Import.hs revision f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Transforms an OMDoc file into a development graph
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Given an OMDoc file, a Library Environment is constructed from it by
following all library links.
module OMDoc.Import where
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
-- import Common.AS_Annotation
import Driver.ReadFn (libNameToFile)
import Driver.Options (rmSuffix, HetcatsOpts, putIfVerbose, showDiags)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
-- import Logic.Comorphism
import Comorphisms.LogicList
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.ComputeTheory
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import OMDoc.XmlInterface (xmlIn, readXmlFile)
import System.Directory
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode, Node)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Network.URI
-- * Import Environment Interface
{- | There are three important maps for each theory:
1. OMName -> symbol, the NameSymbolMap stores for each OMDoc name the
translated hets symbol
2. OMName -> String, the nameMap stores the notation information of the
OMDoc names, identity mappings are NOT stored here!
3. SigMapI symbol, this signature map is just a container to store map 1 and 2
type NameSymbolMap = G_mapofsymbol OMName
-- | the keys consist of the filepaths without suffix!
data ImpEnv =
ImpEnv {
libMap :: Map.Map FilePath (LibName, DGraph)
, nsymbMap :: Map.Map (LibName, String) NameSymbolMap
, hetsOptions :: HetcatsOpts
initialEnv :: HetcatsOpts -> ImpEnv
initialEnv opts = ImpEnv { libMap = Map.empty
, nsymbMap = Map.empty
, hetsOptions = opts }
getLibEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibEnv
getLibEnv e = computeLibEnvTheories $
Map.fromList $ Map.elems $ libMap e
addDGToEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> ImpEnv
addDGToEnv e ln dg =
e { libMap = Map.insert (libNameToFile ln) (ln, dg) $ libMap e }
addNSMapToEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> String -> NameSymbolMap -> ImpEnv
addNSMapToEnv e ln nm nsm =
e { nsymbMap = Map.insert (ln, nm) nsm $ nsymbMap e }
lookupLib :: ImpEnv -> URI -> Maybe (LibName, DGraph)
lookupLib e u = Map.lookup (rmSuffix $ uriPath u) $ libMap e
lookupNode :: ImpEnv -> CurrentLib -> UriCD
-> Maybe ( LibName -- the origin libname of the theory
, LNode DGNodeLab -- the (eventually reference) node
lookupNode e (ln, dg) ucd =
let mn = getModule ucd in
if cdInLib ucd ln then
case lookupLocalNodeByName mn dg of
Nothing -> error $ "lookupNode: Node not found: " ++ mn
Just lnode -> Just (ln, lnode)
else case lookupLib e $ fromJust $ getUri ucd of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (ln', dg') ->
case lookupRefNodeByName mn ln' dg of
Just lnode -> Just (ln', lnode)
_ -> fmap (\ n -> (ln', n)) $ lookupLocalNodeByName mn dg'
lookupNode e (ln, dg) ucd = do
let mn = getModule ucd
case lookupNodeByName mn dg of
Just lnode -> return (ln, lnode)
| cdInLib ucd ln -> error $ "lookupNode: Node not found: " ++ mn
| otherwise ->
case lookupLib e $ fromJust $ getUri ucd of
Nothing -> fail ""
Just (ln', dg') ->
lookupNodeByName mn dg' >>= (\ n -> return (ln', n))
lookupNSMap :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> Maybe LibName -> String -> NameSymbolMap
lookupNSMap e ln mLn nm =
let ln' = fromMaybe ln mLn
mf = Map.findWithDefault
$ error $ concat [ "lookupNSMap: lookup failed for "
, show (ln', nm), "\n", show mLn, "\n"
, show $ nsymbMap e ]
in mf (ln', nm) $ nsymbMap e
rPutIfVerbose :: ImpEnv -> Int -> String -> ResultT IO ()
rPutIfVerbose e n s = lift $ putIfVerbose (hetsOptions e) n s
rPut :: ImpEnv -> String -> ResultT IO ()
rPut e s = rPutIfVerbose e 1 s
rPut2 :: ImpEnv -> String -> ResultT IO ()
rPut2 e s = rPutIfVerbose e 2 s
-- * URI Functions
readFromURL :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> URI -> IO a
readFromURL f u = if isFileURI u then f $ uriPath u
else error $ "readFromURL: Unsupported URI-scheme "
++ uriScheme u
toURI :: String -> URI
toURI s = case parseURIReference s of
Just u -> u
_ -> error $ "toURI: can't parse as uri " ++ s
libNameFromURL :: String -> URI -> IO LibName
libNameFromURL s u = do
let fp = uriPath u
mt <- getModificationTime fp
return $ setFilePath fp mt $ emptyLibName s
-- | Compute an absolute URI for a supplied URI relative to the given filepath.
