Import.hs revision c1f44fb7f484d3d796f6f51b99a894581726f732
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Transforms an OMDoc file into a development graph
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Given an OMDoc file, we transform it to a development graph by
following also all library links.
module OMDoc.Import (anaOMDocFile)
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
-- import Common.AS_Annotation
import Driver.ReadFn (libNameToFile)
import Driver.Options (rmSuffix, HetcatsOpts, putIfVerbose, showDiags)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Coerce
-- import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
-- import Logic.Comorphism
import Comorphisms.LogicList
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import OMDoc.XmlInterface (xmlIn)
import System.Directory
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode, Node)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Network.URI
-- only for debugging
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO
-- * Import Environment Interface
sorry :: a
sorry = error "Under construction"
debugOut :: String -> ResultT IO ()
debugOut = lift . putStrLn . ("Debug: " ++)
mytrace :: [String] -> IO ()
mytrace = hPutStrLn stderr . concat
{- | There are three important maps for each theory:
1. OMName -> symbol, the NameSymbolMap stores for each OMDoc name the
translated hets symbol
2. OMName -> String, the nameMap stores the notation information of the
OMDoc names, identity mappings are NOT stored here!
3. SigMapI symbol, this signature map is just a container to store map 1 and 2
type NameSymbolMap = G_mapofsymbol OMName
-- | the keys consist of the filepaths without suffix!
data ImpEnv =
ImpEnv { libMap :: Map.Map FilePath (LibName, DGraph)
, nsymbMap :: Map.Map (LibName, String) NameSymbolMap }
initialEnv :: ImpEnv
getLibEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibEnv
getLibEnv = Map.fromList . Map.elems . libMap
addDGToEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> ImpEnv
addDGToEnv e ln dg =
e { libMap = Map.insert (libNameToFile ln) (ln, dg) $ libMap e }
addNSMapToEnv :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> String -> NameSymbolMap -> ImpEnv
addNSMapToEnv e ln nm nsm =
e { nsymbMap = Map.insert (ln, nm) nsm $ nsymbMap e }
lookupLib :: ImpEnv -> URI -> Maybe (LibName, DGraph)
lookupLib e u = Map.lookup (rmSuffix $ uriPath u) $ libMap e
lookupNode :: ImpEnv -> CurrentLib -> UriCD -> Maybe (LibName, LNode DGNodeLab)
lookupNode e (ln, dg) ucd =
let mn = getModule ucd in
if cdInLib ucd ln then
case lookupNodeByName mn dg of
Nothing -> error $ "lookupNode: Node not found: " ++ mn
Just lnode -> Just (ln, lnode)
else case lookupLib e $ fromJust $ getUri ucd of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (ln', dg') -> fmap (\ n -> (ln', n)) $ lookupNodeByName mn dg'
lookupNSMap :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> Maybe LibName -> String -> NameSymbolMap
lookupNSMap e ln mLn nm =
let ln' = fromMaybe ln mLn
mf = Map.findWithDefault
$ error $ "lookupNSMap: lookup failed for " ++ show (mLn, nm, nsymbMap e)
in mf (ln', nm) $ nsymbMap e
lookupNotation :: SigMapI a -> OMName -> String
lookupNotation smi n = Map.findWithDefault (name n) n $ sigMapINotations smi
-- * URI Functions
readURL :: URI -> IO String
readURL u = if isFileURI u then mytrace ["readURL: ", show u] >> (readFile $ uriPath u)
else error $ "readURI: Unsupported URI-scheme " ++ uriScheme u
toURI :: String -> URI
toURI s = case parseURIReference s of
Just u -> u
_ -> error $ "toURI: can't parse as uri " ++ s
libNameFromURL :: String -> URI -> IO LibName
libNameFromURL s u = do
let fp = uriPath u
mt <- getModificationTime fp
return $ setFilePath fp mt $ emptyLibName s
-- | Compute an absolute URI for a supplied URI relative to the given filepath.
resolveURI :: URI -> FilePath -> URI
resolveURI u fp = fromMaybe (error $ "toURI: can't resolve uri " ++ show u)
$ relativeTo u $ toURI fp
-- | Is the scheme of the uri empty or file?
