Export.hs revision 5ca1fe655d7d4e35e59a082b5955b306643329d0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Exports a development graph to an omdoc structure
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Ewaryst.Schulz@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Export of a given development graph to an OMDoc structure
which can then be stored as xml via the "OMDoc.XmlInterface".
module OMDoc.Export where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.Utils
import Common.LibName
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Driver.ReadFn (libNameToFile)
import Driver.Options (rmSuffix)
import Driver.WriteLibDefn (getFilePrefixGeneric)
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- * Name Mapping interface
-- | A structure similar to SigMap but with a Grothendieck map instead.
-- The numbered UniqName just stores the original position of the symbol
-- in the signature, and will be exploited in order to output the symbols
-- in the correct dependency order.
data GSigMap = GSigMap (G_symbolmap (Int, UniqName)) (NameMap String)
-- | We need this type to store the original dependency order.
-- This type is the logic dependent analogue to the GSigMap
type NumberedSigMap a = (Map.Map a (Int, UniqName), NameMap String)
-- | Removes the numbering from the symbol map
nSigMapToSigMap :: NumberedSigMap a -> SigMap a
nSigMapToSigMap (nMap, sMap) = SigMap (Map.map snd nMap) sMap
-- | Computes a dependency sorted symbol unique name list
nSigMapToOrderedList :: NumberedSigMap a -> [(a, UniqName)]
nSigMapToOrderedList (nMap, _) = let
compByPos (_, (pos1, _)) (_, (pos2, _)) = compare pos1 pos2
sortedList = sortBy compByPos $ Map.toList nMap
in map (\ (a, x) -> (a, snd x)) sortedList
-- | Mapping of Specs to SigMaps
newtype SpecSymNames = SpecSymNames (Map.Map (LibName, String) GSigMap)
-- | The export environment
data ExpEnv = ExpEnv { getSSN :: SpecSymNames
, getInitialLN :: LibName
, getFilePathMapping :: Map.Map LibId FilePath }
fmapNM :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> NameMap a -> NameMap b
fmapNM = Map.mapKeys
emptyEnv :: LibName -> ExpEnv
emptyEnv ln = ExpEnv { getSSN = SpecSymNames $ Map.empty
, getInitialLN = ln
, getFilePathMapping = Map.empty }
fromSignAndNamedSens :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> sign -> [Named sentence] -> NumberedSigMap symbol
fromSignAndNamedSens lid sig nsens =
let syms = symlist_of lid sig
-- The accumulator var is a map of names to integer values designating
-- the next identifier to use for this name to make it unique.
-- acc: Map String Int
newName acc s =
let (v, acc') = Map.insertLookupWithKey (const (+)) s 1 acc
in (acc', (s, fromMaybe 0 v))
-- We need to store in addition to the name-int-map an integer to
-- increment in order to remember the original order of the signature
-- elements after having destroyed it by making a map from the list.
-- for that reason we use the following accumvar:
-- acc: (Int, Map String Int)
symF (i, acc) x = let (acc', nn) = newName acc $ show $ sym_name lid x
in ((i + 1, acc'), (x, (i, nn)))
sensF acc x = let n = senAttr x
(acc', nn) = newName acc n in (acc', (n, nn))
(cm, symL) = mapAccumL symF (0, Map.empty) syms
(_, sensL) = mapAccumL sensF (snd cm) nsens
in (Map.fromList symL, Map.fromList sensL)
-- | Looks up the key in the map and if it doesn't exist adds the
-- value for this key which results from the given sign and sentences.
lookupWithInsert :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> sign -> [Named sentence] -> ExpEnv -> (LibName, String)
-> (ExpEnv, NumberedSigMap symbol)
lookupWithInsert lid sig sens s k =
let SpecSymNames m = getSSN s in
case Map.lookup k m of
Just (GSigMap (G_symbolmap lid1 sm) nm) ->
(s, (coerceSymbolmap lid1 lid sm, nm))
Nothing -> let nsigm@(sm, nm) = fromSignAndNamedSens lid sig sens
gsm = GSigMap (G_symbolmap lid sm) nm
in ( s { getSSN = SpecSymNames $ Map.insert k gsm m }, nsigm)
-- * LibEnv traversal
-- first projection is the const function
-- | 2nd projection
proj2 :: a -> b -> b
proj2 = curry snd
-- | Translates the given LibEnv to a list of OMDocs. If the first argument
-- is false only the DG to the given LibName is translated and returned.
