imp-dg.tex revision c1cf2f634a37116ff90e99ca710179a23115cbfb
%!TEX root = main.tex
We describe in this section the main functions used to draw the
development graph for Maude specifications. The main function is
\verb"anaMaudeFile", that receives a record of all the options received
from the command line (of type \verb"HetcatsOpts") and the path of
the Maude file to be parsed and return a pair with the library
name and its environment.
anaMaudeFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, LibEnv))
anaMaudeFile _ file = do
dg <- directMaudeParsing file
let name = Lib_id $ Direct_link "Maude_Module" nullRange
return $ Just (name, Map.singleton name dg)
This environment is computed with the function
\verb"directMaudeParsing", that receives the file path and returns
a development graph. This analysis is performed in different stages:
First, the parser described in Section \ref{subsec:lex-parser}
Then, Maude is executed with \verb"runInteractiveCommand" to use
the parser described in Section \ref{subsec:maude-parser}
directMaudeParsing :: FilePath -> IO DGraph
directMaudeParsing fp = do
ns <- parse fp
let ns' = either (\ _ -> []) id ns
(hIn, hOut, _, _) <- runInteractiveCommand maudeCmd
hPutStrLn hIn $ "load " ++ fp
ms <- traverseNames hIn hOut ns'
hPutStrLn hIn "in Maude/hets.prj"
psps <- predefinedSpecs hIn hOut
sps <- traverseSpecs hIn hOut ms
hClose hIn
hClose hOut
return $ insertSpecs (psps ++ sps) Map.empty Map.empty [] emptyDG