resolveURI :: URI -> FilePath -> URI
resolveURI u fp = fromMaybe (error $ "toURI: can't resolve uri " ++ show u)
$ relativeTo u $ toURI fp
-- | Is the scheme of the uri empty or file?
isFileURI :: URI -> Bool
isFileURI u = elem (uriScheme u) ["", "file:"]
type UriCD = (Maybe URI, String)
showUriCD :: UriCD -> String
showUriCD (mUri, s) = case mUri of
Just u -> show u ++ "?" ++ s
_ -> s
getUri :: UriCD -> Maybe URI
getUri = fst
getModule :: UriCD -> String
getModule = snd
toUriCD :: OMCD -> UriCD
toUriCD cd = let [base, m] = cdToList cd in
if null base then (Nothing, m) else (Just $ toURI base, m)
getLogicFromMeta :: Maybe OMCD -> AnyLogic
getLogicFromMeta mCD =
let p (Logic lid) = case omdoc_metatheory lid of
Just cd' -> (fromJust mCD) == cd'
_ -> False
in if isNothing mCD then defaultLogic else
case find p logicList of
Just al -> al
_ -> defaultLogic
cdInLib :: UriCD -> LibName -> Bool
cdInLib ucd ln = case getUri ucd of
Nothing -> True
Just url -> isFileURI url && getFilePath ln == uriPath url
-- | Compute an absolute URI for a supplied UriCD relative to the given LibName.
uriRelativeToLib :: UriCD -> LibName -> URI
uriRelativeToLib ucd ln =
let fp = getFilePath ln in
case getUri ucd of
Just u -> resolveURI u fp
_ -> toURI fp
-- * Main translation functions
-- | Translates an OMDoc file to a LibEnv
anaOMDocFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaOMDocFile opts fp = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "anaOMDocFile: Importing OMDoc file " ++ fp
Result ds mEnvLn <- runResultT $ importLib (initialEnv opts)
$ resolveURI (toURI fp) $ dir ++ "/"
showDiags opts ds
return $ fmap (\ (env, ln, _) -> (ln, getLibEnv env)) mEnvLn
-- * OMDoc traversal
-- | If the lib is not already in the environment, the OMDoc file and
-- the closure of its imports is added to the environment.
importLib :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> URI -- ^ The url of the OMDoc file
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, LibName, DGraph)
importLib e u =
case lookupLib e u of
Just (ln, dg) -> return (e, ln, dg)
_ -> readLib e u
-- | The OMDoc file and the closure of its imports is added to the environment.
readLib :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> URI -- ^ The url of the OMDoc file
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, LibName, DGraph)
readLib e u = do
rPut e $ "Downloading " ++ show u ++ " ..."
