Sign.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maude Signatures
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of signatures for Maude.
module Maude.Sign (
-- * Types
-- ** The Signature type
Sign (..),
-- ** Auxiliary types
-- * Construction
-- * Combination
-- * Conversion
-- * Testing
-- * Modification
-- * Inline printing
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Symbol
import Maude.Meta
import Maude.Printing ()
import Maude.Sentence (Sentence)
import qualified Maude.Sentence as Sen
import Data.Data
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.List as List
import Common.Doc hiding (empty)
import qualified Common.Doc as Doc
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty (..))
import Common.Utils (nubOrd)
-- * Types
-- ** Auxiliary types
type SortSet = SymbolSet
type KindSet = SymbolSet
type SubsortRel = SymbolRel
type OpDecl = (Set Symbol, [Attr])
type OpDeclSet = Set OpDecl
type OpMap = Map Qid OpDeclSet
type Sentences = Set Sentence
type KindRel = Map Symbol Symbol
-- ** The Signature type
-- | The Signature of a Maude 'Module'.
data Sign = Sign {
sorts :: SortSet, -- ^ The 'Set' of 'Sort's
kinds :: KindSet, -- ^ The 'Set' of 'Kind's
subsorts :: SubsortRel, -- ^ The 'Rel'ation of 'Sort's
ops :: OpMap, -- ^ The 'Map' of 'Operator's
sentences :: Sentences, -- ^ The 'Set' of 'Sentence's
kindRel :: KindRel
-- ^ The 'Set' of 'Sentence's for the kind function
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Typeable)
-- ** 'Sign' instances
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty sign = let
descend = flip . Set.fold
-- print sort declarations
pr'sorts ss = if null ss then Doc.empty else
hsep [keyword "sorts", hsep $ map pretty ss, dot]
-- print kind declarations
pr'kinds ks = if null ks then Doc.empty else
hsep [keyword "kinds", hsep $ map pretty ks, dot]
-- print subsort declarations
pr'sups = hsep . map pretty . Set.elems
pr'pair sub sups = (:) . hsep $
[keyword "subsort", pretty sub, less, pr'sups sups, dot]
pr'subs = vcat . Map.foldWithKey pr'pair []
-- print operator declarations
pr'decl attrs symb = hsep
[keyword "op", pretty symb, pretty attrs, dot]
pr'ods (decls, attrs) = descend ((:) . pr'decl attrs) decls
pr'ocs = descend pr'ods
pr'ops = vcat . Map.fold pr'ocs []
in vcat [ pr'sorts $ Set.elems $ sorts sign
, pr'kinds $ Set.elems $ kinds sign
, pr'subs $ Rel.toMap $ Rel.transReduce $ subsorts sign
, pr'ops $ ops sign]
{- , pretty "op kind : Sort -> Kind ."
, prettyPrint $ kindRel sign
NOTE: Leaving out Sentences for now.
, pretty $ Set.toList $ sentences sign ] -}
instance HasSorts Sign where
getSorts = sorts
mapSorts mp sign = sign {
sorts = mapSorts mp $ sorts sign,
kinds = mapSorts mp $ kinds sign,
subsorts = mapSorts mp $ subsorts sign,
ops = mapSorts mp $ ops sign,
kindRel = mapSorts mp $ kindRel sign
{- NOTE: Leaving out Sentences for now.
sentences = mapSorts mp $ sentences sign -}
instance HasSorts KindRel where
getSorts = getSortsKindRel
mapSorts = renameSortKindRel
instance HasOps Sign where
getOps = let
descend = flip . Set.fold
insert = descend $ descend Set.insert . fst
in Map.fold insert Set.empty . ops
mapOps mp sign = let
subrel = subsorts sign
opmap = ops sign
update src tgt = mapOpDecl subrel src tgt []
in sign {
ops = Map.foldWithKey update opmap mp
-- NOTE: Leaving out Sentences for now.
instance HasLabels Sign where
getLabels = getLabels . sentences
mapLabels mp sign = sign {
sentences = mapLabels mp $ sentences sign
-- * Construction
-- | Separate Sort, Subsort and Operator declaration 'Statement's.
partitionStmts :: [Statement] -> ([Sort], [SubsortDecl], [Operator])
partitionStmts = let
switch (sorts', subs', ops') stmt = case stmt of
SortStmnt sort -> (sort : sorts', subs', ops')
SubsortStmnt sub -> (sorts', sub : subs', ops')
OpStmnt op -> (sorts', subs', op : ops')
_ -> (sorts', subs', ops')
in foldl switch ([], [], [])
-- | Extract the 'Sign'ature from the given 'Module'.
