OMDocInterface.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder{- |
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederModule : ./OMDoc/OMDocInterface.hs
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederDescription : Handpicked model of OMDoc subset
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Hendrik Iben, Uni Bremen 2005-2007
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederMaintainer :
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederStability : provisional
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederPortability : non-portable
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederModel of a handpicked subset from OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-}
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedermodule OMDoc.OMDocInterface where
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport qualified Common.IRI as IRI
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Data.Char
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Data.Data
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport qualified Data.Word as Word
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.Doc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.DocUtils
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederimport Common.Id
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederomdocDefaultNamespace :: String
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederomdocDefaultNamespace = ""
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- | OMDocRef is anyIRI
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedertype OMDocRef = IRI.IRI
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- | OMDocRefs modelled as a list
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedertype OMDocRefs = [OMDocRef]
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedershowIRI :: IRI.IRI -> String
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedershowIRI = IRI.iriToStringUnsecure
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- Try to parse an IRI
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkOMDocRef :: String -> Maybe OMDocRef
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkOMDocRef = IRI.parseIRIReference
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkSymbolRef :: XmlId -> OMDocRef
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkSymbolRef xid =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder case IRI.parseIRIReference ('#' : xid) of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Nothing -> error ("Invalid Symbol-Id! (" ++ xid ++ ")")
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder (Just u) -> u
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkExtSymbolRef :: XmlId -> XmlId -> OMDocRef
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaedermkExtSymbolRef xcd xid =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder case IRI.parseIRIReference (xcd ++ "#" ++ xid) of
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Nothing -> error "Invalid Reference!"
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder (Just u) -> u
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- | used for ids
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedertype XmlId = String
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- | used for names, pcdata
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maedertype XmlString = String
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- | OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederdata OMDoc =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder {
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder omdocId :: XmlId
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , omdocTheories :: [Theory]
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , omdocInclusions :: [Inclusion]
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederaddTheories :: OMDoc -> [Theory] -> OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederaddTheories omdoc theories =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder omdoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder {
