Export.hs revision 0850c3e5fb6285405ebaeb5aa433985203ac892d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Exports a development graph to an omdoc structure
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Ewaryst.Schulz@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
A given development graph will be exported to an omdoc structure
which can then be output to XML via the XmlInterface.
module OMDoc.Export
( exportLibEnv
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.AS_Annotation
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
--------------------- Name Mapping interface ---------------------
dummy :: a
dummy = error "dummy"
-- | Mapping of symbols to unique ids
data SigMap a = SigMap (NameMap a) (NameMap String)
-- | Mapping of Specs to SigMaps
newtype SpecSymNames = SpecSymNames
(Map.Map (LibName, String) (SigMap G_symbol))
type Env = SpecSymNames
fmapNM :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> NameMap a -> NameMap b
fmapNM = Map.mapKeys
fmapSM :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> SigMap a -> SigMap b
fmapSM f (SigMap m1 m2) = SigMap (fmapNM f m1) m2
emptySSN :: SpecSymNames
emptySSN = SpecSymNames $ Map.empty
emptyNM :: SigMap a
emptyNM = SigMap Map.empty Map.empty
fromSignAndNamedSens:: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> sign -> [Named sentence] -> SigMap symbol
fromSignAndNamedSens lid sig nsens =
let syms = Set.toAscList $ sym_of lid sig
updFun _ _ = (1+)
newName acc s = let (v, acc') = Map.insertLookupWithKey updFun s 1 acc
in (acc', (s, fromMaybe 0 v))
symF acc x = let (acc', nn) = newName acc $ show $ sym_name lid x
in (acc', (x, nn))
sensF acc x = let n = senAttr x
(acc', nn) = newName acc n in (acc', (n, nn))
(cm, symL) = mapAccumL symF Map.empty syms
(_, sensL) = mapAccumL sensF cm nsens
in SigMap (Map.fromList symL) (Map.fromList sensL)
-- | Looks up the key in the map and if it doesn't exist it adds the
-- value for this key which results from the sign and sentences given
lookupWithInsert :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> sign -> [Named sentence] -> SpecSymNames -> (LibName, String)
-> (SpecSymNames, SigMap symbol)
lookupWithInsert lid sig sens s@(SpecSymNames m) k =
case Map.lookup k m of
Just nm -> (s, fmapSM (\ (G_symbol lid1 sym)
-> coerceSymbol lid1 lid sym) nm)
Nothing -> let nm = fromSignAndNamedSens lid sig sens
in ( SpecSymNames $ Map.insert k (fmapSM (G_symbol lid) nm) m
, nm)
--------------------- LibEnv traversal ---------------------
foldWithAccu :: Monad m => (stat -> a -> m (stat, b)) -> stat -> [a]
-> m (stat, b)
foldWithAccu f s l = do
(s', res) <- foldM (foldFun f) (s, Nothing) l
case res of Just out -> return (s', out)
_ -> fail "foldWithAccu: No result"
where foldFun f (x, _) y = do
(x', res) <- f x y
return (x', Just res)
mapWithAccu :: Monad m => (stat -> a -> m (stat, b)) -> stat -> [a]
-> m (stat, [b])
mapWithAccu f s l = do
foldM (foldFun f) (s, []) l
where foldFun f (x, l') y = do
(x', res) <- f x y
return (x', res:l')
mapWithAccu :: (acc -> (x, z) -> m (acc, y)) -- Function of elt of input list
-- and accumulator, returning new
-- accumulator and elt of result list
-> acc -- Initial accumulator
-> [(x, z)] -- Input list
-> m (acc, [(x, y)]) -- Final accumulator and result list
mapWithAccu _ s [] = return (s, [])
mapWithAccu f s (e@(x, z):xs) = do
(s', y ) <- f s e
(s'',ys) <- mapWithAccu f s' xs
return (s'',(x, y):ys)
-- first projection is the const function
-- | 2nd projection
proj2 :: a -> b -> b
proj2 _ y = y
-- | map with accumulator and combine function
mapWithAC :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> (s -> a -> m (s, b))
-> s -> [a] -> m (s, [c])
mapWithAC _ _ s [] = return (s, [])
mapWithAC g f s (x:xs) = do
(s', y) <- f s x
(s'',ys) <- mapWithAC g f s' xs
return (s'', g x y:ys)
-- | Translates the given LibEnv to a list of OMDocs. If the first argument
-- is false only the DG to the given LibName is translated and returned.
exportLibEnv :: Bool -> LibName -> LibEnv -> Result [(LibName, OMDoc)]
exportLibEnv b ln le =
let im = emptySSN
cmbnF (x,_) y = (x,y)
inputList = if b then Map.toList le else [(ln, lookupDGraph ln le)]
in mapWithAC cmbnF exportDGraph im inputList >>= return . snd
-- | DGraph to OMDoc translation
exportDGraph :: Env -> (LibName, DGraph)
-> Result (Env, OMDoc)
exportDGraph s (ln,dg) = do
(s', theories) <- mapWithAC proj2 (exportNodeLab ln dg) s $ labNodesDG dg
(s'', views) <- mapWithAC proj2 (exportLinkLab ln dg) s' $ labEdgesDG dg
return (s'', OMDoc (show ln) $ (catMaybes theories) ++ (catMaybes views))
-- | DGNodeLab to TLTheory translation
exportNodeLab :: LibName -> DGraph -> Env -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> Result (Env, Maybe TLElement)
exportNodeLab ln dg s (n, lb) =
if isDGRef lb then return (s, Nothing) else
case dgn_theory lb of
G_theory lid (ExtSign sig _) _ sens _ ->
let specname = getDGNodeName lb
nsens = toNamedList sens
-- get the sigmap from the SSM otherwise create and add it
(s', sigm@(SigMap sm thm)) =
lookupWithInsert lid sig nsens s (ln, specname)
in do
(s'', imports) <- mapWithAC proj2 (makeImport ln dg) s'
$ innDG dg n
-- create the OMDoc elements for the signature
consts <- mapR (uncurry $ exportSymbol lid sigm) $ Map.toList sm
-- create the OMDoc elements for the sentences
thms <- mapR (exportSentence lid sigm) nsens
return (s'', Just $ TLTheory specname (omdoc_metatheory lid)
$ concatMap concat [imports, consts, thms])
--------------------- Views and Morphisms ---------------------
makeImport :: LibName -> DGraph -> Env -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (Env, [TCElement])
makeImport ln dg s (from, _, lbl)
| isHidingEdge $ dgl_type lbl =
warning () ("Hiding link with " ++ show (dgl_id lbl) ++ " not exported.")
