Symbol.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maude Symbols
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of symbols for Maude.
module Maude.Symbol (
{- * Types
The Symbol type -}
Symbol (..),
-- ** Auxiliary types
-- * Conversion
-- * Construction
-- * Testing
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Meta.HasName
import Data.Data
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Common.Lib.Rel (Rel)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Id (Id, mkId, mkSimpleId, GetRange, getRange, nullRange)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- * Types
{- ** The Symbol type
A 'Sort', 'Kind', 'Label', or 'Operator'. -}
data Symbol = Sort Qid -- ^ A 'Sort' Symbol
| Kind Qid -- ^ A 'Kind' Symbol
| Labl Qid -- ^ A 'Label' Symbol
| Operator Qid Symbols Symbol -- ^ A qualified 'Operator' Symbol
| OpWildcard Qid -- ^ A wildcard 'Operator' Symbol
deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, Typeable)
-- ** Auxiliary types
type Symbols = [Symbol]
type SymbolSet = Set Symbol
type SymbolMap = Map Symbol Symbol
type SymbolRel = Rel Symbol
-- ** Symbol instances
instance HasName Symbol where
getName symb = case symb of
Sort qid -> qid
Kind qid -> qid
Labl qid -> qid
OpWildcard qid -> qid
Operator qid _ _ -> qid
mapName mp symb = case symb of
Sort qid -> Sort $ mapName mp qid
Kind qid -> Kind $ mapName mp qid
Labl qid -> Labl $ mapName mp qid
OpWildcard qid -> OpWildcard $ mapName mp qid
Operator qid dom cod -> Operator (mapName mp qid) dom cod
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty symb = case symb of
Sort qid -> pretty qid
Kind qid -> brackets $ pretty qid
Labl qid -> pretty qid
OpWildcard qid -> pretty qid
Operator qid dom cod -> hsep
[pretty qid, colon, hsep $ map pretty dom, funArrow, pretty cod]
instance GetRange Symbol where
getRange _ = nullRange
-- * Conversion
-- | Convert 'Symbol' to 'Id'.
toId :: Symbol -> Id
toId = mkId . return . getName
-- | Qualify the 'Symbol' name with a 'Qid'.
qualify :: Qid -> Symbol -> Symbol
qualify qid = let prepend sym = mkSimpleId $ concat [show qid, "$", show sym]
in mapName $ prepend . getName
-- | Convert 'Symbol' to 'Symbol', changing 'Kind's to 'Sort's.
asSort :: Symbol -> Symbol
asSort symb = case symb of
Kind qid -> Sort qid
_ -> symb
-- | Convert 'Symbol' to 'Symbol', changing 'Sort's to 'Kind's.
asKind :: Symbol -> Symbol
asKind symb = case symb of
Sort qid -> Kind qid
_ -> symb
-- | True iff the argument is a 'Sort' or 'Kind'.
isType :: Symbol -> Bool
isType symb = case symb of
Sort _ -> True
Kind _ -> True
_ -> False
toTypeMaybe :: Symbol -> Maybe Type
toTypeMaybe symb = case symb of
Sort qid -> Just . TypeSort . SortId $ qid
Kind qid -> Just . TypeKind . KindId $ qid
_ -> Nothing
-- | Convert 'Symbol' to 'Type', if possible.
toType :: Symbol -> Type
toType = fromJust . toTypeMaybe
-- | True iff the argument is a wildcard 'Operator'.
isOpWildcard :: Symbol -> Bool
isOpWildcard symb = case symb of
OpWildcard _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | True iff the argument is a qualified 'Operator'.
isOperator :: Symbol -> Bool
isOperator symb = case symb of
Operator {} -> True
_ -> False
toOperatorMaybe :: Symbol -> Maybe Operator
toOperatorMaybe symb = case symb of
Operator qid dom cod -> Just $
Op (OpId qid) (map toType dom) (toType cod) []
_ -> Nothing
-- | Convert 'Symbol' to 'Operator', if possible.
toOperator :: Symbol -> Operator
toOperator = fromJust . toOperatorMaybe
-- * Construction
-- | Create a total 'Operator' 'Symbol' with the given profile.
mkOpTotal :: Qid -> [Qid] -> Qid -> Symbol
mkOpTotal qid dom cod = Operator qid (map Sort dom) (Sort cod)
-- | Create a partial 'Operator' 'Symbol' with the given profile.
mkOpPartial :: Qid -> [Qid] -> Qid -> Symbol
mkOpPartial qid dom cod = Operator qid (map Sort dom) (Kind cod)
-- * Testing
{- | True iff both 'Symbol's are of the same 'Kind' in the given
'SymbolRel'. The 'isType' predicate is assumed to hold for both
'Symbol's; this precondition is /not/ checked. -}
typeSameKind :: SymbolRel -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
typeSameKind rel s1 s2 = let
preds1 = Rel.predecessors rel s1
preds2 = Rel.predecessors rel s2
succs1 = Rel.succs rel s1
succs2 = Rel.succs rel s2
psect = Set.intersection preds1 preds2
ssect = Set.intersection succs1 succs2
in or [ s1 == s2
, Set.member s2 preds1
, Set.member s1 preds2
, Set.member s2 succs1
, Set.member s1 succs2
, not $ Set.null psect
, not $ Set.null ssect ]
{- | True iff the 'Symbol's of both lists are pairwise of the same
'Kind' in the given 'SymbolRel'. -}
zipSameKind :: SymbolRel -> Symbols -> Symbols -> Bool
zipSameKind rel s1 s2 = and $ zipWith (sameKind rel) s1 s2
-- | True iff both 'Symbol's are of the same 'Kind' in the given 'SymbolRel'.
sameKind :: SymbolRel -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
sameKind rel s1 s2
| isOpWildcard s1 && isOperator s2 = True
| isOperator s1 && isOpWildcard s2 = True
| all isType [s1, s2] = typeSameKind rel (kindSym2sortSym s1) (kindSym2sortSym s2)
| all isOperator [s1, s2] = let
Operator _ dom1 _ = s1
Operator _ dom2 _ = s2
in zipSameKind rel dom1 dom2
| otherwise = False
kindSym2sortSym :: Symbol -> Symbol
kindSym2sortSym (Kind q) = Sort q
kindSym2sortSym s = s