xmlString <- lift $ readFromURL readXmlFile u
OMDoc n l <- liftR $ xmlIn xmlString
ln <- lift $ libNameFromURL n u
rPut e $ "Importing library " ++ show ln
(e', dg) <- foldM (addTLToDGraph ln) (e, emptyDG) l
rPut e $ "... loaded " ++ show u
return (addDGToEnv e' ln dg, ln, dg)
-- | Adds the Theory in the OMCD and the containing lib to the environment
importTheory :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> CurrentLib -- ^ The current lib
-> OMCD -- ^ The cd which points to the Theory
-> ResultT IO ( ImpEnv -- the updated environment
, LibName -- the origin libname of the theory
, DGraph -- the updated devgraph of the current lib
, LNode DGNodeLab -- the corresponding node
importTheory e (ln, dg) cd = do
let ucd = toUriCD cd
rPut2 e $ "Looking up theory " ++ showUriCD ucd ++ " ..."
case lookupNode e (ln, dg) ucd of
Just (ln', nd)
| ln == ln' ->
rPut2 e $ "... found local node."
return (e, ln, dg, nd)
| isDGRef $ snd nd ->
rPut2 e $ "... found already referenced node."
return (e, ln', dg, nd)
| otherwise ->
rPut2 e $ "... found node, referencing it ..."
let (lnode, dg') = addNodeAsRefToDG nd ln' dg
rPut2 e $ "... done"
return (e, ln', dg', lnode)
-- if lookupNode finds nothing implies that ln is not the current libname!
_ -> do
let u = uriRelativeToLib ucd ln
rPut2 e $ "... node not found, reading lib."
(e', ln', refDg) <- readLib e u
case lookupLocalNodeByName (getModule ucd) refDg of
-- don't add the node to the refDG but to the original DG!
Just nd -> let (lnode, dg') = addNodeAsRefToDG nd ln' dg
in return (e', ln', dg', lnode)
Nothing -> error $ "importTheory: couldn't find node: " ++ show cd
-- | Adds a view or theory to the DG, the ImpEnv may also be modified.
addTLToDGraph :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> TLElement
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, DGraph)
-- adding a theory to the DG
addTLToDGraph ln (e, dg) (TLTheory n mCD l) = do
rPut e $ "Importing theory " ++ n
let clf = classifyTCs l
-- I. Compute initial signature
(gSig, nsmap) <- liftR $ initialSig clf $ getLogicFromMeta mCD
-- II. Lookup all imports (= follow and create them first),
-- and insert DGNodeRefs if neccessary.
((e', dg'), iIL) <- followImports ln (e, dg) $ importInfo clf
-- III. Compute morphisms and update local sig stepwise.
(gSig', iIWL) <- computeMorphisms e' ln nsmap gSig iIL
-- IV. Add the sentences to the Node.
gThy <- liftR $ addSentences clf nsmap gSig'
-- V. Complete the morphisms with final signature
iIWL' <- liftR $ completeMorphisms (signOf gThy) iIWL
-- VI. Add the Node to the DGraph.
let ((nd, _), dg'') = addNodeToDG dg' n gThy
-- VII. Create links from the morphisms.
dg''' = addLinksToDG nd dg'' iIWL'
-- add the new name symbol map to the environment
e'' = addNSMapToEnv e' ln n nsmap
return (e'', dg''')
addTLToDGraph ln (e, dg) (TLView n from to mMor) = do
rPut e $ "Importing view " ++ n
-- follow the source and target of the view and insert DGNodeRefs
-- if neccessary.
-- use followTheory for from and to.
((e', dg'), [lkNdFrom, lkNdTo]) <- followTheories ln (e, dg) [from, to]
lkInf <- computeViewMorphism e' ln $ ImportInfo (lkNdFrom, lkNdTo) n mMor
let dg'' = addLinkToDG
-- this error should never occur as the linkinfo contains
-- a to-node.