isFileURI :: URI -> Bool
isFileURI u = elem (uriScheme u) ["", "file:"]
type UriCD = (Maybe URI, String)
getUri :: UriCD -> Maybe URI
getUri = fst
getModule :: UriCD -> String
getModule = snd
toUriCD :: OMCD -> UriCD
toUriCD cd = let [base, m] = cdToList cd in
if null base then (Nothing, m) else (Just $ toURI base, m)
getLogicFromMeta :: Maybe OMCD -> AnyLogic
getLogicFromMeta mCD =
let p (Logic lid) = case omdoc_metatheory lid of
Just cd' -> (fromJust mCD) == cd'
_ -> False
in if isNothing mCD then defaultLogic else
case find p logicList of
Just al -> al
_ -> defaultLogic
cdInLib :: UriCD -> LibName -> Bool
cdInLib ucd ln = case getUri ucd of
Nothing -> True
Just url -> isFileURI url && getFilePath ln == uriPath url
-- | Compute an absolute URI for a supplied UriCD relative to the given LibName.
uriRelativeToLib :: UriCD -> LibName -> URI
uriRelativeToLib ucd ln =
let fp = getFilePath ln in
case getUri ucd of
Just u -> resolveURI u fp
_ -> toURI fp
-- * Main translation functions
-- | Translates an OMDoc file to a LibEnv
anaOMDocFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaOMDocFile opts fp = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "anaOMDocFile: Importing OMDoc file " ++ fp
Result ds mEnvLn <- runResultT $ importLib initialEnv
$ resolveURI (toURI fp) $ dir ++ "/"
showDiags opts ds
return $ fmap (\ (env, ln, _) -> (ln, getLibEnv env)) mEnvLn
-- * OMDoc traversal
-- | If the lib is not already in the environment, the OMDoc file and
-- the closure of its imports is added to the environment.
importLib :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> URI -- ^ The url of the OMDoc file
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, LibName, DGraph)
importLib e u =
lift (mytrace ["importLib: ", show u]) >>
case lookupLib e u of
Just (ln, dg) -> lift (mytrace ["foundLib: ", show ln]) >> return (e, ln, dg)
_ -> readLib e u
-- | The OMDoc file and the closure of its imports is added to the environment.
readLib :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> URI -- ^ The url of the OMDoc file
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, LibName, DGraph)
readLib e u = do
xmlString <- lift $ readURL u
OMDoc n l <- liftR $ xmlIn xmlString
lift $ mytrace ["readlib: ", n, " -- ", show u]
ln <- lift $ libNameFromURL n u
(e', dg) <- foldM (addTLToDGraph ln) (e, emptyDG) l
return (addDGToEnv e' ln dg, ln, dg)
-- | Adds the Theory in the OMCD and the containing lib to the environment
importTheory :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment
-> CurrentLib -- ^ The current lib
-> OMCD -- ^ The cd which points to the Theory
-> ResultT IO ( ImpEnv -- the updated environment
, LibName -- the origin libname of the theory
, DGraph -- the updated devgraph of the current lib
, LNode DGNodeLab -- the corresponding node
importTheory e (ln, dg) cd =
let ucd = toUriCD cd in
case lookupNode e (ln, dg) ucd of
Just (ln', nd)
| ln == ln' -> trace ("importTheory: already linked " ++ show ucd) $ return (e, ln, dg, nd)
| otherwise -> let (lnode, dg') = addNodeAsRefToDG nd ln' dg
in trace ("importTheory: not linked " ++ show ucd) $ return (e, ln', dg', lnode)
-- if lookupNode finds nothing implies that ln is not the current libname!
_ -> do
let u = uriRelativeToLib ucd ln
lift $ mytrace ["{importTheory: new lib ", show ucd]
(e', ln', refDg) <- readLib e u
lift $ mytrace ["read lib: ", show ln', " nsymbMap size: ", show $ Map.size $ nsymbMap e']
case lookupNodeByName (getModule ucd) refDg of
-- don't add the node to the refDG but to the original DG!
Just nd -> let (lnode, dg') = addNodeAsRefToDG nd ln' dg
in trace ("importTheory: added refnode}") $ return (e', ln', dg', lnode)
Nothing -> error $ "importTheory: couldn't find node: " ++ show cd
-- | Adds a view or theory to the DG, the ImpEnv may also be modified.
addTLToDGraph :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> TLElement
-> ResultT IO (ImpEnv, DGraph)
-- adding a theory to the DG
addTLToDGraph ln (e, dg) (TLTheory n mCD l) = do
let clf = classifyTCs l
-- I. Compute initial signature
lift $ mytrace ["{processing theory: ", n]
(gSig, nsmap) <- liftR $ initialSig clf $ getLogicFromMeta mCD
-- II. Lookup all imports (= follow and create them first),
-- and insert DGNodeRefs if neccessary.
((e', dg'), iIL) <- followImports ln (e, dg) $ importInfo clf
lift $ mytrace [ "followed Imports: nsymbMap size: "
, show $ Map.size $ nsymbMap e'
, "iIL: ", show iIL]
-- III. Compute morphisms and update local sig stepwise.
