaybe f v = encapsMaybe $ fmap f v
fmapFromMaybe :: Monad m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> Maybe a -> m (Maybe b)
fmapFromMaybe f = flattenMaybe . fmapMaybe f
encapsMaybe :: Monad m => Maybe (m a) -> m (Maybe a)
encapsMaybe v = case v of
Just x -> x >>= justReturn
_ -> return Nothing
flattenMaybe :: Monad m => m (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> m (Maybe a)
flattenMaybe v = v >>= return . fromMaybe Nothing
-- | Function to extract the Just values from maybes with a default missing
-- error in case of Nothing
missingMaybe :: String -> String -> Maybe a -> a
missingMaybe el misses =
fromMaybe (error $ el ++ " element must have a " ++ misses ++ ".")
------------------------------ Class instances ------------------------------
-- | The root instance for representing OMDoc in XML
instance XmlRepresentable OMDoc where
toXml (OMDoc omname elms) =
el_omdoc [Attr at_version omdoc_current_version, Attr at_name omname]
$ listToXml elms
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_omdoc =
nm <- warnIfNothing "No name in omdoc element." (fromMaybe "")
$ findAttr at_name e
vs <- warnIfNothing "No version in omdoc element."
(fromMaybe "1.6") $ findAttr at_version e
warnIf "Wrong OMDoc version." $ vs /= omdoc_current_version
tls <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ OMDoc nm tls
| otherwise = fail "OMDoc fromXml: toplevel element is no omdoc."
-- | toplevel OMDoc elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable TLElement where
toXml (TLTheory tname meta elms) =
el_theory ((Attr at_name tname)
: case meta of Nothing -> []
Just mtcd ->
[Attr at_meta $ uriEncodeCD mtcd])
$ listToXml elms
toXml (TLView nm from to morph) =
el_view [Attr at_name nm, Attr at_from $ uriEncodeCD from,
Attr at_to $ uriEncodeCD to]
$ map assignmentToXml morph
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_theory =
let nm = missingMaybe "Theory" "name" $ findAttr at_name e
mt = fmap (uriDecodeCD (elLine e)) $ findAttr at_meta e
in do
tcl <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ TLTheory nm mt tcl
| elemIsOf e el_view =
let musthave at s = missingMaybe "View" s $ findAttr at e
nm = musthave at_name "name"
from = uriDecodeCD (elLine e) $ musthave at_from "from"
to = uriDecodeCD (elLine e) $ musthave at_to "to"
in do
morph <- mapR xmlToAssignment (findChildren el_conass e)
justReturn $ TLView nm from to morph
| otherwise = return Nothing
-- | theory constitutive OMDoc elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable TCElement where
toXml (TCSymbol sname symtype role defn) =
constantToXml sname (show role) symtype defn
toXml (TCNotation (cd, nm) val) =
[Attr at_for $ uriEncodeCDName cd nm, Attr at_role "constant"]
$ Just $ inAContent el_text [Attr at_value val] Nothing
toXml (TCADT sds) = mkElement el_adt [] $ listToXml sds
toXml (TCComment c) = makeComment c
toXml (TCImport nm from morph) =
el_structure [Attr at_name nm, Attr at_from $ uriEncodeCD from]
$ map assignmentToXml morph
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_constant =
let musthave s v = missingMaybe "Constant" s v
nm = musthave "name" $ findAttr at_name e
role = fromMaybe Obj $ fmap read $ findAttr at_role e
in do
typ <- fmap (musthave "typ") $ omelementFrom el_type e
defn <- omelementFrom el_definition e
justReturn $ TCSymbol nm typ role defn
| elemIsOf e el_notation =
let musthave s v = missingMaybe "Notation" s v
nm = musthave "for" $ findAttr at_for e
role = musthave "role" $ findAttr at_role e
text = musthave "text" $ findChild el_text e
val = musthave "value" $ findAttr at_value text
in if role == "constant"
then justReturn $ TCNotation (uriDecodeCDName nm) val
else return Nothing
| elemIsOf e el_structure =
let musthave at s = missingMaybe "Structure" s $ findAttr at e
nm = musthave at_name "name"
from = uriDecodeCD (elLine e) $ musthave at_from "from"
in do
morph <- mapR xmlToAssignment (findChildren el_conass e)
justReturn $ TCImport nm from morph
| elemIsOf e el_adt =
sds <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ TCADT sds
| otherwise =
fail $ oneOfMsg e [el_constant, el_structure, el_adt, el_notation]
-- | OMDoc - Algebraic Data Types
instance XmlRepresentable OmdADT where
toXml (ADTSortDef n b cs) =
mkElement el_sortdef
[Attr at_name n, Attr at_type $ show b]
$ listToXml cs
toXml (ADTConstr n args) =
mkElement el_constructor [Attr at_name n] $ listToXml args
toXml (ADTArg t sel) =
mkElement el_argument []
$ typeToXml t :
case sel of Nothing -> []
Just s -> [toXml s]
toXml (ADTSelector n total) =
mkElement el_selector [Attr at_name n, Attr at_total $ show total] []
toXml (ADTInsort (d,n)) =