-- The error is used here as a "don't care element" of type Node
(error "addTLToDGraph: TLView - Default node not available")
dg' lkInf
return (e', dg'')
-- ** Utils to compute DGNodes from OMDoc Theories
the morphisms are incomplete because the target signature
wasn't complete at the time of morphism computation.
we complete the morphisms by composing them with signature inclusions
to the complete target signature
completeMorphisms :: G_sign -- ^ the complete target signature
-> [LinkInfo] -- ^ the incomplete morphisms
-> Result [LinkInfo]
completeMorphisms gsig = mapR (fmapLI $ completeMorphism $ ide gsig)
completeMorphism :: GMorphism -- ^ the target signature id morphism
-> GMorphism -- ^ the incomplete morphism
-> Result GMorphism
completeMorphism idT gmorph = compInclusion logicGraph gmorph idT
computeMorphisms :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> NameSymbolMap -> G_sign
-> [ImportInfo LinkNode]
-> ResultT IO (G_sign, [LinkInfo])
computeMorphisms e ln nsmap = mapAccumLM (computeMorphism e ln nsmap)
-- | Computes the morphism for an import link and updates the signature
-- with the imported symbols
computeMorphism :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment for lookup purposes
-> LibName -- ^ Current libname
-> NameSymbolMap -- ^ OMDoc symbol to Hets symbol map
-> G_sign -- ^ target signature
-> ImportInfo LinkNode -- ^ source label with OMDoc morphism
-> ResultT IO (G_sign, LinkInfo)
computeMorphism e ln nsmap tGSig (ImportInfo (mLn, (from, lbl)) n morph)
= case dgn_theory lbl of
G_theory sLid (ExtSign sSig _) _ _ _ ->
case tGSig of
G_sign tLid (ExtSign tSig _) sigId ->
let sourceNSMap = lookupNSMap e ln mLn $ getDGNodeName lbl
-- 1. build the morphism
-- compute first the symbol-map
symMap <- computeSymbolMap sourceNSMap nsmap morph tLid
f = symbol_to_raw tLid
rsMap = Map.fromList $ map (\ (x, y) -> (f x, f y) )
-- REMARK: Logic-homogeneous environment assumed
sSig' <- coercePlainSign sLid tLid "computeMorphism" sSig
mor <- liftR $ induced_from_morphism tLid rsMap sSig'
-- 2. build the GMorphism and update the signature
newSig <- liftR $ signature_union tLid tSig $ cod mor
let gMor = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism tLid mor
newGSig = G_sign tLid (makeExtSign tLid newSig) sigId
-- 3. update the signature
return ( newGSig
, (gMor, globalDef, mkLinkOrigin n, from, Nothing))
-- | Computes the morphism for a view
computeViewMorphism :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment for lookup purposes
-> LibName -- ^ Current libname
-> ImportInfo (LinkNode, LinkNode)
-- ^ OMDoc morphism with source and target node
-> ResultT IO LinkInfo
computeViewMorphism e ln (ImportInfo ( (mSLn, (from, lblS))
, (mTLn, (to, lblT))) n morph)
= case (dgn_theory lblS, dgn_theory lblT) of
(G_theory sLid eSSig _ _ _, G_theory tLid eTSig _ _ _) ->
let nsmapS = lookupNSMap e ln mSLn $ getDGNodeName lblS
nsmapT = lookupNSMap e ln mTLn $ getDGNodeName lblT
-- 1. build the morphism
-- compute first the symbol-map
symMap <- computeSymbolMap nsmapS nsmapT morph tLid
let f = symbol_to_raw tLid
rsMap = Map.fromList $ map (\ (x, y) -> (f x, f y) ) symMap
-- REMARK: Logic-homogeneous environment assumed
eSSig' <- coerceSign sLid tLid "computeViewMorphism" eSSig
mor <- liftR $ induced_from_to_morphism tLid rsMap eSSig' eTSig
-- 2. build the GMorphism
let gMor = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism tLid mor
return (gMor, globalThm, mkLinkOrigin n, from, Just to)
mkLinkOrigin :: String -> DGLinkOrigin
mkLinkOrigin s = DGLinkMorph $ mkSimpleId s
computeSymbolMap :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
NameSymbolMap -> NameSymbolMap -> TCMorphism -> lid
