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As mentioned in the introduction, Maude modules are executable rewriting logic especifications.
Rewriting logic \cite{Meseguer92-tcs} is a logic of change very suitable
for the specification of concurrent systems that is parameterized
by an underlying equational logic, for which Maude uses membership
equational logic \cite{BouhoulaJouannaudMeseguer00,Meseguer97},
which, in addition to equations, allows the statement of membership
axioms characterizing the elements of a sort. In the following sections we
present both logics and how their specifications are represented as Maude modules.
\subsection{Membership equational logic} \label{mel-section}
A \emph{signature} in membership equational logic is a triple $(K,\Sigma, S)$
(just $\Sigma$ in the following),\
with $K$ a set of {\em kinds},
$\Sigma = \{\Sigma_{k_1\ldots k_n,k}\}_{(k_1\ldots k_n,k)\in K^{*}\times K}$ a
many-kinded signature, and $S =
\{S_{k}\}_{k\in K}$ a pairwise disjoint $K$-kinded family of sets of
The kind of a sort $s$ is denoted by $[s]$.
We write $T_{\Sigma,k}$ and $T_{\Sigma,k}(X)$ to denote respectively the set
of ground
$\Sigma$-terms with kind $k$ and of $\Sigma$-terms with kind $k$ over variables
in $X$, where $X = \{ x_1:k_1, \dots, x_n:k_n\}$ is a set of $K$-kinded
Intuitively, terms with a kind but without a sort represent undefined or error
The atomic formulas of membership equational logic are either \emph{equations}
$t = t'$, where $t$ and $t'$ are $\Sigma$-terms of the same kind, or
\emph{membership axioms} of the form $t : s$, where the term $t$
has kind $k$ and $s \in S_k$.
\emph{Sentences} are universally-quantified Horn clauses of the
form $(\forall X)\, A_0 \Leftarrow A_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge A_n$,
where each $A_i$ is either an equation or a membership axiom, and $X$ is a
set of $K$-kinded variables containing all the variables in the $A_i$.
A \emph{specification} is a pair $(\Sigma,E)$, where $E$ is a set
of sentences in membership equational logic over the signature $\Sigma$.
Models of membership equational logic specifications are
\emph{$\Sigma$-algebras} $\model$ consisting of a set $A_k$ for each kind $k \in K$,
a function $A_f : A_{k_1}\times \dots \times A_{k_n} \longrightarrow A_k$ for each
operator $f \in \Sigma_{k_1 \dots k_n, k}$, and
a subset $A_s \subseteq A_k$ for each sort $s\in S_k$. The meaning
$\den{t}$ of a term $t$ in an algebra $\model$ is inductively defined as usual.
Then, an algebra $\model$ satisfies an equation $t = t'$ (or the equation holds
in the algebra), denoted $\model \models t = t'$, when both terms have the same meaning:
$\den{t} = \den{t'}$. In the same way, satisfaction of a membership is defined as:
$\model \models t : s$ when $\den{t} \in A_s$.
A membership equational logic specification $(\Sigma,E)$ has an initial model
$\mathcal{T}_{\Sigma/E}$ whose elements
are $E$-equivalence classes of terms $[t]$.
We refer to \cite{BouhoulaJouannaudMeseguer00,Meseguer97} for a detailed presentation of
sound and complete deduction rules, as well as the construction of
initial and free algebras.
Since the membership equational logic specifications that we consider are assumed
to satisfy the executability requirements of confluence, termination, and
sort-decreasingness, their equations $t=t'$ can be oriented from left to right,
$t \rightarrow t'$. Such a statement holds in an algebra, denoted
$\model \models t \rightarrow t'$, exactly when $\model \models t = t'$, i.e., when
$\den{t} = \den{t'}$. Moreover, under those assumptions an equational condition $u = v$
in a conditional equation can be checked by finding a common term $t$ such
that $u \rightarrow t$ and $v \rightarrow t$.