(gSig', iIWL) <- computeMorphisms e' ln nsmap gSig iIL
lift $ mytrace [ "computed Morphisms"]
-- IV. Add the sentences to the Node.
-- V. Add the Node to the DGraph.
let ((nd, _), dg'') = addNodeToDG dg' n gSig'
-- VI. Create links from the morphisms.
dg''' = addLinksToDG nd dg'' iIWL
-- add the new name symbol map to the environment
e'' = addNSMapToEnv e' ln n nsmap
lift $ mytrace ["added nsmap for theory: ", n, " nsymbMap size: ", show $ Map.size $ nsymbMap e'']
return $ trace ("Theory processed}") $ (e'', dg''')
-- TODO: adding a view to the DG
addTLToDGraph _ (e, dg) _ = -- (TLView n from to mMor) =
return (e, dg)
-- ** Utils to compute DGNodes from OMDoc Theories
computeMorphisms :: ImpEnv -> LibName -> NameSymbolMap -> G_sign
-> [ImportInfo LinkNode]
-> ResultT IO (G_sign, [LinkInfo])
computeMorphisms e ln nsmap = mapAccumLM (computeMorphism e ln nsmap)
computeMorphism :: ImpEnv -- ^ The import environment for lookup purposes
-> LibName -- ^ Current libname
-> NameSymbolMap -- ^ OMDoc symbol to Hets symbol map
-> G_sign -- ^ target signature
-> ImportInfo LinkNode -- ^ source label with OMDoc morphism
-> ResultT IO (G_sign, LinkInfo)
computeMorphism e ln nsmap tGSig iIL@(ImportInfo (_, (from, lbl)) n _)
= case dgn_theory lbl of
G_theory sLid (ExtSign sSig _) _ _ _ ->
case tGSig of
G_sign tLid (ExtSign tSig _) sigId ->
-- 1. build the morphism
-- compute first the symbol-map
symMap <- computeSymbolMap e ln nsmap iIL tLid
f = symbol_to_raw tLid
rsMap = Map.fromList $ map (\ (x, y) -> (f x, f y) )
-- REMARK: Logic-homogeneous environment assumed
sSig' <- coercePlainSign sLid tLid "computeMorphism" sSig
mor <- liftR $ induced_from_morphism tLid rsMap sSig'
-- 2. build the GMorphism and update the signature
newSig <- liftR $ signature_union tLid tSig $ cod mor
let gMor = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism tLid mor
newGSig = G_sign tLid (makeExtSign tLid newSig) sigId
-- 3. update the signature
return (newGSig, (gMor, globalDef, mkLinkOrigin n, from))
mkLinkOrigin :: String -> DGLinkOrigin
mkLinkOrigin s = DGLinkMorph $ mkSimpleId s
computeSymbolMap :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
ImpEnv -> LibName -> NameSymbolMap -> ImportInfo LinkNode -> lid
-> ResultT IO [(symbol, symbol)]
computeSymbolMap e ln nsmap (ImportInfo (mLn, (_, lbl)) _ morph) lid =
case (lookupNSMap e ln mLn $ getDGNodeName lbl, nsmap) of
(G_mapofsymbol sLid sm, G_mapofsymbol tLid tm) ->
-- REMARK: Logic-homogeneous environment assumed
let sNSMap = coerceMapofsymbol sLid lid sm
tNSMap = coerceMapofsymbol tLid lid tm
mf = Map.findWithDefault $ error "computeSymbolMap: lookup failed"
-- function for the map functor
f (omn, ome) =
case ome of
OMS qn ->
let tSymName = (unqualName qn)
tSym = mf tSymName tNSMap
in (mf omn sNSMap, tSym)
_ -> error "computeSymbolMap: Nonsymbol element mapped"
return $ map f morph
followImports :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> [ImportInfo OMCD]
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), [ImportInfo LinkNode])
followImports ln = mapAccumLCM (curry snd) (followImport ln)
-- | We lookup the theory referenced by the cd in the environment
-- and add it if neccessary to the environment.
followImport :: LibName -> (ImpEnv, DGraph) -> ImportInfo OMCD
-> ResultT IO ((ImpEnv, DGraph), ImportInfo LinkNode)
followImport ln (e, dg) iInfo@(ImportInfo cd _ _) = do
lift $ mytrace ["following: ", show ln, " --> ", show cd]
(e', ln', dg', lnode) <- importTheory e (ln, dg) cd
let linknode = (if ln == ln' then Nothing else Just ln', lnode)
return $ ((e', dg'), fmap (const linknode) iInfo)
-- * Development Graph and LibEnv interface
-- | returns a function compatible with mapAccumLM for TCElement processing.