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder omdocTheories = omdocTheories omdoc ++ theories
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederaddInclusions :: OMDoc -> [Inclusion] -> OMDoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian MaederaddInclusions omdoc inclusions =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder omdoc
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder {
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder omdocInclusions = omdocInclusions omdoc ++ inclusions
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder-- Theory
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederdata Theory =
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder Theory
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder {
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder theoryId :: XmlId
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , theoryConstitutives :: [Constitutive]
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , theoryPresentations :: [Presentation]
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder , theoryComment :: Maybe String
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder }
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maeder
d5ef5a29a89fa5548f81fcd49fcf0ffda69d45b0Christian Maederinstance Pretty Theory where
pretty t = text $
show (theoryId t)
case theoryComment t of
Nothing -> ""
(Just c) -> ": " ++ show c
instance Eq Theory where
t1 == t2 = theoryId t1 == theoryId t2
instance Ord Theory where
t1 `compare` t2 = theoryId t1 `compare` theoryId t2
-- debug
showTheory :: Theory -> String
showTheory t = show (t { theoryPresentations = [] })
-- | Type (scope) of import
data ImportsType = ITLocal | ITGlobal
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
-- | Imports (for Theory)
data Imports =
importsFrom :: OMDocRef
, importsMorphism :: Maybe Morphism
, importsId :: Maybe XmlId
, importsType :: ImportsType
, importsConservativity :: Conservativity
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
-- | Presentation
data Presentation =
presentationForId :: XmlId
, presentationSystem :: Maybe XmlString
, presentationUses :: [Use]
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)
mkPresentationS :: XmlId -> XmlString -> [Use] -> Presentation
mkPresentationS forid presSystem = Presentation forid (Just presSystem)
mkPresentation :: XmlId -> [Use] -> Presentation
mkPresentation forid = Presentation forid Nothing
addUse :: Presentation -> Use -> Presentation
addUse pres use = pres { presentationUses = presentationUses pres ++ [use] }
-- | Use for Presentation
data Use =
useFormat :: XmlString
, useValue :: String
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)
mkUse :: XmlString -> String -> Use
mkUse = Use
-- | SymbolRole for Symbol
data SymbolRole =
| SRSort
| SRObject
| SRBinder
| SRAttribution
| SRSemanticAttribution
| SRError
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show SymbolRole where
show SRType = "type"
show SRSort = "sort"
show SRObject = "object"
show SRBinder = "binder"
show SRAttribution = "attribution"
show SRSemanticAttribution = "semantic-attribution"
show SRError = "error"
instance Read SymbolRole where
readsPrec _ s =
case map toLower s of
"type" -> [(SRType, [])]
"sort" -> [(SRSort, [])]
"object" -> [(SRObject, [])]
"binder" -> [(SRBinder, [])]
"attribution" -> [(SRAttribution, [])]
"semantic-attribution" -> [(SRSemanticAttribution, [])]
"error" -> [(SRError, [])]
_ -> []
-- | Symbol
data Symbol =
symbolGeneratedFrom :: Maybe XmlId
, symbolId :: XmlId
, symbolRole :: SymbolRole
, symbolType :: Maybe Type
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance GetRange Symbol
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty s =
text $ show s
mkSymbolE :: Maybe XmlId -> XmlId -> SymbolRole -> Maybe Type -> Symbol
mkSymbolE = Symbol
mkSymbol :: XmlId -> SymbolRole -> Symbol
mkSymbol xid sr = mkSymbolE Nothing xid sr Nothing
-- | Type
data Type =
typeSystem :: Maybe IRI.IRI
, typeOMDocMathObject :: OMDocMathObject
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkType :: Maybe OMDocRef -> OMDocMathObject -> Type
mkType = Type
{- |