\subsection{Maude functional modules} \label{maudefmod}
Maude functional modules \cite[Chapter 4]{maude-book}, introduced
with syntax \texttt{fmod ...\ endfm}, are executable membership
equational specifications and their semantics is given by the corresponding
initial membership algebra in the class of algebras satisfying the specification.
In a functional module we can declare sorts (by means of keyword
\texttt{sort}(\texttt{s})); subsort relations between sorts
(\texttt{subsort}); operators (\texttt{op}) for building values of these
sorts, giving the sorts of their arguments and result, and which may have
attributes such as being associative (\texttt{assoc}) or commutative
(\texttt{comm}), for example; memberships (\texttt{mb}) asserting that a term
has a sort; and equations (\texttt{eq}) identifying terms.
Both memberships and equations can be conditional (\texttt{cmb} and \texttt{ceq}).
Maude does automatic kind inference from the sorts declared by the user and
their subsort relations. Kinds are \emph{not} declared explicitly, and
correspond to the connected components of the subsort relation.
The kind corresponding to a sort \texttt{s} is denoted \texttt{[s]}.
For example, if we have sorts \texttt{Nat} for natural numbers and \texttt{NzNat}
for nonzero natural numbers with a subsort \texttt{NzNat < Nat}, then
\texttt{[NzNat]} = \texttt{[Nat]}.
An operator declaration like
op _div_ : Nat NzNat -> Nat .
is logically understood as a declaration at the kind level
op _div_ : [Nat] [Nat] -> [Nat] .
together with the conditional membership axiom
cmb N div M : Nat if N : Nat and M : NzNat .
A subsort declaration \texttt{NzNat < Nat} is logically understood as
the conditional membership axiom
cmb N : Nat if N : NzNat .
\subsection{Rewriting logic}
Rewriting logic extends equational logic by introducing the notion of \emph{rewrites}
corresponding to
transitions between states; that is, while equations are interpreted as equalities and therefore
they are symmetric, rewrites denote changes which can be irreversible.
A rewriting logic specification, or \emph{rewrite theory}, has the form
$\mathcal{R} = (\Sigma,E,R)$, where $(\Sigma,E)$ is an equational specification
and $R$ is a set of \emph{rules} as described below. From this definition,
one can see that rewriting logic is built on top of equational logic, so
that rewriting logic is parameterized
with respect to the version of the underlying equational logic; in our
case, Maude uses membership equational logic, as described in the
previous sections. A rule in $R$ has the general conditional
form\footnote{There is no need for the condition listing first equations,
then memberships, and then rewrites: this is just a notational
abbreviation, they can be listed in any order.}
(\forall X) \; e \Rightarrow e' \Leftarrow \bigwedge_{i=1}^{n} u_i = u'_i \wedge
\bigwedge_{j=1}^{m} v_j : s_j \wedge
\bigwedge_{k=1}^{l} w_k \Rightarrow w'_k
where the head is a rewrite and the conditions can be equations,
memberships, and rewrites; both sides of a rewrite must have the same kind.
From these rewrite rules, one can deduce rewrites of the form
$t \Rightarrow t'$ by means of general deduction rules introduced
in \cite{Meseguer92-tcs} (see also \cite{BruniMeseguer06}).
Models of rewrite theories are called \emph{$\mathcal{R}$-systems}
in \cite{Meseguer92-tcs}.
Such systems are defined as categories that possess a
$(\Sigma,E)$-algebra structure, together with a natural transformation
for each rule in the set $R$. More intuitively, the idea is that we have a
$(\Sigma,E)$-algebra, as described in Section~\ref{mel-section}, with
transitions between the elements in each set $A_k$; moreover, these
transitions must satisfy several additional requirements, including that
there are identity transitions for each element, that transitions can
be sequentially composed, that the operations in the signature $\Sigma$
are also appropriately defined for the transitions, and that we have
enough transitions corresponding to the rules in $R$. Then, if we keep in
this context the notation $\model$ to denote an $\mathcal{R}$-system, a
rewrite $t \Rightarrow t'$ is satisfied by $\model$,
denoted $\model \models t \Rightarrow t'$, when there is a transition
$\den{t} \rightarrow_\model \den{t'}$ in the system between the
corresponding meanings of both sides of the rewrite, where $\rightarrow_\model$
will be our notation for such transitions.