-- Used in initialSig.
sigmapAccumFun :: (Monad m, Show a) => (SigMapI a -> TCElement -> String -> m a)
-> SigMapI a -> TCElement -> m (SigMapI a, a)
sigmapAccumFun f smi s = do
let n = tcName s
hetsname = lookupNotation smi n
s' <- trace ("lookup for " ++ show n) $ f smi s hetsname
let smi' = smi { sigMapISymbs = Map.insert n s' $ sigMapISymbs smi }
trace ("returns " ++ show s') $ return (smi', s')
-- | Builds an initial Sig and a name map of the given logic and classification.
initialSig :: TCClassification -> AnyLogic -> Result (G_sign, NameSymbolMap)
initialSig clf lg =
case lg of
Logic lid ->
let initSM = SigMapI Map.empty $ notations clf
-- accumulates symbol mappings in the symbMap in SigMapI
-- while creating symbols from OMDoc symbols
(sm, symbs) <- mapAccumLM (sigmapAccumFun $ omdocToSym lid) initSM
$ sigElems clf
-- adding the symbols to the empty signature
sig <- foldM (add_symb_to_sign lid) (empty_signature lid) symbs
let gsig = G_sign lid (makeExtSign lid sig) startSigId
return (gsig, G_mapofsymbol lid $ sigMapISymbs sm)
-- | Adds Edges from the LinkInfo list to the development graph.
addLinksToDG :: Node -> DGraph -> [LinkInfo] -> DGraph
addLinksToDG nd = foldl (addLinkToDG nd)
-- | Adds Edge from the LinkInfo to the development graph.
addLinkToDG :: Node -> DGraph -> LinkInfo -> DGraph
addLinkToDG to dg (gMor, lt, lo, from) = insLink dg gMor lt lo from to
-- | Adds a Node from the given signature to the development graph.
addNodeToDG :: DGraph -> String -> G_sign -> (LNode DGNodeLab, DGraph)
addNodeToDG dg n gSig =
case gSig of
G_sign lid eSig sigId ->
let nd = getNewNodeDG dg
-- we should parse the name and restore the NodeName
ndName = makeName $ mkSimpleId n
ndInfo = newNodeInfo DGBasic
gth = noSensGTheory lid eSig sigId
newNode = (nd, newInfoNodeLab ndName ndInfo gth)
in (newNode, insNodeDG newNode dg)
addNodeAsRefToDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> LibName -> DGraph
-> (LNode DGNodeLab, DGraph)
addNodeAsRefToDG (nd, lbl) ln dg =
let info = newRefInfo ln nd
refNodeM = lookupInAllRefNodesDG info dg
nd' = getNewNodeDG dg
lnode = (nd', lbl { nodeInfo = info })
dg1 = insNodeDG lnode dg
dg2 = addToRefNodesDG nd' info dg1
in case refNodeM of
Just refNode -> ((refNode, labDG dg refNode), dg)
_ -> (lnode, dg2)
-- * Theory-utils
type CurrentLib = (LibName, DGraph)
type LinkNode = (Maybe LibName, LNode DGNodeLab)
type LinkInfo = (GMorphism, DGLinkType, DGLinkOrigin, Node)
data ImportInfo a = ImportInfo a String TCMorphism deriving Show
instance Functor ImportInfo where fmap f (ImportInfo x y z)
= ImportInfo (f x) y z
data TCClassification = TCClf {
importInfo :: [ImportInfo OMCD] -- ^ Import-info
, sigElems :: [TCElement] -- ^ Signature symbols
, sentences :: [TCElement] -- ^ Theory sentences
, adts :: [[OmdADT]] -- ^ ADTs
, notations :: (Map.Map OMName String) -- ^ Notations
emptyClassification :: TCClassification
emptyClassification = TCClf [] [] [] [] Map.empty
classifyTCs :: [TCElement] -> TCClassification
classifyTCs l = foldr classifyTC emptyClassification l
classifyTC :: TCElement -> TCClassification -> TCClassification
classifyTC tc clf =
case tc of
TCSymbol _ _ sr _
| elem sr [Obj, Typ] -> clf { sigElems = tc : sigElems clf }
| otherwise -> clf { sentences = tc : sentences clf }
TCNotation (cd, omn) n ->
if cdIsEmpty cd then
clf { notations = Map.insert omn n $ notations clf }
else clf
TCADT l -> clf { adts = l : adts clf }
TCImport n from morph ->
clf { importInfo = (ImportInfo from n morph) : importInfo clf }
TCComment _ -> clf