OMDoc Theory constitutive elements + convenience additions (ADT)
data Constitutive =
CAx Axiom
| CDe Definition
| CSy Symbol
| CIm Imports
| CCo { conComCmt :: String, conComCon :: Constitutive }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkCAx :: Axiom -> Constitutive
mkCAx = CAx
mkCDe :: Definition -> Constitutive
mkCDe = CDe
mkCSy :: Symbol -> Constitutive
mkCSy = CSy
mkCIm :: Imports -> Constitutive
mkCIm = CIm
mkCAd :: ADT -> Constitutive
mkCAd = CAd
mkCCo :: String -> Constitutive -> Constitutive
mkCCo = CCo
isAxiom :: Constitutive -> Bool
isAxiom (CAx {}) = True
isAxiom _ = False
isDefinition :: Constitutive -> Bool
isDefinition (CDe {}) = True
isDefinition _ = False
isSymbol :: Constitutive -> Bool
isSymbol (CSy {}) = True
isSymbol _ = False
isImports :: Constitutive -> Bool
isImports (CIm {}) = True
isImports _ = False
isADT :: Constitutive -> Bool
isADT (CAd {}) = True
isADT _ = False
isCommented :: Constitutive -> Bool
isCommented (CCo {}) = True
isCommented _ = False
getIdsForPresentation :: Constitutive -> [XmlId]
getIdsForPresentation (CAx a) = [axiomName a]
getIdsForPresentation (CDe _) = []
getIdsForPresentation (CSy s) = [symbolId s]
getIdsForPresentation (CIm _) = []
getIdsForPresentation (CAd a) = map sortDefName (adtSortDefs a)
getIdsForPresentation (CCo {}) = []
-- | Axiom
data Axiom =
axiomName :: XmlId
, axiomCMPs :: [CMP]
, axiomFMPs :: [FMP]
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkAxiom :: XmlId -> [CMP] -> [FMP] -> Axiom
mkAxiom = Axiom
-- | CMP
data CMP =
cmpContent :: MText
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkCMP :: MText -> CMP
-- | FMP
data FMP =
fmpLogic :: Maybe XmlString
, fmpContent :: Either OMObject ([Assumption], [Conclusion])
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
-- | Assumption (incomplete)
data Assumption = Assumption
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data Conclusion = Conclusion
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
-- | Definition (incomplete)
data Definition =
definitionId :: XmlId
, definitionCMPs :: [CMP]
, definitionFMPs :: [FMP]
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkDefinition :: XmlId -> [CMP] -> [FMP] -> Definition
mkDefinition = Definition
-- | ADT
data ADT =
adtId :: Maybe XmlId
, adtSortDefs :: [SortDef]
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data SortType = STFree | STGenerated | STLoose deriving (Typeable, Data)
mkADT :: [SortDef] -> ADT
mkADT = ADT Nothing
mkADTEx :: Maybe XmlId -> [SortDef] -> ADT
instance Show SortType where
show STFree = "free"
show STGenerated = "generated"
show STLoose = "loose"
instance Read SortType where
readsPrec _ s
| s == "free" = [(STFree, "")]
| s == "generated" = [(STGenerated, "")]
| s == "loose" = [(STLoose, "")]
| otherwise = []
-- | SortDef
data SortDef =
sortDefName :: XmlId
, sortDefRole :: SymbolRole
, sortDefType :: SortType
, sortDefConstructors :: [Constructor]
, sortDefInsorts :: [Insort]
, sortDefRecognizers :: [Recognizer]
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkSortDefE :: XmlId -> SymbolRole -> SortType -> [Constructor] -> [Insort] -> [Recognizer] -> SortDef
mkSortDefE = SortDef
mkSortDef :: XmlId -> [Constructor] -> [Insort] -> [Recognizer] -> SortDef
mkSortDef xid = mkSortDefE xid SRSort STFree
-- | Constructor
data Constructor =
constructorName :: XmlId
, constructorRole :: SymbolRole
, constructorArguments :: [Type]
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkConstructorE :: XmlId -> SymbolRole -> [Type] -> Constructor
mkConstructorE = Constructor
mkConstructor :: XmlId -> [Type] -> Constructor
mkConstructor xid = Constructor xid SRObject
-- | Insort
data Insort =
insortFor :: OMDocRef
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkInsort :: OMDocRef -> Insort
mkInsort = Insort
-- | Recognizer
data Recognizer =
recognizerName :: XmlId
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
mkRecognizer :: XmlId -> Recognizer
mkRecognizer = Recognizer
-- | Inclusion-Conservativity
data Conservativity = CNone | CMonomorphism | CDefinitional | CConservative
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Show Conservativity where
show CNone = "none"