The rewriting logic deduction rules introduced in \cite{Meseguer92-tcs}
are sound and complete with respect to this notion of model. Moreover,
they can be used to build initial and free models; see \cite{Meseguer92-tcs}
for details.
\subsection{Maude system modules}
Maude system modules \cite[Chapter 6]{maude-book}, introduced with
syntax \texttt{mod ...\ endm}, are executable rewrite
theories and their semantics is given by the initial system in the class of
systems corresponding to the rewrite theory. A system module can contain all the
declarations of a functional module and, in addition, declarations for
rules (\texttt{rl}) and conditional rules (\texttt{crl}).
The executability requirements for equations and memberships in a system
module are the same as those of functional modules, namely, confluence,
termination, and sort-decreasingness. With respect to rules, the satisfaction
of all the conditions in a conditional rewrite rule is attempted sequentially
from left to right, solving rewrite conditions by means of search;
for this reason, we can have new variables in such conditions but they
must become instantiated along this process of solving from left to right
(see \cite{maude-book} for details). Furthermore, the strategy followed
by Maude in rewriting with rules is to compute the normal form of a term
with respect to the equations before applying a rule. This strategy is
guaranteed not to miss any rewrites when the rules are \emph{coherent}
with respect to the equations \cite{eq-rl-rwl,maude-book}. In a way
quite analogous to confluence, this coherence requirement means that, given
a term $t$, for each rewrite of it using a rule in $R$ to some term $t'$,
if $u$ is the normal form of $t$ with respect to the equations and
memberships in $E$, then there is a rewrite of $u$ with some rule in
$R$ to a term $u'$ such that $u' =_E t'$ (that is, the equation $t' = u'$
can be deduced from $E$).
Theories are used to declare module interfaces, namely the syntactic
and semantic properties to be satisfied by the actual parameter modules
used in an instantiation. As for modules, Maude supports two different types
of theories: functional theories and system theories, with the same structure
of their module counterparts, but with a different semantics. Functional
theories are declared with the keywords \verb"fth ... endfth", and
system theories with the keywords \verb"th ... endth". Both of them can
have sorts, subsort relationships, operators, variables, membership axioms,
and equations, and can import other theories or modules. System theories can
also have rules. Although there is no restriction on the operator attributes
that can be used in a theory, there are some subtle restrictions and
issues regarding the mapping of such operators (see Section
Like functional modules, functional theories are membership equational
logic theories, but they do not need to be Church-Rosser and terminating,
and therefore some or all of their statements may be declared with the
\verb"nonexec" attribute and can only be executed in a controlled way at
the metalevel.
We use views to specify how a particular target module or theory is claimed
to satisfy a source theory. In general, there may be several ways in which
such requirements might be satis�ed, if at all, by the target module or
theory; that is, there can be many di?erent views, each specifying a
particular interpretation of the source theory in the target. Each
view declaration has an associated set of proof obligations, namely, for
each axiom in the source theory it should be the case that the axiom's
translation by the view holds true in the target. Since the target can
be a module interpreted initially, verifying such proof obligations may
in general require inductive proof techniques. Such proof obligations
are not discharged or checked by the system.
In the definition of a view we have to indicate its name, the source
theory, the target module or theory, and the mapping of each sort and
operator in the source theory. The source and target of a
view can be any module expression, with the source module expression
evaluating to a theory and the target module expression evaluating to a
module or a theory.
\subsection{Parameterized modules}\label{subsec:pmod}