StatAna.hs revision d183a4514d8a5b6a5d48d15a8dff52d0c96691ea
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of modal logic parts
module Modal.StatAna where
import Modal.AS_Modal
import Modal.Print_AS
import Modal.ModalSign
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.MixfixParser
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.MapSentence
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
minExpForm :: Min M_FORMULA ModalSign
minExpForm ga s form =
let newGa = addAssocs ga s
ops = formulaIds s
preds = allPredIds s
res = resolveFormula newGa ops preds
minMod md ps = case md of
Simple_mod i -> minMod (Term_mod (Mixfix_token i)) ps
Term_mod t -> let
r = do
t1 <- resolveMixfix newGa (allOpIds s) preds False t
ts <- minExpTerm minExpForm ga s t1
t2 <- is_unambiguous ts ps
let srt = term_sort t2
trm = Term_mod t2
if Set.member srt $ termModies $ extendedInfo s
then return trm
else Result [mkDiag Error
("unknown term modality sort '"
++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
$ Just trm
in case t of
Mixfix_token tm ->
if Set.member tm $ modies $ extendedInfo s
then return $ Simple_mod tm
else case maybeResult r of
Nothing -> Result
[mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
$ Just $ Simple_mod tm
_ -> r
_ -> r
in case form of
Box m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
f1 <- res f
f2 <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm ga s f1
return $ Box nm f2 ps
Diamond m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
f1 <- res f
f2 <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm ga s f1
return $ Diamond nm f2 ps
ana_M_SIG_ITEM ga mi =
case mi of
Rigid_op_items r al ps ->
do ul <- mapM (ana_OP_ITEM ga) al
case r of
Rigid -> mapM_ ( \ aoi -> case item aoi of
Op_decl ops ty _ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidOp (toOpType ty)) ops
Op_defn i par _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidOp (toOpType $ headToType par)
i ) ul
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_op_items r ul ps
Rigid_pred_items r al ps ->
do ul <- mapM (ana_PRED_ITEM ga) al
case r of
Rigid -> mapM_ ( \ aoi -> case item aoi of
Pred_decl ops ty _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidPred (toPredType ty)) ops
Pred_defn i (Pred_head args _) _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidPred
(PredType $ sortsOfArgs args) i ) ul
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_pred_items r ul ps
addRigidOp :: OpType -> Id -> ModalSign -> Result ModalSign
addRigidOp ty i m = return
m { rigidOps = addTo i ty { opKind = Partial } $ rigidOps m }
addRigidPred :: PredType -> Id -> ModalSign -> Result ModalSign
addRigidPred ty i m = return
m { rigidPreds = addTo i ty $ rigidPreds m }
ana_M_BASIC_ITEM _ bi = do
e <- get
case bi of
Simple_mod_decl al _ -> mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . addModId) . item) al
Term_mod_decl al _ -> mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . addModSort e) . item) al
return bi
addModId :: SIMPLE_ID -> ModalSign -> Result ModalSign
addModId i m =
let ms = modies m in
if Set.member i ms then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated modality" i] $ Just m
else return m { modies = Set.insert i ms }
addModSort :: Sign M_FORMULA ModalSign -> SORT -> ModalSign -> Result ModalSign
addModSort e i m =
let ms = termModies m
ds = hasSort e i
in if Set.member i ms || not (null ds) then
Result (mkDiag Hint "repeated term modality" i : ds) $ Just m
else return m { termModies = Set.insert i ms }
map_M_FORMULA :: MapSen M_FORMULA ModalSign ()
map_M_FORMULA mor frm =
let mapMod m = case m of
Simple_mod _ -> return m
Term_mod t -> do newT <- mapTerm map_M_FORMULA mor t
return $ Term_mod newT
in case frm of
Box m f ps -> do
newF <- mapSen map_M_FORMULA mor f
newM <- mapMod m
return $ Box newM newF ps
Diamond m f ps -> do
newF <- mapSen map_M_FORMULA mor f
newM <- mapMod m
return $ Diamond newM newF ps