fromSpec :: Module -> Sign
fromSpec (Module _ _ stmts) = let
sents = filter (not . Sen.isRule) . Sen.fromStatements $ stmts
(sort'list, sub'list, op'list) = partitionStmts stmts
ins'sorts = flip (foldr insertSort) sort'list
ins'subs = flip (foldr insertSubsort) sub'list
ins'ops = flip (foldr insertOp) op'list
sign = ins'ops . ins'subs . ins'sorts $ empty
sbs = Rel.transClosure $ subsorts sign
kr = getkindRel (sorts sign) sbs
in sign {
kinds = kindsFromMap kr,
subsorts = sbs,
ops = addPartial $ ops sign,
sentences = Set.fromList sents,
kindRel = kr
addPartial :: OpMap -> OpMap
addPartial = partialODS
partialODS :: OpDeclSet -> OpDeclSet
partialODS = partialSet
partialSet :: (Set Symbol, [Attr]) -> (Set Symbol, [Attr])
partialSet (ss, ats) = (Set.union ss ss', ats)
where ss' = partialOp ss
partialOp :: Symbol -> Symbol
partialOp (Operator q ss s) =
Operator q (map sortSym2kindSym ss) $ sortSym2kindSym s
partialOp s = s
sortSym2kindSym :: Symbol -> Symbol
sortSym2kindSym (Sort q) = Kind q
sortSym2kindSym s = s
-- | The empty 'Sign'ature.
empty :: Sign
empty = Sign {
sorts = Set.empty,
kinds = Set.empty,
subsorts = Rel.empty,
ops = Map.empty,
sentences = Set.empty,
kindRel = Map.empty
inlineSign :: Sign -> Doc
inlineSign sign = let
descend = flip . Set.fold
-- print sort declarations
pr'sorts ss = if null ss then Doc.empty else
hsep [keyword "sorts", hsep $ map pretty ss, dot]
-- print subsort declarations
pr'sups = hsep . map pretty . Set.elems
pr'pair sub sups = (:) . hsep $
[keyword "subsort", pretty sub, less, pr'sups sups, dot]
pr'subs = vcat . Map.foldWithKey pr'pair []
-- print operator decparations
pr'decl attrs symb = hsep
[keyword "op", pretty symb, pretty attrs, dot]
pr'ods (decls, attrs) = descend ((:) . pr'decl attrs) decls
pr'ocs = descend pr'ods
pr'ops = vcat . Map.fold pr'ocs []
in vcat [ pr'sorts $ Set.elems $ sorts sign
, pr'subs $ Rel.toMap $ Rel.transReduce $ subsorts sign
, pr'ops $ ops sign ]
-- ** Auxiliary construction
-- | Insert a 'Sort' into a 'Sign'ature.
insertSort :: Sort -> Sign -> Sign
insertSort sort sign = let
insert = Set.insert . asSymbol
in sign {sorts = insert sort (sorts sign)}
-- | Insert a 'SubsortDecl' into a 'Sign'ature.
insertSubsort :: SubsortDecl -> Sign -> Sign
insertSubsort decl sign = let
insert (Subsort sub super) = Rel.insertPair (asSymbol sub) (asSymbol super)
in sign {subsorts = insert decl (subsorts sign)}
-- | Insert an 'Operator' declaration into an 'Operator' 'Map'.
insertOpDecl :: SymbolRel -> Symbol -> [Attr] -> OpMap -> OpMap
insertOpDecl rel symb attrs opmap = let
merge decls = let
decl : _ = Set.toList decls
syms = Set.insert symb $ fst decl
attr = nubOrd $ mergeAttrs attrs $ snd decl
in Set.insert $ if Set.null decls
then (asSymbolSet symb, attrs)
else (syms, attr)
name = getName symb
same'kind = Fold.any (sameKind rel symb) . fst
old'ops = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name opmap
(same, rest) = Set.partition same'kind old'ops
new'ops = merge same rest
in Map.insert name new'ops opmap
-- | Map 'Operator' declarations of the given 'Kind' in an 'Operator' 'Map'.
mapOpDecl :: SymbolRel -> Symbol -> Symbol -> [Attr] -> OpMap -> OpMap
mapOpDecl rel src tgt attrs opmap = let
merge decls = case Set.toList decls of
[] -> id
(ft, sd) : _ -> let
syms = mapOps (Map.singleton src tgt) ft
attr = nubOrd $ mergeAttrs attrs sd
in Set.insert (syms, attr)
src'name = getName src
tgt'name = getName tgt
same'kind = Fold.any (sameKind rel src) . fst
src'ops = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty src'name opmap
tgt'ops = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty tgt'name opmap
(same, rest) = Set.partition same'kind src'ops
has'rest = if Set.null rest then Nothing else Just rest
set'decl = Map.insert tgt'name $ merge same tgt'ops
set'rest = Map.update (const has'rest) src'name
in set'rest . set'decl $ opmap
-- | Insert an 'Operator' declaration into a 'Sign'ature.
insertOp :: Operator -> Sign -> Sign
insertOp op sign = let
subrel = subsorts sign
insert (Op _ _ _ as) = insertOpDecl subrel (asSymbol op) as
in sign {ops = insert op $ ops sign}
-- | Merge new 'Attr'ibutes with the old ones.
mergeAttrs :: [Attr] -> [Attr] -> [Attr]
mergeAttrs = let
similar (Prec _) (Prec _) = True
similar (Gather _) (Gather _) = True
similar (Format _) (Format _) = True
-- Other Attributes don't change in Renamings.
