ATerm.hs revision da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Additional (manual) ATerm-Conversions for OMDoc
Copyright : (c) Hendrik Iben, Uni Bremen 2005-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Additional ATerm-Conversions for OMDoc.
module OMDoc.ATerm where
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Data.Word
instance ShATermConvertible URI.URI where
toShATermAux att0 u = do
(att1, us) <- toShATerm' att0 ((URI.uriToString id u) "")
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "URI.URI" [us] []) att1
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
x@(ShAAppl "URI.URI" [us] _) ->
case fromShATerm' us att0 of
(att1, us') ->
case URI.parseURIReference us' of
Nothing ->
fromShATermError "URI.URI" x
Just uri ->
(att1, uri)
u -> fromShATermError "URI.URI" u
instance ShATermConvertible Float where
toShATermAux att0 f = do
(att1, fs) <- toShATerm' att0 (show f)
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "Float" [fs] []) att1
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
x@(ShAAppl "Float" [fs] _) ->
case fromShATerm' fs att0 of
(att1, fs') ->
case readsPrec 0 fs' of
[] ->
fromShATermError "Float" x
[(f, _)] ->
(att1, f)
_ ->
fromShATermError "Float" x
u -> fromShATermError "Float" u
instance ShATermConvertible Data.Word.Word8 where
toShATermAux att0 w = toShATermAux att0 ((fromIntegral w)::Int)
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case fromShATermAux ix att0 of
(att1, i::Int) ->
(att1, fromIntegral i)
instance (ShATermConvertible a, ShATermConvertible b) => ShATermConvertible (Either a b) where
toShATermAux att0 (Left a) =
(att1, a') <- toShATerm' att0 a
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "Either.Left" [a'] []) att1
toShATermAux att0 (Right b) =
(att1, b') <- toShATerm' att0 b
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "Either.Right" [b'] []) att1
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
(ShAAppl "Either.Left" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of
(att1, a') ->
(att1, Left a')
(ShAAppl "Either.Right" [b] _) ->
case fromShATerm' b att0 of
(att1, b') ->
(att1, Right b')
u -> fromShATermError "Either" u