exportLibEnv :: Bool -- recursive
-> FilePath -- outdir
-> LibName -> LibEnv
-> Result [(LibName, OMDoc)]
exportLibEnv b odir ln le =
let im = emptyEnv ln
cmbnF (x, _) y = (x, y)
inputList = if b then Map.toList le else [(ln, lookupDGraph ln le)]
in mapAccumLCM cmbnF (exportDGraph le) im inputList >>= return . snd
initFilePathMapping :: FilePath -> LibEnv -> Result (Map.Map LibId FilePath)
initFilePathMapping fp le =
Map.mapKeysMonotonic getLibId $ Map.mapWithKey f le
where f k _ = libNameFilePath (error "
-- | DGraph to OMDoc translation
exportDGraph :: LibEnv -> ExpEnv -> (LibName, DGraph) -> Result (ExpEnv, OMDoc)
exportDGraph le s (ln, dg) = do
(s', theories) <- mapAccumLCM proj2 (exportNodeLab le ln dg) s
$ topsortedNodes dg
(s'', views) <- mapAccumLCM proj2 (exportLinkLab le ln dg) s' $ labEdgesDG dg
return (s'', OMDoc (show $ getLibId ln)
$ (catMaybes theories) ++ (catMaybes views))
-- | DGNodeLab to TLTheory translation
exportNodeLab :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> ExpEnv -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> Result (ExpEnv, Maybe TLElement)
exportNodeLab le ln dg s (n, lb) =
if isDGRef lb then return (s, Nothing) else
let (lb', ln') = getNodeData le ln lb in
case dgn_theory lb' of
G_theory lid (ExtSign sig _) _ sens _ ->
let sn = getDGNodeName lb'
nsens = toNamedList sens
(s', nsigm) = lookupWithInsert lid sig nsens s (ln', sn)
sigm@(SigMap nm _) = nSigMapToSigMap nsigm
-- imports is a list of [TCElement], symbol set pairs
(s'', imports) <- mapAccumLCM proj2
(makeImport le ln dg (lid, nm)) s' $ innDG dg n
extra <- export_theoryToOmdoc lid sigm sig nsens
consts <- mapR (uncurry $ exportSymbol lid sigm $ map snd imports)
$ nSigMapToOrderedList nsigm
-- create the OMDoc elements for the sentences
thms <- mapR (exportSentence lid sigm) nsens
return (s'', Just $ TLTheory sn (omdoc_metatheory lid)
$ concatMap concat
[map fst imports, consts, [extra], thms])
-- * Views and Morphisms
-- Node lookup for handling ref nodes
getNodeData :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGNodeLab -> (DGNodeLab, LibName)
getNodeData le ln lb =
if isDGRef lb then
let ni = nodeInfo lb
lnRef = ref_libname ni
dg' = Map.findWithDefault
(error $ "getNodeData: Lib not found: " ++ show lnRef)
lnRef le
in (labDG dg' $ ref_node ni, lnRef)
else (lb, ln)
-- | If the link is a global definition link we compute the Import TCElement
-- and return also the set of (by the link) exported symbols
makeImport :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> (lid, NameMap symbol) -> ExpEnv
-> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (ExpEnv, ([TCElement], Set.Set symbol))
makeImport le ln dg toInfo s (from, _, lbl)
| isHidingEdge $ dgl_type lbl =
warning () (concat [ "Hiding link with ", show (dgl_id lbl)
, " not exported."]) nullRange
>> return (s, ([], Set.empty))
| isLocalDef $ dgl_type lbl =
warning () (concat [ "Local def-link with ", show (dgl_id lbl)
, " not exported."]) nullRange
>> return (s, ([], Set.empty))
| isGlobalDef $ dgl_type lbl =
let (lb', ln') = getNodeData le ln $ labDG dg from in
case dgn_theory lb' of
G_theory lid (ExtSign sig _) _ sens _ ->
let sn = getDGNodeName lb'
nsens = toNamedList sens
(s', nsigm) = lookupWithInsert lid sig nsens s (ln', sn)
SigMap nm _ = nSigMapToSigMap nsigm
(morph, expSymbs) <-
makeMorphism (lid, nm) toInfo True $ dgl_morphism lbl
let impnm = showEdgeId $ dgl_id lbl
cd <- mkCD s' ln ln' sn