return (s, [])
| isGlobalDef $ dgl_type lbl =
warning () ("Link with " ++ show (dgl_id lbl) ++ " exported.") nullRange
return $ (s, [TCImport (showEdgeId $ dgl_id lbl)
(cdFromNode ln $ labDG dg from)
-- $ makeMorphism ln $ dgl_morphism lbl
| otherwise = return (s, [])
-- | Given a TheoremLink we output the view
exportLinkLab :: LibName -> DGraph -> Env -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (Env, Maybe TLElement)
exportLinkLab ln dg s (from, to, lbl) = return $ case dgl_type lbl of
ScopedLink Global (ThmLink _) _ ->
(s, Just $ TLView (showEdgeId $ dgl_id lbl)
(cdFromNode ln $ labDG dg from)
(cdFromNode ln $ labDG dg to)
-- . makeMorphism ln $ dgl_morphism lbl
_ -> (s, Nothing)
makeMorphism :: forall lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
(Logic lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
(lid1, NameMap symbol1) -> (lid2, NameMap symbol2) -> GMorphism
-> Result TCElement
makeMorphism (l1, symM1) (l2, symM2) (GMorphism cid (ExtSign sig _) _ mor _)
-- l1 = logic1
-- l2 = logic2
-- lS = source-logic-cid
-- lT = target-logic-cid
-- metaknowledge: l1 = lS, l2 = lT
-- sigmap1 :: l1
-- sigmap2 :: l2
-- mor :: of target-logic-cid
-- symmap_of lT mor :: EndoMap symbolT
-- comorphism based map:
-- (sglElem (show cid) . map_symbol cid sig . coerceSymbol l1 lS) :: symbol1 -> symbolT
-- we need sigmap1 :: lT
-- we need sigmap2 :: lT
-- for sigmap2 we take a simple coerce
-- for sigmap1 we take a simple coerce if we know that l1 = l2
-- otherwise a comorphism fmap composed with a simple coerce
= let lS = sourceLogic cid
lT = targetLogic cid
f = if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid)
then coerceSymbol l1 lT
else sglElem (show cid) . map_symbol cid sig . coerceSymbol l1 lS
symM1' = fmapNM f symM1
symM2' = fmapNM (coerceSymbol l2 lT) symM2
morMap = symmap_of lT mor
in return $ TCMorphism $ map (mapEntry lT symM1' symM2')
$ Map.toList morMap
mapEntry :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> NameMap symbol -> NameMap symbol -> (symbol, symbol)
-> (OMName, OMElement)
mapEntry lid m1 m2 (s1, s2) =
let e = error "mapEntry: symbolmapping is missing"
un1 = Map.findWithDefault e s1 m1
un2 = Map.findWithDefault e s2 m2
in (omName un1, simpleOMS un2)
-- | extracts the single element from singleton sets, fails otherwise
sglElem:: String -> Set.Set a -> a
sglElem s sa
| Set.size sa > 1 =
error $ "OMDocExport: comorphism symbol image > 1 in " ++ s
| Set.null sa =
error $ "OMDocExport: empty comorphism symbol image in " ++ s
| otherwise = Set.findMin sa
--------------------- Names and CDs ---------------------
cdFromNode :: LibName -> DGNodeLab -> OMCD
cdFromNode ln lb =
-- special handling for library entries !??
CD (getDGNodeName lb) $
let omcdbase = show $ if isDGRef lb
then ref_libname $ nodeInfo lb
else ln
in if omcdbase == "library" || omcdbase == ""
then Nothing else Just omcdbase
omName :: UniqName -> OMName
omName = mkSimpleName . nameToString
simpleOMS :: UniqName -> OMElement
simpleOMS un = OMS (CD "" Nothing) $ omName un
--------------------- Symbols and Sentences ---------------------
exportSymbol :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> SigMap symbol -> symbol -> UniqName -> Result [TCElement]
exportSymbol lid (SigMap sm _) sym n = do
let un = nameToString n
symConst <- export_symToOmdoc lid sm sym un
return $ [symConst] ++ (maybeToList $ notationFromUniqName n)
exportSentence :: forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> SigMap symbol -> Named sentence -> Result [TCElement]
exportSentence lid (SigMap sm thm) nsen = do
omobj <- export_senToOmdoc lid sm $ sentence nsen
let symRole = if isAxiom nsen && not (wasTheorem nsen) then Axiom
else Theorem
thmName = senAttr nsen
un = Map.findWithDefault
(error $ concat [ "exportSentence: mapping for "
, thmName, " is missing!"]) thmName thm
omname = nameToString un
return $ [TCSymbol omname omobj symRole Nothing]
++ (maybeToList $ notationFromUniqName un)
notationFromUniqName :: UniqName -> Maybe TCElement
notationFromUniqName un =
let n = nameToString un
orign = fst un
in if n == orign then Nothing else Just $ TCNotation (mkSimpleName n) orign