show CMonomorphism = "monomorphism"
show CDefinitional = "definitional"
show CConservative = "conservative"
instance Read Conservativity where
readsPrec _ s =
case s of
"monomorphism" -> [(CMonomorphism, "")]
"definitional" -> [(CDefinitional, "")]
"conservative" -> [(CConservative, "")]
"none" -> [(CNone, "")]
_ -> []
-- | Inclusions
data Inclusion =
inclusionFrom :: OMDocRef
, inclusionTo :: OMDocRef
, inclusionMorphism :: Maybe Morphism
, inclusionId :: Maybe XmlId
, inclusionConservativity :: Conservativity
| AxiomInclusion
inclusionFrom :: OMDocRef
, inclusionTo :: OMDocRef
, inclusionMorphism :: Maybe Morphism
, inclusionId :: Maybe XmlId
, inclusionConservativity :: Conservativity
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Pretty Inclusion where
pretty = text . show
-- | OMDoc Morphism
data Morphism =
morphismId :: Maybe XmlId
, morphismHiding :: [XmlId]
, morphismBase :: [XmlId]
, morphismRequations :: [ ( MText, MText ) ]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty m = text $ show m
-- Mathematical Text (incomplete)
data MText = MTextText String | MTextTerm String | MTextPhrase String | MTextOM OMObject
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- OMDoc Mathematical Object
data OMDocMathObject = OMOMOBJ OMObject | OMLegacy String | OMMath String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | OMOBJ
data OMObject = OMObject OMElement
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMOBJ :: OMElementClass e => e -> OMObject
mkOMOBJ e = OMObject (toElement e)
-- | OMS
data OMSymbol =
omsCDBase :: Maybe OMDocRef
, omsCD :: XmlId
, omsName :: XmlId
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMS :: Maybe OMDocRef -> XmlId -> XmlId -> OMSymbol
mkOMSE :: Maybe OMDocRef -> XmlId -> XmlId -> OMElement
mkOMSE mref xcd xid = toElement $ mkOMS mref xcd xid
-- | OMI
data OMInteger =
omiInt :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMI :: Int -> OMInteger
mkOMIE :: Int -> OMElement
mkOMIE i = toElement $ mkOMI i
-- | A Variable can be a OMV or an OMATTR
data OMVariable = OMVS OMSimpleVariable | OMVA OMAttribution
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | Class to use something as a Variable
class OMVariableClass a where
toVariable :: a -> OMVariable
fromVariable :: OMVariable -> Maybe a
instance OMVariableClass OMVariable where
toVariable = id
fromVariable = Just . id
instance OMVariableClass OMSimpleVariable where
toVariable = OMVS
fromVariable (OMVS x) = Just x
fromVariable _ = Nothing
mkOMVar :: Either OMSimpleVariable OMAttribution -> OMVariable
mkOMVar (Left oms) = OMVS oms
mkOMVar (Right omattr) = OMVA omattr
mkOMVarE :: Either OMSimpleVariable OMAttribution -> OMElement
mkOMVarE v = toElement $ mkOMVar v
-- | OMV
data OMSimpleVariable =
omvName :: XmlString
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMSimpleVar :: XmlString -> OMSimpleVariable
mkOMSimpleVar = OMV
mkOMSimpleVarE :: XmlString -> OMElement
mkOMSimpleVarE xid = toElement $ mkOMSimpleVar xid
mkOMVSVar :: XmlString -> OMVariable
mkOMVSVar = OMVS . mkOMSimpleVar
mkOMVSVarE :: XmlString -> OMElement
mkOMVSVarE xid = toElement $ OMVS $ mkOMSimpleVar xid
data OMAttribution =
omattrATP :: OMAttributionPart
, omattrElem :: OMElement
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance OMVariableClass OMAttribution where
toVariable = OMVA
fromVariable (OMVA x) = Just x
fromVariable _ = Nothing
mkOMATTR :: OMElementClass e => OMAttributionPart -> e -> OMAttribution
mkOMATTR omatp ome = OMATTR { omattrATP = omatp , omattrElem = toElement ome }
mkOMATTRE :: OMElementClass e => OMAttributionPart -> e -> OMElement
mkOMATTRE omatp ome = toElement $ mkOMATTR omatp ome
-- | OMATP
data OMAttributionPart =
omatpAttribs :: [(OMSymbol, OMElement)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMATP :: OMElementClass e => [(OMSymbol, e)] -> OMAttributionPart
mkOMATP = OMATP . map (\ (s, e) -> (s, toElement e))
data OMBindingVariables =
ombvarVars :: [OMVariable]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMBVAR :: OMVariableClass e => [e] -> OMBindingVariables
mkOMBVAR = OMBVAR . map toVariable
{- |
OMB is actually just a bytearray for storing data.