return (s', ([TCImport impnm cd $ morph], expSymbs))
| otherwise = return (s, ([], Set.empty))
-- | Given a TheoremLink we output the view
exportLinkLab :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> ExpEnv -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (ExpEnv, Maybe TLElement)
exportLinkLab le ln dg s (from, to, lbl) =
let ltyp = dgl_type lbl
gmorph = dgl_morphism lbl
edgName = getDGLinkName lbl
viewname = if null edgName
then "gn_" ++ showEdgeId (dgl_id lbl)
else edgName
(lb1, ln1) = getNodeData le ln $ labDG dg from
(lb2, ln2) = getNodeData le ln $ labDG dg to
noExport = return (s, Nothing)
withWarning lt = warning () (concat [ "exportLinkLab: ", lt
, " link with ", show (dgl_id lbl)
, " not exported."])
nullRange >> noExport
in case (isDefEdge ltyp, isLocalEdge ltyp, isHidingEdge ltyp) of
(True, _, _) -> noExport
(_, True, _) -> withWarning "Local"
(_, _, True) -> withWarning "Hiding"
_ ->
case (dgn_theory lb1, dgn_theory lb2) of
{ ((G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sig1 _) _ sens1 _) ,
(G_theory lid2 (ExtSign sig2 _) _ sens2 _ )) ->
let sn1 = getDGNodeName lb1
sn2 = getDGNodeName lb2
nsens1 = toNamedList sens1
nsens2 = toNamedList sens2
(s', nsigm1) =
lookupWithInsert lid1 sig1 nsens1 s (ln1, sn1)
(s'', nsigm2) =
lookupWithInsert lid2 sig2 nsens2 s' (ln2, sn2)
SigMap nm1 _ = nSigMapToSigMap nsigm1
SigMap nm2 _ = nSigMapToSigMap nsigm2
(morph, _) <-
makeMorphism (lid1, nm1) (lid2, nm2) False gmorph
cd1 <- mkCD s'' ln ln1 sn1
cd2 <- mkCD s'' ln ln2 sn2
return (s'', Just $ TLView viewname cd1 cd2 morph) }
-- | From the given GMorphism we compute the symbol-mapping and return
-- also the set of (by the morphism) exported symbols (= image of morphism)
makeMorphism :: forall lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
(Logic lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
(lid1, NameMap symbol1) -> (lid2, NameMap symbol2)
-> Bool -- ^ use open instead of conass
-> GMorphism
-> Result (TCMorphism, Set.Set symbol2)
makeMorphism (l1, symM1) (l2, symM2) useOpen
(GMorphism cid (ExtSign sig _) _ mor _)
-- l1 = logic1
-- l2 = logic2
-- lS = source-logic-cid
-- lT = target-logic-cid
-- metaknowledge: l1 = lS, l2 = lT
-- sigmap1 :: l1
-- sigmap2 :: l2
-- mor :: of target-logic-cid
-- symmap_of lT mor :: EndoMap symbolT
-- comorphism based map:
-- (sglElem (show cid) . map_symbol cid sig . coerceSymbol l1 lS)
-- :: symbol1 -> symbolT
-- we need sigmap1 :: lT
-- we need sigmap2 :: lT
-- for sigmap2 we take a simple coerce
-- for sigmap1 we take a simple coerce if we know that l1 = l2
-- otherwise a comorphism fmap composed with a simple coerce
= let lS = sourceLogic cid
lT = targetLogic cid
f = if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid)
then coerceSymbol l1 lT
else sglElem (show cid) . map_symbol cid sig . coerceSymbol l1 lS
symM1' = fmapNM f symM1
symM2' = fmapNM (coerceSymbol l2 lT) symM2
mormap = symmap_of lT mor
expSymbs = Set.fromList $ Map.elems $ coerceMapofsymbol lT l2 mormap
in return (map (mapEntry lT symM1' symM2' useOpen)
$ Map.toList mormap, expSymbs)
mapEntry :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> NameMap symbol -> NameMap symbol
-> Bool -- ^ use open instead of conass
-> (symbol, symbol)
-> (OMName, OMImage)
mapEntry _ m1 m2 useOpen (s1, s2) =
let e = error "mapEntry: symbolmapping is missing"
un1 = Map.findWithDefault e s1 m1
un2 = Map.findWithDefault e s2 m2
-- we don't check whether the path is empty or not...