-> ResultT IO [(symbol, symbol)]
computeSymbolMap nsmapS nsmapT morph lid =
case (nsmapS, nsmapT) of
(G_mapofsymbol sLid sm, G_mapofsymbol tLid tm) ->
-- REMARK: Logic-homogeneous environment assumed
let sNSMap = coerceMapofsymbol sLid lid sm
tNSMap = coerceMapofsymbol tLid lid tm
mf msg = Map.findWithDefault
$ error $ "computeSymbolMap: lookup failed for " ++ msg
-- function for the map functor
f (omn, ome) =
case ome of
OMS qn ->
let tSymName = (unqualName qn)
tSym = mf (show tSymName) tSymName tNSMap
in (mf (show omn) omn sNSMap, tSym)
_ -> error "computeSymbolMap: Nonsymbol element mapped"
return $ map f morph
followImports :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> [ImportInfo OMCD]
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), [ImportInfo LinkNode])
followImports ln = mapAccumLCM (curry snd) (followImport ln)
-- | Ensures that the theory for the given OMCD is available in the environment.
-- See also 'followTheory'
followImport :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> ImportInfo OMCD
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), ImportInfo LinkNode)
followImport ln x iInfo = do
(x', linknode) <- followTheory ln x $ iInfoVal iInfo
return (x', fmap (const linknode) iInfo)
followTheories :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> [OMCD]
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), [LinkNode])
followTheories ln = mapAccumLCM (curry snd) (followTheory ln)
-- | We lookup the theory referenced by the cd in the environment
-- and add it if neccessary to the environment.
followTheory :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> OMCD
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), LinkNode)
followTheory ln (e, dg) cd = do
(e', ln', dg', lnode) <- importTheory e (ln, dg) cd
let mLn = if ln == ln' then Nothing else Just ln'
return ((e', dg'), (mLn, lnode))
-- * Development Graph and LibEnv interface
-- | returns a function compatible with mapAccumLM for TCElement processing.
-- Used in initialSig.
sigmapAccumFun :: (Monad m, Show a) => (SigMapI a -> TCElement -> String -> m a)
-> SigMapI a -> TCElement -> m (SigMapI a, a)
sigmapAccumFun f smi s = do
let n = tcName s
hetsname = lookupNotation smi n
s' <- f smi s hetsname
let smi' = smi { sigMapISymbs = Map.insert n s' $ sigMapISymbs smi }
return (smi', s')
-- | Builds an initial Sig and a name map of the given logic and classification.
initialSig :: TCClassification -> AnyLogic -> Result (G_sign, NameSymbolMap)
initialSig clf lg =
case lg of
Logic lid ->
let initSM = SigMapI Map.empty $ notations clf
-- accumulates symbol mappings in the symbMap in SigMapI
-- while creating symbols from OMDoc symbols
(sm, symbs) <- mapAccumLM (sigmapAccumFun $ omdocToSym lid) initSM
$ sigElems clf
-- adding the symbols to the empty signature
sig <- foldM (add_symb_to_sign lid) (empty_signature lid) symbs
let gsig = G_sign lid (makeExtSign lid sig) startSigId
return (gsig, G_mapofsymbol lid $ sigMapISymbs sm)
-- | Builds an initial Sig and a name map of the given logic and classification.
addSentences :: TCClassification -> NameSymbolMap -> G_sign -> Result G_theory
addSentences clf nsmap gsig =
case (nsmap, gsig) of
(G_mapofsymbol lidM sm, G_sign lid (ExtSign sig _) ind1) ->
let sigm = SigMapI (coerceMapofsymbol lidM lid sm) $ notations clf
f tc = omdocToSen lid sigm tc
$ lookupNotation sigm $ tcName tc
-- 1. translate sentences
mSens <- mapM f $ sentences clf
let sens = catMaybes mSens
-- 2. translate adts
(sig', sens') <- addOMadtToTheory lid sigm (sig, sens) $ adts clf
-- 3. translate rest of theory
-- (all the sentences or just those which returned Nothing?)