[Char] representation is forced by export from Codec.Base64
data OMBase64 =
-- decoded Content
ombContent :: [Word.Word8]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMB :: [Word.Word8] -> OMBase64
mkOMBE :: [Word.Word8] -> OMElement
mkOMBE = toElement . mkOMB
mkOMBWords :: [Word.Word8] -> OMBase64
mkOMBWords = OMB
mkOMBWordsE :: [Word.Word8] -> OMElement
mkOMBWordsE = toElement . mkOMBWords
getOMBWords :: OMBase64 -> [Word.Word8]
getOMBWords = ombContent
-- | OMSTR
data OMString =
omstrText :: String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMSTR :: String -> OMString
mkOMSTRE :: String -> OMElement
mkOMSTRE = toElement . mkOMSTR
-- | OMF
data OMFloat =
omfFloat :: Float
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMF :: Float -> OMFloat
mkOMFE :: Float -> OMElement
mkOMFE = toElement . mkOMF
-- | OMA
data OMApply =
omaElements :: [OMElement]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMA :: OMElementClass e => [e] -> OMApply
mkOMA [] = error "Empty list of elements for OMA!"
mkOMA l = OMA (map toElement l)
mkOMAE :: OMElementClass e => [e] -> OMElement
mkOMAE = toElement . mkOMA
-- | OME
data OMError =
omeSymbol :: OMSymbol
, omeExtra :: [OMElement]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOME :: OMElementClass e => OMSymbol -> [e] -> OMError
mkOME _ [] = error "Empty list of elements for OME!"
mkOME s e = OME s (map toElement e)
mkOMEE :: OMElementClass e => OMSymbol -> [e] -> OMElement
mkOMEE s e = toElement $ mkOME s e
-- | OMR
data OMReference =
omrHRef :: IRI.IRI
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMR :: IRI.IRI -> OMReference
mkOMRE :: IRI.IRI -> OMElement
mkOMRE = toElement . mkOMR
-- | OMB
data OMBind =
ombindBinder :: OMElement
, ombindVariables :: OMBindingVariables
, ombindExpression :: OMElement
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
mkOMBIND :: (OMElementClass e1, OMElementClass e2)
=> e1 -> OMBindingVariables -> e2 -> OMBind
mkOMBIND binder bvars expr =
ombindBinder = toElement binder
, ombindVariables = bvars
, ombindExpression = toElement expr
mkOMBINDE :: (OMElementClass e1, OMElementClass e2)
=> e1 -> OMBindingVariables -> e2 -> OMElement
mkOMBINDE binder vars expr = toElement $ mkOMBIND binder vars expr
-- | Elements for Open Math
data OMElement =
| OMEV OMSimpleVariable
| OMEI OMInteger
| OMEB OMBase64
| OMEF OMFloat
| OMEA OMApply
| OMEE OMError
| OMEATTR OMAttribution
| OMER OMReference
| OMEC (Maybe OMElement) String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | insert a comment into an open-math structure (use with caution...)
mkOMComment :: String -> OMElement
mkOMComment = OMEC Nothing
mkOMCommented :: OMElementClass e => String -> e -> OMElement
mkOMCommented cmt e = OMEC (Just (toElement e)) cmt
-- | Class of Elements for Open Math
class OMElementClass a where
toElement :: a -> OMElement
fromElement :: OMElement -> Maybe a
instance OMElementClass OMSymbol where
toElement = OMES
fromElement (OMES oms) = Just oms
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMInteger where
toElement = OMEI
fromElement (OMEI x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMVariable where
toElement (OMVS omv) = OMEV omv
toElement (OMVA omattr) = OMEATTR omattr
fromElement (OMEV omv) = Just (OMVS omv)
fromElement (OMEATTR omattr) = Just (OMVA omattr)
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMSimpleVariable where
toElement = OMEV
fromElement (OMEV omv) = Just omv
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMAttribution where
toElement = OMEATTR
fromElement (OMEATTR x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMBase64 where
toElement = OMEB
fromElement (OMEB x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMString where
toElement = OMESTR
fromElement (OMESTR x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMFloat where
toElement = OMEF
fromElement (OMEF x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMApply where
toElement = OMEA
fromElement (OMEA x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMError where
toElement = OMEE
fromElement (OMEE x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMReference where
toElement = OMER
fromElement (OMER x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMBind where
toElement = OMEBIND
fromElement (OMEBIND x) = Just x
fromElement _ = Nothing
instance OMElementClass OMElement where
toElement = id
fromElement = Just . id