mkElement el_insort [Attr at_for $ uriEncodeCDName d n] []
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_sortdef =
let musthave s at = missingMaybe "Sortdef" s $ findAttr at e
nm = musthave "name" at_name
typ = read $ musthave "type" at_type
in do
entries <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ ADTSortDef nm typ entries
| elemIsOf e el_constructor =
let nm = missingMaybe "Constructor" "name" $ findAttr at_name e
entries <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ ADTConstr nm entries
| elemIsOf e el_argument =
typ <- fmap (missingMaybe "Argument" "typ")
$ omelementFrom el_type e
sel <- fmapFromMaybe fromXml $ findChild el_selector e
justReturn $ ADTArg typ sel
| elemIsOf e el_selector =
let musthave s at = missingMaybe "Selector" s $ findAttr at e
nm = musthave "name" at_name
total = read $ musthave "total" at_total
in justReturn $ ADTSelector nm total
| elemIsOf e el_insort =
let nm = missingMaybe "Insort" "for" $ findAttr at_for e
justReturn $ ADTInsort $ uriDecodeCDName nm
| otherwise =
fail $ oneOfMsg e [ el_sortdef, el_constructor, el_argument
, el_selector, el_insort]
-- | OpenMath elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable OMElement where
toXml (OMS (d, n)) = mkElement el_oms (tripleEncodeOMS d n) []
toXml (OMV n) = mkElement el_omv [Attr at_name (name n)] []
toXml (OMATTT elm attr) = mkElement el_omattr [] [toXml attr, toXml elm]
toXml (OMA args) = mkElement el_oma [] $ listToXml args
toXml (OMBIND symb vars body) =
mkElement el_ombind []
[ toXml symb
, mkElement el_ombvar [] $ listToXml vars
, toXml body]
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_oms =
let nm = missingMaybe "OMS" "name" $ findAttr at_name e
omcd = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr at_module e
cdb = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr at_base e
in justReturn $ OMS $ tripleDecodeOMS omcd cdb nm
| elemIsOf e el_omv =
let nm = missingMaybe "OMV" "name" $ findAttr at_name e
in justReturn $ OMV $ decodeOMName nm
| elemIsOf e el_omattr =
let [atp, el] = elChildren e
musthave s v = missingMaybe "OMATTR" s v
in do
atp' <- fromXml atp
el' <- fromXml el
justReturn $ OMATTT (musthave "attributed value" el')
(musthave "attribution" atp')
| elemIsOf e el_oma =
entries <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ OMA entries
| elemIsOf e el_ombind =
let [bd, bvar, body] = elChildren e
musthave s v = missingMaybe "OMBIND" s v
in do
bd' <- fromXml bd
bvar' <- listFromXml $ elContent bvar
body' <- fromXml body
justReturn $ OMBIND (musthave "binder" bd') bvar'
(musthave "body" body')
| otherwise =
fail $ oneOfMsg e [el_oms, el_omv, el_omattr, el_oma, el_ombind]
-- | Helper instance for OpenMath attributes
instance XmlRepresentable OMAttribute where
toXml (OMAttr e1 e2) = mkElement el_omatp [] [toXml e1, toXml e2]
fromXml e
| elemIsOf e el_omatp =
[key, val] <- listFromXml $ elContent e
justReturn $ OMAttr key val
| otherwise =
fail $ oneOfMsg e [el_omatp]
------------------------------ fromXml methods ------------------------------
-- | Get an OMElement from an child element of type qn of the given element,
-- hence containing an OMOBJ
omelementFrom :: QName -> Element -> Result (Maybe OMElement)
omelementFrom qn e = fmapFromMaybe omelementFromOmobj $ findChild qn e
omelementFromOmobj :: Element -> Result (Maybe OMElement)
omelementFromOmobj e = fmapMaybe omobjToOMElement $ findChild el_omobj e
-- | Get an OMElement from an OMOBJ xml element
omobjToOMElement :: Element -> Result OMElement
omobjToOMElement e = case elChildren e of
[om] ->
omelem <- fromXml om
case omelem of
Nothing ->
$ concat [ "omobjToOMElement: "
, "No OpenMath element found."]
Just x -> return x
_ -> fail "OMOBJ element must have a unique child."
-- | The input is assumed to be a conass element
xmlToAssignment :: Element -> Result (OMName, OMElement)
xmlToAssignment e =
let musthave s v = missingMaybe "Conass" s v
nm = musthave "name" $ findAttr at_name e
in do
omel <- omelementFromOmobj e
return (decodeOMName nm, musthave "OMOBJ element" omel)
------------------------------ toXml methods ------------------------------
typeToXml :: OMElement -> Content
typeToXml t = inContent el_type $ Just $ toOmobj $ toXml t
assignmentToXml :: (OMName, OMElement) -> Content
assignmentToXml (from, to) =
inAContent el_conass [Attr at_name $ encodeOMName from]
$ Just . toOmobj . toXml $ to
constantToXml :: String -> String -> OMElement -> Maybe OMElement -> Content
constantToXml n r tp prf =
Elem $ Element el_constant
[Attr at_name n, Attr at_role r]
([typeToXml tp]
++ map (inContent el_definition . Just . toOmobj . toXml)
(maybeToList prf))