XmlInterface.hs revision 6117fc946c8b1485fb143245adaf1a22686d096a
, TypeSynonymInstances
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : OMDoc-to/from-XML conversion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : ewaryst.schulz@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
The transformation of the OMDoc intermediate representation to and from XML.
module OMDoc.XmlInterface
( XmlRepresentable
, toXml
, listToXml
, listFromXml
, makeComment
, testXmlOut
) where
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Set
import Data.Maybe
-- | The implemented OMDoc version
omdoc_current_version :: String
omdoc_current_version = "1.2"
-- | often used element names
el_omdoc, el_theory, el_view, el_axiom, el_theorem, el_symbol, el_import
, el_type, el_fmp, el_omobj, el_ombind, el_oms, el_ombvar, el_omattr
, el_omatp, el_omv, el_oma :: QName
el_omdoc = (blank_name { qName = "omdoc" })
el_theory = (blank_name { qName = "theory" })
el_view = (blank_name { qName = "view" })
el_axiom = (blank_name { qName = "axiom" })
el_theorem = (blank_name { qName = "theorem" })
el_symbol = (blank_name { qName = "symbol" })
el_import = (blank_name { qName = "import" })
el_type = (blank_name { qName = "type" })
el_fmp = (blank_name { qName = "FMP" })
el_omobj = (blank_name { qName = "OMOBJ" })
el_ombind = (blank_name { qName = "OMBIND" })
el_oms = (blank_name { qName = "OMS" })
el_ombvar = (blank_name { qName = "OMBVAR" })
el_omattr = (blank_name { qName = "OMATTR" })
el_omatp = (blank_name { qName = "OMATP" })
el_omv = (blank_name { qName = "OMV" })
el_oma = (blank_name { qName = "OMA" })
el_axiom_or_theorem :: Bool -> QName
el_axiom_or_theorem True = el_axiom
el_axiom_or_theorem False = el_theorem
-- | often used attribute names
at_id, at_version, at_cd, at_name, at_role :: QName
at_id = (blank_name { qName = "id", qPrefix = Just "xml" })
at_version = (blank_name { qName = "version" })
at_cd = (blank_name { qName = "cd" })
at_name = (blank_name { qName = "name" })
at_role = (blank_name { qName = "role" })
{- |
this class defines the interface to read from and write to XML
class XmlRepresentable a where
-- | render instance to an XML Element
toXml :: a -> Content
-- | read instance from an XML Element
fromXml :: Element -> Maybe a
listToXml :: XmlRepresentable a => [a] -> [Content]
listToXml l = Prelude.map toXml l
listFromXml :: XmlRepresentable a => [Content] -> [a]
listFromXml elms = catMaybes $ Prelude.map fromXml (onlyElems elms)
makeComment :: String -> Content
makeComment s = Text $ CData CDataRaw ("<!-- " ++ s ++ " -->") Nothing
-- | The root instance for representing OMDoc in XML
instance XmlRepresentable OMDoc where
toXml (OMDoc oid elms) =
(Elem $ Element el_omdoc
[Attr at_version omdoc_current_version, Attr at_id oid]
(listToXml elms)
fromXml (Element n _ _ _)
| n == el_omdoc =
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | toplevel OMDoc elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable TLElement where
toXml (TLTheory tid elms) =
(Elem $ Element el_theory
[Attr at_id tid]
(listToXml elms)
toXml TLView =
(Elem $ Element el_view
fromXml (Element n _ _ _)
| n == el_theory =
| n == el_view =
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | theory constitutive OMDoc elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable TCElement where
toXml (TCAxiomOrTheorem b sid obj) =
(Elem $ Element (el_axiom_or_theorem b) [Attr at_id sid]
[Elem $ Element el_fmp []
[Elem $ Element el_omobj []
[toXml obj]
toXml (TCSymbol sid symtype role) =
(Elem $ Element el_symbol
[Attr at_name sid, Attr at_role (show role)]
(case symtype of Nothing -> []
Just st -> [Elem $ Element el_type []
[Elem $ Element el_omobj []
[toXml st] Nothing]
toXml (TCComment c) = (makeComment c)
toXml TCImport =
(Elem $ Element el_import
fromXml (Element n _ _ _)
| n == el_axiom =
| n == el_theorem =
| n == el_symbol =
| n == el_import =
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | OpenMath elements to XML and back
instance XmlRepresentable OMElement where
toXml (OMS d n) = (Elem $ Element el_oms
[Attr at_cd (cd d), Attr at_name (name n)]
toXml (OMV n) = (Elem $ Element el_omv [Attr at_name (name n)] [] Nothing)
toXml (OMATTT elm attr) =
(Elem $ Element el_omattr
[toXml attr, toXml elm]
toXml (OMA args) = (Elem $ Element el_oma [] (listToXml args) Nothing)
toXml (OMBIND symb vars body) =
(Elem $ Element el_ombind
[toXml symb,
Elem (Element el_ombvar [] (listToXml vars) Nothing),
toXml body]
fromXml (Element n _ _ _)
| n == el_axiom =
| n == el_theorem =
| n == el_symbol =
| n == el_import =
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Helper instance for OpenMath attributes
instance XmlRepresentable OMAttribute where
toXml (OMAttr e1 e2) =
(Elem $ Element el_omatp
[toXml e1,
toXml e2]
fromXml (Element _ _ _ _) = Nothing
-- hets -v2 -o exp -n "Nat" -O "/home/ewaryst/temp/omdtests" Basic/Numbers.casl
-- h <- readFile "/tmp/Numbers.xml" >>= (\x -> return $ Hide $ Data.Maybe.fromJust $ parseXMLDoc x)
-- fmap (length . show . (filter (\x -> case x of (CRef _) -> True ; _ -> False)) . elContent) h
testXmlOut :: String -> [Content] -> IO ()
testXmlOut filename l =
writeFile filename $ ppTopElement $
Element el_omdoc [] ((makeComment "Testoutput"):l) Nothing
testXmlOut2 :: String -> [Element] -> IO ()
testXmlOut2 filename l = testXmlOut filename $ Prelude.map Elem l
collectQNames :: (Set QName) -> Element -> (Set QName)
collectQNames s (Element q _ c _) = insert q $ unions $ Prelude.map (collectQNames s) $ onlyElems c
allQNames :: Element -> [QName]
allQNames e = Data.Set.toList $ collectQNames Data.Set.empty e
getXml :: String -> IO Element
getXml s = readFile s >>= (return . Data.Maybe.fromJust . parseXMLDoc)
data Hide a = Hide a
instance Functor Hide where fmap f (Hide x) = Hide (f x)
instance Show a => Show (Hide a) where show (Hide x) = take 300 (show x)
theHidden :: (Hide a) -> a
theHidden (Hide x) = x
data MyD a = A a | N a | C a | S a deriving Show
class DRep a where
toM :: a -> MyD String
fromM :: MyD String -> Maybe a
instance DRep Char where
toM c = C [c]
fromM (C c) = Just (head c)
fromM _ = Nothing
instance DRep String where
toM s = S s
fromM (S s) | s == "hallo" = Just "Es sagt hallo!"
| otherwise = Just s
fromM _ = Nothing
instance DRep Integer where
toM n = N $ show n
fromM (N n) = Just (read n)
fromM (S s) | s == "hallo" = Just 100
| otherwise = Just $ 10000000 + (read s)
fromM _ = Nothing
{- Tests:
(fromM $ N "51231")::(Maybe Integer)
(fromM $ S "100")::(Maybe Integer)
toM 'a'
toM 100