Utils.hs revision 986d3f255182539098a97ac86da9eeee5b7a72e3
module Modal.Utils where
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
-- ModalCASL
import Modal.AS_Modal
import Data.Maybe
getModTermSort :: Id -> Id
getModTermSort rs = case rs of
Id _ [s] _ -> s
_ -> error "Modal.Utils.getModTermSort"
addNonEmptyLabel :: String -> Maybe (Named a) -> Maybe (Named a)
addNonEmptyLabel _ Nothing = Nothing
addNonEmptyLabel l (Just s)
| null l = Just s
| otherwise = Just $ reName (const l) s
modToTerm :: MODALITY -> Maybe (TERM M_FORMULA)
modToTerm (Simple_mod _) = Nothing
modToTerm (Term_mod t) = Just t
addTerm :: ([VAR] -> TERM M_FORMULA -> TERM ())
-> PRED_NAME -> [Maybe (TERM M_FORMULA)] -> [VAR]
-> Maybe (Named CASLFORMULA) -> Maybe (Named CASLFORMULA)
addTerm _ _ mTerms _ nCaslFrm
| null (catMaybes mTerms) = nCaslFrm
| otherwise = nCaslFrm -- Term-Modalities not correctly treated yet
{- - run with a State across formula
- substitute in a nice manna the Terms into the relation symbols
incomplete code:
Predication pn as qs ->
let term' = mapT vars term
(pn',as') =
case pn of
Pred_name _ -> error "Modal2CASL: untyped predication"
Qual_pred_name prn pType@(Pred_type sorts pps) ps
| prn == rel ->
(Qual_pred_name prn
(Pred_type (getModTermSort prn:sorts)
pps) ps,
| otherwise -> (pn,as)
in Predication pn' as' qs