(sig'', sens'') <- addOmdocToTheory lid sigm (sig', sens')
$ sentences clf
return $ G_theory lid (mkExtSign sig'') ind1
(toThSens sens'') startThId
-- | Adds Edges from the LinkInfo list to the development graph.
addLinksToDG :: Node -> DGraph -> [LinkInfo] -> DGraph
addLinksToDG nd = foldl (addLinkToDG nd)
-- | Adds Edge from the LinkInfo to the development graph.
addLinkToDG :: Node -> DGraph -> LinkInfo -> DGraph
addLinkToDG to dg (gMor, lt, lo, from, mTo) =
insLink dg gMor lt lo from $ fromMaybe to mTo
-- | Adds a Node from the given 'G_theory' to the development graph.
addNodeToDG :: DGraph -> String -> G_theory -> (LNode DGNodeLab, DGraph)
addNodeToDG dg n gth =
let nd = getNewNodeDG dg
ndName = parseNodeName n
ndInfo = newNodeInfo DGBasic
newNode = (nd, newInfoNodeLab ndName ndInfo gth)
in (newNode, insNodeDG newNode dg)
addNodeAsRefToDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> LibName -> DGraph
-> (LNode DGNodeLab, DGraph)
addNodeAsRefToDG (nd, lbl) ln dg =
let info = newRefInfo ln nd
refNodeM = lookupInAllRefNodesDG info dg
nd' = getNewNodeDG dg
lnode = (nd', lbl { nodeInfo = info })
dg1 = insNodeDG lnode dg
dg2 = addToRefNodesDG nd' info dg1
in case refNodeM of
Just refNode -> ((refNode, labDG dg refNode), dg)
_ -> (lnode, dg2)
-- * Theory-utils
type CurrentLib = (LibName, DGraph)
type LinkNode = (Maybe LibName, LNode DGNodeLab)
type LinkInfo = (GMorphism, DGLinkType, DGLinkOrigin, Node, Maybe Node)
data ImportInfo a = ImportInfo a String TCMorphism deriving Show
iInfoVal :: ImportInfo a -> a
iInfoVal (ImportInfo x _ _) = x
instance Functor ImportInfo where fmap f (ImportInfo x y z)
= ImportInfo (f x) y z
fmapLI :: Monad m => (GMorphism -> m GMorphism) -> LinkInfo -> m LinkInfo
fmapLI f (gm, x, y, z, t) = do
gm' <- f gm
return (gm', x, y, z, t)
data TCClassification = TCClf {
importInfo :: [ImportInfo OMCD] -- ^ Import-info
, sigElems :: [TCElement] -- ^ Signature symbols
, sentences :: [TCElement] -- ^ Theory sentences
, adts :: [[OmdADT]] -- ^ ADTs
, notations :: (Map.Map OMName String) -- ^ Notations
emptyClassification :: TCClassification
emptyClassification = TCClf [] [] [] [] Map.empty
classifyTCs :: [TCElement] -> TCClassification
classifyTCs l = foldr classifyTC emptyClassification l
classifyTC :: TCElement -> TCClassification -> TCClassification
classifyTC tc clf =
case tc of
TCSymbol _ _ sr _
| elem sr [Obj, Typ] -> clf { sigElems = tc : sigElems clf }
| otherwise -> clf { sentences = tc : sentences clf }
TCNotation (cd, omn) n ->
if cdIsEmpty cd then
clf { notations = Map.insert omn n $ notations clf }
else clf
TCADT l -> clf { adts = l : adts clf }
TCImport n from morph ->
clf { importInfo = (ImportInfo from n morph) : importInfo clf }
TCComment _ -> clf