in ( omName un1
, if useOpen then Left $ nameToString un2 else Right $ simpleOMS un2)
-- | extracts the single element from singleton sets, fails otherwise
sglElem :: String -> Set.Set a -> a
sglElem s sa
| Set.size sa > 1 =
error $ "OMDocExport: comorphism symbol image > 1 in " ++ s
| Set.null sa =
error $ "OMDocExport: empty comorphism symbol image in " ++ s
| otherwise = Set.findMin sa
-- * Names and CDs
libNameFilePath :: LibName -- ^ libname as reference for relative uris
-> LibName -- ^ libname for filepath extraction
-> Result FilePath
libNameFilePath lnRef ln = case getLibId ln of
IndirectLink file rg ofile _ ->
if null ofile
then do
warning () (concat [ "libNameFilePath: LibName does not conatin a "
, "filepath: ", show ln, " (referenced from lib "
, show lnRef, ")" ]) rg
let mFp = matchPaths file $ libNameToFile lnRef
case mFp of
Just fp ->
warning () ("repaired missing filepath: " ++ fp) rg
return fp
_ -> error $ concat [ "libNameFilePath: could not repair missing "
, "filepath: ", show ln, " referenced from lib "
, show lnRef]
else return $ rmSuffix ofile
DirectLink _ _ -> error "libNameFilePath: DirectLink"
mkCD :: ExpEnv -> LibName -> LibName -> String -> Result OMCD
mkCD _ lnCurr ln sn = do
base <- if lnCurr == ln then return []
else do
fp <- libNameFilePath lnCurr ln
return [concat ["file://", fp, ".omdoc"]]
return $ CD $ [sn] ++ base
-- * Symbols and Sentences
exportSymbol :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> SigMap symbol -> [Set.Set symbol] -> symbol -> UniqName
-> Result [TCElement]
exportSymbol lid (SigMap sm _) sl sym n =
let symNotation = maybeToList $ notationFromUniqName n
in if all (Set.notMember sym) sl
then do
symConst <- export_symToOmdoc lid sm sym $ nameToString n
return $ [symConst] ++ symNotation
else return symNotation
exportSentence :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> SigMap symbol -> Named sentence -> Result [TCElement]
exportSentence lid (SigMap sm thm) nsen = do
omobjOrAdt <- export_senToOmdoc lid sm $ sentence nsen
let symRole = if isAxiom nsen && not (wasTheorem nsen) then Axiom
else Theorem
thmName = senAttr nsen
un = Map.findWithDefault
(error $ concat [ "exportSentence: mapping for "
, thmName, " is missing!"]) thmName thm
omname = nameToString un
case omobjOrAdt of
Left adt ->
warning () ("Name for adt not exported: " ++ show omname) nullRange
>> return [adt]
Right omobj ->
return $ [TCSymbol omname omobj symRole Nothing]
++ (maybeToList $ notationFromUniqName un)
notationFromUniqName :: UniqName -> Maybe TCElement
notationFromUniqName un =
let n = nameToString un
orign = fst un
in if n == orign then Nothing
else Just $ TCNotation (mkSimpleQualName un) orign