similar _ _ = False
update new = (:) new . filter (not . similar new)
in flip $ foldl $ flip update
-- * Combination
-- | The union of two 'Sign'atures.
union :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
union sig1 sig2 = let
apply func items = func (items sig1) (items sig2)
kr = getkindRel (apply Set.union sorts) (apply Rel.union subsorts)
in Sign {
sorts = apply Set.union sorts,
kinds = kindsFromMap kr,
subsorts = apply Rel.union subsorts,
ops = apply (Map.unionWith Set.union) ops,
sentences = apply Set.union sentences,
kindRel = kr
-- | The intersection of two 'Sign'atures.
intersection :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
intersection sig1 sig2 = let
apply func items = func (items sig1) (items sig2)
kr = getkindRel (apply Set.union sorts) (apply Rel.union subsorts)
in Sign {
sorts = apply Set.intersection sorts,
kinds = kindsFromMap kr,
subsorts = apply Rel.intersection subsorts,
ops = apply Map.intersection ops,
sentences = apply Set.intersection sentences,
kindRel = kr
-- * Conversion
-- | Extract the 'Set' of all 'Symbol's from a 'Sign'ature.
symbols :: Sign -> SymbolSet
symbols sign = Set.unions [ getSorts sign, getOps sign, getLabels sign ]
-- * Testing
-- | True iff the argument is a legal 'Sign'ature.
isLegal :: Sign -> Bool
isLegal sign = let
has'sort sort = Set.member (asSort sort) (sorts sign)
has'subsorts = Fold.all has'sort . getSorts $ subsorts sign
has'ops = Fold.all has'sort . getSorts $ ops sign
in has'subsorts && has'ops
-- | True iff the first argument is a subsignature of the second.
isSubsign :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubsign sig1 sig2 = let
apply func items = func (items sig1) (items sig2)
has'sorts = apply Set.isSubsetOf sorts
has'subsorts = apply Rel.isSubrelOf subsorts
has'ops = apply (Map.isSubmapOfBy subODS) ops
in has'sorts && has'subsorts && has'ops
subODS :: OpDeclSet -> OpDeclSet -> Bool
subODS ods1 ods2 = Set.isSubsetOf ods1' ods2'
where ods1' = removeAttsODS ods1
ods2' = removeAttsODS ods2
removeAttsODS :: OpDeclSet -> OpDeclSet
removeAttsODS = removeAtts
removeAtts :: (Set Symbol, [Attr]) -> (Set Symbol, [Attr])
removeAtts (ss, _) = (ss, [])
-- * Modification
-- TODO: Add real implementation of simplification. Maybe.
-- | Simplification of sentences (leave out qualifications)
simplifySentence :: Sign -> Sentence -> Sentence
simplifySentence _ = id
-- | Rename the given 'Sort' in the given 'Sign'ature.
renameSort :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Sign -> Sign
renameSort from to = mapSorts $ Map.singleton from to
-- | Rename the given 'Label' in the given 'Sign'ature.
renameLabel :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Sign -> Sign
renameLabel from to = mapLabels $ Map.singleton from to
-- | Rename the given 'Operator' in the given 'Sign'ature.
renameOp :: Symbol -> Symbol -> [Attr] -> Sign -> Sign
renameOp from to attrs sign = let
subrel = subsorts sign
opmap = ops sign
mapped = mapOpDecl subrel from to attrs opmap
in sign { ops = mapped }
getkindRel :: SortSet -> SubsortRel -> KindRel
getkindRel ss r = kindRelList (Set.toList ss) r Map.empty
kindRelList :: [Symbol] -> SubsortRel -> KindRel -> KindRel
kindRelList [] _ m = m
kindRelList l@(s : _) r m = kindRelList not_rel r m'
where (top : _) = List.sort $ getTop r s
tc = Rel.transClosure r
(rel, not_rel) = sameKindList s tc l
f x y = Map.insert y (sortSym2kindSym x)
m' = foldr (f top) m rel
sameKindList :: Symbol -> SubsortRel -> [Symbol] -> ([Symbol], [Symbol])
sameKindList _ _ [] = ([], [])
sameKindList t r (t' : ts) = if sameKind r t t'
then (t' : hold, not_hold)
else (hold, t' : not_hold)
where (hold, not_hold) = sameKindList t r ts
getTop :: SubsortRel -> Symbol -> [Symbol]
getTop r tok = case succs of
[] -> [tok]
toks@(_ : _) -> concatMap (getTop r) toks
where succs = Set.toList $ Rel.succs r tok
kindsFromMap :: KindRel -> KindSet
kindsFromMap kr = foldr (\ (_, y) z -> Set.insert y z) Set.empty krl
where krl = Map.toList kr
getSortsKindRel :: KindRel -> SymbolSet
getSortsKindRel = Map.foldWithKey f Set.empty
where f k _ = Set.insert k
renameSortKindRel :: Map Symbol Symbol -> KindRel -> KindRel
renameSortKindRel m kr = kr'
where krl = Map.toList kr
f mss (x, y) = ((mapSorts mss x, mapSorts mss y) :)
krl' = foldr (f m) [] krl
kr' = Map.fromList krl'